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Thomas Hobbes 

was an English philosopher, considered to be one of the founders of

modern political philosophy. Hobbes is best known for his book Leviathan, in which he explains an
influential formulation of social contract theory. In addition to political philosophy, Hobbes
contributed to history,  geometry, the physics of gases, theology, and ethics etc.
Leviathan (1651)
    In his Leviathan, he asserted that if a person is able to do the thing he chooses, then he is free.
Leviathan argues that civil peace and social unity are best achieved by the establishment of a
commonwealth (ortaqliq). "Leviathan," a word derived from the Hebrew for "sea monster" and
the name of a monstrous sea creature appearing in the Bible. Sometimes it was used as a whale,
crocodile or Devil. In Old Testament it appears as a multiheaded sea serpent which is killed by God
and given to Hebrews to eat. 
The book  consists of Introduction and 4 parts:
 In Introduction he mainly talks about art and nature, God and creation. He gives brief
information about what will be discussed in parts:
-1st Part- the matter and artificer which both is man;
- 2nd Part- how covenants are made, power of a sovereign and what preserve or dissolve it;
- 3rd Part- Christian Commonwealth;
-4th Part- the Kingdom of Darkness.

 The 1st Part: of Man. Firstly he talks about human senses. Our thoughts can be single
thought, then train of thoughts and the thoughts which depends from one another. They
are representation of objects. And objects work on eyes, ears and other parts of body which
is called sense. Several motions of matter press our organs diversely. He disagrees with the
universities of Christiandom which teach texts of Aristotle. Secondly, he wrote that humans
see objects, after object is removed or the eye shut, we still picture an image which we saw
but a little bit different from original. That as Latin call is an imagination. Greek called it
"fancy" and it's related to appearance. Imagination is decay of sense and if it's in sleep we
call it "dream". He also noted that imagination and memory are one thing but have diverse
consideration, memory is old and faded senses, memory of many things is called
experience. Imagination that is expressed by words or other signs is understanding. When
we imagine about something we lost its remembrance.
Then he talks about prophets and how they guess by signs. He critizes deceived
philosophers, schoolmen. And implies that imagination have limits, God is
incomprehensible. When the topic of speech came, he starts with the invention of letters
and said first author of speech was God Himself. He teached Adam how to name things. He
also mentions singular and universal names, numbers, attributes of speech, definitions,

 The 2nd Part. This part is about Commonwealth. He wrote where men lived in small
families and didn't go against the law of nature, their honor was great, they live by laws
of honor, stayed away from cruelty. But at his time cities and kingdoms which are greater
families, enlarge their dominions, weaken neighbors by force. And he said person
who led Commonwealth- lord, duke, earl and prince should value their honor which is their
people. The difference of Commonwealth is based on difference of sovereign- the person
who represent all.
 The 3rd Part. This part deals with Christiaan Commonwealth. When writing about principles
of Christian politics he notes that it depends on supernatural revelations of the will of God.
He shares his opinions on Old and New Testament, Christian kings and Kingdom of God and
interpreting of Scripture. We also read his beliefs about Spirit and Angel. Later he wrote
God is said to be a Spirit, and Angels are generally messengers of God; their creation is

 The 4th Part. It's about Kingdom of Darkness, Spiritual darkness from misinterpretation of
Scripture, demonology, darkness from vain philosophy and traditions, benefit those
proceeds from such darkness and review. In the end he gives conclusion.

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