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Artillery Fire Mechanics

Step Dice rolls / notes Rule

Rally Phase 1. Establish radio contact. 2 dice; 46.11
• If established, proceed to step 2. German - 7
American - 9
Russian ’41 - 5
’42 - 6
’43 - 7

2. Place Artillery Request (AR) counter. 46.13

Close 3. May replace AR with blue Spotting Round (SR). 1 die; 46.2 -
Combat Then roll for accuracy of SR. German, American 1-2 46.21
Phase • If accuracy achieved, SR remains Russian 1
where placed. Proceed to step 5.
• If accuracy roll fails, proceed to step 4
(Or leave AR in place.)

4. Roll for landing location. 1 die for direction, 46.22-

• If it lands out of LOS remove SR and 1 die for distance 46.24
return AR to original location:
continue next CC phase at step 3.
• If it lands in LOS place red SR.

Rally Phase 5. Maintain radio contact. 2 dice; 46.12

• If contact lost, remove AR, SR or FFE and German - 9 46.71
return to step 1. American - 11
• If contact maintained proceed to step 6. Russian ’41 - 7
’42 - 8
’43 - 9

6. Choose one of the following;

May move red spotting round up to 3 hexes. 46.31
May replace red SR with FFE. 46.32
May move SR 3 hexes and replace with FFE. 46.32

May leave FFE in place to continue bombardment.

May move FFE up to 3 hexes. 46.33
May move and replace FFE with red SR. 46.33

May remove SR or FFE and place AR in new 46.34


Prep Fire 7. FFE lands with effect if own player’s turn. All terrain effects modifiers 46.4
Phase applied to 7 hex blast area
(walls and hedges; only if 46.5 -
between FFE and infantry). 46.52
Def Fire 8. FFE lands with effect if opponent’s turn. Any unit which passed or
Phase passes through any blast hex
in movement phase is hit.
Artillery Effects
vs non-infantry
target effect / notes rule
All attacks are resolved on the IFT.
Roll once for each hex and apply result (with separate modifiers)
to each target.
support weapons • destroyed on KIA result 46.53
guns • destroyed on KIA result 46.53,

vehicles • apply artillery barrage modifiers; destroyed on KIA result 46.54

• if resolving as DF, roll separately for each vehicle as it moves
during the movement phase
vehicle with • infantry on moving AFV receive -2 modifier during DF phase 46.54
passengers, including • passengers in HT unaffected unless CE or vehicle is destroyed
exposed crew (CE) • roll once and use the same roll for the vehicle and the passengers
• if resolving as DF, roll separately for each vehicle as it moves
during the movement phase
vehicle and infantry on • infantry receive +1 for vehicle (and -2 if moving during DF) 32.5,
foot in the same hex • if resolving as DF, roll separately for each vehicle as it moves 32.52
during the movement phase and include infantry if it’s moving
with the AFV
place smoke • replace FFE blast area with smoke 46.9
• must be placed at beginning of fire phase
• counts as fire mission
2nd level buildings • make separate dice rolls to attack each separate level 57.81
• any KIA result rubbles all levels

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