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Iving tr 25 ouaready know that a shape can be trans wena shape undergoes any oft Jesay the same. Under these three transf ‘ a. when you reflect a shape on a coordinate gri : LET) eguition ofthe mirror ine ee | Aljvertical lines are parallel tothe y-axis and have the equation x = aan ‘Athorizontal lines are parallel to the x-axis a ae E : ‘axis and have the equation y ='a number: —+—t 5 ‘When you translate a shape on a coordinate grid, you can describe its movement with a column vect ‘his is an example of a column vector: | Thetap number states how many unis to move the shape ight (postive number) o eft (negative number) eter eates how many isto mire the shape ip (pontivenumber) oc down (cegative number). a | * Ferra. (*) means'move the sapedunterightand suns | [eroton tent ison square 10 one cats the numbers alt You how many sates | move oop Youcan use any of these three transformations to solve all sorts of problem. Worked example 12.22 ) a angle on a coral Ghia oem, BC cities Feb 3) wor ee al triangle (object) 3 squetes right and 2 squares Up. arate» squates right and 1 square down, ‘Suares let and + square up. at left and 3 squares down, 142 Tesellations, transformations and loch .° clockwise about the point (4, 3) i it r. Carefully trace she jest w this is to use tracing pape’ ee TS tai penel on the point (4 2) Turn the tac paper 90° clockwise, then draw the image of shape A. {abel this image shape B. Draw the line x = 4 onto t Draw the image and label it shape C. Tra vlenr thatthe red cross on shapes B and C have exactly the same coordinates. first, rotate shape A through 9 the grid and reflect shape A in the line, The coordinates of the red cross on shapes B and C are (5, 2). @ 4 The diagram shows shape A on a coordinate grid. et] Copy the grid, then draw the image of shape A after each translation, ‘O. *Cy Gia 2 The diagram shows triangle B on a coordinate grid, ‘Make two copies of the grid, @ On the first copy, draw the image of tri Ne tan 8¢ of triangle B after reflection Tx=4 0 Hy=3 i xe Onthe second copy. draw the mage or uae 4 i 90° clockwise about the point 4, a ‘langle B after a rotation: ii 90° anticlockwise about the po, ii 180° about the point (2, 4) Put > 1) iv 180° about the point (4, 3) ) 42 Tessellations, transformations and loc = his is part of Oditi’s Question Draw areflect ow the coordin equation = 4. Expla Explain your method Q inane Reflected triangle drawn ow grid 2 Lveflectad eaclvcorner ofthotrianipicin, } the line; ther joined the three corners Pia together aang Make a copy of this grid, y Pe Use Oditi’s method to draw these reflections, s a Reflect the triangle in the line x= 4. i yf X b Reflect the parallelogram in the line y= 5, : € Reflect the kite in the line x sie ot ale e ot i @ 4 The diagram shows shape X on a coordinate grid. One corner of shape X is marked with a red cross. Razi rotated shape X 180° about the point (-1, 0) and labelled, itshape Y. A He translated shape X by the column vector ( ee labelled the image shape Z. cs a @ Show that what Razi said is correct. b Write down the coordinates of the red crosses on shapes Y and Z. i coordinate gr % 5 The diagram shows shape ABCD on a coordinate gr 8. Write down the coordinates of the points B,Cand D. The di ‘shows the line with equation y= b Copy the aan Reflect shape ABCD in the line y= x Label the © Write down the coordinates of the points A',BC’andD. Bi Girepare yout anewesi to parts 8 and ¢- What do you nots abont the coordinates of ABCD and its image A'B'CD The red crosses on shapes ¥ | hhave exactly the same coordinates |42 Tessellations, transformations and loci 12.3 Transforming shapes a Jations and rotations to tr ions, translation an wrens that maps an object onto its AB « the equation of th column vector, You can use a combination of refl You can also describe the transformati AAS lind e mi scribe a reflection you must give: + t ust give: « the c ee the centre of rotation * the number of degrees of the whole turn) ee. . the direction of the rotation (clockwi To describe a rotation you must give rotation Q Note that when a rotation is 180° (half a turn) you do not need to give the direction ofthe rotation as the image of the object will be the same whether yo rotate it clockwise or anticlockwise. The diagram shows triangles A, B, C and D. @ Draw the image of triangle A after a reflection in the y-axis followed by a rotation 90° clockwise, centre (-1, 1). Label the image E, b Describe the transformation that transforms: i triangle A to triangle B fi triangle 8 to triangle C iii triangle C to triangle D. First, reflect triangle A in the y-axi n Y-axis to give the blue triangle shown on the diagram, Then Totate the blue triangle 90° Clockwise about (7 triangle, Ut “4 9. shown by a red dot, to give the 1 Remember to label the final triangle E. b 1 Wiangle Ato tangle Bisa reflection in the tine Tangle 8 to tlangle Cis. a rotation gge anticlockwise n 1k dot 3), shown