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200 mark paper
120 min. time
objective type paper
-ve marking(0.25)/q..
a) Basics of drug action
inter & intramolecular interaction -weak interaction in drug molecules , chirality & drug
action , covalent , ion,ion –dipole ,hydrogen bonding ,c-h hydrogen bonding ,dihydrogen
bonding ,van der waals interaction & associated energies .
(ref. Berger )
energy concept & its importance in drug action -first ,second third laws of
& free energy concept , chemical potential concept , thermodynamic cycle &
statistical thermodynamic concept .
Receptorology -Drug – receptor interaction , receptor theories – occupanc y theory ,rate
theory , induced fit , macromolecular perturbation , activation – aggregation theory.
Enzyme kinetics in drug action -Mechanisms of enzyme catalysis , activation – inhibition
concept , covalent catalysis , coenzyme catalysis , enzyme activation of drug – prodrugs .
Nucleic acid as target for drug action -Na – interactive agent , classea of drug intracting
with na . intercalation , na – alkylation , na – strand breaking .
B) spectral analysis
1. ultra violet & visible spectroscopy :
basic principle ,characteristics region of spectrum, energy levels & selection rules,
woodward – fieser , fieser-kuhn & nelson rule . influence of substituent ,ring size & strain
on spectral characteristics , solvent effect non-conjugated interaction ,spectral correlation
with structure , uv- values .
(ref.pavia )
2. infrared spectroscopy :
characteristics region of spectrum , influence of substituents , ring size , hydrogen bond ,
vibrational coupling & field effect on frequency . spectral interpretation , ir value.
.(ref.pavia )
3. Nulear magnetic resonance spectrum :
Magnetice nuclei , chemical shift & shielding , relaxation ,processes ., chemical &^
magenetce non equivanence , local dinagnetce shielding , magnetice anisotropy , spin –
spin splitting , pascal triangle , coupling constant .
.(ref.pavia )
c)Analytical techniques
1. chromatography :
general principles , classification , normal & reversed phase , bonded phase,
sepration mechanisms .
types: a. column chroma tography .
b. flash chromatography .
c. vaccum liquid chromatography .
d. hplc
e. tlc, hptlc, oplc (over pressure layer chromatography )
f. centrifugal chromatography .
g. counter – current chromatography .
h. droplet – counter current chromatography .
i. ion exchange , affinity , size exclusion & ion pair chromatography
perfusion , fast protein liquid chromatography, supercritical chrmo.
j. gc, gc-ms, lc- ms .
2. Thermal techniques :dsc, dta, tga .ord , cd .
3. Electrophoresis : capillary, gel .
4. other : crystallography , spectrofluorimetry .
(ref-trease& e’van / A .chatwal )
D) logic in organic synthesis
methods of determining reaction mechanism ( kinetic& non kinetic method ) ;energy
profile diagram , reaction intermediate , crossover expert. , isotope labeling, order of
reaction , reversible , consecutive reaction parallel reaction ,solvent ,ionic strength & salt
effect. Uni – bi molecular reaction , attacking group & leaving group , sterice &
electronic effect , nucleophilic & elecrophilic substitution reaction ,addition – elimination
reaction, synthon approach , reaction like – hydroboration , ylides , alkylation ,metal
/ammonia reduction , reaction of electron deficient intermediates , organometallics ,
pericyclic reaction , cyclo addition , sigmatropice rearrangeme nt , franck- condon
principle ,Baldwin rule ,wacker oxidation .
name reaction (detail )
(ref- chatwal /sanyal )
E)medicinal chemistry section
1. drug design
random / non random screening , lead identification , optimization , homologation
bioisosterism. Qsar – 2d & 3d , comfa , comsia ,molecular modeling concept .
(ref-foye / v.m.kulkarni-drug design )
2. peptide chemistry
basic structure of amino acid , single & triple code of amino acid ,
physicochemical property of amino acid , qualitative & quantative estimation of
amino acid , end group determination of peptide , sequencing of peptide using
chemical & analytical techniques ,structural determination techniques .
protein – type ,classification , folding .
(ref-Morrison& boyd’s / lehininger )
3. carbohydrate chemistry
Basic structure of sugar , classification of sugar.
Concept of –epimer, anomer,ruff’s degradation reaction.
