Grimoire Ashcan

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This is the ashcan version of Grimoire.

Thank you for playtesting!

Created by:

Nicholas Robinson of The Bardic Inquiry

Artwork sourced from:
Table of Contents
What is it? 1 Interpreting the Cards 19

Materials 2 Glyph-Making 21
Your Wizard 3 Quest 23
The Name 5
Why Quest? 25
The Drive and Flaw 7
Game End 27
The Commune 8
A Tower in the City 29
The Study 9
Quest Prompts 35
Resources 11
Appendix 61
Playing the Game 13
Opus 63
How to Play 15

Research 17 Vicissitude 64

Phenomenon 65

Offering 67

Glyph Joining 69

Sigils 70
What is it?
This is an authoring solo roleplaying game that has the player take
on the role of a wizard undertaking research. The player will be
involved in writing a journal in which they respond to prompts
based on what activities their wizard is engaging with. This will
allow the player to explore who this wizard is as they discover new
spells through communing with the ley lines.

The purpose of this game is to facilitate the creation of a grimoire

and to provide the background of the wizard that created it. By the
end of the game, a player will have generated several spells and
have multiple journal entries that explore the wizard’s choices,
thoughts, and the world they lived in.

It is possible to ignore the journaling aspect of this game and use

this purely as a system to generate spells. In this case, see
Interpreting the Cards (p.19).

A wizard may witness or experience harm, the loss of mental
capacities, death, and engage in violent acts.

To play this game a player will require the following items:

A deck of playing cards including both jokers.

• These will be used to generate

spells, tracks quests, and
provide journal prompts.

A means to record journal prompts

and draw spell glyphs.

• This could be anything from a

computer, notepad, or a collection of index cards.

(Optional) An assortment of dice of varying types or a random

number generator.

• These are used to roll on various tables throughout this

document to provide inspiration for the player.

Your Wizard

The Name
Names have power. Whether this is the wizard’s true name or
simply the one given to them, it is how they are commonly referred
to as and is usually placed at the beginning of the spells they
discover. Use the tables below and to the right to determine your
wizard’s name or create your own.

Prefix and Suffix Table

d20 Prefix d20 Suffix
1 Sol- 1 -lak
2 Mor- 2 -sor
3 Kra- 3 -chi
4 Bur- 4 -amur
5 Min- 5 -omon
6 Drey- 6 -qra
7 Lra- 7 -tyr
8 Wor- 8 -bruud
9 Rak- 9 -feld
10 Viz- 10 -dalf
11 Gan- 11 -engard
12 Urs- 12 -nora
13 Lor- 13 -oris
14 Aru- 14 -ard
15 Drak- 15 -lara
16 Ipr- 16 -une
17 Gal- 17 -nilorh
18 Thes- 18 -etta
19 Ever- 19 -zin
20 Uzu 20 -dor

Title Table
d66 Title d66 Title
11 the (Pick any colour) 41 the Grumpy
12 the Brave 42 the Ancient
13 the Wanderer 43 the Fearless
14 the Star Speaker 44 the Wizard
15 the Flame 45 the Sorcerer
16 the Warlock 46 the Calefaction
21 the Tempest 51 the Rain
22 the Necromancer 52 the Mind
23 the Magus 53 the Ascended
24 the Athwart 54 the Conjurer
25 the Seeker 55 the Ambuscade
26 the Whisper 56 the Witch
31 the Machine 61 the Spark
32 the Diviner 62 the Fabulous
33 the Blackguard 63 the Moon Walker
34 the Alchemist 64 the Mist
35 the Mountain 65 the Cosmic
36 the Zephyr 66 the Hermit

The Drive and Flaw
What drives your wizard to researching magic and what introverted
barrier must they always battle? Answering these questions with the
tables below or making your own will provide you with an idea of
who this wizard is and how they may respond to adversity, boons,
or other people.

Drive and Flaw Table

d20 Drive d20 Flaw
1 To have ultimate power 1 Petty
2 To bring someone back 2 Emotionally fragile
3 To enact revenge 3 Prejudiced
4 To spite someone 4 Compulsive liar
5 To restore balance 5 Vindictive
6 To travel the stars 6 Paranoid
7 To overcome death 7 Dramatic
8 To end war 8 Awkward
9 To create a safe world 9 Moody
10 To cure a disease 10 Forgetful
11 To be remebered 11 Self-righteous
12 To travel to a new world 12 Sadistic
13 To spread chaos 13 Short-sighted
14 To protect the weak 14 Impatient
15 To find something 15 Unforgiving
16 To remember something 16 Overly empathetic
17 To have a good time 17 Possessive
18 To be forgiven 18 Arrogant
19 To lift a curse 19 Gullible
20 To live dangerously 20 Eccentric

The Commune
This world is riddled with ley lines that reach from the stars and
touch each ground that hurtles through the not-so-empty void. To
access magic and listen, a wizard must commune with these ley
lines. There is no best practice for this other than to simply listen.
How does your wizard commune with the ley lines? Use the table
below or create your own.

