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Computationally Selected Epitopes

Integrated Approaches Toward High-Affinity Artificial

Protein Binders Obtained via Computationally Simulated
Epitopes for Protein Recognition
Zeynep Altintas,* Aref Takiden, Tillmann Utesch, Maria A. Mroginski,
Bianca Schmid, Frieder W. Scheller, and Roderich D. Süssmuth

biomedicine. Research in biomedicine

Widely used diagnostic tools make use of antibodies recognizing targeted and biochemistry makes use of binding
molecules, but additional techniques are required in order to alleviate the molecules that specifically capture a pro-
disadvantages of antibodies. Herein, molecular dynamic calculations are tein from a complex medium for either
performed for the design of high affinity artificial protein binding surfaces preparative or analytical use.[1–3] These
recognizing molecules, foremost anti-
for the recognition of neuron specific enolase (NSE), a known cancer
bodies, generally are of proteinacious
biomarker. Computational simulations are employed to identify particularly origin and thus underlie the typical
stabile secondary structure elements. These epitopes are used for the limitations of biomolecules: tendency to
subsequent molecular imprinting, where surface imprinting approach is denaturation on surfaces, instability over
applied. The molecular imprints generated with the calculated epitopes time, and high production costs.[4] An
alternative to protein-based recognition
of greater stability (Cys-Ep1) show better binding properties than those of
molecules are imprinted polymers. These
lower stability (Cys-Ep5). The average binding strength of imprints created artificial protein binders bear a consid-
with stabile epitopes is found to be around twofold and fourfold higher for erable potential to overcome the draw-
the NSE derived peptide and NSE protein, respectively. The recognition of backs of proteins. Molecular imprinting
NSE is investigated in a wide concentration range, where high sensitivity forms populations of specific binding
(limit of detection (LOD) = 0.5 ng mL−1) and affinity (dissociation constant sites embedded in robust polymer net-
works by polymerization of functional
(Kd) = 5.3 × 10−11 m) are achieved using Cys-Ep1 imprints reflecting the stable
monomers and cross-linking agents in the
structure of the template molecules. This integrated approach employing presence of an imprint molecule, which
stability calculations for the identification of stabile epitopes is expected is either the whole target molecule or
to have a major impact on the future development of high affinity protein some fragment of it.[5,6] Recent advances
capturing binders. in molecular imprinting techniques have
introduced these artificial recognition
elements to in vivo imaging studies,[7,8]
target-induced recruiting of membrane
1. Introduction receptors,[9] engineered nanoparticles for medical applica-
tions,[10] diagnostics,[11–13] and bioselective membrane devel-
The recognition of biomolecules on surfaces or in solution opment for selective removal of contaminants.[14] Common to
environments plays a key role in all processes of life and is most of these studies surface-imprinting techniques or epitope
technologically utilized in the life science disciplines such as imprinting approach have been utilized to address problems
in protein imprinting.[15–17] Nevertheless, robust imprinting
methods that provide protein binders, which can compete
Dr. Z. Altintas, A. Takiden, Dr. T. Utesch, Prof. M. A. Mroginski, with established bioaffinity materials as antibodies in terms
B. Schmid, Prof. R. D. Süssmuth of affinity, sensitivity, and selectivity, are still missing, mainly
Institute of Chemistry
Technical University of Berlin
due to the structural complexity and flexibility of protein
10623 Berlin, Germany molecules.
E-mail: Another key point that needs to be taken into considera-
Prof. F. W. Scheller tion is the common use of surface exposed linear peptides in
Institute of Biochemistry and Biology epitope imprinting.[4,17] The influence of secondary structure
University of Potsdam elements, with an emphasis on α-helices, β-sheets, or turn
14476 Potsdam, Germany
structures, on molecular imprinting has not been investigated
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article
can be found under
so far. The conformational stability of epitopes also depends
on the length and amino acid composition of the peptide as
DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201807332 well as its location in protein. In this proof-of-concept study,

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 1807332 1807332  (1 of 11) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

MD calculations and selection of epitopes




Time (ns)
Protein recognition and capture

Whole protein
Protein or epitope
Imprinted polymer with
corresponding cavities to
Epitope epitope

Gold sensor chip Protein or epitope


Figure 1.  Integrated research methodology illustrating computational modeling of NSE epitopes and the use of epitopes for molecular imprinting and
target recognition.

neuron specific enolase (NSE) is used as a model protein, development time and research cost by eliminating unsuitable
which is an important biomarker for small cell lung cancer epitope candidates.
(Figure  1). From six a-helical epitopes of NSE, we employed
molecular dynamic (MD) calculations in water and buffered
environment, and determined differently stabile epitopes. We 2. Results and Discussion
combined our previously developed epitope surface imprinting
approach[17] with the most and least stable epitopes, where 2.1. Computational Analysis of NSE Biomarker and Its Epitopes
significantly higher binding strength was obtained for target
molecules using the molecular imprints created with the stable MD simulations are performed to investigate the stability of
epitope. Our studies confirm that this integrated approach can six sequentially different (see Figure S1, Supporting Informa-
be potentially extended to the establishment of epitope libraries tion) epitopes in aqueous solution. All epitopes (10–12 mer)
for protein molecules to obtain highly efficient artificial protein are taken from surface regions of NSE as shown in Figure 2A.
binders. Moreover, this approach is expected to decrease the Their location in the protein makes them potential target

