Dimagiba Colleges: What Am I Living For?: MGT 202: Business Organization and Management Capitol University

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Cagayan de Oro
First Semester, S.Y. 2019-2020


Case # 1

There are 11, 214 students enrolled in the various courses offered by Dimagiba Colleges. Located in San
Jose City, the school is composed of different colleges offering courses in engineering, nursing, business
administration, arts and sciences, and education.
The school is owned by the Dizon Family headed by Mrs. Dolores Dizon, a widow. In spite of the number
of students, the school appears not to be making profits to the dissatisfaction of the five Dizon children. Some of
the buildings need repair and at least one is recommended by the dean of engineering for demolition. A few of the
brightest members of the faculty have already moved to better paying jobs. Instructional materials are always in
short supply. The Dizon Children feel that these problems could be solved with the infusion of additional funds.
When Mrs. Dizon assembled her children to a meeting, she presented the difficulty of securing funds. She
mentioned that maybe each of the five could contribute a million pesos or more from their own pockets. At this
point, Rodrigo, the eldest, blurted out of the following:
“Ma, you’re running the school as if it is a charitable institution. Look how many students you have
adopted as scholars… more than a thousand! How many our relatives are in the payroll even if they don’t
deserve to be!
You reward employees not because of good performance. Our tuition fees are the lowest in the region. You
are not even interested in knowing the return of investment the school generates!
Ma, it’s time for us to run the school like a business. It must make enough profits so that we can continue
serving the community. We should hire at least a few professional managers”
Mrs. Dizon replied by saying:
“Rudy, this is the way we have been running this school ever since your father and I founded it. We started
with a few students and with our method, it grew into what it is now!
We were able to help many people get a degree and many of them are grateful. You and your siblings were
able to get a good education in prestigious universities here and abroad because of the income we derive from
this school.

Your father and I believe that by helping people, our needs will be taken care of.

Please follow format
Case # 1

I. The Situation
II. Statement of the Problem
III. Objective/s
IV. Areas of Consideration – manpower, management, money or funding and machineries
V. Alternative Courses of Action – provide at least 3 and discuss pros and cons of each
VI. Conclusion
VII. Recommendation

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