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What careers must an INTJ avoid?

This blog will answer the question, “What careers must an INTJ avoid?”. It
will define the INTJ personality, list some of the traits of an INTJ, and
outline which careers are not suitable for an INTJ.

What careers must an INTJ avoid?

The INTJ must avoid the following careers:
● Military job
● Politician
● Sales Agent
● Personal Assitant

What is the INTJ personality?

INTJ stands for introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging. It is one of the
16 personality types identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).
People with INTJ personalities enjoy being alone and are highly analytical.
They are creative and logical thinkers who can overcome most problems.
They are commonly known as the strategist for this reason.

What are the traits of INTJ personality?

The following are the characteristics of an INTJ:
● INTJs are dominantly introverted
● They dislike teamwork
● They focus on theories over concrete details.
● They are logical and objective
● They are not emotional
● They are planners
● They usually have high expectations
● They are good listeners
● They are open to constructive criticism
● They are very self-confident
● They are hard-working
● They are not social
● They are explorative of knowledge
● They are creative
● They are self-motivated
● INTJs dislike rules and traditions

What careers must an INTJ avoid?

The following are careers that the INTJ personality must avoid:

Military job
A job in the military as a soldier or an officer though challenging and
interesting enough for an INTJ is not ideal. This is because of the amount
of rigor, rules, regulations, and protocols that must be followed on the job.
An INTJ would be suffocated in this role as they are forced and compelled
to obey and comply with every order they are given. Their dislike for rules,
traditions, and the status quo would conflict with the demands of a military
An INTJ thrives better in a job that encourages the use of initiative and
creativity. Therefore, a job that requires following orders without fail will
greatly stifle the INTJ’s originality and autonomy.
Politics is another career that is not so ideal for an INTJ. Though it provides
many opportunities for the mastermind INTJ’s original innovations to shine,
the amount of social interaction involved is too overwhelming. It is a career
that is mainly centered around interacting and socializing with many
different people.
Giving speeches, chairing meetings, answering questions at press
conferences, and doing interviews on radio and T.V. All this will be
overwhelming for the dominantly introverted INTJ. Introverts recuperate by
spending time alone organizing their thoughts and quietly reflecting on their
thoughts. They are not very driven to interact with people and get drained
by an excessive amount of socializing.

Sales Agent.
A sales agent is a person who markets products and services using
impeccable persuasion skills to convince people to buy their merchandise.
A sales agent must have the confidence to walk up to anybody and
convince them to buy their products.
They have to appease angry customers, pursue clients relentlessly through
phone calls, and spend hours talking to people. This will clash with the
introverted nature of the INTJ. An INTJ is better suited for the role of
developing and inventing products and not sales and marketing.

Personal Assistant
A Personal Assistant (PA) carries out administrative work on behalf of one
individual. This individual is usually a manager or executive in a
commercial, private or public organization. The role of a PA is to free an
executive’s time from organizing and administrative tasks so that they can
spend time on strategic tasks. This role also involves running errands and
taking care of personal matters that the boss may not have the time to do.
This role may not be suitable as it does not allow INTJ to work
autonomously or use their initiative without consultation. The tasks may
become mundane and repetitive robbing the INTJ of an opportunity to be
innovative and inventive.

This blog will answer the question, “What careers must an INTJ avoid?”. It
will define the INTJ personality, list some of the traits of an INTJ, and
outline which careers are not suitable for an INTJ.
The INTJ must avoid the following careers:
● Military job
● Politician
● Sales Agent
● Personal Assistant

Frequently Asked Questions: What careers must an

INTJ avoid?

How smart are INTJs?

Yes, INTJs are smart because they are very analytical and easily grasp
concepts. They are always keen to learn and absorb new knowledge.
Are INTJs good at math?
Yes, INTJs are good at mathematics. This is because they can easily figure
out mathematical patterns and formulas and apply them in theory.

Are INTJ good liars?

No, INTJS are not good liars and they greatly dislike dishonesty. Lies can
easily complicate their peaceful and orderly lives.

Who are INTJs most attracted to?

INTJs are mostly attracted to fun, outgoing and intuitive people who value
logic and are smart enough to understand their theories.

Why are INTJs villains?

Most villainous characters are INTJs as they have a relentless drive for
excellence. INTJs are unmatched strategists who can execute and have
the ability to strategize and execute plans almost flawlessly. This makes an
INTJ the perfect villain.

What personality type is Obama?

Former U.S President Barack Obama is an ENFJ.

Isabel Briggs Myers, (2015), Introduction to Type, CPP. PDF

Rajagopalan & Guruswami, (2015), “Relationship between Personality

Traits and the Psychological Biases of Retail Investors – An Empirical
Study”, Vidyasagar University Journal of Commerce, Vol. 20. PDF

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