Identification test .
(ref- study detail ch. In Morrison& boyd’s )
4.detail study of :
Kinase, Phosphatase, Protease, HMG-CoA reductase, selective COX-2, and
selective PDE4 inhibitors. PPAR- ? and Angiotensin receptor antagonist,
Alzeimer dementia
(Ref-foye: new edition)
Structure , IUPAC , mode of action , resistance ,toxicity of –
Anti-tuberculosis drug.
Anti- malarial
Anti- filarial .
Anti- viral drug .
(Ref-foye: new edition)
Natural product
1. phytopharmaceutical study of following classes of drug .
a) anticancer
b) anti-diabetice
c) anti-haemmorids
d) anti-viral
e) anti-malarial
f) anti-TB
g) bronchial asthma
h) sedative/tranquilizer
i) urinary stone
j) laxative
k) Hepatoprotective
l) cardiovascular
m) adaptogens
n) immunomodulator
o) memory enhancer
p) anti-inflammatory
q) anti-parasitics
R) Gynaecological disorders
(Ref- Trease & e’van)
2.Biosynthetice pathways
carbohydrates,glycosides& saponines,alkaloids, steroid,triterpenoids,coumarins
lignans,flavonoids,lipids,autocoids .
(ref- Bready & Taylor / Trease & e’van)
1. Medicial plant biothecnology
Plant growth regulator ,transgenic plant, primary metabolite & secondary
metabolite from plant, microbial phytotoxins ,use of herbicide ,
weedicide,insecticide. plantsweeteners ,plantantibodies ( immunoglobins)
Mutation study, cell immobilization .
(Ref- Trease & e’van)
2. marine natural product
marine biomedicinals & marine toxine from bacteria , microalgae,rhodophyta
chlorophyta,porifera,ascidians,corals,nudibranch. Biosynthesis of marine
natural product .
(ref- Bready & Taylor)
3.Detail study of
Rutin,b-sitosterol & stigmasterol,piper longum,curcuma longa rhizome,
glycyrrhizin,eugenol,emblica officianalis bark, pentacyclice triterpene
,Solasidine, coumarin ,flavones ,dietary anti-oxidants, Artemisia annua ,
Trichopus zeylanicus , Hypericum perforatum , statin drugs (antihyper-
Lipaedemice),probiotic, nutraceuticals
(Ref- Trease & e’van)
1. core pharmaceutics :
a) preformulation study
b) complexation study
c) solubilization
d) rheology
e) micomeritics
f) kinetice
(ref. martin )
2.solid state pharmaceutics :
a)molecular level-crystallinity ,crystal habit ,polymorphism , amorphsim ,hydrates,&
solvate .
b) partical level – partcal size , partical shape ,porosity , surface area.
c) bulk level –bulk density compressibility , flow properties , cohesivity , aggregation
(ref. martin )
3.Dosage form design parameter :
a) physicochemical aspect- pka,partition coefficient , solubility .
b) dissolution – theories of dissolution ,conventional release, controlled released
mechanism, dissolution equipments, invitro-invivo correlation
c) disintegration concept .
d) biological aspect- impact of paramameter on drug absorption ,routes of
administration, first pass metabolism .
( ref. I.P , b’kar )
4..drug delivery systems :
a) per-oral-tab/cap/sol./susp./emul.
b) transdermal
c) parenteral
d)drug targeting –microspheres ,nanopartical,monoclonal antibodies ,liposome .
e) aerosols
f) mucoadhesive , iontophoresis .
(ref.lachman ,I.P )
5. product development :
a) formulation additives-anti oxidant ,coloring agent , flavoring agent ,emulsifying
agent ,diluent ,ointment base ,preservative .
b) chemical & biochemical degradation of polymer , type of polymer (in detail ).
c)package development –type, packing material , preformulation study of package.
d)Hydogel ,fiber, films
(ref.lachman ,I.P )
6. biopharmaceutices & pharmacokinetice :
conc.-time profile , fluid compartment ,protein binding concept , drug disposition
,drug clearance , absortion rate constant concept : lag –time ,flip-flop model , wagner
–nelson model ,loo-reigelman method. Drug distribution .
nonlinear pharmacokinetice , chronopharmacokinetice concept , pharmacokinetice
in –child, elderly, pregenancy .
