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PV name – Consmec Program

Team name - Consmec

Team members –
Assignment Dungca, Mickel P., Gannaban, James,
Jaranilla, Arrian Cairo, Mirambel, John Mikhail,
Run Problem Interviews Rosites, Carlex James V.

By now, you have identified a problem that you feel is worth solving. However, you need to talk to
customers to understand their “worldview” or their point of view about the problem before coming up
with a solution. You also need to validate and double-check that this is indeed a problem worth solving
and is rated as critical from the customer’s point of view.

The Problem Interview is your chance to check or validate your thoughts/ views about the problem you
identified earlier through answers to the following questions:
• How do customers rate the problem that you have identified as worth solving? Is it a problem
which is must-to-address, nice-to-address, or doesn’t need to be addressed?
• How is the customer currently addressing this problem?
Foundational Course in Entrepreneurship

• What are the existing alternatives available to address this problem?


1. Go through the Problem-Interview steps given on Page 2 of this handout.

2. Next, go through the Best Practices on How to Run Problem Interviews given on Page 3 of this
3. You will work with your practice venture team on this assignment.
4. It is recommended that you interview at least 10 people. You can split yourselves in smaller groups
within your practice venture teams to do this.
5. Once you have completed interviewing 10 people, fill up the table given on Page 4 of this handout.
6. Feel free to reach out to your facilitator if you have any questions.
7. You have 3 hours to complete this assignment.
8. You need to submit the assignment as PDF on LearnWise.

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© Wadhwani Foundation For Students’ Use V01
PV name – Consmec Program
Team name - Consmec
Team members –
Assignment Dungca, Mickel P., Gannaban, James,
Jaranilla, Arrian Cairo, Mirambel, John Mikhail,
Run Problem Interviews Rosites, Carlex James V.

Given below are steps that you can use to run your problem interviews:

1. Welcome (Set the Stage) – 2 minutes

Make your customer feel comfortable.

2. Collect Demographics (Test Customer Segment) – 2 minutes

Ask some introductory questions to collect basic demographics that you believe will drive how you
segment and qualify your initial customer. E.g. If you are trying to open an organic quick bites
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restaurant, then you should collect information such as is he/she married, does he/she have kids,
what age groups do the kids belong to, do they eat out frequently, and what cuisine do they prefer,.

3. Tell a Story (Set Problem Context) – 2 minutes

Outline the problem that you have identified as worth solving with some context.

4. Problem Rating (Test Problem) – 4 minutes

Ask your prospect how critical is this problem – is it a must-have, good-to-have, or don’t need?

5. Explore Customer’s Worldview (Test Solution) – 15 minutes

This is the heart of the interview. The best script here is “no script. Ask the prospect how he/she
addresses this problem currently. Then sit back and listen. Let them go into as much detail as they
wish. Ask follow-up questions but don’t lead them or try to convince them on the merits of a
problem (or solution).

6. Wrapping Up (The Ask) – 2 minutes

First, seek permission to follow-up for the Problem/Solution interview. Your goal is establishing a
continuous feedback loop with prospects and eventually converting some of these prospects into
customers. Second, seek referrals to other people you could potentially interview.

7. Document Results – 5 minutes

Write down the important points that emerged from this interview right after the interview is over.
It is important to do this task while the interview is still fresh in your mind.

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© Wadhwani Foundation For Students’ Use V01
PV name – Consmec Program
Team name - Consmec
Team members –
Assignment Dungca, Mickel P., Gannaban, James,
Jaranilla, Arrian Cairo, Mirambel, John Mikhail,
Run Problem Interviews Rosites, Carlex James V.

Now, go through these 12 best practices on how to run problem interviews:

1. Prefer face-to-face interviews – It is important to see your interviewees. Other than picking up on
body language cues, meeting someone in person instills a sense of closeness that you can’t recreate
virtually. This is critical in customer relationship building.

2. Pick a neutral location – You should preferably choose coffee shops as the interview venue. This
creates a more casual atmosphere. A prospect’s office makes the interview “business-like” and makes
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it feel more like a sales pitch, which it isn’t. However, let your prospect’s wish rule here.

3. Ask for sufficient time – Such interviews can typically run between 20-30 mins without feeling rushed.
Make sure you set the right time expectations upfront and are respectful of their time.

4. Schedule a meeting with your prospects keeping in mind the above recommendations.

5. Dress up neatly and smartly for the interview – You don’t want to look too casual or without a
purpose. At the same time, you shouldn’t overdress or be too formally dressed.

6. Be punctual – arrive at the venue at least 5 minutes before schedule. Not turning up on time for a
meeting is the worst crime that you can commit at this stage.

7. Relax – That’s the only way to put your prospect at ease. Help him/her settle down and get talking.

8. Remain focused throughout the interview – switch off your mobile phone to avoid distractions.

9. Stick to your script -There is a method to interviewing. In order to collect meaningful responses, it is
important to maintain consistency in how you conduct interviews. It doesn’t help, for instance, to
tweak your story after every interview. Remember, this is not a pitch. At the same time, the script
should also provide ample flexibility so that you can ask follow-up questions and explore new areas.

