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Islamic Studies MCQs Key

By Daniyal Khan
1. What is the main and important purpose/function of the Holy Books?
d) Guidance to mankind
2. What is the main and most important subject of the Holy Books?
d) Human Beings
3. What is the main source from whom the mankind judge between right
and wrong?
c) The Holy Books
4. Which is the oldest Holy Book?
b) The Zuboor
5. Which Holy Book is called the oldest testament?
c) The Turait
6. Which Holy Book is called the New Testament?
a) The Injeel
7. Which Holy Book is called the Psalms?
c) The Zuboor
8. Which Holy Book is called the Gospal?
b) The Zuboor
9. How many the Holy Books are there?
b) Four
10. What is the name of religious book of Muslims?
d) The Qur’an
11. All the religious books were revealed in the of
b) Ramadan
12. Injeel (Bible) was revealed on the prophet
b) Jesus
13. The Qur’an was revealed on the prophet?
c) Muhammad (S.A.W)
14. Turait was revealed on the Prophet
a) Moses
15. Zuboor was revealed on the Prophet?
c) David
16. The Qur’an Means
a) To read one
17. The Number of Surah in the Holy Qur’an
is? c) 114
18. The Surah Means?
a) City of refuge
19. Number of Makki Surah’s is?
b) 86
20. Number of Madani Surah’s is?
c) 26
21. Number of Rakus are
c) 550
22. The longest Surah is
c) Al-Baqrah
23. The Shortest Surah of the Quran is?
d) Al-Kausar

24. Number of the Holy Qur’an Stages are?

c) 7
25. Number of bows of the Holy Qur’an are?
d) 14
26. Which Surah Does Not Start with Bismillah?
a) Al- Tauba
27. In which Surah Bismillah has occurred twice?
a) Namal
28. The Number of Qur’anic verses are?
b) 6666
29. The Number of Mukatat words are?
a) 19
30. Which companion of the Prophet (S.A.W) has been mentioned in the
Holy Qur’an?
d) Hazrat Zahid Bin Haris (R.A)
31. Who was the first Hafiz of the Holy Qur’an?
c) Hazrat Usman (R.A)
32. Who was the first writer of ‘Wahi’?
d) Hazrat Khalid Bin Saeed (R.A)
33. The Number of ghazwat described in the holy Qur’an are?
c) 12
34. Who was the first of the Holy Qur’an?
a) Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W)
35. Who was called the interpreter of the Holy Qur’an?
b) Hazrat Ibn Abbas (R.A)

36. Who Proposed the Compilation of the Holy Qur’an?

c) Hazrat Umar (R.A)
37. Shah Wali Ullah wrote the following commentary the Holy Qur’an?
a) Mawalib-ur-Rehman
38. Fath Mobeen stands for
c) Sulah Hudabiah
39. Who was the first Muslim to interpret Qur’an in English in 1905?
d) Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakeem
40. Who interpreted the Qur’an in Urdu?
a) Shah Abdul Qadir
41. Who translated for the first time the Holy Qur’an into Punjabi?
a) Hafiz Lakhvi
42. Who rendered the first English translation of the Holy Qur’an?
a) A. Ross
43. How many Holy Books are there?
b) Four
44. Which is the oldest Holy Book?
b) The Turait
45. Which is the latest Holy Book?
a) The Holy Qur’an
46. Name the Holy Book which was revealed in Arabic?
a) The Holy Qur’an
47. In which divine book the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was named as Tayyab?
a) The Turait

48. In which divine book the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) was called as Farooq?
a) The Zuboor
49. Of the Holy Book which is superior?
a) Qur’an
50. Of Which Holy Book ALLAH says “Certainly,
a) Qur’an
51. Qur’an-e-Majeed, the last code of heavenly
c) 23
52. How many Prophets Names are mentioned in Qur’an?
c) 25
53. In which language the Injeel was revealed?
a) Hebrew
54. Which Holy Book was revealed first?
a) Turait
55. What is the meaning of injeel?
a) Good News
56. What is the meaning of Turait?
b) Light
57. What is the meaning of Zuboor?
d) Book written in big letters
58. How many scrolls ALLAH revealed to the prophet Shees (A.S)?
d) 50
59. How Many Scrolls Allah Revealed to Hazrat Idrees (A.S)?
c) 30