by a pink dot. pinl i Tangle Cto tangle Disa translation gan ‘quates leh vector is {-), and three Squares up, so the column 3 = shown in orange, ) 12 Tessellations, transformations and loci wise), r you sle ed 4 The diagram shows shapes L, My Make two copies of the diag On different copies of th Aafter each of these combinations of ; a Reflection in the y-axis followed by the tran b Rotation of 90° anticlockwise, centre (1,2) followen byareflection in the line x mar 2. The diagram shows triangle B on a coordinate grid t Make four copies of the diageam, On different copies of the diagram, draw the image of Bafter each combination of transformations. a Translation » |, followed by a reflection in the xa € Translation (7 i; followed by a rotation of 9X" clocks centre 2,1) Ps 1, followed by a rotation 90° 4 Reflection in the line y= anticlockwise, centre (2,2). 3. The diagram shows shapes G, H, 1, Jand K on a coordinate grid Describe the reflection that transforms: a shape G to shape H b shape G to shape K € shape H to shape shape Jto shape I. NN, Pand Qona coordinate grid. Describe the translation that transforms: i @ shape N to shape L- b shape Nto i Bah € shapeNto shapeQ shape NtoshePe Riisrane Lio shapelpyimy Ff shape PwosbepeMs 142 Tessellations,transfommations and loci a coordinate grid 5. The diagr triangles Sy) UW Soca Describe the rotation that transforms triangle R to triangle $ ‘ b triangle § to triangle T © triangle T to triangle U d triangle U to triangle V € triangle V to triangle W i ( & 6 The diagram shows three shapes X,Y and Z 6 on a coordinate grid. Make three copies of the grid : On the first grid draw shape X, on the second grid draw iN zi bh shape Y and on the third grid draw shape Z. a On the first grid draw the image of X after the combination of transformations: pet = 1 followed by a rotation 90° [6 -§ -4 -} 2-1, anticlockwise, centre (2, -3) rotation 90° anticlockwise, centre (2, ~3), followed alt bya reflection in the line y= 1. b On the second grid draw the image of ¥ after the combination of transformations: Jel i_ reflection in the line x= —1 followed i reflection in the line by the translation ex translation | followed by a reflection in the line x = © On the third grid draw the image of Z after the combination of transformations: i arotation of 180, centre (0,0) followed by a reflection in the line y= 2 iia reflection in the line y= 2 followed by a rotation of 180°, centre (0,0). 4 i. What do you notice about your answers to and ii in parts/a, b and et ii Does it matter in which order you carry out combined trareforn athens? F i 7 mations? Explain your ansve: ii Write down two diferent transformations that you can carry out on ahs bn toon te bal image i the same, whatever order you do the transformations . ag 7 The diagram shows shapes A, B, C, D and Eona coordinate grid. Describe the single transformation that oe 1 shape Ato shape B eae UO shape B to shape C nel - | shape C to shape D, b Describe a combined transformation th, i. shape A to shape D Ii. shape B to shape EF. at transforms; ) 42 Tessellations, transformations and loct 42.4 Enlarging sha When you enlarge a shap. his is called the scale factor. A When you describe an enlarge a The diagram shows a trapezium sah S44 4337? “ Draw an enlargement of the trapezium, with scale MEE ral Celie Gf enlargement (3. ‘Triangle B is an enlargement of triangle A. Describe the enlargement. First, mark the centre of enlargement at (-3, -2), shown as a red dot on the diagram. The closest vertex of the trapezium is one square up from the centre of enlargement. (On the enlarged trapezium this vertex will be three squares up from the centre of enlargement (shown by the red arrows). Mark this vertex on the diagram then complete the trapezium by drawing each side with length three times that of the original First, work out the scale factor of the enlargement Compare matching sides of the triangles, for example, the two Sides shown by the red arrows. In triangle A, the length is 2 Squares and in triangle B the length Is 4 squares 4 + 2 = 2,50 the scale factor Is 2. Now find the centre of enlargement by drawing lines (rays) through the matching vertices of the triangles, shown by the blue lines. The blue lines all meet at (4, 3). ee he enlargement has scale factor 2, centre (4,3). | 42 Tessellations, transformations and loch ——— CIEE 4. The diagram shows a tria ; if the diagram on squared pape grid coordinate grid Make a cop ‘ofthe triangle with L 2 The diagram shows shape ona coordinate grid ram on squared paper pipet ae of the shape with ‘a On the first copy, draw an enlargement le factor 2, centre (2, 2) b On the second copy, draw an enl: J shape with +4] largement of thi scale factor 3, centre (3,3). Fi © On the third copy, draw an enlargement of the shape wit scale factor 2, centre (3,4). 