Brother Marine Caius Eidolon of The Alpha Legion

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Brother Marine Caius Eidolon of the Alpha Legion

Written by Morten Jørgensen

Here's the stats for a chaos marine I made a while back using the marine from Purge the
Unclean as a basis. I didn't do anything fancy just added some appropriate skills and talents
and a couple of mutations for flavor.

Caius is a typical example of an up and rising Aspiring champion of chaos. He has no other
marines in his service, but work in the shadows through chaos cults reporting back to his
chapter. Caius’ job is to clear the way for an Alpha legion invasion to take over whatever planet
he is currently working at. He sometimes disgusies himself as an abhuman or techpriest to
infiltrate Imperial communities.

WS: 59 BS: 56 S: 68 (10) T: 51 (10) Ag: 42 Int: 42 Per: 47 WP: 51 Fel: 27   

Movement: 5/10/15/30
Wounds: 27

Skills: Awareness, Ciphers (Alpha legion, Chaos), Concealment +10, Common lore
(Imperium), Deceive +20, Disguise +10, Dodge, Inquiry, Interrogation +20, Literacy, Scrutiny,
Secret tongue (Cult lingo), Security, Shadowing +10, Silent move, Speak language (Low
gothic, High gothic), Climb, Command +10, Scholastic lore (Astartes) +10, Forbidden lore
(Chaos cults, Heresy) +10, Medicae, Intimidate +20, Survival

Talents: Basic weapon training (Bolt), Disarm, Disturbing voice, Iron discipline, Into the jaws
of hell, Light sleeper, Litany of hate, Melee weapon training (Power), Mimic, Paranoia, Peer
(Chaos cults), Pistol training (Bolt), Rapid reaction, Takedown, Air of authority, Armour of
contempt, Combat master, Ambidextrous, Two-weapon wielder (Melee, Ballistic), Die hard,
True grit, Furious assault, Hatred (Loyalists, Astartes), Swift attack, Lightning attack, Mighty

Brother Marine Caius Eidolon of the Alpha Legion

Written by Morten Jørgensen


Traits: Unnatural strength (x2), Unnatural toughness (x2), Dark sight, From beyond,
Mutations: Nightsider, Degenerate mind

Armour: Astartes power armour (Head 10, Arms 11, Body 12, Legs 11)(Note the armor
provides +20 to Caius’ strength (+2 SB) and increases his size to hulking.)

Weapons: Best quality Astartes bolt pistol (35m; S/2/-; 2d10+2X; Pen 5; Clip 10; Rld full),
Best quality Astartes boltgun (90m; S/2/-; 2d10+2X; Pen 5; Clip 30; Rld full), Best quality
Astartes power mace (2d10+10; Pen 7; Power field, Balanced)

Gear: Micro-bead, Photo visor, Respirator, 6 Bolt pistol magazines, 6 Bolter magazines


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