10. Conduct the interview with at least one other person – It always helps to have another person in the
room during the interview to make sure nothing slips through the cracks. But more importantly, it
helps to keep the interview on track and not digress.

11. Avoid recording the interviewee – People usually become self-conscious and do not open up when
they are recorded, so avoid recording these interviews.

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© Wadhwani Foundation For Students’ Use V01
PV name – Consmec Program
Team name - Consmec
Team members –
Assignment Dungca, Mickel P., Gannaban, James,
Jaranilla, Arrian Cairo, Mirambel, John Mikhail,
Run Problem Interviews Rosites, Carlex James V.

12. Document results immediately after the interview – Spend 5 minutes immediately following an
interview to document the results while your thoughts are fresh. Debrief with others later.

State here the problem that you have identified as worth solving: During this pandemic, education must
continue. Even though the Philippines ranked as one of the countries that have the poorest data
connection in Asia, the Philippines was forced to adapt to switch from traditional classes to digital
learning. Students now experiencing difficulties to comply with all the requirements needed for their
online classes.

Now, run your interviews and record your results in the table below:
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Results of Problem Interview

Question Interviewee Response
Do you think this Interviewee 1 This is a must-to-address as we students
is a must-to- want better quality of education. Yes,
address, nice-to- continuous learning is a must but we can't
address, or deny the fact that students and teachers
doesn’t need to are not ready. We are not ready mentally,
be addressed emotionally, financially. In every aspect, we
problem? Justify
are not ready.
your answer.
Interviewee 2 This is a must to address, because not all of
the students are capable of learning online
and having the tools to learn online.
Interviewee 3 the stated problem should be dealt as
"must-to-address" because the problem is
already existing on those pioneer
institutions who conducted their classes
already. it needed an immediate action
because the learning of the student would
be greatly affected especially those who
lacks of necessary materials for effective
online class to happen such as good
internet connection, cellphones & laptops,
and conducive learning environment.
Interviewee 4 This is a must-to-address because there a
lot of students will not able to attend their
online classes due to the lack of electronic
devices that's needed. This so devastating
to the parents as well to the students and
Opportunity Discovery Page 4 of 9
© Wadhwani Foundation For Students’ Use V01
PV name – Consmec Program
Team name - Consmec
Team members –
Assignment Dungca, Mickel P., Gannaban, James,
Jaranilla, Arrian Cairo, Mirambel, John Mikhail,
Run Problem Interviews Rosites, Carlex James V.

teacher. They are not ready for this. There's

a lot of things to consider.
Interviewee 5 With regards to issues like education
freeze, this should be taken up as a must-
to-address issue due to many problems like
Wi-Fi connectivity, buying of gadgets, and
other related problems that lead to mental
Interviewee 6 The government should prioritize this issue
Foundational Course in Entrepreneurship

for the reason that majority of the Filipino

students doesn’t have stable internet
connection and the capability to buy
gadgets that will be used for online classes
.I know that there are some of students
that can afford having a strong internet
connection at the same time the equipment
but it cost so much for those students
coming from a low income family.
Interviewee 7 Yes, it needs to be addressed because not
all students are privileged to have a stable
internet connection just to comply with the
online class.
Interviewee 8 Yes, it is needed to be solved. Like me, I
have to stop studying to work because of
the demand needed for the online class. It
is hard to have online class if you have
faulty or out of date gadgets. Also, steady
internet connection is also needed because
it is the only way to join the online class.
Without internet, the student will fail.
Interviewee 9 must to address
All are nee to adopt the new system of
learning but some of students are difficult
to adjust because of the situation especially
on financial status
Interviewee 10 Must-to-address, education has always
been a problem to most Filipinos, being
said, online class has some of its added
Opportunity Discovery Page 5 of 9
© Wadhwani Foundation For Students’ Use V01
PV name – Consmec Program
Team name - Consmec
Team members –
Assignment Dungca, Mickel P., Gannaban, James,
Jaranilla, Arrian Cairo, Mirambel, John Mikhail,
Run Problem Interviews Rosites, Carlex James V.

problems; like lack of proper device, data

connection, also money to supply those
demands. Not all Filipinos have the
capacity to have those requirements on a
daily basis. This has to be addressed as
soon as possible to be able to acquire a
What are the Interviewee 1
demographics of Name: Joanne Turalde
Foundational Course in Entrepreneurship

the people who Age: 20

confirmed that Gender: F
this is a must- Occupation: Student (National University)
have problem for Economic background (as perceived from clothes/dressing up, etc.):
Middle class

Interviewee 2
Name: John Lowell G. Malata
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student/ UE MNL
Economic background (as perceived from clothes/dressing up, etc.):
Middle Class

