Geochemical Characteristics of Igneous Rocks As Petrogenetic Indicators

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Geochemical characteristics
of igneous rocks as
petrogenetic indicators
2.1 Introduction different magma generation environments,
although their petrogenetic interpretation in some
In Chapter 1 we noted that magmas with distinctive instances remains ambiguous (Chs. 5-12).
major element characteristics are associated with On the basis of the major element chemical
specific tectonic settings. For example, calc- variation diagrams discussed in Chapter 1, we
alkaline series magmas are apparently associated established the existence of three dominant magma
uniquely with subduction, while low-K tholeiitic series, tholeiitic, calc-alkaline and alkaline. Within
basalts are the typical products of magma genera- each of these series there is a continuous spectrum
tion at constructive plate margins. However, in of rock types ranging from basic to acid, which
general, the major element characteristics of prim- appear to be genetically related. In terms of Figure
ary mantle derived magmas are· not particularly 1.2 we can consider the existence of a primary
sensitive indicators of tectonic setting. Thus tholeii- magma spectrum, generated by partial melting
tic basalts are generated at mid-oceanic ridges but processes within the upper mantle (Ch. 3), and a
also in back-arc basins, oceanic islands, island arcs, range of more differentiated (more Si02 -rich)
active continental margins and continental flood magmas related to the primary magmas by proces-
basalt provinces. Fortunately, it is now well estab- ses of fractional cystallization, magma mixing and
lished that distinctive trace element and crustal contamination (Ch. 4), which often occur in
Sr- Nd - Pb isotopic signatures are associated with high-level magma chambers.

M. Wilson, Igneous Petrogenesis

© Springer 2007

In investigating the geochemical characteristics materials but, as yet, the number of samples in the
of suites of cogenetic igneous rocks we thus have literature analysed by this method is limited.
two fundamental objectives: None of the commonly used techniques can
provide analyses of H 20 and CO2 or the ratio of
(a) to understand the processes involved in the Fe2+ lFe3+ in igneous rocks. Consequently, these
petrogenesis of the primary magma spectrum must be determined independently by other
(Ch. 3); and methods.
(b) to understand the processes involved in the In the tables of analyses of igneous rocks from
differentiation of the primary magma spec- different tectonic settings, presented in Chapters
trum (Ch. 4). 5-12, the analytical techniques employed have not
been specified. In all cases major elements (express-
In this chapter we shall focus our attention on ways ed as wt. % constituent oxides) have been deter-
of looking at major and trace element data for mined by XRF and trace elements (expressed as
volcanic rocks graphically, in order to place con- parts per million, or ppm) by a combination of
straints on petrogenetic processes. Detailed discus- XRF, INNA and isotope dilution. In general,
sion of the processes responsible for the diverse analyses of H 20, CO 2 and the Fe2+ / Fe3+ ratio are
compositions of terrestrial magmas is deferred until not listed, and the Fe content is expressed as total
Chapters 3 and 4. Additionally, we shall consider FeO or Fe203' In some XRF analyses the total
those aspects of the radiogenic and stable isotope volatile content is approximately expressed as the
geochemistry of igneous rocks which may be of loss on ignition (LOI). When data for H 20 are
petrogenetic significance. given, H 20+ represents water present in a com-
bined state within the rock in hydrous minerals
(e.g. amphibole or biotite), whereas H 20- repre-
2.2 Chemical analysis of igneous rocks sents pore water, or that present in low-temperature
alteration products (e.g. zeolites).
A wide variety of instrumental techniques are
commonly used for silicate rock analysis, permit-
ting the determination of an extensive range of 2.3 Chemical variation diagrams
major and trace elements on a routine basis. Potts
(1987) presents a comprehensive review of the A variation diagram is a simple display of the
various methods used, and the reader is referred to chemical differences and trends shown by a related
this source for further information. suite of rocks (lavas) in which the compositional
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is one of the most variation is a consequence of crystal-liquid frac-
widely used instrumental methods for analysing tionation processes, either partial melting or frac-
rock samples for major elements (Na, Mg, AI, Si, tional crystallization. They may be plotted in terms
P, K, C..a, Ti, Mn, Fe) and selected trace elements of major elements or trace elements, or combina-
(Rb, Sr, Y, Nb, Zr, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ba, Pb, tions of both. Variation diagrams provide a useful
Th, U± La, Ce, Nd, Sm). Instrumental neutron way of synthesizing a large volume of analytical
activation analysis (INAA) is used for the analysis data, which is dearly difficult to compare in table
of specific trace elements (Sc, Co, Cr, Cs, Hf, Ta, form. Additionally, they can provide the basis for
Th, U) down to detection limits in the ppm and the derivation of models to explain the petrogenesis
ppb range, and is especially useful for the analysis of a particular suite.
of the rare earth elements (La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, A fundamental assumption in plotting variation
Tb, Vb, Lu). Alternatively, the REE may be diagrams for cogenetic suites of volcanic rocks is
determined by isotope dilution mass spectrometry. that they illustrate the course of chemical evolution
Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) techniques are of magmatic liquids. However, only analyses of
now being applied to the analysis of geological phenocryst-poor or aphyric volcanic rocks can be

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