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CMU-CS 462:
1. Software measure classification
Software Measurement
2. Goal-based paradigms:
and Analysis Goal-Question-Metrics (GQM)
Spring 2019-2020 Goal-Question-Indicator-Metrics (GQIM)
Goal-based framework for software measurement (Cont’d) 3. Applications of GQM and GQIM

Nguyen Duc Man

T: 0904235945

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◼ The primary question in goal-based measurement:
◼ “What do we want to know or learn?”
instead of “What metrics should we use?”
Goal Based Software
◼ Because the answers depend on your goals, no fixed
Measurement: GQ(I)M Process set of metrics is universally appropriate.
◼ Instead of attempting to develop general-purpose
measures, one has to describe an adaptable process
that users can use to identify and define measures
that provide insights into their own development

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GQM Approach: Review GQ(I)M: Concept

◼ Goal: List major goals of development or ◼ A methodology to convert a business goal
maintenance project. into a measurement plan.
◼ Question: Derive from each goal the
questions that must be answered to determine Measurement
Goal GQIM Process Plan
if the goals are being met. Measurement Plan:
◼ Metrics: Decide what must be measured in Business Goal:
Reduce cost?

order to be able to answer the questions


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GQ(I)M: Precepts GQ(I)M Process


◼ The GQ(I)M method is based on 3 precepts, ◼ 10 steps of 1) Identify Business

Goals BG
2) Identify what to know 1

and it consists of 10 steps the GQIM 3) Identify subgoals MG MG

1 1

◼ The three precepts are: process 4) Identify entities &

5) Formalize
Measurement Goals

◼ Measurement goals are derived from business ◼ A home G MG MG

1 1

goals brewed tool Define Indicators

6) Identify questions
and indicators Q Q Q Q

◼ Evolving mental models provide context and to automate 7) Identify measures

1 2 3

focus this process 8) Define measures I I


◼ GQ(I)M translates informal business goals into exists (ISMS) CreateAction Plan M M

executable measurement structures 9) Identify actions

10) Create plan Action Plan

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GQ(I)M: Steps /1 GQ(I)M: Steps /2

1. Identify business goals 6. Identify quantifiable questions and indicators that
will be used to achieve measurement goals
2. Identify what you want to know or learn
7. Identify data elements that will be collected to
3. Identify subgoals construct the indicators to answer questions
4. Identify entities and attributes related to 8. Define measures to be used, and make these
subgoals definitions operational
5. Formalize measurement goals 9. Identify actions that will be taken to implement the
10. Prepare a plan for implementing the measures
Business Measurement
goal goal Measurement Measurement
goal plan

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GQ(I)M: Steps /3 Step 1: Identify BusinessGoals

The GQ(I)M method 1
◼ ◼ The business goal can
begins with identifying 1
business goals and 2 be initiated at any
breaking them down into organizational level
manageable subgoals. 3 4 ◼ Examples:
◼ It ends with a plan for
5 ◼ Reduce time to market 2
implementing well-defined
measures and indicators (TTM)
that support the goals. ◼ Improve customer
◼ It can also maintain satisfaction
traceability back to the 9 10 ◼ Improve quality of the
business goals. code

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Templates for Goal Definition Templates for Goal Definition

(1)Purpose: To (characterize, evaluate, predict, motivate, etc.) (3)Environment: The environment consists of the following:
the (process, product, model, metric, etc.) in order to process factors, people factors, problem factors, methods,
(understand, assess, manage, engineer, learn, improve, etc.) tools, constraints, etc.
◼ Example: Evaluating maintenance process in order to improve it. ◼ Example: The maintenance staff are poorly motivated programmers
who have limited access to tools.
(2)Perspective: Examine the (cost, effectiveness, correctness,
defects, changes, product measures, etc.) from the viewpoint
of the (developer, manager, customer, etc.)
◼ Example: Examine the cost of software development from the
viewpoint of the manager.

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Step 1: Identify Goals Example

◼ The output of Step 1 is a Business Goal #1: Primary Business Goal:
sorted checklist of
business goals (i.e., Saving money by improving productivity of
management goals, Business Goal #2:
software development team
development goals, and
maintenance goals, etc.) Business Goal #3:
along with their
◼ If more than one goal: Examine the effect of productivity of software
generate plan for each development team on project costs
goal separately. Business Goal #n:
◼ Typical expansion (Analyzed from project manager’s perspective)
rate: 1-4 times
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Step 2: Identify What to Know Step 2: Identify What to Know

◼ Identifying what is needed to be known in order to
understand, assess, predict, or improve the activities
related to achieving goals by asking questions such as:
◼ “What activities do we manage or execute?”
◼ “What do we want to achieve or improve?”

