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Preanalytical considerations in blood gas analysis

Geoffrey Baird

Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

*Corresponding author:

Blood gas testing is a commonly ordered test in hospital settings, where the results almost always have the potential to dictate an immediate or
urgent response. The preanalytical steps in testing, from choosing the correct tests to ensuring the specimen is introduced into the instrument
correctly, must be perfectly coordinated to ensure that the patient receives appropriate and timely therapy in response to the analytical results.
While many ofthe preanalytical steps in blood gas testing are common to all laboratory tests, such as accurate specimen labeling, some are unique
to this testing because ofthe physicochemical properties ofthe analytes being measured. The common sources of preanalytical variation in blood
gas testing are reviewed here.
Keywords: blood gas analysis; preanalytical error; laboratory error; pO^, pCOj; pH

Received: August 08,2012 Accepted: November 13,2012


What is the preanalytical phase?

Laboratory testing has been described as a "Brain- phase (3-8). Plebani provides a very detailed out-
to-Brain Loop"(1,2) that starts when the ordering line of pre-analytical errors, a significant number
provider conceives of ordering a test and ends of which are applicable to blood gas analysis (8).
when the ordering provider interprets and acts To provide context for the discussion here, the ma-
upon the results of the test. Additionally, the labo- jor errors discussed in that review are shown in Ta-
ratory testing process has been traditionally divid- ble 1. Inasmuch as preanalytical (and postanalyti-
ed into three phases. Testing begins in the preana- cal) processes occur outside ofthe clinical labora-
lytical phase, which includes all activities that oc- tory itself, it is both ironic and challenging to labo-
cur prior to the sample's insertion into the analyti- ratory staff that a significant fraction of so-called
cal instrument. The analytical phase follows, and "laboratory errors" do not occur in the laboratory.
includes the chemical reactions, fluidics, and other The reasons why preanalytical processes are more
processes that occur in the analytic platform. Test- error-prone than processes in later testing phases
ing finishes with the post-analytical phase, which are varied, as they include both patient factors,
includes all events occurring after the test result is such as interferences in blood samples, and iatro-
generated, such as data entry, transport of the re- genic factors, such as the fact that specimen col-
sult through various information systems, and in- lection is an almost entirely manual process. To the
terpretation ofthe result. contrary, analytical and post-analytical processes
in the modern clinical laboratory are often auto-
It has been recognized for years that the phase of
mated, and thus reliable computer-based safe-
testing most prone to errors is the preanalytical Biochemia Medica 2013,23(1): 19-27

' 19
BairdG. Preanalyticat considerations in blood gas analysis

TABLE 1. Errors in the phases of laboratory testing, from (8). Preanalytical steps focused on in this reviev»/ are highlighted in bold.

Phase Types of errors

Inappropriate test ordered, order entry error, patient/specimen misidentification, sample
Pre-preanalytical contamination (from indwelling catheter), sample collection mishap (hemolysis, clotting,
insufficient volume), inappropriate collection container, improper storage/handling/transport.
Error in sorting/routing, mistake in aliquot, pipet error, mislabel of aliquot, centrifuge speed time
Instrument malfunction, incorrect sample loaded, endogenous/exogenous interference with assay, quality
control failure that is undetected.
Inappropriate validation of data, failure to report/report sent to wrong location, lengthy turnaround time,
data entry/transcription error, critical value not reported.
. . . Ordering provider misses laboratory report or delays action, results incorrectly interpreted, inappropriate
response to results, failure to consult correct service for assistance.

