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Lesson Description


1. The Teacher to introduce the topic then show powerpoint presentation from Seven Steps of Step 5: Show don’t tell. Talk though each slide as it is shown
Tin Forest and read the text out loud (slides 5-7).
Students to form groups of 3 and assign 1 technique to each person, then brainstorm ideas for each technique that could be used to advertise your

Students then individually write a paragraph to advertise their school using their assigned technique. After 4 minutes ask each group to swap their
paragraphs with another group and ask the group to try and identify which technique was used for each paragraph.

2. The Tin 1. Teacher to introduce the Tin Forest text and the comprehension strategies of visualising and predicting. Read first seven lines to students
Forest - without showing the text –up to 'burning and burying.' Ask students to draw what they visualised from the text.
Reading 2. Teacher to introduce prediction
3. Distribute ‘Prediction Flowchart’ photocopies.
4. Read text, stopping at crucial points for students to complete the prediction worksheet, predicting what will happen in the story.

3. The Tin Teacher to introduce lesson: thinking back to the Tin Forest text we are now going to think about whether the authors have used any ‘Show don’t
Forest – Tell’ techniques. Students to read the text and highlight any parts where you think the ‘show don’t tell’ strategy has been used. Use a different colour
Reading for each technique (walk a mile, paint word pictures, one is powerful).

4. Reintoduce show don’t tell techniques and distribute Hatchett text. Using teaching strategy of I do, we do, you do, use think alouds to identify where
Hatchett - show don’t tell has been used and using the document camera show students how to highlight the parts of text using one of the show don’t tell
Reading strategies (I do), then do another couple of paragraphs in a similar way, but as a class, leaving the final ½ page for the students to do individually.

5. The Tin Distribute word strips to students (words from Tin Forest text) and ask students to write a narrative using words from word strips and also using
Forest - show don’t tell techniques.

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