60. How Many Scrolls Allah Revealed to Hazrat Musa (A.S)?

a) 10
61. How Many Scrolls Allah Revealed to Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)?
a) 10
62. How Many Companions of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)
Were martyred in the battel of Yamama who were Haffaz-ul-Qur’an?
d) 70
63. Who was the chairman who compiled the Holy Qur’an?
a) Hazrat Zahid Bin Thabit (R.A)
64. Who is Called Jami-ul-Qur’an?
a) Hazrat Usman (R.A)
65. What is the meaning of the word ALLAH?
d) Only Being worth Worship
66. Who is above any sort of limitations?
67. Who has neither beginning nor an end?
68. Who need no food?
69. Who alone is Divine?
70. ALLAH’s Divine nature is entirely?
d) Unique
71. ALLAH is the living and
d) The eternal
72. Allah Kingdom Spreads Over the heavens and ?
c) The Earth
73. Who is Almight?
74. Name the religion which proclaims that ALLAH is the reality?
a) Islam
75. Who alone is the master of the universe?
a) Iblees
76. A true Muslim submits himself to ?
d) ALLAH alone
77. The word Tauheed stand for_
d) All of the above
78. The Concept of Tauheed has been given by ?
a) Hazrat Jibraeel (A.S)
79. What is Tauheed?
d) All of them
80. Tauheed means _?
d) All of them
81. Worship ALLAH and join no partner with Him the
b) Aayaat-e-Qur’an
82. Which word is opposite to Tauheed?
a) Shirk
83. Associating partners with ALLAH is called
d) Shirk

84. The Holy Qur’an considers as much unpardonable sin?

a) Shirk
85. Which is the greatest of all sins according to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)?
d) Shirk
86. The Oneness of Allah is called _
d) Tauheed
87. The Zoroastrians believe in of God.
b) Duality
88. All the Prophet (S.A.W) emphasized on .
a) Tauheed
89. Christians believe in _ of God.
d) Trinity
90. How many Allah is there according to Islam?
a) Only One
91. Name the type of Tauheed?
d) All of them
92. Name the religion which is deadly opposed/against all sorts of polytheism?
d) Islam
93. Name the religion which denies Allah as an unknowable entity?
d) Buddhism
94. Which is the first belief of Islam?
a) Unity of ALLAH
95. Which is the second belief of Islam?
b) Prophethood

96. What is the meaning of Risalat?

a) Prophethood
97. The Prophethood is belief in _ Prophet (S.A.W) of Allah.
d) All of them
98. Prophethood has been finished on the Prophet ?
d) Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W)
99. What a person is called on denial of any prophet (S.A.W) of Allah?
d) Disbeliever
100. Who is termed as the seal of the Prophets?
c) Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W)
101. What is the meaning of Rismist?
b) To Send Message
102. How Prophethood is attained?
c) Beloved by Allah
103. Which Prophet (S.A.W) is for the whole humanity?
d) Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W)
104. What is the meaning of Rasool?
d) Messenger
105. In which Surah of the Holy Qur’an the word “Khatimun-Nabiyyen”
is mentioned?
d) Al Ahzab
106. Who is know as Rahmat-ul-Lil-Aalameen?
c) Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W)
107. What is the meaning of Rahmat-ul-Lil-Aslameen?
d) Mercy for all worlds

108. What is the third belief of Islam?

c) Belief in the Angles
109. What is the Meaning of Malaika?
a) Angels
110. How Many the most exalted angels are there?
d) Four
111. Name the religion in which the belief in all the angels is a fundamental belief?
a) Islam
112. Who is the greatest angle according to the teching of Islam?
a) Hazrat Jibraeel (A.S)
113. The angle is created out of
b) Fire
114. What is meaning of Noor?
a) Driven light
115. Who act as Allah’s Agents?
c) Angles
116. In how many ways angels serve Allah?
d) Many Ways
117. Who are absolutely obedient to Allah commands?
d) Angels
118. By How many angels each human individual is attended permanently?
b) Two
119. In which category Iblees lies?
d) Shiyateen

