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Unit 14: LAB

Music Magazine Proposal


I have been asked to create a music feature article


Week Planning/production/post production Equipment needed

1 Music magazine draft idea on PowerPoint Computer, PowerPoint

2 Front cover draft Computer, Photoshop
3 Article draft InDesign, computer
4 Take pictures for article and front cover Camera, lighting
5 Making front cover Computer, Photoshop
6 Making/ writing article Computer, InDesign
7 Article layout and image Computer, InDesign,
8 Get feedback Computer, InDesign,
9 Improve front cover and article Computer, InDesign,
Unit 14: LAB
Unit 14:
Canon LAB
camera Camera from school to use to take
pictures of front cover and article

Photoshop Photoshop is already installed on

the schools computers, so I will use
it to edit my photos I take and to
make the magazine cover.

Computer The computer is important as it is

what will store all of my work and it
is what I will mainly be using.

InDesign InDesign will be used to create my

article pages, and it is already
installed on the schools computer

Risk Who is at Level Control measure to be
risk? of implemented
Unit 14: LAB Risk
Eye strain all LL Take breaks between
Student Name Role What do they have to do?
taking pictures and make
sure the lighting is not too
Angela Model bright. Photographer tells them what to do
how to pose and what facial
Tripping over tripod legs all ML Make sure all tripods to
expression are
Kianne Photographer put away after being used to do , how to
To tell modes what
pose and
to ovoid tripping facial expression and see
check the photos
Kianne Setting and lighting
them. Had to make sure where we took
Fire hazard all ml Keep equipment away
the phots had a good background
from liquids and make lighting.
and has suitable
Kianne Photoshop artist Edited photos that were used in the
sure everyone knows the
Kianne Layout artist fire hazard Had to make sure that the
cover/article suited the genre of my
magazine, and it appealed to my
target audience.

HEALTH & SAFETY: Risk Assessment


Copyright is an intellectual property law, which is the protection of original works of authorship, such as literary
and artistic works. This means that the content created cannot be published without the original owner’s consent.
Copyright holders can get a lawsuit against those who use their work without the proper permission, meaning
those who have published their work without consent can be fined legal fees.

An example of this could be the barcode that I use may need permission to use when designing my
magazine. I would need to contact the copyright owner and get permission to use it.

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