Achieving Mental Health Through Anger Management

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Achieving Mental Health Through Anger Management

When a person can no longer deal with the difficult situations in life, there are
only two things that can probably happen: cry in vain and be forever depressed or
be angry at the person or thing that caused the problem. Either way, the individual
has no way to deal with his misery and when he can no longer take the pain, he
blames everyone for his mishaps. Mental health is no where to be found. A person
must know on how to deal with anger in order to achieve mental health.

Anger is inseparable to a person�s life. Even children can become angry because of
something. Anger is not something to be worried about, it is not an abnormal state
of mind but in fact is a normal and healthy reaction of the person�s mind and body
to a certain situation that didn�t agree with the person. Being angry is never
comfortable. Bearing the pain and grudge within your system can be destructive in
time. Oftentimes, a person becomes angry after being sad or hurt. Anger is a very
good excuse to hurt other people and strike back. Anger is an emotion that gives
the person experiencing it to become more aggravated.

Anger can become an external defense mechanism especially if the hurt is applied
physically and not emotionally. Although, anger becomes a threat when it is already
contributing destruction to the lives of others. It is of natural accentuation to
act angry in certain circumstances, it�s just a matter on how a person handles his
anger is the real deal. There are multiple ways to manage your anger. Some of which

1. Relaxation techniques - Here, the person must find a way to calm down the system
responsible for increasing the angry feeling which is the autonomic nervous system.
These include:

� Fast relaxation technique which is equated with deep breathing and allows the
diaphragm to expand and increase oxygen intake

� Meditative processes like mindfulness and relaxation meditation.

� Wait for a couple of seconds before regressing with the situation. You can try
counting from one to ten before you react to the situation. This will give you a
couple of seconds to run down events and what outcome can your anger produce.

2. Cognitive techniques � are referred to the techniques that can change your
expectations and beliefs in life which can replace your angry thoughts into more
accepted and reasonable ones. You have to remember that the moment you become angry
your entire system is affected. Unless you do something about making it more
meaningful than destructive, your anger will just increase.

Techniques that are used for anxiety and depression can be of enormous help. It is
also important that you talk to someone about your worries and how your anger has
developed in order to be more enlightened.

When anger is repressed and is not effectively expressed in any means necessary,
this can cause problems that�ll bring further problems along the way. But this
doesn�t necessarily mean that expressing of anger anywhere and anytime of the day
just because you feel like it is good. Balancing the approach which may include the
acknowledgement of that anger and acting on it accordingly can help reduce the
foreseeable crisis. This will stable the mind and produce mental health in the

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