120. Who is referred in the Qur’an as Roob-Ul-Ameen/Ar-Rooh/Rooh-al-Qudus?

a) Hazrat Jibraeel (A.S)
121. Who is incharge of rain?
d) Hazrat Mikaeel (A.S)
122. Who is the incharge of provisions?
c) Hazrat Mikaleel (S.A.W)
123. Who is called as Malk-ul-Moot?
a) Hazrat Izraeel (A.S)
124. How Many the Holy Books are there?
d) Four
125. What is the most important subject/topic of the Holy Book?
c) Human Beings
126. The Turait was revealed on _?
c) Hazrat Musa (A.S)
127. The Zuboor(Psalm) was revealed on_ .
d) Hazrat David (A.S)
128. The injeel or Bible was revenled on.
b) Hazrat Isa (A.S)
129. The Holy Qur’an was revealed on ?
a) Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W)
130. Of the Holy Books, which is superior?
d) Qur’an
131. Which is the last book?
d) Qur’an

132. Of which Holy Book Allah takes responsibility for the

everlasting preservation?
d) Qur’an
133. “None deserves to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad (S.A.W) is
the prophet of Allah”.it is the translation of
a) Kalimah-e-Tayyaba
134. How Many Kalimahs are in Islam?
c) 6
135. Name the Kalimah which is necessary for a Muslim to recite?
d) Kalimah-e-Tayyaba
136. Name the first Kalimah?
c) Kalimah-e-Tayyaba
137. Name the Second Kalimah?
a) Kalimah-e-Sahadat
138. Name the third Kalimah?
c) Kalimah-e-Tamjeed
139. Name the fourth Kalimah?
d) Kalimah-e-Tauheed
140. Name the fifth Kalimah?
a) Kalimah-e-Astaghfaar
141. Name the sixth Kalimah?
b) Kalimah-e-Rad-i-Kufr
142. There are _ Pillars of islam?
143. What is the Meaning of Tayyaba?
b) Purity
144. What is the meaning of Sahadat?
a) Testimony
145. What is the meaning of Tauheed?
a) Unity
146. What is the meaning of Astaghfaar?
d) Penitence
147. What is the meaning of Rab-i-Kufr?
d) Repudiation of infidelity
148. What is the meaning of Salat?
d) The Recitation of Darood
149. Namaz means
d) All of them
150. Namaz was made obligatory during the prophet miraj in_ of the
d) 10th
151. The five times of Namaz was fixed in period of
c) A and B
152. The number of ‘Nafl’ Namaz is ?
c) Five
153. Namaz-e-Kasoof is offered when_ ?
d) Moon Eclipses
154. “Kasoof” is a prayer of ?
c) Solar Eclipses
155. Namaz-e-Istasqa is a prayer for ?
d) Rain

156. Salat-e-Hajat is offered for_ ?

d) Coming Hajat
157. Salat-e-Hajat is offered for_ ?
d) Prevailing Hajat
158. When a Muslim is hestowed with a blessing by Allah should offer?
a) Salat-e-Hajat
159. Salat-e-Khauf is offered during?
a) War
160. The Number of Nafl Namaz is _
d) Five
161. Total no of Rakaats in the farz is?
d) 48
162 The prayer/Salat in
c) Obligstory
163. is the only in islam?
a) Zakat
164. prayer is not roceeded by Azan?
d) All of them
165. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) offered First Jumma prayer in the year
b) 1 A.H
166. The Jumma prayer is not compulsory for ?
b) Women
167. These two prayer have no Azan?
a) Janaza, Eid

168. The Prayer is offered with backside of hands upward in the following prayer.
d) Istasqa
169. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) offered First-Eid Prayer
a) 1 A.H
170. Six Additional Takbeers are offered in the following prayers _?
a) Eid
171. Only one of the following category is exempt from Farz Prayer
d) Lunatic
172. Eid Prayer is a ?
c) Wajib
173. Ablution for Namaz has farz?
b) Four
174. The Command for Ablution is present in the Surah?
a) Al-Nisaa
175. The Permission for Tayammum was granted in?
b) 4 A.H
176. Namaz-e-Taraweeh is?
c) Sunnat
177. The part of prayer which are compulsory are called _?
a) Khana-e-Kabah
178. That part of prayer which the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) used to do is called
c) Sunnat
179. For Salat Muslims must face in the direction of?
a) Khana-e-Kabah

180. What name is given to the direction towards which the Muslim face during
c) Qiblah
181. How Many Additional Takbeers are performed in Eid Prayers?
b) 6
182. The Funeral Prayer is
c) Farz-e-Kaffaya
183. The Witr is a part of
c) Isha
184. The act of shortening one’s prayer while on journey is called?
c) Qasr
185. What are the number of Rakaats in all five time prayers?
b) 48
186. The Reward of which prayer is equal to the reward of Hajj or Umra?
c) Namaz-i-Ishraq
187. Which Prayers were essential in the early period of Islam?
a) Fajr and Isha
188. Standing Straight for Shortwhile after Rukh is called?
d) Qiyam
189. Qauma is a ?
b) Wajib
190. The Short period between two sajdahs is called?
d) Qiyam
191. Jalsa is ?
c) Wajib

