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Read and analyze the questions carefully. Check the boxes after you have accomplished every task.


(S1) Task 1: You need to set up folders in Google drive to help organize your
classroom. *
2 points

1. Create a folder in Google drive called Admin.

2. Within the Admin folder create two folders labeled Lesson Plans and Resources

(S1) Task 2: You want to allow your colleague, Rowee, to access and edit your
Resources folder so she can help you develop your classroom resources. *
1 point

Share your resources folder with rowee  so she can edit
the contents

(S1) Task 3: You want to create a new lesson plan for your English class on the topic
of American novelists. *
3 points

Using Google Docs, create a new document in the Lesson Plans folder in Google Drive.
Name the document American Novelists.
Add the following content as the start of a possible lesson plan.

Lesson Plan Content (encode the content below)

(S1) Task 4: You want your students to do a presentation on a book of their choice by
a contemporary American author. Before they start the project, you want to get a list of
the books selected by each student *
2 points

In the Lesson Plans in Google Drive create a new spreadsheet titled Book List.
Share it with  so they can edit the file


(S2) Task 1: You want to test how much your geography class students remember
form the previous lesson on the climate *
5 points

In Google drive create a new Google Form Titled Climate Change Quiz 964560
Add three different types of questions as described in the Google Document Climate change Quiz
Students should only be able to complete the quiz once, without being able to edit after they have
submitted their answers, and you don’t want them to see the result of the quiz.
Send the form to
Have the form automatically collect results in a new spreadsheet.

(S2) Task 2: As you prepare to teach your lesson, you want to review the results of a
Climate Change quiz you gave another set of students last year. *
2 points

In Drive, open the spreadsheet titled, Climate Change 2017 (Responses)

Sort the Sheet based on the responses to the question 1 (Column C) in ascending alphabetical
order (a-z)
(S2) Task 3: Some of your students have expressed a strong interest in climate
change. You decide to set up a Google Group, so the topic can be discussed in more
detail. *
2 points

Create a group called Climate Change 964560. (Hint: Make sure your Google Group is created
within your domain. Your domain administrator has restricted you from creating public Google
Give the interested students access to the Group by inviting Wheng
( ) and Bella ( )).

(S2) Task 4: The students in your Google Group have suggested a field trip would be
a great way to better study climate change. You are supportive of the idea and want to
know where they would like to go.
3 points

In Google Drive create a new Google Form called Climate Change Field Trip 964560 to survey
the group.
Add 3 questions text questions to your form to determine the top 3 destination preferences of
each student in the group: Destination 1, Destination 2, Destination 3
Send the Form to .


(S3) Task 1: You recently lost an email from a student that included coursework. You
decide you need to organize your inbox with labels to stay on top of your emails. *
5 points

From student Ella King requesting a deadline extension (Student)

From principal Mr. Anderson asking you for your class midterm results ( Exam)
From classroom assistant Mrs. Brady verifying your class midterm results (Exam)
From parent Mrs. Nolan questioning the grade you gave her son for an in-class presentation
From the faculty support Mr. Chang asking for your feedback on recent teacher coaching
sessions (Support)

(S3) Task 2: You want to discuss the midterm results with your school’s principal and
your classroom assistant before you share them. *
2 points

Start a video or text hangout and invite Mr. Anderson from Gmail or Google+
Within the same hangout window, send an invite to add Mrs. Brady

(S4) Task 1: You’ve decided to create a website for your history class so you can
consolidate teaching resources, distribute letters for parents, and share extraordinary
pieces of coursework. *
5 points

In Google Site select a blank template and create a site called H8 site. Here you istory with
964560. on the homepage include the following text:

Create a new page called Letters under the homepage using the “File Cabinet” template, and
include the text.

Add the document History with the North Falls Grade-10 form the Drive to the letters page.
Create a page called Coursework under the homepage using the “Announcements” template and
add the following text as a new post:

When the site is complete share it with your colleague Mr. Schneider and give him edit access.

(S4) Task 2: You want to customize your class site and make it move visually
interesting . *
2 points

Customize your homepage by changing the layout form single-column to two-column

Insert an image from Drive into the second column.


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