guards can be implemented. Some of the more responders (13). Thus, what is commonly referred
common preanalytical errors, such as incorrect to as a "blood gas" analysis may include a few or
test orders, incorrect sample handling/collection, many tests, and may be performed in a central
and specimen mislabeling are currently difficult to laboratory, at the point of care in a clinic, or even
control with computerized or robotic solutions, in a helicopter transporting an injured patient from
and the interventions currently used to prevent an accident. To keep the scope of this review man-
these problems (protocols, training, checklists, ageably narrow, preanalytical considerations of
double-checking, etc..) are unlikely to be 100% "blood gas" testing will be discussed only in re-
effective. gards to the simultaneous determination of blood
pH, oxygen saturation, pOj, and pCOj performed
What is blood gas testing? in a laboratory or at the point of care.
The term "Blood gas testing" traditionally refers to
determining the partial pressures of the physio-
Preanalytical considerations in blood gas
logically active gases in blood (pOj, pCOj), the
blood pH, and the oxygen saturation of hemo-
globin (SaOj) (9). As analytical instrumentation has The brain-to-brain loop as described by Lundberg
improved and additional simultaneous analyses (1) contains many preanalytical steps, each of
have been included on analytical instruments, which is prone to errors. A discussion of each sub-
however, the scope of what is included under the phase of the preanalytical process in blood gas
guise of "blood gas testing" has expanded. The testing (ordering, identification, collection, trans-
methods for and importance of blood gas testing portation, separation/preparation), along with the
for pOj and pCOj were first described by Van Slyke relevant considerations and potential pitfalls of
in the early 1900s (10), but current commercially- each step, follows here. Note that many preanalyt-
available instruments are capable of performing ical issues, such as the importance of accurate
hemoglobin quantitation and cooximetry, as well specimen labeling, are not unique to blood gas
as measuring electrolytes (sodium, potassium, testing.
chloride, ionized calcium and magnesium), glu-
cose, lactate, and creatinine, usually simultaneous- Ordering
ly (11,12). Additionally, testing platforms have now The decision whether or not to order a blood gas
been miniaturized sufficiently to allow point-of- test is beyond the scope of a review such as this,
care (POC) testing in emergency departments and but understanding the rational basis for blood gas
surgical suites, as well as in the community by first
test utilization in critically ill patients is helpful.

Biochemia Medica 2013,23(1): 19-27

Baird G. Preanalytical considerations in blood gas analysis

Common indications for arterial blood gas testing ferred for definitive assessment of ventilation and
have been reviewed elsewhere (14). The most com- oxygénation (28).
mon indications include critical illnesses with CLSI guidelines (C46-A2) (9) indicate several ana-
pathophysiologic changes that alter gas exchange lytical justifications for repeating an analysis, in-
or acid-base balance. While testing of ambulatory cluding when a previous analysis is inconsistent
patients is sometimes indicated, the illnesses that with a previous result or condition, internally in-
require blood gas analysis are most often found in consistent (i.e. pOj impossibly high for a patient
hospitalized patients being treated at the highest breathing room air, or pH inconsistent with pCOj
levels of intensive care. Just because the testing is and bicarbonate), or at the extremes of a range of
common in critically ill patients, however, does not expected values. It should be noted that there are
necessarily mean that it is needed in all critically ill no universally accepted guidelines for the frequen-
patients. Test overutilization stemming from re- cy of blood gas testing in any specific clinical situa-
petitive testing for many analytes at daily or more tion, that practices likely vary widely around the
frequent intervals is an unfortunate hallmark of in- world, and that manufacturers of capnometers
tensive care in resource-rich settings, even though and pulse oximeters market their devices partly on
there is scant evidence to support this frequency the basis that their use can reduce the need for
of testing for all analytes, and there is ample evi- ABG testing. The ultimate decision to perform a
dence that test utilization can be substantially re- blood gas test lies with the clinician, and thus a
duced with no apparent adverse effects (15-23). As good working relationship between the laborato-
blood gas testing has alone been found to contrib- ry director and clinical staff and ample educational
ute significantly to iatrogenic anemia in critically ill resources are paramount in ensuring appropriate
patients, accounting for nearly 40% of the blood test utilization.
loss in one study (24,25), assuring that all tests or-
dered are absolutely necessary should be a prima- Identification
ry concern.
Perhaps more so than for other chemistry analysis,
In a critical care setting, blood gas testing is often correct identification of the patient is extremely
utilized primarily for management of mechanically important for downstream interpretation because
ventilated patients to assess oxygénation and ven- an immediate action is often warranted after blood
tilation. While some existing guidelines for manag- gas results are returned. At the very least, a speci-
ing specific disorders (i.e. chronic obstructive pul- men collected for blood gas analysis should be
monary disease (26)) indicate a suggested role for positively identified with unique patient identifi-
blood gas analysis, and some older general guide- ers, the time of collection, and the patient location
lines exist from the American Association for Res- to ensure that the correct patient is undergoing
piratory Care (27), the major relevant professional testing, and that a critical result can be phoned for
societies do not offer recent guideline statements immediate action. As for any other specimen ob-
addressing the use of blood gas analysis in all situ- tained for clinical laboratory analysis, the more
ations. In the author's institution, as an example of that specimen identification and downstream la-
a common clinical practice, critical care physicians beling can be automated, such as through bar-
generally request an arterial blood gas (ABG) every coded wristbands/tubes and automated sorters
morning for intubated patients, after ventilator and aliquotters, the better.
settings changes that involve changes in minute
Additional required information includes the pa-
ventilation (rate or tidal volume), and whenever
tient's temperature (chemical equilibria shift at dif-
the physicians judge it to be necessary based on
ferent temperatures), the site of sampling (arterial
other clinical parameters. While noninvasive pulse
vs. venous, or anatomic site), FIOj or description of
oximetry and capnometry are usually used for
oxygen delivery (i.e. 100% Oj by facemask), venti-
continuous monitoring, they are not considered to
lator status (spontaneous vs. mechanical ventila-
be replacements for ABG testing, which is pre-
tion), and time since last ventilator change (which Biochemia Medica 2013;23(1): 19-27

