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Reach more patients

Promote your practice on social media

10 tips for “painlessly” using social media
to promote your dental implant practice

NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
The dental industry is projected to be worth approximately $37 billion by 2021. So, as
a dental surgeon, what can you do so that your practice benefits from some of the
Take profits? Well, for starters, you can invest in a solid social media marketing plan.

advantage of Everyone needs a dentist or dental surgeon at some point in their lives. But the
question is when they do, will they find you and how will they know you’re the right
the fact that fit for them? In the past, dentists and dental surgeons mainly relied on reputation
and word-of-mouth to build and grow their practice. However, today, almost all of
most of your your patients are online, which makes social media an excellent way to connect with
patients are potential patients and market your practice. Like almost every other field, your
patients are probably using digital media to “shop around” for treatments and
online providers before they make a decision about where to go.

So it’s really important that you have a strong online presence to help them find you
before they find your competitors. In addition, social media is a really effective way
for you to improve relationships with patients through communication and sharing.
It also offers your existing and potential patients a way to reach out to you and ask
questions. You can also use social media marketing to promote some additional
services and products that you may be offering.

NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
Not yet convinced? Then here are some interesting statistics to “sink your teeth into”:

Interesting Social media usage is constantly increasing around the world, and it is still one of
the most popular online activities for many users. According to a report by Emarsys
stats about in 2019, there are approximately 3.5 billion social media users worldwide, which
means about 45% of the global population!
social media
Facebook is still the most widely used social media platform, and has the highest
global reach and total number of active users.

According to research done by Globalwebindex in 2019, most people spend an

average of 3 hours on social media networks every day!

There is no doubt that as social media becomes more and more integrated into our
daily lives, it offers multiple opportunities for businesses to reach out to potential
customers (patients) through social media marketing. That said, we understand that
creating a social media marketing plan can be somewhat overwhelming. That’s why
we put together a number of tips that can help you leverage social media to
connect more easily (and painlessly) with potential and existing

NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
We’ve already established the fact that you need to focus on social media marketing.

Tip 1 The question is where?

As popular social media platforms grow in size, each one also has a unique audience.
For this reason, you don’t need to promote your practice on every single social media
platform. Instead, you should first figure out which network your patients are using
and then tailor your content to your specific audience on those platforms.
Decide which
social media
platforms to
focus on

NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
Tip 1 As mentioned earlier, Facebook is still the most widely used social media platform, and
has the highest global reach and total number of active users. For this reason, if you
have a limited amount of resources to invest in social media marketing, your default
platform should be Facebook. That’s also why we’ll be focusing on Facebook in this
Decide which eBook. It doesn’t mean the other platforms aren’t important. We definitely
recommend researching where your patients are and focusing on that platform, but
social media chances are they’ll also be on Facebook so it’s a great place to start.

platforms to
focus on

NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
Here are some important things to take into consideration when using Facebook for
social media marketing:

Tip 1 There is a lot of information out there so find a unique angle and learn to tell your
story so that your potential patients and existing patients can relate.
Run promotions and competitions for your patients.
Answer your patients’ questions in a timely manner.
Decide which Offer tips on dental care and oral hygiene.
Use Facebook Live videos where relevant.
social media Take a look at the Noris Medical Facebook page for examples.
platforms to
focus on

NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
Tip 1 LinkedIn is unique in that it is the preferred platform for professionals. This means that
it is an excellent “place” to network with other professionals and/or to attract
professional and commercial clients.

Decide which Here are some important things to take into consideration when using LinkedIn for
social media marketing:
social media You’ll need to decide whether to use your own personal LinkedIn page for social media
platforms to marketing and/or create an update a professional (company) LinkedIn page. Either way,
remember to keep both of them up-to-date.
focus on Do not ignore your personal branding, so if you do have a personal LinkedIn profile, make
sure it’s updated with a professional profile picture (this is really important), as well as an
accurate summary about your credentials and experience.
In addition to sharing your story and experience on LinkedIn, you can share related stories.
Take a look at the Noris Medical LinkedIn page for examples.

NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
Tip 1 What is Twitter? Twitter is an online social networking platform that enables users to
send short (280-character long) messages, also known as tweets. Users can both post
tweets, and follow other users and read their tweets. As of the beginning of 2019,
Twitter had approximately 300 million active users, of which about 40 percent used
Decide which the service on a daily basis. In this case, if you have patients who are millennials, it’s
worth promoting your practice on Twitter.
social media Here are some important things to take into consideration when using Twitter for
platforms to social media marketing:
Information moves fast on Twitter so post frequently.
focus on Make your post short and to-the-point – they can be almost newsy (think push notifications
on news websites).

NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
Tip 1 As one of the biggest social media platforms, approximately 1 billion people use
Instagram every month. In addition, the gender mix on Instagram is almost equal so
it’s an excellent platform for reaching both men and women.
That said, using Instagram to market a business takes time, effort, and excellent
Decide which visuals. So it’s important to take this into consideration before deciding to include this
platform in your social media marketing plan.
social media
platforms to
focus on

NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
Tip 1 Today, YouTube is definitely the most popular video platform around the world. According to
research done by Statista in 2019, YouTube has approximately 2 billion users worldwide, and it is
the second biggest platform after Facebook in terms of monthly active users. Buffer also did
research on YouTube in 2019, and found that 62% of businesses use it as a channel to post video
Decide which content. In addition, according to Thinkwithgoogle, 90% of people claim to use YouTube to find
new brands or products – and that, in itself, is a lot of potential!
social media Here are some important things to consider when using YouTube for social media marketing:
platforms to Average users are used to content created for short attention spans, so make sure your
focus on videos are interesting and tell a story quickly.
Ask happy customers to give you video testimonials.
Walk through your practice and introduce your staff.
Make sure your videos are optimized for mobile as most users watch videos from mobile.
Check out the Noris Medical YouTube channel for examples.

NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
There is so much content today in social media. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use it
to market your practice, but it does mean that you’ll need to get creative and post

Tip 2 content (including visuals) that is interesting for potential and existing patients.
You can do this by telling stories related to your industry, about yourself, and about
people and events. Make sure each piece of content is unique and interesting. If
you’re looking for inspiration, do a quick search for “dental post ideas” and you’ll get
lots of new ideas to use for your own social media marketing.
Get creative
and make it

NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
For example, you can highlight community and volunteer events, doctors’ birthdays or
celebrations, post photos of costume competitions at your clinic, highlight new

Tip 2 gadgets and devices, announce conferences you’ll be attending, introduce new hires,
highlight patient experiences through testimonials, and more.
Another important thing to remember is that consumers don’t usually like being sold
to. For this reason, follow the golden 80:20 rule. This means that 80% of your posts
should include information your patients would find interesting and useful (not related
Get creative to your offering), and 20% can include information about your services.

and make it

NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
When potential patients find you on Facebook or any of the other social media
platforms, the first thing they will probably do is visit your About section. This is a

Tip 3 really important section as it’s your chance to make the best first impression you
possibly can.
For this reason, it’s important to think of this section as a business card and make sure
it’s always updated. It should clearly reflect who you are, your credentials, your brand
promise, and how you position yourself as an expert in the field. You can also add
Make sure information about your own story here, as well as the inspiration behind your practice
so that potential patients feel connected to you.
you update
your “About”

NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
Here are some important tips about your About section:

Tip 3 Make sure to add a profile picture for your business page. In most cases this is
the logo for your practice, but it can also be a professional photo of yourself if
you are the only dentist at your practice.
Use this section to explain what you do, for whom, and why.
You do not need to include your location, contact details, or opening hours
Make sure here as there are usually specific fields on each social media platform for this.

you update
your “About”

NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
The trend for visualization is growing all the time, and it includes videos, images,
infographics, gifs, and more. In addition, live video is more popular than ever, with live

Tip 4 video getting a lot more views than regular videos on most platforms.
Note that visuals should also be of high quality, and the ones that show a story and
include people and interaction usually work much better than images of products.
Also, find ways to link between the content and visuals in your social media posts.

