The Memoir of A Soldier (Unrevised)

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The Memoir of a Soldier

Thursday, 22 January 20XX

It was a usual day; the usual breakfast, the usual routine of guarding the fence.
But what wasn’t was a little girl standing by the fence, in her worn-out dress,
holding a handful of flowers in her hand.

As I approach her after work, she gave me a beautiful smile and handed me a
daffodil. “Do you know what this flower resembles, sir?” she asked. I shook my
head. “It resembles a new beginning, a new friendship,” she explained cheerfully.
She continued, “Will you be my friend?”.

Feeling pity for this innocent little girl, I agreed to be friends with her. That was
the start of our illegal friendship, between a soldier and a child, from the opposite
sides of the fence.

Friday, 23 January 20XX

The day started with the chief’s speech. It was the same and boring lecture that I
even memorised every single word he was saying. Talking about the superiority
of our race, why we should discriminate and have control over the people inside
the fence and so on. I disagreed much but what could I do? I was forced into this
after all.

My task was as usual as it could be. As the time flows by, it was the time for me to
meet the little girl. I could see her holding some purple flowers in her hand from
afar. I could also smell their fragrant scent. Before she was able to open her
mouth, I interrupted, “It’s lavender, right?”. “You’re right, sir. Here sir, take them.
The smell makes me feel relieved so I hope you would too” she insisted.

I had to buy a vase that day but it was worth it. The lavenders did a great job in
creating a relaxing atmosphere in my room.

Saturday, 24 January 20XX

This morning, the headline of the news is about the killing of some children near
the fence border. It was the normal but this time I felt very worried for the little
girl. At anytime, she could be killed! Through the 8 hours of shift, I couldn’t put
my mind into it. I was thinking about her all the time.

As I finished my work, I rushed to the regular place we meet. How glad I was as I
still saw her with the same delightful smile. This time, she was holding a
cornflower on her right hand and a unique looking flower on the left. “I hope that
you always have a good day, sir. I always bring a good-luck charm with me so I
wanted you to have one too,” she said. “What’s the other one?” I asked. She gave
me a smile and left without answering my question.

As soon as I found the answer on the web, it sent shivers down my spine. The
sweet pea is actually associated with departure and goodbyes.

Sunday, 25 January 20XX

I should have expected it. I knew yesterday was our last meeting but I didn’t
expect it to end this tragically.

That evening, I was making my way to our meeting spot. It was then that I heard
a gunshot coming from that place. Immediately, I rushed to the scene and saw the
body of the little girl, lying dead. She was shot in her head while holding a daisy. I
couldn’t believe what I saw. In a shock, tears started to fall down my cheek as I
grief at my little friend’s death.

That night, I stormed my associates, asking how could have they killed such an
innocent little girl. My chief was also at the scene and ordered me to meet him
tomorrow morning in his office. I could see how upset he was but I didn’t regret
it. I remembered that daisy symbolises innocence.

Monday, 26 January 20XX

Today, I met my chief in his office. He was sitting on his chair, looking fiercely
into my eyes especially after the ruckus I started yesterday. “Why?” he started.
“The people inside the fence are just of a weak, low tier race. We, as the more
superior race, have power over them. We can do anything we want with them
including murder,” he explained proudly. “You know, I’ve dealt with many kinds
of people but you’re one of a kind, especially for befriending an ugly child from
the other side,”. He spoke the words with a sinister laugh.

Throughout his talk, I just remained silent until the topic of the little girl was
brought up. I took a deep breath and shouted, “I’ve had enough of this! This isn’t
about the little child anymore, it’s about those people. What makes us see them
as a low tier race? What does race even has to do with how we treat others?”

I made a blunder and I knew what was coming. With no answers, the chief
commanded his soldiers to sent me into prison. After all, it is against the law to
question racism.
Monday, 2 February 20XX

It has been a week since I was imprisoned and tomorrow, I’ll be sentenced to
death. I have expected this. The law is always right, even if it is against logic. So,
for my last words... (if you considered them my last)

Racism is a big problem in this country and although I’ve never been out of here, I
know it’s a worldwide problem. The tendency for a more powerful race to
discriminate others is like a cancer to humanity. It’s almost impossible to cure it
but I believe in you; yes, you, the one reading this. I know you have the capability
to solve this problem.

I hope her soul will live in eternal peace and harmony in heaven.

Soldier XXXXX

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