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A]Read two stories put the verbs in the simple present .

1 ) Sheila ( be ) 14 years old.

For lunch , Sheila usually (eat) vegetables and some meat.

For example, she (have) chicken or fish with rice and salad .

Her parents (like) drinking water and Sheila too.

In the evening, sheila (walk) to the sports center.

There, she (do) some exercise.

When she (be) hungry, she always (eat) some fruit.

Sheila never (go) to bed after ten .

Her parents ( go ) to bed at Half past ten.They ( not watch ) TV in the evening.

They ( read ) a book.

2) Mark always (get) up at twelve in the morning.

He (not have) breakfast.
Mark (like) having hamburgers, pizza, crisps and hot dogs for lunch.
He always (have) fizzy drinks like cola.
So there ( not be ) any vegetables or fruit at home.
In the evening, he (sit) in his dad’s sofa and (watch) TV for three hours. When he (be)
hungry, he (eat) lots of sweets or chocolate biscuits and he always (drink)cola. He usually (go)
to sleep at eleven or twelve.His parents usually (stay) at home all day at weekends.
C] What can you say about their lifestyles ?
D] Write the questions
- ….................................................................? She eats chicken for lunch.
_…..................................................................? No ,he doesn't practise any physical activity.
_ ….................................................................? They live in England .
E ] Give some advice to Mark
_ You ......................................................................................
_You ….........................................................................................
_You ….........................................................................................
- You ….............................................................................................
- You …...........................................................................................
D ] Compare ( use the comparative form )

1) Bananas …............................................................................................ apples . (sweet )

2) Cauliflower..............................................................................................broccoli (cheap)
3) Mushrooms …....................................................................................... spinach ( good )
4) Rice …....................................................................................................mash ( delicious)
5) chips … ( fatty )
6) Ham........................................................................................................chicken ( greasy )

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