◼ and by completing statements such as

◼ “To do this, we will need to…”

◼ Repeat these questions several times and break top-level

goals down into specific things should be accomplished and
issues that are needed to be addressed.

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Step 2: Identify What to Know Entity-Question Checklist /1

◼ The output of this step is the entity-question checklist. Make 1. Start with one of the top-level goals identified in
sure that entities addressed should be in four categories:
◼ input and resources,
Step 1.
◼ products and by-products, 2. Identify the persons or groups whose concerns
◼ internal artefacts,
will be addressed. (i.e., manager, developer,
◼ and activities and flowpaths.
customer, etc.) This defines the perspective and
For each entity, list questions that can help us address
the roles that you and the team will assume in
those business goals. Tasks 3 through 6 here and in the remaining steps
of the process.
3. Create rough sketches of the relevant processes
that you, in your role, manage or affect. As you do
this, be guided by what you want to achieve and
the issues you will have to address to achieve it.

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Entity-Question Checklist /2 Entity-Question Checklist /3

4. List the important things (entities) in your 5. For each entity, list questions that, if answered,
processes that you, in your role, manage or would help you, in your role, plan and manage
influence. Make sure that you address the four progress toward your goals.
kinds of process entities below: For example:
Inputs and resources How big is it?
Products and by-products How much is there?
Internal artifacts such as inventory and work in process How many components?
Activities and flowpaths How fast is it?
How long does it take?
◼ You may also want to list some of the environmental
How much does it cost?
entities outside your processes that affect your work.

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Entity-Question Checklist /4 Example (cont’d)

6. Step back and look at your process as a whole to see if Entities of Interest Questions Related to Business Goal
anything is missed. By asking questions such as: Inputs People • How productive are people right now?
Is the process stable? How is it performing now? and • In what areas do they need
What limits our capability? What determines quality? Resources improvement?
• Extent of individual morale?
What determines success? What things can we control?
• Do we need more team members?
What do our customers want? What limits our performance? • Is our staff over-worked?
What might signal early warnings? Computer Aided Software • Are the tools sufficient or do they
Where is backlog occurring? How big is our backlog? Engineering Tools need to be upgraded?
What could go wrong? How will we know? • How do tools affect productivity?
Subcontractors • Would subcontracting aid our
◼You may discover additional entities whose properties • Is it worth it?
may be worth measuring.
Customer Requests for • How much do changes in the project
7. Repeat Tasks 1–6 for your other goals. Change affect productivity?

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Example (cont’d) Example (cont’d)

Entities of Interest Questions Related to Business Goal Entities of Interest Questions Related to Business Goal
Activities Development •Are we using the most productive development Products Documents Are the documents we produce readable?
and Flow methodology? and By- Is it possible to trace system features from one
Paths •Do we effectively structure the development team? products document to the next?
•Are we spending too much time in the development
phase? Source Code Is the source code consistent with the documents?
Is the source code error free?
Testing • Are we using manual testing or automated testing?
Does source code follow programming standards?
• Are the tests finding enough defects?
• Are we spending too much time on testing? Plans Do the plans change too much?
Budget Do we have enough money to increase salaries and
invest in tools?
Fixing • Is the response time for fixing bugs reasonable?
•Are high-priority changes getting implemented in a
timely fashion?
• Are we spending too much time debugging?

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Step 3: Identify Subgoals/1

Step 3: Identify Subgoals/2
◼ Grouping related questions helps identify subgoals
◼ In Step 3, you identify the questions that you have
about the entities, then group them and identify the
issues they address.
◼ Then groupings of issues and questions translate
naturally into candidate subgoals.
◼ Sometimes, you may find several issues mapping
into a single subgoal, or single issues mapping into
several subgoals.