Baird G. Preanalytical considerations in blood gas analysis

should be at least 30 minutes) (29). If the patient is arterial sample is somewhat more difficult, painful,
undergoing dynamic testing, then the activity sta- and dangerous than routine venipuncture (9).
tus of the patient (lying down, exercising) is also Therefore, there has been interest in a less painful
required. For definitive interpretation of results, it and risky sampling procedure, and because ve-
is also essential to know the clinical status of the nous blood is not a satisfactory substitute for arte-
patient at the exact moment of specimen collec- rial blood for routine blood gas testing (9), capil-
tion. Even seemingly minor issues such as anxiety lary blood sampling has been investigated. Capil-
over specimen collection can alter results by in- lary blood gas analysis is particularly desirable in
creasing the respiration rate (29). neonates, for whom vascular access can be chal-
lenging and for whom blood collection with stand-
Collection ard approaches can withdraw volumes of blood
Because the biologic variability of some blood gas that are unacceptably large relative to the total
parameters are quite low (pH, PCO2), very little er- blood volume. Capillary blood gas analysis has
ror resulting from specimen collection can be tol- been reviewed previously (34), a CLSI document
erated if one is to be able to interpret small, but regarding the practice of capillary blood collection
real, changes in analyte concentrations (30). Addi- exists (H04-A6) (35), and somewhat older IFCC rec-
tionally, because blood gas testing must be per- ommendations cover this practice as well (29). In
formed on whole blood, and because the results this procedure, the capillary bed of a skin site, usu-
of testing are often required urgently, little speci- ally the finger, heel or earlobe, is dilated with heat
men manipulation is required or desired, and spec- or a topical vasodilator to "arterialize" the blood in
imens are most often collected expressly for the the area. Next, the skin is punctured, and then a
single purpose of blood gas testing. sample of capillary blood (which is actually an ill-
defined mixture of capillary blood, arteriolar
Blood gas testing can be performed either on ar-
blood, venular blood, interstitial fluid, and intracel-
terial or venous (VBG) blood, and the choice of
lular fiuid) is collected from the center of the re-
sample type depends on the clinical question
sulting blood drop with a collection device, which
asked. A VBG can be obtained from peripheral
is most often a heparinized capillary glass tube (9).
veins, central veins, or pulmonary artery in a cath-
Major controversies in this area include the degree
eterized patient, and certain analytes when meas-
of correlation of between arterial and capillary re-
ured in central venous blood (pH and PCO2) corre-
sults and which "arterialization" technique, if any,
late well with their arterial counterparts, with small
to employ prior to blood collection. There is con-
but reproducible biases (31). Mixed venous or cen-
sensus that pH and PCO2 correlate fairly well be-
tral venous blood gas analysis, for example, is rec-
tween arterial and capillary samples because of
ommended to be performed in treatment of sep-
the low arteriovenous gradient of these analytes,
sis, as targeting an oxygen saturation (SCVO2)
but PO2 correlates significantly less well.
above 70% in these patients has a proven mortali-
ty benefit (32,33). While older guidelines from the The sample collection container is a special con-
IFCC (29) indicate that venous blood gas samples sideration in blood gas testing. Most importantly,
should only be used for analysis of electrolytes, bi- gas-tight syringes are required, rather than evacu-
carbonate, base excess, hemoglobin, and hemat- ated tubes, since oxygen and carbon dioxide can-
ocrit, the newer data cited here (31,33) makes it not be allowed to enter or leave the sample. Glass
clear that VBG assessment of oxygen saturation, syringes were the predominant collection devices
PCO2, and pH can be a useful clinical tool. in the past, but most health care facilities now use
plastic syringes due to safety concerns with glass
While the gold standard sample for blood gas test-
breakage. The plastics used for blood gas collec-
ing is generally considered to be arterial blood col-
tion syringes are partially gas permeable, and this
lected anaerobically from an indwelling arterial
permeability can increase at lower temperature
catheter (usually radial artery from an adult, or per-
(36-39). The reason for this effect has been hypoth-
haps umbilical in a neonate) or arterial puncture.

