Assignment 4 Weatherproofing - 2021

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49115 Facade Engineering

Assignment 4 (Weatherproofing)
This is an individual assignment
25% of subject assessment

PART A (20%)
Barangaroo Headland Park (Sydney) is shown below:

The park is actually a totally man made structure. Underneath the grass and trees is a large
multi-storey exhibition space, and car parking.
So the rocks and grass and trees actually sit on top of a concrete superstructure (concrete
slabs, columns, and walls). The soil over the roof is between 1m and 2m deep.
The site was originally an old gas storage facility. As a result the site is contaminated with
residual hydrocarbons.
The size of the structure means that a couple of joints will be required in the superstructure.
The roof of the structure needs to be waterproof.
The walls and floor of the structure need to be waterproof and vapour proof (to keep the
hydrocarbon vapours out).
A level of research of proprietary membrane types and details will be required for this
1) Develop a concept for the waterproofing system for the concrete roof. In describing
your solution you need to address:

- What changes (if any) you require for the concrete slab;

- What membrane system you propose to use, and why;

- How do you propose to drain the soil;

- What details you propose for the joints in the concrete slab; and

- What options you considered but disregarded, and why.

2) Develop a concept for the waterproofing and vapour proofing system for the concrete
floor and the concrete walls.

Note: the floor is constructed as a slab on ground. The walls are constructed as
freestanding walls, and the ground is placed against it after construction.

In describing your solution you need to address:

- What membrane system you propose to use, and why

- How you intend to construct your solution

Provide concept sketches to illustrate your answers.

Your answer to this assignment should be no longer than 4 pages (max).
PART B (5%)
An architect has proposed the following detail for a typical vertical cross-section through the
cladding of a new hospital building:


The building is located in a mountainous area of NSW, where the overnight outside
temperature can get as low as -2° C. The air-conditioned temperature inside the hospital is
22° C, day and night.
The architect has asked your opinion on the provision and location of a vapour barrier in the
wall construction.
Do you agree with the vapour barrier location shown by the architect on the cross section?
(you need to state your reasons why you agree or disagree)
If you do not agree, you need to mark up an alternative position for the vapour barrier (on the
above cross section).
Would your answer change if the building was located in a warmer climate, with overnight
temperatures of +16° C ?
PART C (5%)
Below is a vertical x-section through a modern glazed assembly sitting on a concrete slab:



Some of the components of a modern glazing assembly serve a single purpose, but many
serve multiple purposes (e.g. they are part of the structural design, and are also part of the
weatherproofing design).
Describe the purpose(s) of the following components:
a) The rubber gasket on the outside of the glass - marked [A]

b) The rubber gasket on the inside of the glass - marked [B]

c) The rubber gasket at the rear of the assembly - marked [C]

d) The sealant at the rear of the installation - marked [D]

e) The set down in the profile of the concrete slab - marked [E]

Please submit assignment via Canvas, in pdf format.
If you find that you want to provide a revised submission (after your Canvas submission has
been uploaded), then you can email me the revised submission.

Submission date - 26 May 2020

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