Unit 2: Traveling Is My Hobby

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Traveling is my hobby

Name the following objects.

1.________________ 2.____________________ 3.__________________

4._________________ 5.____________________ 6.___________________

How many of these objects do you own?

Universitas Negeri Padang


Sianok Canyon

Sianok Canyon is located in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra. Sianok Canyon has

beautiful views. It has two steep walls facing each other and a flat bottom. Its
height is about 100 to 120 meters and it is 15 kms long. Sianok Canyon can be
seen from Panorama Park in Bukittinggi or if you walk down into the valley.

Harau Valley

Harau Valley is another canyon near the town of Payakumbuh, West Sumatra.
Harau valley has steep colorful sandstone walls 150 meters tall on either side
of the narrow valley. There are dozens of waterfalls.

Adapted from www.indonesia-tourism.com

Universitas Negeri Padang


Speak about a tourist destination near your home town!


How to Enjoy a Vacation

First, pack light. This starts with your luggage. It is easier to get in and
out of places if your luggage is not too big or too full. I know it’s hard to pack
light, especially if you’re a girl. Girls want to carry a lot of stuff. But if you have
space in your bag, you can shop at your destination. Second, be on time. If
you fly or drive somewhere, leave on time and arrive early to avoid stress.
Third, leave work behind. Enjoy the beach in front of you without working
on your laptop. Listen to the ocean and the breeze instead of talking on your
phone. Fourth, do nothing. There are days to work and days to relax.
Respect yourself by doing nothing occasionally. Take pleasure in not doing
anything and don't feel guilty because it is good for your mind to rest
Fifth, chill out. Don’t let anything or anyone bother you. Sixth, take
pleasure. Enjoy the food and activities around you, even if they are
unfamiliar. Seventh, take a chance. Do something heart-pumping, such as
cliff-diving, scuba-diving or eating foreign food. Take a chance and experience
things that are out of your comfort zone. Eighth, treat yourself. Give
yourself something extra and feel good about it. So if you want to try the spa
or buy new clothes, then you should do it. Capture the moment. Make
memories of your vacation by taking a lot of pictures.
Adapted from: http://wikihow.com

(noun) a group of things wrapped or tied together; a
bundle, especially carried on the back of an animal or a
person: a horse pack; a hiker's pack, a backpack.
(verb) to put things together in order to carry them.
the place to which a person or thing travels or is sent; example:
Our destination is Bali.

Universitas Negeri Padang
leave to go out of or away from, as a place; example: to leave the
pleasure recreation or amusement; diversion; enjoyment; example:
Are you traveling on business or for pleasure?
vacation holiday, time away from your home and work.

Exercise 1 !
Look at the following sentences. Write down what you think they mean.
Pack light! !
Leave your house on time !
Chill out!, forget your work !
Take pleasure !
Treat yourself !
Capture the moment !
Be on time !

Exercise 2
Read the article above and complete the following chart.

Things You Need to Do on Things You Do Not Need to Do

Vacation on Vacation
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

Universitas Negeri Padang

Exercise 3
Read each of the following sentences. Write “T” in the space provided if the
sentence is true and “F” if the sentence is false.

1. ____ Girls carry more things than boys on vacation.

2. ____ You cannot buy things at your destination.

3. ____ You don’t need to take your work on vacation.

4. ____ Enjoy the beach in front of you while working on your laptop.

5. ____ You may carry your computer so that you can save your data on it.

6. ____ You have to carry your own meals on vacation.

7. ____ Scuba diving is a suggested activity while on vacation.

8. ____ Vacations are the most valuable part of life.

9. ____ A camera is really needed on vacation.

10. ____ Riding horses is not suggested.


An imperative sentence is used for giving instructions. An imperative
sentence begins with the verb-1 form and usually ends with a period
(.) or an exclamation point (!). However, it can also end with a
question mark(?) in some instances.
Positive Imperative !
(Subject - never
Verbs Objects
(You) Wash your hands.
(You) Listen to me.
(You) Clean the house.!

Universitas Negeri Padang

Negative Imperative !
(Subject) Do not Infinitives
(You) Don’t come late.
(You) Don’t play music.
(You) Don’t! throw anything.!

Advice Instructions Commands

Pack light! Open your book! Go away !
Be on time! Listen to me! Get out of my way!
Leave work behind! Underline the difficult Shut the door!
Take pleasure! words! Look around!
Take a deep breath! Work with your partner! Help out!
Capture the moment! Answer the questions! Be good!
Close your laptop!

Negative Imperatives
Don’t talk!
Don’t make a noise!
Don’t sit on the desk!
Don’t go!
Don’t sleep in the classroom!
Don’t forget to write your name!

Universitas Negeri Padang

Exercise 4
Match the imperative (1-8) with the verb infinitive (a-h).
Number 1 has been done for you: Go upstairs

upstairs a. to close ________________________

your homework b. to show ________________________
your teeth c. to brush ________________________
your name d. to do ________________________
the whiteboard e. to wash ________________________
your clothes f. to go go upstairs
your ID card g. to clean ________________________
the door h. to write ________________________

Exercise 5
Arrange the scrambled sentences into correct imperative sentences. Number 1
has been done for you.
1. time – on – come. Come on time!
2. it - by - do – yourself
3. watch – step – your
4. carefully – text – the – read
5. your – book – out – take
6. assignment – collect – the
7. at – the - look – board – white
8. partner – dialog - practice – the – with – a
9. correct – complete – with – sentence – the – word – the
10. sister - pick – the – at - up – your – airport

Universitas Negeri Padang


Tabuik Festival Pariaman

Tabuik is held to commemorate the Day of Aisyriah (the death of the
prophet Muhammad’s grandson, Hussein Bin Ali, in the Karbala War, on 10 th of
October 680 ). This festival starts at 6 a.m. from the town’s plaza, so be sure
to go to sleep early the night before! Two 12-meter tall vertical decorated
pillars, are paraded around town to the sound of traditional drums.
Tabuik means wooden casket. According to Shia belief, Hussein’s
casket was taken to heaven by a mythical beast called a buraq (a winged horse
with the head of a man). The parade ends at Gandoriah beach where the
towers are floated off into the ocean. If you want good luck, try picking some
of the materials off one of the pillars. The pillars are made of bamboo, wood,
and highly decorated. Tabuik Festival gives a colorful and exhilarating dose of
culture that you can’t find in many other places.

Adapted from theamazingindonesia.com!

Universitas Negeri Padang

Bull Races (Pacu Jawi)
There are many animal races in Indonesia such as bull races (karapan sapi),
horse races and duck races. You can also find bull races in West Sumatra,
called Pacu Jawi. If you’ve never heard of this before, it’s actually not a race.
Instead, it’s a sort of a game or celebration held for the young bulls after
harvest (no animal cruelty here). If you don’t mind getting your hands dirty (or
your legs), this is an activity worth checking out. But be warned that it happens
on muddy ground, so prepared to get splashed! If you’re looking for a rush,
nothing will get your energy up faster than these games. Most races would be
a contest to see who can win come first. However the point of this particular
game is to keep the bulls running in a straight line. It is harder than it sounds!

Adapted from https://indonesia.tripcanvas.co/sumatera/attractions-in-west-sumatera

Universitas Negeri Padang

Write about a cultural event near your hometown.


Universitas Negeri Padang

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