Figure 2.  A) Representation of epitope locations in NSE protein. B) Root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of the protein backbone during 300 ns for
the epitopes (Ep1: black, Ep2: blue, Ep3: cyan, Ep4: red, Ep5: violet, Ep6: green). The crystallographic structure served as reference.

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 1807332 1807332  (2 of 11) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

molecules for molecular imprinting. Regions from inner parts in the RMSD value, loses the large parts of its α-helical fold and
of the enzyme are not considered, since they are most likely adopts a partially disordered conformation. Ep1, Ep4, and Ep6
not involved in binding and recognition. The evaluation of the stay relatively close to their α-helical fold observed in the crys-
root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of the protein backbone in tallographic structure, while Ep3 transforms into a 3–10 helix
300 ns long MD simulations indicates significant differences (Figure 3; Table S1, Supporting Information). Taking the RMSD
in stability of the epitopes (Figure 2B). Immediately after water values and secondary structure plots together, the MD simula-
contact, all peptides undergo structural changes, since their con- tions suggest Ep1 as best and Ep5 as worst target for molecular
formations are not any longer stabilized by the protein matrix imprinting. Therefore, these epitopes are selected to synthesize
present in the crystal structure. After 100 ns, the differences the molecular imprints and perform comparative experimental
between the epitopes become more pronounced. Ep5 (average studies.
RMSD: 3.73 ± 0.87 Å) and Ep2 (average RMSD: 3.72 ± 0.78 Å)
show strong fluctuations, indicating very unstable structure.
Ep4 (average RMSD: 3.43 ± 0.59 Å) and Ep6 (average RMSD: 2.2. Synthesis of Epitope Imprints
3.32 ± 0.28 Å) reach a stable conformation showing RMSD
values of more than 3 Å with respect to the protein embedded The epitope imprints are prepared using scopoletin as func-
state. Compared to these values, Ep1 (average RMSD: 2.44 ± tional monomer. The polyscopoletin-based imprinted films
0.54 Å) and Ep3 (average RMSD: 2.52 ± 0.68 Å) are much closer result in nonconductive and hydrophilic polymers, consenting
to the crystallographic structure (average RMSD < 3 Å). The to noncovalent interactions with the epitope template.[18]
higher structural fluctuations observed for Ep3 make Ep1 the Voltammetry techniques allow following up entire molecular
most suitable target for molecular imprinting according to imprinting process by using ferricyanide as a redox marker.
the RMSD analysis. The RMSD values are calculated during the The oxidation and reduction peaks of the cyclic voltammetry
MD simulation trajectory. This means that each snapshot, (CV) curves are clearly suppressed after the preadsorption of
taken at a certain time, is aligned with the crystallographic Cys-Ep1 on the gold surface (Figure  4A, curves a and b). The
structure and the resulting RMSD difference between the signal suppression drastically increases after the formation of
backbone atoms of both structures is recorded. The condi- polyscopoletin polymer around the template (Figure 4A, curve c).
tions in all simulations are the same so that “external factors” The removal of the template, as a result of anodic potential
are reduced to the minimum. The noise levels indicate that all application to the surface, relatively increases the oxidation and
epitopes have a certain degree of flexibility in aqueous solution. reduction peaks when compared to the polymerization process
This observation is expected, since even large biomolecules (Figure 4A, curve d). During the template removal process, the
exhibit internal motions at room temperature. The RMSD applied potential (0.9 V) oxidizes the thiol groups of cysteine
results are also in overall agreement with the evolution of the peptide attached to the Au, and thus detached the template.
secondary structure (Figure  3). Due to its high flexibility, Ep5 Preadsorption of the template molecule via the thiol group of
does not form a well-defined secondary structure during the cysteine on the gold surface is favorable for the formation of
300 ns long trajectory. Ep2, which also shows high fluctuations a stable molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) film, as it can

Figure 3. Secondary structure evolution of the six epitopes in aqueous solution during 300 ns. Pink, blue, green, and white indicate α-helices,
3–10 helices, turns, and coils, respectively.

