Academic Affairs National Technical Institute For The Deaf RIT

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Academic Affairs | National Technical Institute for the Deaf | RIT https://www.rit.


National Technical Institute

 for the Deaf 

Academic Affairs

In his role as Interim Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Gary Behm assures that the college is centered around student and
faculty/staff success, from enrollment through degree completion, to job placement after graduation. Academic Affairs is a collaborative
organization that includes:

Ten academic departments

Communication Assessment

The Academic Affairs office is responsible for implementing numerous college functions and initiatives:

College policies, including promotion and tenure

College committees
Curriculum actions
Student Learning Outcomes assessment
Student Ratings Systems (SRATE & SRS)
Student and Faculty Awards
Faculty/Staff Professional Development
Course scheduling and degree certification

The NTID Department and Academic Plan Directory lists the programs offered by each NTID academic department and their program

Gary Behm
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs

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Academic Affairs | National Technical Institute for the Deaf | RIT


Presentation files for COACHE Survey:

Part One
Part Two
���� COACHE survey

College Committees

Academic Integrity Committee

NTID Curriculum Committee (NCC)
NTID Distinguished Professor Award Committee
NTID Faculty Congress (NFC)
FEAD (Faculty Evaluation and Development) Committee
Final Grade Dispute Committee
NTID Online Advisory Steering Committee
NTID Online Liaisons Group
NTID Outstanding Graduate Award Committee (OGA)
RIT Outstanding Undergraduate Scholarship Committee (OUS)
NTID Policy on Tenure and Promotion Communication Expectations Task Force
Promotion in Rank Faculty Committees
Scholarship Awards Committee (SAC)
Signing in Public Spaces Committee (SPSC)
NTID Staff Senate (NSS)
NTID Student Ratings (NSR) Advisory Group (SRS�:� Student/Services Ratings)
NTID Support Coordinators
Teaching/Tutoring Awards Committee (TTAC)
Tenure Committee
Vision Support Committee

College Policies and Guidelines

Policies for Selected Expenditures

Communication Diversity: Strategies for Ensuring Success in NTID Classrooms

NTID Academic Chairperson Replacement Process
NTID Lecturer Support Guidelines for Terminal Degrees
NTID Policy on Promotion in Rank of Tenured Faculty -- March ����
NTID Policy on Promotion to the Ranks of Senior and Principal Lecturer — March ����
NTID Policy on Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor — March ����
Guidance for Determining Developing vs Non-Developing Country Status for International Student Applicants
President and Academic Affairs Reimbursement Procedure
Scholarship Guidance Document
Signing in Public Spaces
Request for Student Workers
Faculty Workload Guidelines
Faculty Leave
Communication Guidance for NTID Faculty

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Academic Affairs | National Technical Institute for the Deaf | RIT

Communication Assessment Checklist

Communication/ Resources

Sign Language Proficiency Interview (SLPI)

ASL Training and Evaluation (ASLTE)
Communication Task Force Report (����)
Communication Task Force Five-Year Review Committee (����)
Effective Communication
Communication Research Group Report, January ����
Spoken Communication Strategies and Techniques


Committee for ����-�� 

Curriculum Forms 

Chronological Files 

General Education Documents 

New Program Proposals 

Program Documents 

Faculty Performance Review

Annual Faculty Appraisal Process Forms:

NTID Faculty Annual Review Form DOC PDF

RIT/NTID Performance Category Descriptors
RIT Annual Review of Faculty Policy E�.�

Mid-Course Feedback (MCF)

Overview 

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Academic Affairs | National Technical Institute for the Deaf | RIT


Guidelines 

Research 

RIT's MCF Survey Sample 

Faculty/Staff Professional Development

 Faculty/Staff Professional Development

Faculty Town Hall Meeting (��/��/��)

 Faculty Town Hall Meeting

Faculty Teaching and Scholarship Awards

Award List 

Award Guidelines 

Student Outcomes Assessment

 Student Outcomes Assessment

Student Ratings (SRATE and SRS)

 Student Ratings (SRATE and SRS)

Accessing RIT N�� View

If you are a faculty or staff member outside of NTID who needs to be able to see the names of deaf or hard-of-hearing students as a
business function of your job, you need access to RIT N�� View.

Currently, all faculty have access (in the Faculty Center) to see the number of deaf or hard-of-hearing students enrolled in their classes.
RIT N�� View allows the user to view the specific names of those deaf and hard-of-hearing students who are sponsored by NTID. Based

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Academic Affairs | National Technical Institute for the Deaf | RIT

on individual user security, the viewer will be able to identify deaf and hard-of-hearing students in the views that they can already access.

If you have a legitimate business need to know the specific names of deaf or hard-of-hearing students, you must fill out this form and
return it to NTID's Associate Dean for Academic Administration (Katie Schmitz) to initiate the review and approval process. After she
reviews your form with her committee, she will notify you and ITS of the decision.

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