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Power, Deviance and Othering [2021] essay questions

4000-word essay
Please answer one of the following:

 What has intersectionality to offer studies of othering and deviance?

 Assess the contemporary relevance of the heterosexual matrix.

 Discuss the idea of tolerance in relation to ‘marginalised’ social groups.

 What is conjunctural analysis and how might it inform contemporary

political sociology?

 Is subculture dead?

 Jeffrey Weeks suggests that ‘sexuality is not a given. It is a product of

struggle, negotiation and human agency’ (Sexuality, 2003: 19). Discuss in
relation to ideas of deviance.

 Drawing on Foucault, discuss the idea of surveillance society.

 Using one or more contemporary examples, discuss the relevance of the

concept of anomie?

 Explain the sociological concept of stigma in relation to life in C.21st.

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