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 1807332 1807332  (3 of 11) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

15 6
A) B) a

b 2
d 0 b

0 c
-2 c
Peptide adsorption (a)
Bare chip (a)
-5 Polymerization (b)
Peptide adsorbtion (b) -4
Polymerization (c)
TR 0.7 V (c)
TR 0.9 V (d) TR 0.9 V d)

-0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6
C) 15
10 a 10

5 5



Bare chip
-5 Bare chip (a) -5 Peptide adsorbtion
TR 1.2 V (b) Polymerization
TR (0.7 V)
-10 TR 1.4 V (c) TR (0.9 V)
TR (1.2 V)
TR (1.4 V)

-0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6

Figure 4.  A) Characterization of molecular imprinting process from bare chip surface to the end of template removal at optimum conditions using cyclic
voltammetry (CV). B) Comparison of template removal efficiency of 0.7 and 0.9 V anodic potential applications. C) Substantial or complete peeling
off polymer film due to high voltage (1.2 and 1.4 V) application for template removal. D) Overall comparison of molecular imprinting process along
with four different anodic potential applications for template removal step. Voltammograms recorded in K3[Fe(CN)6] (0.1 m)/potassium chloride (1 m).

avoid nonspecific interactions and form stabile cavities. The polymer (NIP, produced under the optimal polymerization
oxidation potential plays key role for efficient template removal. conditions in the absence of the template mole­cules) in com-
The potential application at lower voltage (i.e., 0.7 V) may not parison. The 2D and 3D surface topography images (Figure S3,
remove the template molecules from the polymer network left and middle, Supporting Information) along with cross-
(Figure 4B), whereas higher potentials (i.e., 1.2 and 1.4 V) may section profiles (Figure S3, right, Supporting Information)
strip off the entire polymer film (Figure 4C,D). are recorded and analyzed. The cleaned QCM surface acted
The thickness of the polymer films is another key point to as a reference point with a root mean square (RMS) value
acquire successful imprints for target recognition.[13] Thinner of 0.33 ± 0.02 nm and a cross-sectional height of 1.45 nm
films are desirable over thicker films during MIP synthesis, (Figure S3A, left and middle, Supporting Information). The
since the template removal is generally difficult in the latter AFM images associated with electropolymerization of the mon-
case. Herein, 30 polymerization cycles are found optimal, as it omer on preadsorbed peptide on the gold chip give an RMS
delivers an appropriate film thickness that allows eradicating roughness of 4.4 ± 0.6 nm with a cross-sectional height value of
the template easily (see Figure S2, Supporting Information). 19.3 nm (Figure S3B, Supporting Information). This is a signifi-
cant increase compared to the bare QCM gold chip and confirms
the formation of a thin polymer film in the nm range on the gold
2.3. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Characterization electrode. Application of anodic potential at 0.9 V removes the
of Molecular Imprinting Process template molecules from the polymer network, thus, decreases
the RMS roughness (3.3 ± 0.3 nm) and cross-sectional height
To further analyze the imprinting process, the bare gold quartz (15.5 nm), as shown in Figure S3C (Supporting Information).
crystal microbalance (QCM) surface, template imprinted Considering the small size of the template molecule (>1 nm),[19]
surface, and template removed surface are imaged using the difference between the templated and template free polymers
AFM technique. Additionally, we visualize the nonimprinted is expected. The AFM results for NIP further confirm the size

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 1807332 1807332  (4 of 11) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

and presence of template molecules in molecular imprinting components.[20] For example, there are two different morpho-
process, as the nonimprinted polymer shows 1.2 nm less RMS logical phases on template-free MIP surfaces, indicating empty
roughness (3.2 ± 0.8 nm) (Figure S3D, Supporting Information). cavities and polymer network (Figure S10A–C, Supporting
The cross-section analysis and the topology images show an Information), whereas only one phase is dominated on the NIP
overall smoother surface for the NIP, varying in large parts at surface (Figure S10D–F, Supporting Information). More impor-
around 5 nm. Excluding the bare chip, which naturally has the tantly, the changes on the surfaces resulted in substantially
smallest roughness (0.33 nm), a comparison of the RMS rough- higher degree phase lag for MIPs (138° at 10 µm2) compared
ness of the samples results in two observations: 1) The rough- to the nonimprinted polymer (27.2° at 10 µm2). To better
ness decreased when changing from the templated surface to the identify and visualize the surface morphologies, the analyses
template-removed MIP, which is attributed to emptied cavities are also performed at smaller scanning areas (3 and 1 µm2),
in polymer network. 2) The nonimprinted polymer shows clearly revealing the similar trends obtained at 10 µm2 for the target
lower roughness, indicating that no peptide is caught inside the (Figure S10B,C, Supporting Information) and nonimprinted
polymer, resulting in an overall more homogeneous surface. To (Figure S10E,F, Supporting Information) polymer films.
visualize the details of the MIP and nonimprinted polymer sur-
faces on the gold chip, we perform further AFM measurements
in smaller scanning areas (i.e., 3 and 1 µm2). The RMS values 2.4. Target Recognition and Capture Using Molecular Imprints
and cross-sectional profiles of both polymer surfaces provide
similar outcomes (Figures S4–S9, Supporting Information) as The detection of NSE derived peptide (Ep1) and NSE protein
obtained for the 10 µm2 area. using the Cys-Ep1 imprints is investigated over a wide concen-
We also apply chemical mapping for template-free MIP and tration range. The imprints recognized the peptide target in
NIP surfaces based on phase image analysis by AFM. The the range of 2–500 × 10−6  m and this can be demonstrated by
phase image is mainly characterized by different chemical square wave voltammograms (Figure  5A). Each concentration

