CPQ-Kids Series Sep Edition (S1E3) - Literature Quiz: The September Open by Chai Pe Quiz

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The September Open by Chai Pe Quiz

CPQ- Kids Series Sep Edition (S1E3) – Literature Quiz

16 Sep 2018
Set & Hosted by: Aravind Anil, Dr NTJ & Dr Unnikrishnan Menon
▪ 1st:AnandRajagopal (BhavansVidyaMandir, Elamakkara)
▪ 2nd:NikhilSreeraj(SaraswathiVidyaNikethan,Elamakkara)
▪ 3rd:KrishnakanthG(ChinmayaVidyalaya,Vaduthala)

▪ JuniorCategory:
▪ 1st:KrishnakanthG(Class9,ChinmayaVidyalaya,Vaduthala)
▪ 2nd:NikhilSundarM (Class9,SNHSS,Ayyappankavu)
▪ 1st:YeldhoShemMathew (GregorianPS,Maradu)
▪ 2nd:NandanaSony(BhavansVidyaMandir,Elamakkara)
▪ 3rd:GeorgeAnand (TocH,Vyttila)

▪ JuniorCategory:
▪ 1st:NoelAntonyAlex(Class8,TocH,Vyttila)

15 Qs → 230Points

3 Rounds
I. Single Pointers: 5 Qs
II. Single Pointers with stakes: 5Qs
III. Double Pointers: 5Qs
Single Pointers →5 Qs

10 points perquestion

Maximumpossible score = 50
Arun Tiwari, born in Meerut, is an alumnus of GB Pant University for
Agriculture & Technology and currently teaches at School of
Management Sciences, University of Hyderabad, as an adjunct
professor. However, he is best known as the co-author of a very
popular late 20th Cbook.
He had quoted thus about the motive of coming up with this book
“I have worked under X for over a decade.This might seem to disqualify me as his
biographer,and I certainlyhad no notionofbeingone.One day,while speaking tohim,I
asked himifhe had a message foryoung Indians. His message fascinated me.Later,I
mustered thecourage to ask himabout his recollections so that I could pen themdown
beforetheywereburied irretrievablyunderthesandsoftime.”

Which book?
Amazon review of which recent book, named after a
district in India:

“______, a sleepy coastal district, has metamorphosed into a

hotbed of political bloodshed in the past few decades. Even
as India heaves into the age of technology and economic
growth, the town has been making it to the national news for
horrific crimes and brutal murders with sickening regularity.
What makes this region so susceptible to vendetta politics
and such deadly violence? How is it an anomaly in the state
with the highest social development parameters in India?
Born in ______ and brought up amidst some of the tallest
political leaders of the state, author Ullekh NP delves into his
personal experiences while drawing a modern-day graph
that charts out the reasons, motivations and the local lore
behind the turmoil. ”
❑ Which district?
▪ ‘TheRedSari’, the highly controversial dramatizedbiography
bythe Spanishauthor JavierMoro was released in 2015.

The “group” associated with her was adamant in banning this

book because they had carefully isolated her personal life
and history from public, instead nurturing her image as a
woman from a pretty well-off family, which is contrary to
what the book narrates.

▪ ‘Tintin in the Landofthe _______’ is the first volume
of TheAdventuresofTintin,the comicsseriesbyBelgian cartoonist

▪ The story tells of young Belgian reporter Tintin and his dog
Snowy, who are sent to this country to report on the policiesof
the Bolshevikgovernment.Tintin's intent to expose the
regime'ssecrets promptsagents from the country’s secret
police, the OGPU, to hunt him down with the intent to kill.

▪ FITBor ID thecountry/federation that existedfrom 1922 to

▪ This Indian polymath is also regarded as the “Father of Bengali
Science Fiction”.

▪ In the late 19th C, he wrote the first Science fiction short story in
the language titled ‘Niruddesher Kahani (The Story of the missing
one)’, which was later expanded to a collection in the 1920s with a
new title ‘Palatak Tuphan’ (Runaway Cyclone).