Biochemia Medica 2013,23(1): 19-27

Baird G. Preanalytieal eonsiderations in blood gas analysis

esized to be a low temperature induced contrac- globin concentration, since the hemoglobin con-
tion of the polymer molecules in plastic tubes, centration is' usually determined after the speci-
leading to a widening in the atomic-scales pores in men is hemolyzed by the instrument.
the material; these pores would need to be large The choice of anticoagulant for blood gas analysis
enough to allow oxygen to escape, but too small can affect the measured results. Usually, blood gas
for the larger carbon dioxide molecules to transit, syringes are preloaded with a measured amount
since pCOj does not change significantly in sam- of lyophilized heparin that has been pre-titrated
ples in chilled plastic tubes. The practice of keep- with cations (i.e. "balanced"). Balanced heparin
ing glass collection syringes on ice after collection, takes into account the fact that heparin is a poly-
which was historically performed to prevent meta- anion that can bind cation electrolytes, so physio-
bolic consumption of oxygen (see below), is thus logic concentrations of electrolytes such as calci-
no longer recommended for plastic syringes. This um are added to minimize errors due to cation ex-
gas permeability issue will bring the pOj in a sam- change with heparin. Liquid heparin solutions are
ple closer to the ambient value of ~150 mmHg (20 not preferred because short sample collections
kPa), which may be a rise or a fall depending on can lead to an improper mix of anticoagulant and
the starting pOj value. A related problem is the is- blood (43). If too much liquid heparin is present, it
sue of air aspiration or bubble formation in blood could dilute out some analytes such as bicarbo-
gas syringes. Even small bubbles, after equilibra- nate and pCOj (29,44), or affect pOj results be-
tion with a blood sample, can significantly alter cause the liquid heparin itself has atmospheric pOj
blood gas analyte concentrations. The typical find- (150 mmHg/20 kPa).
ings in a blood gas sample exposed to air would
be a spurious elevation or drop in pOjto -150 mm Anticoagulants other than heparin (EDTA, oxalate)
Hg (20 kPa), and perhaps a decrease in pCOj and are not commonly used in blood gas testing, as
an increase in pH due to loss of carbonic acid if the they can interfere with electrolyte or enzymatic
exposure to air is prolonged. Increased pH can fur- measurements by chelating divalent cations. A
ther lead to other analytical errors seen in expand- large list of potential interfering substances in
ed blood gas panels, such as decreased free/ion- sample collection tubes and devices is available in
ized calcium because of increasing calcium-pro- Bowen etal. (45), with the primary interferences of
tein binding (40). relevance to blood gas testing including oxygen-
permeability of tubes, hemolysis due to alcohol
One of the more common sources of interference disinfectants, small bore needles, narrow cathe-
in laboratory testing, hemolysis, is introduced dur- ters, and excessive syringe suction, and interfer-
ing collection by shearing of red cells, and it is a ences due to inappropriate anticoagulants. Addi-
potential source of interference in blood gas test- tionally, contamination of a sample drawn from an
ing (41,42). If potassium concentrations are sought indwelling catheter with resident fluid in the line, a
in addition to blood gas parameters, then the re- so-called "line draw", is an important source of di-
lease of highly concentrated potassium from lysed lutional error in many types of laboratory testing
red blood cells can contribute to a positive error, including blood gas testing.
and if hemolysis is massive, then analytes less con-
centrated inside cells (sodium, calcium) may be di- Transportation
luted. The values of gas partial pressures and pH,
As mentioned briefly above, when a whole blood
however, are not greatly affected by hemolysis be-
sample is transported, living cells in the sample are
cause large intracellular-extracellular gradients are
still in contact with the nutrients (glucose, oxygen)
not present. Massive hemolysis can contribute to
in the plasma, and metabolism can proceed freely
an error in hematocrit for a device that measures
for some time. Over a period, though, a significant
hematocrit by conductance, but would not be ex-
quantity of the oxygen and glucose will be con-
pected to introduce an error in instruments that
sumed, and as the sample becomes anaerobic,
calculate hematocrit from the measured hemo-
lactate will be produced with a concomitant aci- Bioehemia Mediea 2013;23(1): 19-27

