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Document Imaging Solutions Solution Brief

Equitrac® Professional

Nuance Equitrac
A cost recovery system for law firms that tracks all essential
client service activities to support accurate, comprehensive
billable revenue strategies, increase productivity of support
staff, and lower IT spending.

Firms are constantly being challenged to

provide the highest level of service to their
clients, employing the right processes and
technologies for increasing the productivity
of their employees—all with a watchful eye
on the impact to a profitable firm.
Equitrac® Professional meets these
challenges by enabling firms to deliver
a single cost recovery system to handle
tracking and processing all your client
The secure Web Client gives authorized users
service activities. Whether its walk-up complete visibility and control over all transaction
copies or scans, printing, faxes or even activity, exceptions, disbursements, reporting and
courier expenses, Equitrac Professional system maintenance. It is your personalized portal
for effective cost recovery.
quickly captures the right client/matter
information from your T&B system, and
automatically associates accurate costs
to those services so your firm can make
informed and profitable client billing

A robust set of pre-defined templates and powerful

filtering and personal report definition tools provide
you with the data you need—when you need it—to
accurately chargeback costs or analyze activity for
internal improvements.
Document Imaging Solutions Solution Brief
Equitrac® Professional

Control. Productivity. TouchPoint Console or Equitrac’s

embedded solutions, your firm can Advantages:
Profits. capture all the copy, print, and scan Accurate: Automates chargeback
client service activities in the firm. to specific client/matter with
The winning combination for
integration to all the major
your cost recovery strategy. Information that drives
time and billing systems.
Driving value with forward Using Equitrac Professional, your Integrated: Works with existing
thinking cost recovery cost recovery strategy will be based printers, MFPs copiers, scanners
Equitrac Professional goes beyond on the most up-to-date, accurate, and fax machines.
traditional cost recovery. Whether comprehensive and complete Complete: Imports all
a you work in a single office or information. Through the creation of disbursements with easy exception
an international firm with offices Equitrac Professional reports, your handling and approval capabilities.
around the globe, your support firm will have extensive details on
the client activities associated with Efficient: Preview, process and
staff and lawyers need to capture
each matter—from page counts, route documents into a secure print
client related costs from all devices
page size, black & white versus or Nuance image capture workflow.
and work product—including
mobile phones, MFPs, emails, color to courier expenses and the
and electronic filings. Equitrac time spent on research. With this Find out more. Learn more about
Professional seamlessly supports information, your firm is in complete how Equitrac Professional Print
the widest array of productivity control of which activities are Tracking captures all print activity,
devices and supports a more billable or included in your AFAs. increases security and maximizes
mobile, highly engaged workplace. profitability at:
Empowering productivity
Flexible deployment to through intelligent technology
maximize IT returns With Equitrac Professional,
Your firm is always adapting and increasing staff productivity
looking for ways that technology comes from technology that
partners can improve your bottom automates and integrates into
line. Since Equitrac Professional your firms’ processes. Using
works with all major device Equitrac Professional secure print,
manufacturers, it gives you the personalized roaming user profiles—
flexibility to deploy a cost recovery with often used client matter codes
strategy that best fits your IT available on any device in the
infrastructure, resources and budget. network—provides fast, accurate
Whether you choose the Equitrac client services tracking.

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apps and services around us. Every day, millions of people and thousands of businesses experience Nuance through
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NDI-004 JAN 2015

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