A) 2 µM peptide
3.0 4 µM peptide
8 µM peptide 3.0
2.5 16 µM peptide
32 µM peptide
Current (µA)

64 µM peptide 2.5
128 µM peptide
Current (µM)

256 µM peptide
1.5 500 µM peptide 2.0


-0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 100 200 300 400 500
Potential (V) Peptide concentration (µM)
Relative signal / Peptide concentration (% µM)

C) 3.0
Relative signal suppression (%)

50 2.5



0 0.5

12 18 24 30 36 42
0 100 200 300 400 500
Relative signal (%)
Peptide concentration (µM)

Figure 5.  A) Square wave voltammograms recorded for the concentration dependent recognition of Ep1 in a range from 2 to 500 × 10−6 m. B) Raw data
of triplicate measurements obtained for an experimental series using square wave voltammetry technique. C) Concentration dependent Ep1 detection
using the Cys-Ep1 imprinted MIP electrodes (n = 6). D) The Scathard plot resulting in dissociation constant (Kd) of 12.2 × 10−6 m. Slope: −0.08037.

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 1807332 1807332  (5 of 11) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

A) 14
0.5 ng mL NSE
1 ng mL NSE 12
5 ng mL NSE
8 10 ng mL NSE
20 ng mL NSE 10

Current (µA)
Current (µA)

6 40 ng mL NSE
50 ng mL NSE
100 ng mL NSE 8


0 4

-0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 20 40 60 80 100

Potential (V) Protein Concentration (ng mL )

Relative signal suppression (%)


50 24

Relative Signal/Concentration (%/ng mL-1



20 4

10 20 30 40 50 60 70

0 20 40 60 80 100

Protein concentration (ng mL-1)

Figure 6.  A) Square wave voltammograms showing the NSE protein capture in a concentration range of 0.5–100 ng mL−1 (suppression of the current
signal is proportional to the concentration of NSE protein loaded to the MIP electrode surface). B) Raw data of triplicate measurements for one
experimental series with standard deviations. C) Overall results of six separate experiment series for NSE binding assays using the Cys-Ep1 imprinted
MIP electrode (n = 6). Inset: The Scathard plot, Kd = 5.3 × 10−11 m, Slope: −0.39673.

of experimental series is measured three times after 30 min cytochrome c-derived peptide and cytochrome c protein with
incubation on the MIP electrode to determine the variation of affinity constants of 2.51 × 10−6 and 8.5 × 10−6 m, respectively.[17]
current signal (Figure 5B). The raw data of six separate experi- A photochemically polymerized epitope MIP, synthesized for
ment series are converted into the relative signal suppression cytochrome c using a different monomer mixture, led to higher
(Figure 5C), where small variations are observed on data with affinity (7.23 × 10−9  m), where a fluorescence-based NanoO-
a correlation coefficient of 0.993 based on the logarithmic range protein assay was employed for target detection.[4]
regression analysis (Figure S11, Supporting Information). The The recognition and quantification of protein-based dis-
affinity of the imprinted polymers toward the NSE derived pep- ease biomarkers with high sensitivity and selectivity can be
tide is calculated according to these data by using the Scatchard achieved using different molecular imprinting techniques.[21–23]
plot,[21] revealing a dissociation constant of 12.2 × 10−6  m For example, the detection limits of 2 ng mL−1, 7.7 µg mL−1,
(Figure 5D). 0.5 U mL−1, and 0.10 U mL−1 are reported for HIV-1
The recognition of NSE is investigated under the same condi- glycoprotein (gp41),[24] transferrin,[21] CA 125,[22] and CA15-3,[23]
tions using the Cys-Ep1 imprinted MIP. NSE can be measured respectively. The molecular imprints of gp41 are prepared
in a concentration range from 0.5 to 100 ng mL−1 (Figure 6A,B). based on epitope imprinting using dopamine as a functional
A high affinity between the epitope imprints and the NSE pro- monomer,[24] whereas transferrin imprints are synthesized with
tein is found based on the Scatchard plot, which results in a Kd scopoletin monomer by following whole protein imprinting
of 5.3 × 10−11  m (Figure 6C). This affinity is significantly higher approach.[21] Phenol[22] and toluidine blue[23] are also suitable
than those of many natural and synthetic receptors reported functional monomers for the preparations of protein binders
so far. For example, Cys-modified cytochrome c-derived in MIP format by employing the electropolymerization tech-
peptide polyscopoletin imprints recognized and captured the nique. Whole protein imprinting shows several drawbacks due

