Chemistry 2 Experiment 7 Walang Summary 1212121

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Experiment Number 7

Heat of Combustion

A Laboratory Report
Chemistry Laboratory 2 for Engineers

Presented to
Mathematics and Physical Science (MPS) Department

Submitted By:
Acosta, Michael Francis
Camenforte, Jeargen R.
Caños, Danes Julia P.
Constantino, Lance
Domingo, Aris
Mainot, Glenn
Sarile, Irianne Eliezze
Ulit, Anna Jodi Bianca

Submitted to:
Engr. Ronald Allan S. Co

Far Eastern University Institute of Technology

November 03, 2019

TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................ii
1.1 Purpose of the Report .............................................................................1
1.2 Background of the Topic, Theories, and Concepts behind the Topic …1

TEST AND EVALUATION..............................................................................2

2.1 Material Used...........................................................................................2
2.2 Apparatus/Instrument Used.....................................................................2
2.3 Procedure.................................................................................................2

DATA AND RESULTS ....................................................................................3

3.1 Data .........................................................................................................3
3.2 Interpretation............................................................................................3
3.3 Questionnaire ..........................................................................................3

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS..............................................4

4.1 Summary .................................................................................................4
4.2 Interpretation............................................................................................4
4.3 Questionnaire ..........................................................................................4




1.1 Purpose of the Report

This experiment aims to investigate the relationship between the number of carbon
atoms in an alcohol chain and its standard enthalpy change of combustion. To calculate
the standard enthalpy changes of combustion of common alcohols.
1.2 Background of the Topic, Theories, and Concepts behind the Topic
Alcohols are organic compounds containing Oxygen, Hydrogen and Carbon. They
are a family of hydrocarbons that contain the –OH group. The alcohols are a
homologous series containing the functional –OH group, which determines the
characteristic reactions of a compound.

The general formula of alcohols is CnH2n+1OH, where n is a number. Alcohols are

also referred to as alkanols. The simplest alcohol contains a single Carbon atom and is
called Methanol. Its molecular formula is CH3OH. As we move down the homologous
series of alcohols, the number of Carbon atoms increase. Each alcohol molecule differs
by –CH2; a single Carbon atom and two Hydrogen atoms.

Chapter Two


2.1 Material Used

Quantit Item
1 Iron stand
1 100-mL graduated cylinder
1 Iron ring
1 Alcohol lamp
1 Thermometer
1 Stirring rod
1 Aluminum can
1 Cotton
1 400 ml Methanol, Ethanol, Propanol, Butanol
2.2Apparatus/Instrument Used
The Apparatus/Instrument that used are Burette, Erlenmeyer Flask, 100-mL
Graduated Cylinder, Alcohol lamp, Iron Stand.
2.3 Procedure
For the procedure, the students had cleaned the burette in order to deliver the
calibrated volume. Cleaning of the burette can be accomplished by filling it with warm
detergent solution, allow to stand for about 5 minutes then rinse well with tap water
followed by distilled water. Test the burette to determine if water runs freely without
leaving droplets of water upon sides. The group rinse it 2 to 3 times with 5 to 10 -mL
portion of the solution to be placed in it. The rinsing with solution is done by holding
the burette in a nearly horizontal position and rotated so that all portions of the wall are
wet with solution. The group prepared the set-up of the apparatus. All volumes must be
measured using burettes. Then they delivered exactly 10 mL of HCl solution to a clean
Erlenmeyer flask.
Afterwards, they added 2 to 3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator and about 25 mL
of distilled water to the flask. The group poured the standard 0.1 N NaOH solution into
the burette. Then the titrated the acid in the flask with the base until the solution turns to
light pink which persisted for at least 30 seconds. The group recorded the volume of the
base. Then they repeated the titration using another 10 mL acid.
Chapter Three


Methanol Ethanol Propanol Butanol

Mass of alcohol lamp 141 g 139 g 132 g 130 g

with alcohol before
combustion (in grams)
Mass 0f alcohol lamp 128. 5 g 130.8 g 132 g 125 g
with alcohol after
Mass of water (in 200 g 200 g 200 g 200 g
Mass of alcohol burnt 12.5 g 8.2 g 4.5 g 5g
(in grams)
Moles of alcohol burnt 0.39mol 0.18 mol 0.075 mol 0.067 mol
(in g/mol)- Mass of
methanol Molar Mass of
Enthalpy Change during 253433.4 253433.4 J 253433.4 J 253433.4 J
combustion J
Standard enthalpy of 648.83 1407.96 3379.113 3782.59
combustion (in KJ/mol KJ/mol kj/mall KJ/mol
KJ/moles of alcohol

3.3 Questionnaire

1. What is the relationship between the heat of combustion and the number of carbon
atoms present per alcohol molecule?
- The number of Carbon atoms in an alcohol increases; the enthalpy of combustion
will also become more negative. chain becomes longer. As we move down the
homologous group, a spate CH3molecule is being added into the alcohol chain.
1. The heat combustion for methanol is 728 kJ/mol. Compare the experimental value
that you observed. What are the possible source or error in this experiment?
- It was observed that during the combustion of alcohols, a yellow flame was obtained
at times. This is the sign of the incomplete combustion of alcohols. As a result, carbon
monoxide is formed instead of carbon dioxide. Therefore, this incomplete combustion
results in low standard enthalpy of combustion values as the reaction is not complete.
2. What precautions would you recommend to obtain a more accurate result?
- This experiment could have been carried out at a place of constant temperature.
Another is that the calorimeter could have been insulated more.

Chapter Four

4.1 Summary
4.2 Conclusion
The heat of combustion is the energy liberated when a substance undergoes
complete combustion, at constant pressure usually in an environment with excess
Oxygen. The heat of combustion is utilised to quantify the performance of a fuel in a
combustion system such as furnaces, power generation turbines and motors. This article
describes the heat of combustion and provides a list of heats of combustion for
commons fuels and fuel components.
The higher the mass of an alcohol, the higher the mass of an alcohol it will burn.
For enthalpy change during combustion, it almost has the same amount of enthalpy
change during combustion but for its standard enthalpy change, the higher the mass
of an alcohol, the lower its molarity. The lower the mass of an alcohol, the higher
its standard enthalpy.
4.3 Recommendation

To ensure that the experiment is accurate and reliable, the group recommends that
the procedures be strictly followed by future experimenters so that the information that
will be obtained is more precise. Just keenly or keep an eye on every detail to be
followed in the laboratory manual Each instrument that will be used must be cleaned so
that accurate data could be fully achieved. Particularly for this experiment, each group
member must have a little knowledge so that the experiment can run smoothly and
perfectly. Lastly, clean all the laboratory equipment without any water residue as it can
impact the entire experiment and will have a significant change in the information to the
instrument you are going to use. Importantly, during the experiment, all members need
to know the procedure and the do's and don'ts inside a lab so that everyone can work
efficiently with the group Essentially, group activities should be an exciting and
enjoyable one because in real life you can learn something that can be applied.


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