▪ Who?
Ans Jagadish Chandra Bose
Single Pointers →5 Qs

10 points per question

Stake possible forall questions

Stake: +5/ -5

Maximum possible score= 75

This is a famous phrase from Honoré de Balzac’s 1835 French novel

‘Le secret des grandes fortunes sans cause apparente estun crime
oublié, parce qu'il a été proprement fait’, which translates to ‘The
secretofgreatfortuneswithoutapparent causeisacrimeforgotten,for

Aparaphraseof this statement, veryappropriately, forms

the starting lines of whichcultnovel?
Delhi Gadhakal, the 2011 Malayalam a semi- autobiographical
novel.which portrays various events that influencedthe
author's life duringthe 40yearsspentinNew Delhi, since 1962.
The protagonist of the story is a leftist Kerala youth, named
Sahadevan, who had the shock of his life when he landed in
Delhi to hear the news of Chinese attack onIndia.

ID theauthor,whowouldbeprobablyassociatedwith his
hometown throughanotheracclaimed work?
Thetitle of this mid 20th C bookistaken from
the metaphysical poet John Donne's series of
meditations and prayers on health written while
Donne was convalescing from a nearly fatal illness. The
author quotes part of the meditation in the book's
epigraph,whichin turn refersto the practice of funeral

ID thebook?
Ans For Whom The Bell Tolls
by Ernest Hemingway
▪ Veruca Salt, an American alternative rock band founded in Chicago
in the early 1990s, was named after a namesake character from a
famous literary work, probably as a tribute to its author who died
just before the formation of the band.

▪ The character is portrayed as a cute and pretty little girl, but he

epitome of a spoiled brat. She is an immature, dictating, over
indulging, manipulative, extremely selfish, uncompromising,
wealthy young girl.

▪ Character from which book?

Ans Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
This is the pictorial representation of a 20th novel by the
French novelist Marcel Proust, which has the alternate title 'In
Search ofLost Time',the literal rendering of the French title.

ID thetitle, one that could remind you of one of India’sbest quiz

DoublePointers → 5Qs

20 points per question

Stakeamax.of 1Q

Stake: +5 / Nonegs

Maximum possiblescore = 105

ID the Indian co-author
of this 2009 book?

What subject does it deal

Caricature of which author?

Which novel by him, first published in the

Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, had undergone
censorship by the publisher with roughly five
hundred words deleted fearing the story was
indecent. Despite their effort, it offended
the moral sensibilitiesof Britishbook
reviewers,who opined that the author
merited prosecutionfor violating the laws
guarding the public morality.
This1972Malayalam classicnovel X canbeconsideredalmost as a
sequelto the muchacclaimed 1958novelYby the sameauthor.

Both the novels have the same geophysical and socio-cultural

setting, and are veritable depictions of the situation which
prevailed in a typical joint family when its fortunes is on a steady
decline, alsodepicting aphasein which the economicandcultural
scenario of Kerala manifested symptoms which were to develop
into dangerousecocidal tendencies at alater stage.

While the title of the former novel attributes to atraditional

ancestral homeofa Nair jointfamily,the name of the latter
attributes to the youngest son of a proud Nair family,
Govindankutty,whose plight isbeing depicted.
IDthe two novels?
Therecent bookbythe gentleman, that tells the fascinating history
of the medieval Deccan, has so many accounts of popular
fabricated bit of gossips that became a part of the folklore.

Onesuchinstance isthe story aboutMuhammadQuliQutb Shah

foundingacity, whenarival Mughalgeneralinvented the rumour
that the city wasrenamed twiceafter aharlot with whom he was
obsessed, first as ‘Bhagnagar’ after her original name Bhagmati, and later to
its current name when she was rechristened after converting to Islam as
_____ Mahal.

▪ Endingthe quizwith a question on two famous ending lines from
the world of literature.

▪ X (~1610) – “And my ending is despair,

Unless I be relieved by prayer,
Which pierces so that it assaults
Mercy itself and frees all faults.
As you from crimes would pardoned be,
Let your indulgence set me free.”
▪ Y (1936) – "Tara! Home. I'll go home, and I'll think of some way to get him
back! After all, tomorrow is another day!”

▪ ID both works (whose titles have a literal connection)?

X – Tempest
Y – Gone With The Wind
Results – S1E3
Sep 2018

I. shared at 115 points by

Jeevan Joseph (Bhavans Adarsha Vidyalaya, Kakkanad),
……...Nandana Sony & Anand Rajagopal (both Bhavans Vidya Mandir Elamakkara)

II. Yeldho Shem Mathew (Gregorian PS, Maradu) – 100 pts

III. Anandu Kannan (St. Antony’s PS, Anakkal) – 95 pts

Best Junior quizzer:

I. Noel Antony Alex (Toc H Public School, Vyttila) – 60 pts

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