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I. Title page (2 marks, 1/4 each)

 Name of the university

 Name of the department
 Title of the report
 Student name and ID number
 Name of the tutor or lecturer for whom the report is submitted
 The name of the course
 Font 12 Times New Roman line spacing 1.5
 Date of submission

II. Table of Contents (1 mark, 1/2 mark each)

o Mention all the main sections of the report with the corresponding page numbers.
o Insert page numbers bottom center

III. Executive Summary (4 marks, 1/2 each)

A short paragraph summarizing the main contents of the report:
 Indicate the problem
 Specify the purpose of the report
 State the hypothesis
 Define the instrument used
 Summarize the methods used.
 Include a summary of results.
 Summarize the conclusions reached
 Include recommendations.
o The executive summary should be concise, informative.
o Write this section after you have finished the report.

IV. Introduction: (5 marks)

a. The Problem: (1 mark)

 Identify and explain the problem
 The importance of discussing the problem.

b. The Hypothesis: (2 marks)

State a clearly written hypothesis for the problem (a feasible and practical solution)

c. The Scope: (1 mark)

The size or extent of study
 Delimitations of the study.

d. Definition of terms (if needed): (1 mark)

V. BODY (7 marks)
A: Methodology: (4 marks, 1 mark each)
1. Description of the subjects:
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 Number, age and gender

 Selection criteria.
2. Description of the questionnaire:
 Number of items
 Grouping of questions according to their focus.

Present this information logically and concisely

B: Findings (1 mark)
 Findings in percentages (report numbers).

VI. Conclusion (4 marks)

 Interpretations of findings ( use only words) (1 mark)

 If the hypothesis is supported: (1 mark)
a) Mention the reasons (1 mark)
b) Suggest possible practical implications for the findings (1 mark)
 If the hypothesis is refuted:
a) Mention the reasons
b) Make recommendations for future research

VII. Appendix (2 marks, 1 each)

 Copy of the corrected questionnaire + the first version of the questionnaire
(teacher corrected) (1 mark)
o If the first version is not attached 0.5 is deducted.
 Illustrations (use any): (1 mark)
 Tables
 Graphs
 Pie charts
 Bar charts
 Diagrams
2 marks: one for each of the following:
Language (1 mark)
0 Frequent errors in sentence structure that impede comprehension.
0.5 Some inaccurate structures 4 mistakes that do NOT impede
1 Errors are rare in sentence structure 1-2 mistakes

0 Frequently used inappropriately and range of vocabulary is inadequate, in a

way that impeded comprehension.
0.5 Some inappropriate use of vocabulary with a range of 4 mistakes (wrong
word/ wrong word form)
1 Mistakes in word choice and terminology are rare
Vocabulary (1 mark)
N.B: The report is corrected out of 25 to be divided by 5 and the final grade
is out of 5.

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