Baird G. Preanaiyticai considerations in blood gas analysis

dosis. Obviously, for an accurate assessment ofthe sample, and additional mixing prior to analysis is
blood gas parameters occurring in the patient, and required to reverse any erythrocyte settling that
not just in the sample, these metabolic changes may have occurred prior to analysis.
must be minimized. Because storage on ice is con-
traindicated for the reasons mentioned above, one
Physiologic and iatrogenic
obvious step that can be taken to counter this po-
considerations in blood gas testing
tential source of error is simply to analyze speci-
mens quickly. The IFCC thus recommends keeping As with any laboratory test, the conditions of pa-
transportation time minimal, and analyzing sam- tients themselves can affect the results of labora-
ples collected in plastic syringes and transported tory tests in a way that could be misleading to
at room temperature within 15 minutes if pOj or whoever must interpret the test. Table 2 lists sev-
oxygen saturation are desired, and 30 minutes eral possible physiologic and iatrogenic interfer-
otherwise (29). ences that may be common in hospitalized pa-
CLSI guidelines (C46-A2) (9) further describe sev- tients.
eral factors to consider regarding transport of How one should deal with temperature correction
blood gas specimens. Transfer by hand is generally of blood gas results is challenging, because while
acceptable, and exposure to air is obviously dis- pOj, pCOj and pH all change with temperature, in-
couraged. One key transportation factor that is struments generally measure these analytes at 37
mostly relevant to central laboratory blood gas °C. Thus, patients with body temperatures at or
testing, but not to POC testing, is the issue of spec- near 37 °C will have accurate results that corre-
imen transport by a pneumatic tube system. One spond to the reference ranges (which were de-
study has shown significantly higher pOj results fined using normothermic volunteers), whereas fe-
on ABG testing when a sample has been trans- brile or extremely hypothermie patients may have
ported by pneumatic tube vs. manual transport results that differ quite markedly from the true in
(46). One reason for this finding is that during this vivo concentrations of the analytes in question,
mode of transport, which is commonly used be- and the relevance of normothermic reference
tween distant hospital sites and central laborato- ranges is unclear. Unfortunately, whether or not to
ries, blood samples can be vigorously shaken and use temperature-corrected values at all, and if so,
exposed to up to 15 x g acceleration (47). In one how to apply the results of temperature correction
study, most blood gas parameters were unaffect- clinically, are both controversial topics and beyond
ed by these large forces, but significant increases the scope of this review (9). As an example of how
in indicators of hemolysis (potassium, AST, LD) a clinical laboratory could confront this controver-
were noted (47). Of interest in this study, though, sy, in the author's institution, both the values
was that the most significant parameter affecting measured at 37 °C as well as the values calculated
test results out of the many investigated was sam- to be present at the patient's indicated tempera-
ple acceleration. Other studies have demonstrated ture are reported, and it is left up to the clinician to
clinically significant alterations in pOj after pneu- decide which value to use. In general, when a tem-
matic tube transport, likely due to accelerated perature corrected value is reported, the uncor-
equilibration of small air bubbles with the sample rected value should also be reported.
during vigorous shaking (48-50).