3. The diagram shows three triangles, A, B and C, on z a coordinate grid. a Triangle Bis an enlargement of triangle A Describe the enlargement. b Triangle C is an enlargement of triangle A. Describe the enlargement. & 4 The vertices of rectangle X are at (1, ~2), (1, ~3), (3, -3) and (3, ~2). The vertices of rectangle Y are at (~5,4), (5, 1), (1,1) and (1, 4) Rectangle ¥ is an enlargement of rectangle X, Describe the enlargement. a 5, Sasha drew a triangle with vertices at (1,1), (2,1) and (1, 3). She enlarged the shape by a scale factor of 3, centre (0, 0). Read what Sasha said, 1 | multiply the coordinates of each vertex by 3 it will give me the Coordinates ofthe enlarged tangle, which ate at (3, 3). (6,3) and (9). a Show, by drawing, that in this case Sasha is ¢¢ Read what Ahmad said, i. b Use counter-example to show that Ahmad is wrong. R came that @ counterexample i justo" le that shows a statement is not tue ) 42 Tessellations, transformations and loci a¥ 42.5 Drawing a locus is a set of pon} you need a ruler and comp fixed point. Draw the locus of locus of points that are ex line ii a given tine Points that are all 2¢m from A. actly 30m from: segment BC, Use compasses to draw a circle of radius 2cm with centre A All the points on the circle are 2cm from A, so this is the required a locus of points, aon Al the points inside the cir points outside re less than 2cm from A. All the le are more than 2cm from A Sat reat Using @ ruler, on either side of the given line, measure and mark two ees | points that are 3m from the line. Then join the points on each side cam ar Of the given line to draw two parallel lines. These lines, shown in red, are the required lacus of points exactly 3cm from the line. Asstraight line has infinite length, so the locus of points also has infinite length, i aS The line segment BC has endpoints a 8 and C.Fofow the steps in 3a 1S |, batt daw the part tes ether sae ofthe ine segment. om \ 3am | b56 points B and C draw semicircles of radius 3cm to complete the locus Of points, shown in red, that are 3m from the given line segment. 4 The diagram shows a point P. Copy the diagram on rd i os Draw the locus of points that are exactly 5 cm from poin 2 Drawa straight, horizontal line. . see Draw the locus of points that are exactly 2m from th 3. Draw a line segment AB, 6cm long. oe = Draw the locus of points that are exactly 3cm from fi rope is 8m long 4 Adonkey istied by a rope to a post ina field. The FORE ae Draw the locus of points that the donkey can re3© Use scale of 1cm to 2m. 5 Acoin has radius 1.5¢m. sctangular box, 0 | 9 The coin is rolled around the inside ofare angular |] that it is always touching a side of the box. Thebox measures 10m DY 12 in, Draw the locus of C, the centre © ears ‘42 Tessellations, transformations and loc! ( costar squared paper etre e m from the letter. Con centim aw the capital letters TL and seit 6 Draw the capital fers TE int that = a 7 The diagram shows a rectangulat itd WAY f visa fence around the perimeter of the fi There isa fence around the perimeter of NET Gary the goat is tied by a rope to commer | When the rope is tight, Gary can just reach comner Y Copy the diagram on plain paper. a Draw the locus of points that ¢ the rope is tight. b Shade the region inside which Gary can move. Gary can reach when. P<, a 8 The diagram shows two schools, P and Q, 70 km apart. 0 km Students can go toa school if they iv less than 40 km from that school. Copy the diagram on plain paper. Use a scale of 1 cm to 5km. a Draw the locus of points that are exactly 40 km from P. Draw the locus of points that are exactly 40 km from Q. ¢ Tanesha can go to either school. Shade the region in which Tanesha must live. You should now know that: You should be able to: + Atessellation is a repeating pattern made by Tessellate triangl te les and quadrilaterals and eae fitting together copies of a given shape, without t . ich fing together opi EL fo angle sums and half-turn rotations; know wh shape by translating, rtabingorreflectingil Gur rpolygons tessellate and explain why jen tscusne eee sent tee ond half tn Fates sida solve probiens & In any tessellation, the sum ofthe angles where ee ateations, rotations, reflections 214 stot tape oe - : ee a % Acolumn vector describes a tr rm 2D shapes by combinations of rotate” Acuna descibesatnsanofashape _reetons and rslaton asco tt a move tothe right or left. The bottom number tansformation that maps an object ois imss* describes am jo * \ ‘ nise that translations, rotations 2" i > To dese trarlatonyoucan sea calumny maputions Preserve length and angle, 4 + To describe arotation You staethecentregt TaP objects onto congruent images, and tht ion, the number of degrees of nlargements length ++ When you describe an enlargem descr Jed to give apprecis® got position ofthe centre ofenargemente MUN Find, Byreney 8 + Alocus i a set of points that follow ata gna easering the locus ofa pot Mr follow agi ta given di Baasore Pe ‘ Wven rule, listance from a fixed point, 0 ** dist ance from a fixed straight line. 42 Tessellatons, transformations and log,

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