1 Chapter 4 Types of Survey Questions

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Chapter 4 Reaching the Audience

Table 4.1 Types of Survey Questions

Yes/No 1. Have you ever suffered from food poisoning?

Yes □ no □
Scale 2. Please mark an X on the scale to show how you rate the risk of
food poisoning in the United States today as compared with five
years ago.

Much worse A bit worse About the same A bit better Much better

Multiple choice 3. Which one of the following statements about food safety is
□ Freezing destroys bacteria.
□ Frozen foods that are thawed can be refrozen.
□ Contaminated food always smells bad.
□ Raw meat and poultry must be rinsed thoroughly before
Checklist 4. In which of the following situations do you regularly wash your
hands? (Check all that apply.)
□ Before preparing food
□ Before eating a meal
□ After using the bathroom
□ After handling raw meat
□ Other (Please specify):

Open-ended 5. Describe how you wash your hands:

Ranking 6. Where do you eat your meals? Rank these places in the order of
frequency, from 1 (most often) to 5 (least often).
□ School cafeteria
□ Restaurant
□ Home, prepared by yourself
□ Home, prepared by someone else
□ Snack bar (vending machines)
Fill in the blank 7. Food should be placed .
. while it is marinating.

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