Separation/preparation POC Considerations

Blood gas analysis, as commonly performed, does Testing at the point of care has several advantages
not require specimen separation by centrifuga- over central laboratory testing, namely decreased
tion. Conversely, it is performed on whole blood, total turnaround time and a lower (but still non-
so complete mixing after collection is required to zero) likelihood of specimen misidentification. Be-
ensure adequate anticoagulant dispersal in the cause the very nature of blood gas testing implies

Biochemia Medica 2013;23( 1): 19-27

Baird G. Preanalyticai considerations in blood gas analysis

TABLE 2 . Physiologic or iatrogenic confounders in blood gas measurement.

Physiologic or Parameter
Direction of change Comment Reference
iatrogenic cause affected
Gas solubility increases at lower
PO2 Decreased (Increased) (9,53)
Gas solubility increases at lower
Decreased (increased) pCOj Decreased (Increased) (9,53)
Note: specific substances that interfere
pH Increased (Decreased) with standard pH electrodes are (9,53)
extremely uncommon
Increased metabolism consumes
PO2 Decreased oxygen, and fragile cells can lyse to (38,54-56)
produce increased potassium as well
High oxygen affinity hemoglobins
have altrered dissociation curves, and
discrepant apparent oxygen saturation
measured by pulse oximetry and blood
Aberrant hemoglobin Variable (9,57)
cooximetry. Fetal hemoglobin also
has a different absorbance spectrum
than adult hemoglobin, and can lead to
spurious cooximeter results.
Méthylène blue and some vitamin
Colored substance in B12 (cobalamin) preparations can
SaO, Variable (9)
bbod interfere with spectrophotometric
measurements used in cooximetry
These substances can diffuse across
Anaesthetic gases
gas-permeable membranes in older
(halothane, nitrous PO2 Increase (58)
instruments and be reduced along with
oxide, isoflurane)
oxygen at the electrode
Decreases 2 mmHg/hr at room
PO2 Decrease temperature (or greater with elevated (59)
white blood cells)
Increases 1 mmHg/hr at 22C (or greater
Delay in analysis PCO2 Increase (59)
with elevated white blood cells)
pH decreases 0.02-0.03 pH units/hr at
pH Decrease 22c (or greater with elevated white (59)
blood cells)

that an immediate or urgent response to the re- air rescue organization performs extensive POC
sults is required, the advantages in turnaround blood gas testing in mountainous regions and in
time make POC testing quite common in operat- the air during medical evacuation flights, and the
ing rooms, emergency rooms, and in the field (i.e. ambient pressure at elevated altitudes, as well as
as part of a rescue or emergency response). One the partial pressure of oxygen in air, can be 25%
consideration for POC testing in the field that is lower than at sea level (51,52). Thus, when inter-
not immediately obvious to those employed in a preting the results of POC tests, one must remem-
central laboratory is that first responders may not ber to consider where the "point of care" actually
measure blood gases in the same ambient condi- is, and to correct one's expectations for normal
tions that are present in the central laboratory. In values accordingly.
the author's institution, for example, the affiliated Biochemia Medica 2013;23( 1): 19-27

Baird G. Preanalytical considerations in blood gas analysis

Summary physiology, pathophysiology, and extrinsic human

factors, is essential for providing actionable infor-
Control of preanalytical variables in blood gas test- mation to the clinicians who take care of our pa-
ing is critical for ensuring an accurate and prompt tients. In the author's opinion, the most important
response to what is often an urgent test. While the factors to consider in the preanalytical process are
common preanalytical errors, such as specimen ensuring accurate patient identification, perform-
mislabeling and incorrect sampling, can affect ing correct sampling techniques, using recom-
blood gas tests in the same way as other laborato- mended sample containers and anticoagulants,
ry tests, blood gas testing is special in that some and allowing minimal time between sampling and
analytes are gaseous and thus vulnerable to an ex- analysis.
panded set of errors and interferences. Under-
standing these effects, including those due to Potential conflict of interest
None declared.

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