Get visual as
much as
possible and

NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
As mentioned earlier, we live in an era where everything moves fast. This means that
you want to make it as easy as possible for potential patients to find and contact you.

Tip 5 In addition to making sure you’re on social media, you should also make sure your
practice’s physical location and contact information are updated (usually in the page
settings or About section). You can also add a call-to-action button on your Facebook
page (under the cover photo) that enables customers to contact you directly by phone
or email.
Make it as
In addition, when your patients come in for a treatment, ask them to “check-in” to your
easy as location using Facebook Places as this has a similar effect to word-of-mouth
possible for
your patients
to find &
contact you

NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
In order to stand out amongst competition, it’s important that you maintain visibility,
which means posting consistently on social media. There is no golden rule of thumb

Tip 6 about how often you should post on each social media platform. However, most
people recommend posting at least once a day (where possible) or 2-3 times a week
on Facebook.
In addition to original content, you can also share content from other influencers or
colleagues in the field, as well as online magazines in your industry. We recommend
Post as often creating a social media plan and schedule, and even automatically scheduling posts
ahead of time so that you’re not always posting ad-hoc. You can do this directly on
and Facebook or use a platform to schedule for additional social media platforms, such as
Hootsuite or Buffer.
as you can

NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
It’s important to create a cohesive and recognizable brand for your practice and for
you as an individual (personal brand) that will help you stand out on social media. This

Tip 7 will have a significant impact on both your personal and professional success.
This brand should reflect your own story and vision, the character of your practice and
the patients you wish to attract, your team, and more. In terms of your personal
brand, it’s important to take control of your online assets and make sure you are the
one who decides what your online presence says about you. Start with an analysis
Create a and check your online profiles, including performing a search for your name on Google
and even setting up alerts for your name on a regular basis.
recognizable In addition, you should ensure that all of your personal profiles are up-to-date, look
professional, and reflect who you are and what you offer your patients.
brand for
your practice
& a personal

NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
Contests, surveys, Q&A, reviews, promotions, and giveaways are a great way to
acquire new patients and engage with existing patients through social media. By

Tip 8 rewarding your target audience with interesting offers, you can create excitement and
enthusiasm among them. This in turn will lead to more engagement as they share the
fun with others. We recommend giving away prizes that are connected to what you
offer, and also taking advantage of the FOMO (fear of losing out) effect. You can also
encourage your existing patients to share photos, testimonials, and stories about
Keep your themselves in relation to your practice as this creates a viral effect.

contests, and
NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
You can also nurture connections with your network of professionals and look for
collaborations that create win-win situations for you and other colleagues. You can do

Tip 9 this by joining related groups about dentistry, implants, dental surgery, and more. Post
content in these groups that can help other members as sharing information positions
you as a valued resource and expert in your field.
In addition, you can also connect and collaborate with professional companies in your
field, and establish yourself as a Key Opinion Leader (KOL) and expert in the field to
Nurture your increase your exposure through other platforms.

with other
in the field

NORIS Medical
Dental Implant Solutions
Online reviews are really important so find ways to encourage your patients to write
reviews about you on social media (and other review) platforms. You can do this by

Tip 10 asking them directly, offering them an incentive for writing a review, or even sending
them an email asking them for feedback after treatment and to write a review. You
can use the review features on social media platforms for this, or any other review
platform relevant to the field.

Reviews are
worth their
weight in

NORIS Medical
NORIS Medical
Dental Implant
Dental Solutions
Implant Solutions
Remember, We hope we’ve convinced you by now that social media is probably the best place
for you to attract new patients and connect with existing ones. But in case we
your haven’t, let’s recap on the statistics:
According to, there were approximately 3.5 billion
patients are social media users worldwide (45% of the global population) in 2019.

online. According to Globalwebindex, most people spend an average of 3 hours on

social media networks every day!
So you We hope you’ve found this guide helpful. Remember that you can use social
media to:
should be
Create your brand and Build trust in your brand
communicate your unique
selling proposition (USP)

Establish yourself as an Get real insights into your

expert in your field patients and their needs

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