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Example (cont’d) Example (cont’d)

Questions Related to Development Team Productivity Questions Related to Development Team Productivity
GROUPING #1 • How productive are our employees right now? GROUPING #3 • How much do changes in the project affect productivity?
(People) • In what areas do they need improvement? (Response to Change) • Do the plans change too much?
• Extent of overall office morale? GROUPING #4 • Are we using manual testing or automated testing?
• Do we need more team players? (Quality Assurance) • Are the tests finding enough defects?
• Is our staff over-worked? • Are we spending too much time on testing?
GROUPING #2 • Are the tools sufficient or do they need to be upgraded? • Is the response time for fixing bugs reasonable?
(Development) • How do tools affect productivity? •Are high-priority changes getting implemented in a timely
• Would subcontracting aid our productivity? Is it worth it? fashion?
• Are we using the most productive development • Are we spending too much time debugging?
methodology? • Do we need better testing to be done?
• Are we spending too much time in the development phase? • Are the documents we produce readable?
• Is the source code consistent with the documents? •Is it possible to trace system features from one document to
• Is the source code error free? the next?
• Does source code follow programming standards?
• Do we have enough money to invest in tools?

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Example (cont’d) Step4: Identify Entities & Attributes /1

◼ Derived Subgoals (from Project Manager’s

◼ Subgoal #1 Improve performance of staff
◼ Subgoal #2 Improve code development
◼ Subgoal #3 Minimize the negative effects of
project changes in productivity 4
◼ Subgoal #4 Improve quality assurance

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Step4: Identify Entities & Attributes /2 Example (cont’d)

◼ Once having a list of questions, you should examine each ◼ Subgoal 1: Improve the performance of our staff
question and identify entities implicit in it. Then list ◼ Question 1:
pertinent attributes associated with each entity. ◼ Currently, how productive is our development team?
◼ Pertinent attributes are those which, if quantified, help ◼ Entity:
answer your question or establish a context for interpreting
the answers. ◼ Development team
◼ Pertinent attributes are usually cited in the question, either ◼ Attributes:
explicitly or implicitly. ◼ Team personality factors
◼ List of entities and the attributes for each entity are the ◼ Expertise of the development organization
principal outputs of this step. ◼ Team’s analysis and design techniques
◼ The attributes will become candidates for the things that ◼ Knowledge of programming languages
should be measured.

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Example (cont’d) Example (cont’d)

◼ Subgoal 1: Improve the performance of our staff ◼ Subgoal 2: Improve Code Development Process
◼ Question 2: ◼ Question 1:
◼ How is the overall office’s morale? ◼ Are we spending too much time in the development phase?
◼ Entity:
◼ Entity:
◼ Working Environment
◼ The development process
◼ Attributes:
◼ Accommodations ◼ Attributes:
◼ Incentives ◼ Average duration of development process, per line of code
◼ Extra-curricular activities ◼ Percentage of development process’ duration for average project
◼ Hardware and software used ◼ Company expectations for percentage duration of code development
◼ Work time to break time ratio
◼ Workspace (room and desk size, ventilation)

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Example (cont’d) Example (cont’d)

◼ Subgoal 3: Minimize the negative effects of ◼ Subgoal 4: Improve quality assurance
project changes in productivity
◼ Question 1: ◼ Question 1:
◼ How much do changes in the project affect productivity? ◼ Are we using manual testing or automated testing?
◼ Entity: ◼ Entity:
◼ Set of change requests received from the customer ◼ Testing method
◼ Attributes: ◼ Attributes:
◼ Number of change requests
◼ Estimated total effort to satisfy change requests ◼ Type (name of type)
◼ Total effort for project ◼ Is used? Yes/no (a binary classification)

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Example (cont’d) Step 5: FormalizeMeasurement Goals /1

◼ Subgoal 4: Improve quality assurance

◼ Question 2:
◼ How effective are the tests? Are we spending too much
time on testing?
◼ Entity:
◼ Testing
◼ Attributes:
◼ Volume number of testsscheduled
◼ Progress number of tests executed
number of tests passed 5

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Active & PassiveMeasurement Goals

What is a Measurement Goal?
◼ Business goals (or subgoals) are usually represented ◼ Active measurement goals are directed toward
by a phrase or sentence in natural language. controlling processes or causing changes to
products, processes, resources, or environments.
◼ A measurement goal (or subgoal) is a semi-formal These are the kinds of goals that are found in
representation of a business goal (or subgoal), project management and process improvement
composed of 4 components: activities.
◼ An object of interest (entity) ◼ Passive measurement goals are meant to enable
◼ A purpose learning or understanding. Passive goals are often
◼ A perspective accomplished by characterizing objects of interest
◼ A description of environment & constraints
according to some productivity or quality model.