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 1807332 1807332  (6 of 11) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

to the flexible nature and large size of proteins. The template 2.5. Cross-Reactivity Studies
removal process may also be insufficient, directly influences
the efficiency of protein capture, thus resulting in a much Specificity of biorecognition elements is critically important
higher limit of quantification[21] than the current work. in disease detection. Hence, comprehensive cross-reactivity
The synthesis of molecular imprints in nanoparticle format studies are performed. The specific (Ep1) and nonspecific
is among the most efficient methods for proteins in recent (Ep4, Ep5) peptides are prepared at a fixed concentration of
years.[7,8] Nevertheless, the sensitivity and affinity of pro- 32  × 10−6  m and then incubated with the Cys-Ep1 MIP elec-
tein binders, which are developed using the computationally trodes for 30 min. This moderate concentration is selected
selected stable epitopes in the current study, are higher than based on the calibration curve of Ep1. The capturing of
those obtained with the previously reported nanoparticle-based bovine serum albumin (BSA) (control protein) and NSE
MIPs.[7,8] The use of computationally selected epitopes can be (target protein) by Cys-Ep1 molecular receptors is measured
combined with these techniques to improve the outcomes of at a fix concentration of 60 ng mL−1, chosen based on the cali-
nanoMIP applications. Our approach is a new step to provide bration curve of NSE protein. Furthermore, the mixture of all
a true rational design for MIPs, which can improve the current analytes at same concentration (60 ng mL−1) is also measured
status of clinical research as well as commercial applications of to identify the degree of signal decrease due to interfering
MIPs by overcoming existing major problems. compounds in the sample solution. The results are expressed
We investigate the selectivity of molecular imprints by com- as relative signal suppression data, where the binding of Ep1,
paratively studying the NSE protein binding on nonimprinted Ep4, and Ep5 to the Cys-Ep1 MIPs leads to ≈28.6%, ≈5.5%,
polymer. Due to the absence of specific cavities on the NIP, the and ≈2.5% relative signal intensities, respectively (Figure 8A).
interaction of NSE with the nonspecific polymer produces sig- Despite Ep4 and Ep5 not having sequence similarity to the
nificantly lower signals (Figure S12, Supporting Information). Ep1, the cross-reaction of Ep4 is clearly higher than that of
Thus, an imprinting factor (IF) of 4.6 is found by taking the Ep5. This may be linked to the unstable nature of Ep5. The
signal ratios between the target and nonimprinted polymer sur- control protein, BSA shows ≈7.9% relative signal intensity
faces, indicating a good selectivity of the molecular imprints upon binding on the MIP electrode (Figure 8B). The binding
toward the target biomarker. of NSE protein leads to ≈63% relative signal intensity,
As the next step, the recognition of Ep5 and NSE protein was whereas the mixture of all analytes (both target and control
investigated using the Cys-Ep5 imprints. Binding of Ep5 to the molecules) at the same concentration decreases the signal
imprinted cavities led to gradual decrease on the current signal intensity (45%) due to the presence of interfering compounds
in a concentration range of 2–64 × 10−6  m. Despite being least in the solution. However, it is worth noting that the selected
stabile epitope, Ep5 could still be determined by its specific concentration in this study (60 ng mL−1) is quite high and
cavities. However, capturing efficiency of Ep5-based imprints the obtained signal intensity is still significantly higher
is found to be much less than those of Ep-1 based imprints than those of control molecules alone (Figure 8). Despite
(Figure  7A). The signal intensities of NSE protein binding to the control peptides are also surface exposed NSE epitopes
the Cys-Ep5 MIP surfaces are substantially low when compared with similar amino acid lengths (12 mer), their nonspecific
to the Cys-Ep1 MIPs (Figure 7B). Obviously, the interaction binding on the MIP surfaces is at low levels, indicating the
of NSE with the MIP surface via its less stable epitope Ep5 is epitope specificity of the synthesized MIP via noncovalent
weaker than the binding via the more stable Ep1. interactions (Figure 8).

A) 50
Cys-Ep5 molecular imprints Cys-Ep5 molecular imprints
Cys-Ep1 molecular imprints 70 Cys-Ep1 molecular imprints
Relative signal (%)
Relative signal (%)





0 0
2 4 8 16 32 64 1 5 10 20 50 100
Peptide concentration (µM) Protein concentration (ng mL )

Figure 7. A) Binding of Ep1 and Ep5 on Cys-Ep1 (red columns) and Cys-Ep5 (black columns) molecular imprints, respectively. B) NSE protein
recognition using Cys-Ep1 (red columns) and Cys-Ep5 (black columns) molecular receptors. Black columns include standard deviations of three sets
of experiments. Red columns demonstrate six sets of experiments with standard errors.