Interviewee 3
Name: Joanna Marie Guinto
Age: 19
Gender: F
Occupation: student - Technological University of the Philippines
Economic background (as perceived from clothes/dressing up, etc.):
Middle Class

Interviewee 4
Name: Joyce Allysa Garcia
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Occupation: Online Business Owner
Economic background (as perceived from clothes/dressing up, etc.):
Middle Class
Opportunity Discovery Page 6 of 9
© Wadhwani Foundation For Students’ Use V01
PV name – Consmec Program
Team name - Consmec
Team members –
Assignment Dungca, Mickel P., Gannaban, James,
Jaranilla, Arrian Cairo, Mirambel, John Mikhail,
Run Problem Interviews Rosites, Carlex James V.

Interviewee 5
Name: Rachel Esguerra
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Occupation: Student (DLS-CSB)
Foundational Course in Entrepreneurship

Economic background (as perceived from clothes/dressing up, etc.):

Upper Class

Interviewee 6
Name: Heralyn Rasay
Age: 18
Gender: Female (DLS-CSB)
Occupation: Student
Economic background (as perceived from clothes/dressing up, etc.):
Upper Class
Interviewee 7
Name: Jethro R. Cruz
Age: 45
Gender: M
Occupation: Self - Employed
Economic background (as perceived from clothes/dressing up, etc.):
Middle Class
Interviewee 8
Name: Jacob Ramchandani
Age: 24
Gender: M
Occupation: Working Student
Economic background (as perceived from clothes/dressing up, etc.):
Middle Class

Opportunity Discovery Page 7 of 9

© Wadhwani Foundation For Students’ Use V01
PV name – Consmec Program
Team name - Consmec
Team members –
Assignment Dungca, Mickel P., Gannaban, James,
Jaranilla, Arrian Cairo, Mirambel, John Mikhail,
Run Problem Interviews Rosites, Carlex James V.

Interviewee 9
Name: Boncodin, Jan Richard J.
Age: 19
Gender: M
Occupation: STUDENT
Economic background (as perceived from clothes/dressing up, etc.):
Middle Class
Interviewee 10
Name: Vhal Manalac
Foundational Course in Entrepreneurship

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student
Economic background (as perceived from clothes/dressing up, etc.):
Middle class

How are these Interviewee 1

people Academic freeze is the best solution here. We must hear the students and
addressing this teachers. Let everyone adjust and adapt to new normal by giving more
problem today? time. Let everyone be ready.

Interviewee 2
I think the solution for this is to have more empathy and consideration on
general. Because online class is tiring mentally.

Interviewee 3
"no student left behind"- for it to happen, the government, the education
sector, and private sector should work hand in hand to reach out those
disadvantaged students and help them provide the things that are needed
for distance learning. if they can't, academic freeze should be the next
option. making the requirements and grading system less tight should also
be taken into consideration because we should not forget that we are all
facing a bigger problem in this world and we must focus on containing the
virus rather than forcing an abnormal times to normal.

Interviewee 4
Academic freeze is the best solution for this problem. It will be
heartbreaking to some but this can be the only way to prepare the
students and teachers to adjust in this situations.

Opportunity Discovery Page 8 of 9

© Wadhwani Foundation For Students’ Use V01
PV name – Consmec Program
Team name - Consmec
Team members –
Assignment Dungca, Mickel P., Gannaban, James,
Jaranilla, Arrian Cairo, Mirambel, John Mikhail,
Run Problem Interviews Rosites, Carlex James V.

Interviewee 5
Encourage Schools to provide free usage of Wi-Fi or data sim. That is of
great help already.

Interviewee 6
We should accept the fact that Philippines, as a country with poorest
internet connection will not be able to sustain online classes as an
alternative for traditional classes. I think the best solution for this issue is
academic freeze because students don’t only worry about their online
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classes. They are also financially, mentally and physically challenged.

Interviewee 7
Academic freeze may be the band aid solution but since the uncertainty of
the situation looms longer than it has to be, the internet providers should
improve their services and less privileged should be given gadgets and
other learning materials for free so that they may catch up with the
lessons every day with ease.

Interviewee 8
First is that the students should have updated gadgets and steady internet
connection, secondly the school should provide alternatives but it may risk
the school employees.
Interviewee 9
before they should start the class deped, ched and government should sure
that we are already prepared for this kind of learning system on this time
of briones said that we are ready to open class but suddenly
change the words she said.
Interviewee 10
By looking at the capability of most Filipino students. I suggest academic
freeze; it will lessen the baggage of every family that are living below the
minimum wage. It will delay the student's learning in a certain course. But
lives must be kept safe. Other than the financial status.

This content is attributed to Ash Maurya and his book, Running Lean, Second Edition (O’Reilly). Copyright
2012 Ash Maurya, 978-1-449-30517-8.

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© Wadhwani Foundation For Students’ Use V01

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