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Name: harrison skillman Date: 04-10-20 School: OHS Facilitator:

2.07 Drugs and Behavior

Depressants: Alcohol Relaxant; relieve inhibitions, impair memory and judgment
Tranquilizers: Barbiturates, benzodiazepines (valium, Xanax) Relieve anxiety; relax muscles; induce sleep
Opiates: Morphine, heroin Decrease pain; decrease attention to real world; unpleasant withdrawal
effects as drug’s effect wears off
Stimulants: Caffeine, amphetamines, cocaine Increase energy, alertness
Mixed Stimulant-Depressants: Nicotine Stimulate brain activity, but most smokers say cigarettes relax them
Distortion of Experience: Marijuana (THC) Intensifies sensory experiences; distorts perception of time; can relieve
glaucoma, nausea, sometimes impairs learning and memory
Hallucinogens: LSD, Mescaline Cause hallucinations, sensory distortions, and occasionally panic

1. – 3. Using the Psychoactive Drug chart above, analyze 3 drug categories and their effects on behavior.
• Include the names of three drug categories
• Examine why people would use each drug by describing two effects on behavior.
1. Alcohol is an example of a depressant. There are many reasons people drink alcohol. Some drink to relax at night. Others drink in social
situations to relieve inhibitions so they can "have a good time." Still others drink to forget and escape from negative feelings.
2. Valium and Xanax are examples of tranquilizers. Some are prescribed tranquilizers to relieve anxiety or to help them sleep. People who abuse
tranquilizers usually do so to escape their current lives and circumstances.
3. Mescaline and LSD are examples of hallucinogens. Taking these drugs causes hallucinations, distorted senses, and could cause panic.

4. How does drug use become drug abuse? you get addicted to the effects of the drug that it has on your body then you go
looking for more.

5. There are many mechanisms of drug abuse. Give three reasons why people abuse drugs?
to fight boredom, low self-esteem, trying to fit in with peers.

6. In at least two complete sentences, examine what is meant by the term addiction.
Addiction means that the person that is addicted to the drug uses it no matter the harm it causes. The users have no control over their drug use.

7. In at least three complete sentences, examine what occurs in drug tolerance.

Tolerance means that the addict has to take more and more of the drug to get high. The first time one uses a drug it may only take a little to get
high. When one builds up tolerance it takes more to get the same feeling.
8. In at least three complete sentences, examine what occurs in drug withdrawal.
Withdrawal is when the addict can't get or has run out of drugs. Symptoms occur when the amount of drugs is reduced in the body. The nervous
system takes time to get back to normal or can even be damaged permanently.

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