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 1807332 1807332  (7 of 11) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

A) 40 B) 70


Relative signal suppression (%)

Relative signal suppression (%)



5 10

0 0
Ep4 Ep5 Ep1 BSA Mix NSE

Figure 8.  A) Cross-reactivity studies on Cys-Ep1 MIP electrodes using the target (Ep1) and nonspecific peptide molecules (Ep4 and Ep5) at a fix
concentration of 32 × 10−6 m. B) Binding of BSA (first column), mixture of all analytes (Ep4, Ep5, BSA, and NSE; second column), and NSE (third
column) at a fix concentration of 60 ng mL−1. The mixtures are prepared at equal concentrations (n = 4).

3. Conclusion Information), but this does not mean that all stable epitopes
would give similar results because the ideal conditions in the
The conformation of biological molecules in aqueous environ- MD simulation are not reachable in experiments.
ments plays an important role for their molecular interactions Our fast and rational selection can be used for establishing
and recognition. This behavior strongly effects the successful epitope libraries for protein molecules by eliminating unsuit-
implementation of biosensing platforms for the detection of able epitope candidates and ranking the best candidates based
target molecules as possible conformational changes lead to on their stability analysis obtained from MD simulations. In
decreased sensing signals. To date, protein binders have been long term, such epitope libraries can significantly reduce the
developed using linear peptides with an unknown structure in application time and research cost. It is worth noting that some
epitope imprinting process.[4,8,18] Despite successful outcomes proteins are rich in loop and β-sheet formations, but do not
obtained to some extent, most of these works lack of providing possess α-helix. Our modelling studies can still be used for
either high affinity, selectivity, or sensitivity. Herein, we aim to such protein targets and the influence of epitope size on molec-
investigate the role of highly stable epitope residues (namely ular imprinting should also be researched. The novel integrated
α-helices) extracted from proteins. We therefore predict the approach has shown a good potential to contribute to some
conformational stability of six surface epitopes of NSE by MD limitations of medical diagnostic field. Research disciplines,
simulations. According to the results, we select a stable α-helical such as biomedicine, cell signalling, proteomics, diagnostic,
(Ep1) and a less stable disordered peptide (Ep5) and use their and biocatalysis, requiring recognition receptors can apply this
cysteine modified versions (Cys-Ep1 and Cys-Ep5) as tem- technique for designing stable and efficient receptors.
plates for molecular receptor synthesis. The recognition of NSE
derived epitopes (Ep1 and Ep5) as wells as whole protein bio-
marker (NSE) is investigated in wide concentration ranges. The
detection of Ep1 and NSE can be achieved with high sensitivity 4. Experimental Section
(LODpeptide = 2 × 10−6  m; LODprotein = 0.5 ng mL−1) and affinity Materials, Chemicals, and Reagents: Cys-Ep1 and Cys-Ep5 were used for
(Kd peptide = 12.2 × 10−6  m; Kd protein = 5.3 × 10−11  m). In contrast comparative molecular imprinting studies. NSE derived synthetic peptide
to this finding, the recognition capability of Cys-Ep5 molecular Ep1 (LKAVDHINST, 10 mer) and neuron-specific enolase from human
imprints for Ep5 and NSE is found to be poor, reflecting the brain (≥95%, sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
unstable structure of the template molecules. The cross-reac- (SDS-PAGE), Sigma Aldrich) were used for target recognition studies. Ep4
(AMRLGAEVYHTL, 12 mer) was synthesized for use in cross-reactivity
tivity studies confirm the high target specificity of Cys-Ep1
studies as another stable NSE epitope based on computational outcomes.
imprints toward Ep1 and NSE protein, which can be recognized Ep5 (KSPTDPSRTITG, 12 mer) was synthesized for comparative peptide
even in a complex medium including nonspecific molecules binding experiments as the least stable epitope and it was also used for
(Ep4, Ep5, and BSA protein) at a high concentration. It is worth cross-reactivity studies. Scopoletin (≥99%, C10H8O4, Mw: 192.17 g mol−1,
noting that from the simulations, we cannot conclude that one Sigma-Aldrich) was used as functional monomer to manufacture the
stable epitope will be better than another one in experiment. molecular imprints and nonimprinted polymers. Potassium chloride
But the simulations suggest that Ep1 (or another stable epitope) (≥99.9%, KCl, Mw: 74.55 g mol−1, VWR Chemicals) and potassium
hexaferricyanide (≥99%, K3[Fe(CN)6], Mw: 329.26 g mol−1, Carl Roth)
will be a better candidate to synthesize MIPs than very unstable
were used to prepare the redox marker solution for electrochemical
epitopes, such as Ep5. Therefore, we select extreme cases to measurements using CV and square wave voltammetry (SWV) techniques.
use them as a proof-of-principle. The additional tests with Ep4 QCM gold chips (LOT Quantum Design GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany)
provide similar outcomes with Ep1 (see Figure S13, Supporting were used as working electrodes in electrochemical sensor for epitope