( ref. b’kar )
( Note – give importance to units )
1. pharmacological study of following classes of drug :
( moa , toxicity mainly )
c. rheumatoid arthritis
d. gout
e. anemia
f. schizophrenia
h. epilepsy
I .respiratory , urinary , veneral ,menigial infection .
j.cardaic disorder –hyper, hypo.arrhythmia .
k ulcer, pancreatitis , hepatitis , cholecytesitis.
L b.asthma
M drug acting on cns .(detail )
n.autocoid .
o. anti-inflammatory
2. general pharmacology :
concept of –agonist & antagonist ( detail)
receptor- theories,type:spare, silent , orphan, pre & post synaptice .
concept of cgmp, camp .
concept of –desensitization , tachyphylaxis , drug dependence .drug interaction .
3. Detail study –antimalarial , anti t.b. , antileishmanial , antidibete.bioassay.
(Ref. k.d tripathi , Goodman & Gilman.)
1. cell biology & biochemistry
cell structure , cell function , cell-cell signaling .
protein- synthesis , conformation , function , protein chemistry ( detail ).
Enzyme, nulcie acid ( detail study ).
Radioisotope in biology – isotope , tracer , disintegration const. , decay constant ,
Unit ( dpm , cpm , rad ) , quenching , counting method , isotope labeling .
(ref. lehininger’s / becket & stenly )
2. molecular biology
concept of gene , gene expression ,genetic, dna foarm – a,b,z,p,r,d.
dna replication , transcription , translation ( detail ) .hn rna ,sn rna .
mutation study – type , mutagenesis .
gene cloning – cloning vector , plasmids , transposons , bacteriophage , cosmide .
lambda . cloning method . concept of operon –lac operon , trep operon .
3. R-DNA technology
Bacterial transformation , principle of dna, rna isolation .
Southern , northen , western blot . Dna sequencing technique , c-dna synthesis ,
pcr ( detail )
Dna sequencing technique , c-dna synthesis , pcr ( detail )
4. microbiology
Basic pri. of microbiology . type, characteristic of microbe .
Concept of – lytice , lysogeny cycle , type& method of stain , sterilization –
Type ,pri. etc.( detail) ,industrial use of microbe.
(ref- huggo & russel /a.narayan /-pleizer)
5. immunology
basic concept of immunity .
type of immunoglobin .
cell & organ of immunity system .
type –humoral , cell mediated , natural .
concept of natural killer cell , immune memory , immune tolerance
disorder –autoimmuno , immuno suppresion
immunological procedure –elisa , immuno blot, agglutination , immuno
fluorescence .
(ref- huggo & russel /a.narayan )
6. Bioprocess technology
concept of primary & secondary metabolite
industrial importanace of microbial metabolites
primary metabolit – baker yeast , ethanol , acetone –butanol , citric acid , lactic
acid , amino acid , bioplastic.
Secondary metabolite – penicillin , cephalosporin , vitamins , streptomycin.
Enzyme technology –Production & use of –glucose isomerase , amylase ,
cellulase, pencillin acylase,lipase, protease,hydantoinase, nitrilase.
Concept of biomass , biofertilizer , biopesticide ,immobilization of enzyme .
Concept of Upstream & down stream process .
6.. concept of –sds, page ,pcr ,microarray , electophoresis .monoclonal antibody.
Intron , exon , tata box, (detail)
( Note – ref. glossary of all )
3. introduction
data collection, organization, central tendency dispersion , sampling
thchniques , sample size, coefficient of varation , mean error, relative error
precision , accuracy .
4. probability
definition , normal, binominal polynominal distribution ,fiducial limits ,
pobit & logit analysis.
5. Regression
linear , multiple regression ,correlation concept .
. parametric / non parametric test :chi-square , sign , wilcoxon sign rank
goodness of fit. mann-whitney test .
5.expeimental design
factorial design , latin square design ,crossover & parallel design
General study
1. English L- synonyms ,antinymos,phrases etc.
2. I.Q.test- problem fig. , numerical etc.
3. General K- dolly clone in which yr.
Pentagan famous for ?
Name of various CSIR lab /their location.
Noble prize winer?
Good Luck
Best of luck

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