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Active & PassiveMeasurement Goals: Examples Measurement Goal: Object

Active Goals Passive Goals ◼ Anything real or abstract, that we want to describe
◼ Meet the scheduled ◼ Understand the current or know more about is a potential object for
completion date development process measurement.
◼ Reduce variability ◼ Identify root causes ◼ An object is an entity we want to describe with
◼ Improve product reliability ◼ Assess product maintainability measured values.
◼ Improve productivity of ◼ Identify capabilities and trends,
the process so that we can better predict Object of interest (entity):
◼ Improve time-to-market future performance a process, product,
◼ Reduce employee turnover ◼ Understand relationships among resource, task,
attributes, so that we can develop activity, agent,
models for predicting and artefact, metric,
environment, etc.

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Measurement Goal: Purpose

◼ Purpose of a measurement activity may be to understand, predict,
plan, control, compare, assess, or improve some productivity or
quality aspect of the object.
◼ Examples include: cost, size, reliability, test coverage,
responsiveness, peer review effectiveness, process compliance,
time to market, quality, customer satisfaction.

characterize, analyze,
evaluate, etc.

the <entity>, <aspect>,

<attribute(s)>, etc.
understand, baseline, predict,
in order to it. plan, control, assess, compare,
improve, etc.

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Measurement Goal: Perspective Measurement Goal: Environment

◼ The perspective identifies who is interested in the ▪ List or otherwise describe the environmental factors & related
measurement results, such as: developer, maintainer,
manager, or customer. parameters that should be understood to put the observed
◼ The perspective is stated to clarify the purpose of the results in context.
measurement activity. ▪ Focus on describing similarities to (and differences from) other
Perspective: familiar products, processes, and settings. This information
Examine the modifiability, quality, changes, becomes part of the database for future comparisons.
defects, defect types, backlog, ▪ Factors and parameters to consider include:
behaviour, stability, progress,
<specific attribute(s)>, etc.
- application - customer
from the point of view factors factors
of (the) . developer, manager, customer, - people factors
engineer, process improvement
- methods
team, senior management, etc.
- resource factors - tools
- process factors - constraints
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Measurement Goal: Template

◼ Template for measurement (sub)goal:
Object of interest:

the in order to it.

Examine the
from the point of view of (the) .

, , , ,
, , , ,

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Example (cont’d) Example (cont’d)

Object of Interest: Development Team Object of Interest: Development Team
◼ Purpose:

◼ Determine a way to improve the productivity of our

◼ Environment & Constraints:
◼ Payroll applications programming in C++
development team by evaluating their current
◼ 100 software developers with 5 or more years
◼ Perspective:
experience in C++
◼ Customers are businesses
◼ Examine the team personality factors, expertise of
◼ Do not maintain a reusable module database.
the development organization, team’s analysis
◼ Examine new projects completed and sold from
and design techniques, knowledge of
1/1/1995 to 31/12/2002.
programming languages of our development team
from project manager’s point of view.

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Example (cont’d) Example (cont’d)

Object of Interest: Working Environment Object of Interest: Working Environment
◼ Purpose:

◼ Evaluate the working environment in order to identify

◼ Environment & Constraints:
◼ Payroll applications programming in C++
opportunities in improving the productivity of our
◼ 100 software developers with 5 or more years experience
development team.
◼ Perspective:
in C++
◼ Customers are businesses
◼ Examine the ratio of work time to break time of our
◼ Do not maintain a reusable module database.
employees, the accommodations, incentives, and extra-
◼ Examine new projects completed and sold from 1/1/1995
curricular activities offered to our employees, and the
workspace (room and desk size, ventilation) where our to 31/12/2002.
employees work
from the point of view of the employees themselves.

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Example (cont’d) Example (cont’d)

Object of Interest: CASE Tools
◼ Purpose:
◼ Evaluate the impact of various CASE tools on the
productivity of the development team.
◼ Perspective:
◼ Examine the effectiveness of using various CASE
tools to help in the development of our product
from the point of view of the developers and testers.

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Example (cont’d) Readings and Assignment 4

Object of Interest: CASE Tools ◼ You are required to read the the links below and
Answer the following questions. The answers will
◼ Environment & Constraints: be submitted on e-Learning system (Assignment 4)
◼ Payroll applications programming in C++ before 17:00, 20-Mar, 2020.
◼ 100 software developers with 5 or more years

experience in C++ ◼

◼ Customers are businesses

◼ Do not maintain a reusable module database. ◼ Question 1

◼ Examine new projects completed and sold from ◼ What is GQM (according to the video)?
1/1/1995 to 31/12/2002.

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