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 1807332 1807332  (8 of 11) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

imprinting. QCM chips (LOT Quantum Design GmbH, Darmstadt, 92.5:2.5:2.5:2.5), the syringe was shaken for 3 h. The peptide was
Germany) were used for AFM analyses. QCM chips were cleaned using precipitated in ice cold diethyl ether and centrifuged. The supernatant
the mixture of hydrogen peroxide (35%, H2O2, Mw: 34.01 g mol−1, Carl was removed and the precipitate was washed with diethyl ether twice.
Roth), ammonia (25%, NH3, Mw: 17.03 g mol−1, Carl Roth), and double The peptide was resolved in MeCN/H2O (1:4) and lyophilized. Crude,
distilled water. The phosphate buffer was prepared using monosodium lyophilized peptide variants were dissolved in H2O/MeCN (1:1; v:v)
phosphate monohydrate (≥99%, NaH2PO4⋅H2O, Mw: 137.99 g mol−1, and were purified by C18 reversed-phase high performance liquid
Merck) and disodium phosphate dihydrate (≥99%, Na2HPO4, H2O, chromotography (HPLC) (1260 Infinity C18, 212 × 250 mm, particle
Mw: 177.99 g mol−1, Merck). Double-distilled ultrapure water (Millipore, size 10 µm, Agilent Technologies, Waldbronn, Germany), if not specified
Germany) was used for analyses. otherwise. Table S2 (Supporting Information) shows the gradient system
Molecular Dynamic Simulations: The initial coordinates of all epitopes that was used (flow-rate of 20 mL min−1; UV-detection at 210 nm) for the
were extracted from the crystallographic structure of NSE (pdb code: 1TE6, different peptide variants. Elution started with a linear gradient from X%
chain A).[25] The peptides were described with the CHARMM 36 force to Y% buffer B for 15 min, followed by holding 100% buffer B for another
field[26] and protonated according to pH 7. The protonation configurations 5 min (Buffer A, 0.1% TFA in H2O; buffer B, 0.1% TFA in methanol).
of histidine residues were set by visual inspection. The epitopes were then Corresponding retention times and m/z data for each peptide were
solvated in rectangular boxes containing ≈6000 TIP3P water molecules.[27] In determined. Collected fractions containing the products were pooled
order to mimic the experimental buffer conditions and to neutralize the net and lyophilized to afford the epitope variants as fluffy solids.
charge of the models, ≈40 × 10−3 m Na+Cl− were randomly added replacing Electrochemical Measurements: A three-electrode system in an
water molecules. The subsequent atomic MD simulations were performed electrochemical cell (2 mL) was used for measurements. QCM gold
with the CUDA version of NAMD 2.9.[28] First, the energy of the models was chips were used as working electrodes, whereas a platinum wire and
minimized. Second, they were heated to 300 K and thermally equilibrated. a Ag/AgCl system were used as counter and reference electrodes,
To avoid abrupt structural changes in these preparing steps, position respectively. CV and SWV measurements were performed using a
restraints on all heavy atoms of the epitopes were stepwise released. Finally, Reference 600 potentiostat (Gamry Instruments, Warminster, PA, USA),
300 ns long productions runs were carried out under periodic boundary in the presence of a redox marker (K3[Fe(CN)6] containing KCl. CV
conditions in an NPT (constant number of particles N, pressure P, and measurements were applied at potential range of −0.2–0.8 V and scan
temperature T) ensemble at 300 K and 1 atm. This was accomplished with rate of 0.05 V s−1. The applied potentials for SWV measurements were
the Langevin piston algorithm[29] implemented in NAMD. A cut-off of 12 Å from −0.3 to 0.8 V at a frequency of 10 Hz and amplitude of 0.05 V.
was applied for van der Waals and short-ranged electrostatics. Long-range Cleaning of QCM Electrodes: The QCM chips were thoroughly cleaned
electrostatics were treated with the Particle Mesh Ewald summation.[30] A prior to electrochemical measurements. For this, a mixture of NH3,
time step of 2 fs was used which was enabled by constraining all bonds H2O2, and H2O (v:v:v: 1:1:5) was used. The gold chip was inserted into
containing hydrogen atoms with the SHAKE algorithm.[31] The analysis was a holder and then boiled at 90 °C for 8 min. After boiling, the solution
done with VMD.[32] The RMSD of the peptide backbones and the secondary was cooled by distilled water and further rinsed several times. The gold
structure evolution using STRIDE[33] were determined. electrode was then dried under gentle flow of N2 gas.
Peptide Synthesis: Synthesis protocol for automated solid-phase Synthesis of Epitope Imprints: For the MIP preparation, the Cys-Ep1 or Cys-
peptide synthesis: Epitopes were synthesized according to a previously Ep5 (50 × 10−6  m) in tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine (TCEP) buffer (pH 7.3)