192. To Sit Straight Salat is called ?

a) Qaada
193. How many times Salam is performed in the Salh
b) Two
194. How many sujdahas are in Salat-e-Janazn?
a) Zero
195. Zakat Literally means
a) Purification
196. What is the Meaning of Zakat?
c) To Purify
197. Zakat is the fundamental pillar of Islam?
a) 2nd
198. Which is the Second of the two most important pillars of Islam?
a) Salat
199. When was Zakat made Compulsory?
a) 2 A.H
200. Who said that there was no difference between Salat and Zakat?
a) Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)
201. How many times the Word Zakat occurs in the Holy Qur’an?
b) 32
202. Caliph did Jihad on the Issue of Zakat?
a) Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)
203. The Following Surah of the Holy Qur’an carries the injunction for the
utilization of Zakat?
a) Al-Tauba

204. Which is an act of worship that benefits mankind?

b) Zakat
205. Without Which act the prayer is useless?
a) Charity
206. One Who Disbelieves in Zakat is a
a) Kafir
207. Person who is liable to play Zakat is Called _?
d) Sahib-e-Nisab
208. How many camels render are to pay Zakat?
b) 6
209. How many goats render are to pay Zakat?
b) 40
210. How Many Sheep render are to pay Zakat?
b) 40
211. How many cows render are to pay
Zakat? b) 30-40
212. How Many Bulls render are to pay
Zakat? b) 30-40
213. How Many buffaloes render are to pay
Zakat? b) 30-40
214. Jizya is also called?
a) Poll Tax
215. How Much of the produce of mines owners have to pay?
b) 1/5th

216. What is meaning of khums?

b) 1/5th
217. What is the compulsory tax on the produce of agricultural land?
c) Ushr
218. How Many kinds of Muslim are eligible to receive Zakat according to
the Holy Qur’anic Version?
c) 8
219. Zakat is payable on gold of
b) 7.5 Tolas
220. Zakat is payable on silver of
b) 52.5 Tolas
221. Nisab for irrigated produce is
b) 10/1000
222. “Zakat” is the treasure of Islam, who said this?
c) Holy Prophet (S.A.W)
223. Literally Roza Means _?
a) To Stop
224. The Fasting became compulsory in the first time
b) 2nd
225. The Function of fasting is?
a) To Purify heart from worldly desires
226. Fasting is called against evils?
a) Shield
227. The Commandment for observing fast has been stipulated in the
Surah ?
d) Al-Baqara
228. What is atonement for breaking the fast?
a) To feed 30 peoples
229. It is a door through which fast observing people would enter paradise?
a) Bab-ul-Riyan
230. Which important nigh fall in Ramadan?
c) Lailat-ul-Qadr
231. How Many Dasys are forbidden for Fasting through the year?
a) 5
232. How long does a fast last?
a) Dawn to the Sunset
233. Name the month of purity?
d) Ramadan
234. In which month virtues flourish and evil is suppressed?
c) Ablution
235. What is the meaning of Aitekaf?
a) Seclusion
236. Aitekaf during the month of Ramadan is ?
c) Wajib
237. Which Rukn-e-Islam is called as shield?
c) Fasting
238. Fasting Requires total abstinence form?
b) Food
239. Which is the third fundamental pillar of Islam?
a) Fasting

240. When Siyyam of Ramadan was ordered?

a) 2 A.H
241. Taraweeh is a prayer of means
c) To Stand
242. Which Important Ghazwah was fought in the first Ramadan?
a) Badr
243. Who Arranged Namaz-e-Taraweeh in the leadership of Imam?
b) Hazrat Umar (R.A)
244. Literally meaning of Hajj is _?
d) The will of visit
245. Hajj was made obligatory in ?
c) 9 A.H
246. Yome-Afra is called
c) Hajj day
247. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) Performed Hajj in his life?
a) One
248. Hajj is pilgrimage of ?
b) Holy Ka’ba
249. When did the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) offer Hajj?
d) 10 A.H
250. There are _ types of Hajj?
c) Three

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