reported recipe.[34] Automated solid-phase peptide synthesis was was first immobilized on the QCM gold electrode based on self-assembled
performed in 50 µmol scale. Loading: To a 20 mL syringe reactor with frit monolayer formation for 3 h. Adsorption was facilitated by the thiol side
and cap were added 2 g of 2-chloro-tritylchloride resin (1.4 mmol g−1) chain of cysteine which has high affinity toward gold, in the epitope
and 14 mL dry dichloromethane (DCM). The resin was preswollen sequence. A 0.5 × 10−3 m scopoletin prepared in 0.1 m NaCl was deposited
for 10 min and the solvent was removed by evaporation in vacuum. onto the QCM gold surface by applying a multistep amperometry technique
A mixture of the amino acid (8.40 mmol, 3 eq.) and 5 equivalents of for electropolymerization. The electrodeposition was executed by 30 cycles
N,N-diisopropylamine (DIPEA) dissolved in 10 mL dry DCM was added starting with 0 V for 5 s and followed by 0.9 V for 1 s. The polymerization
to the resin. The syringe was agitated for 30 min at room temperature. mixture was then removed from the electrochemical cell and rinsed with
The solution was removed and the resin was washed (2 × 10 mL N,N- distilled water several times. A thin film was formed with these parameters.
dimethylformamide (DMF), 2 × 10 mL DCM). Capping of nonreacted The subsequent template removal was enabled by applying anodic
functional groups of the resin was performed with DCM, methanol, desorption with the multiple pulse amperometry technique at 0.9 V for
and DIPEA 80:15:5 (2 × 15 mL, 10 min). After washing (5 × 10 mL 30 s. The MIP films were thoroughly washed with distilled water to remove
DMF), Fmoc-removal was achieved with DMF/piperidine (4:1, 10 mL, any remaining epitope templates from the surface. The nonimprinted
1 × 2 min, 1 × 20 min). After final washing (2 × 10 mL DMF, 1 × 10 mL polymer was synthesized using the same procedure in the absence of the
methanol, 3 × 10 mL DCM), the resin was dried in vacuo. template and the selectivity of the cavities was investigated in comparison
Coupling of Fmoc/tBu-Protected Amino Acids: To 200 mg of the resin with the MIPs. The IF was calculated based on these comparative studies
(≈0.5 mmol g−1), a 0.25 m solution of the amino acid in DMF (2.5 eq. by taking the signal ratio between the MIPs and NIPs.[35] The MIP cavities
relative to resin loading) was added. After addition of a 0.5 m solution were used for the recognition and detection of the NSE derived peptides
of DIPEA in DMF (2.5 eq.) and a 0.25 m solution of O-(benzotriazol- (Ep1 and Ep5) and the NSE biomarker.
1-yl)-N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyluronium tetrafluoroborate (TBTU) in DMF AFM Characterization: AFM was used to characterize the polymer films
(2.5 eq.), the reaction solution was mixed for 15 min. A second coupling on the QCM electrode surfaces. Every step of the imprinting process
was performed for 15 min. For couplings subsequent to the 5th amino (bare gold surface, MIP synthesis, and template removal) was followed by
acid, double couplings with 30 min coupling time were performed. For AFM (NanoWizard II, JPK Instruments AG., Germany). The cross-section
couplings subsequent to the 10th amino acid, a third coupling with analysis, the RMS roughness, and surface topology values of each surface
45 min was performed. After each coupling cycle capping with 0.5 m were evaluated. The measurements were performed in dry state using
acetic anhydride in DMF (2 × 2.5mL, 10 min) was performed. Finally, the intermittent contact mode. Commercially available AFM probe (TAP300
resin was washed with DMF (6 × 2.5 mL). AL-G) from Budget Sensors (Innovative Solutions Bulgaria Ltd., Bulgaria)
Fmoc Removal: DMF/piperidine (4:1, 2.5 mL) was added to the resin was used on cantilevers with a resonance frequency in the range of
and mixed for 2.5 min. The procedure was repeated 4 times. The resin 300 ± 100 kHz. The scanning line rate was 0.2–0.5 Hz. The samples were
was washed with DMF (6 × 2.5 mL). After the final coupling cycle, the measured in different scanning areas (10, 3, and 1 µm2) to investigate
resin was washed with DCM (3 × 2 mL). the surfaces in detail. Phase image analysis was also performed in
Global Deprotection: The resin was transferred to a 5 mL syringe various scanning areas (10, 3, and 1 µm2) to visualize different chemical
with frit and cap. After addition of the cleavage cocktail (trifluoroacetic components on the template removed MIPs in comparison with
acid (TFA), H2O, triethylsilane (TES), 3,6-dioxa-1,8-octane-dithiole, nonimprinted polymer. The AFM measurements of the polymer films

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 1807332 1807332  (9 of 11) © 2019 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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