Commune Table
d20 Commune
1 Observing the wilting leaves or shrivelling roots of plants
2 Reading damp tea leaves emptied from a pot
3 Reading the manner in which a powder falls to the ground.
4 Observing the notches and marks on bones.
5 Spotting patterns in clouds.
6 Contemplating the patterns in wood or stone.
7 Inspecting the changing stars.
8 Letting blood and listening to the whispers.
9 Examining the entrails and flesh of cadavers.
10 Staring at the gears of a ticking clock.
11 Noting the patterns of light after looking at the sun.
12 Viewing the escaping embers of an open fire.
13 Counting the insects under overturned flagstones.
14 Meditating on the humming of the earth.
15 Reading the order of cards drawn from a deck.
16 Observing the movements and shapes of smoke in the wind.
17 Channelling the ambient energy into song and dance.
18 Studying the movements of schools of fish.
19 Discovering new objects that make themselves into your pockets.
20 Drawing blindly onto paper without removing the marker.

The Study
This is your wizard’s place of research. It is a place of magical
worship and contemplation and as such contains all of your
wizard’s resources including their journal and grimoire.

Select a Research Location from the list to determine what setting

your study is located in. This is the only place you can conduct
research and will determine which Research Location Journal
Prompt table you use to generate journal prompts.

If you wish to change where your wizard’s study is located once the
game has begun, you must take the Quest action (p.23).

Research Locations
Currently only ‘A Tower in the City’ has available prompts.

• A tower in the City.

• A sewer chamber beneath the City.

• A crypt outside of the City.

• A library in the City.

• A cave in a mountain.

• The ruins of an ancient castle.

• A cottage in a distant grove.

• Inside a giant toad.

• A fortress in a volcano.

• On the back of a giant tortoise.

• Wasteland ruins from a magical disaster.

• A cabin in an underground mushroom forest.

• A castle in the sky.

• An inverted tower off the side of a cliff.

• A stilted house at the centre of a massive lake.

During the game you will be required to manage resources to
conduct research and to avoid consequences.

There are four resources to track:

Coin is measured by a whole number. It
represents the funds of your wizard and is used
to take certain actions or mitigate potential
encounters or consequences.

You begin the game with 3 Coin.

Wounds are recorded as short statements such
as “broken nose from angry villager” when
the game directs you to. They represent the
physical and mental strain your wizard has

Your wizard can sustain 3 Wounds. Any

more and they perish.

Magic comes at a price. Corruption is a measure
of how twisted your wizard’s mind and body
have become due to the exposure to magical
energies. These are recorded as short statements
such as “scaly skin on my right arm” when the
game directs you to.

Your wizard can sustain 5 corruptions. Any more

and they are lost.

You can elect to ignore some or all of the

consequences of a journal prompt by having your
wizard cast a spell (if they know one). If your
wizard casts a spell in this way, your wizard will
Gain 1 Corruption.

Friends and Foes

During your wizard’s travels, they will likely
make friends or enemies. These are recorded
with a name and a descriptor such as “Smeagol,
a confused creature that guides me when I am
lost” when the game directs you to.

A friend of your choice is activated when three

cards in a Quest can be made into a sequential
order. They remove a consequence of your
choice - suffering it instead. Remove that Friend.

A foe of your choice is activated when three

cards in a Quest have matching suits. They add
an additional Wound to a consequence.

Playing the

How to Play
Your wizard is researching the humming of the ley lines in the
hopes of discovering and cataloguing spells to attach their name to.
Unfortunately, this endeavour is not free.

When you play the game, you choose to have your wizard either
Research or Quest. Each action is facilitated by different rulesets, but
both use the same deck of playing cards that refer to specific tables
to generate prompts.

This game can be played in a single long sitting or in small bursts

over days or weeks. The way you keep a record is your choice, I
suggest you have a page to record your resources in a place that is
easily accessible.

Responding to Prompts
A prompt begins with a statement of what occurs and is followed by
a series of questions for you to respond to. Not every prompt has a
consequence but if it does it will be listed after questions.

Consequences will demand action on your part by indicating when

you gain or remove a resource.

When responding to prompts it is important to consider the


• Your wizard’s drive and flaw.

• Their current goal or Quest.

• Previous events that occurred.

• The Consequences of this prompt.

• What spell they have discovered or used.

• If any friends or foes are involved.

• Anything else that may provide context or detail.

And of course, be as creative as you like. This is your wizard, and

you can direct the narrative any way you like so long as you abide
by the constraints of the resources you have.

This is the act of discovering a spell, henceforth known as an Opus
Phenomenon Vicissitude (OPV). Each will require a total of 7 cards
drawn and arranged in a particular order as seen in Figure 1 to
allow your wizard to translate the humming of the ley lines. Once
the corresponding Glyph has been traced, the OPV is complete.
To take this action, you must spend 2 Coin while you are in a place
of research and then follow the Research Procedure. If you do not
have the Coin, you may need to Quest instead.

Figure 1. The pattern of cards to determine an Opus Phenomenon


Research Procedure
1. Arrange the 7 cards in the pattern in Figure 1 as you draw them.

2. Follow the Interpreting the Cards (p.19) and the Glyph-Making

(p.21) instructions to discover the OPV.

3. Collect all 7 cards, shuffle them together and draw the top one.

4. The number and suit of this card determines the journal prompt
you must respond to. Refer to the Research Location journal
prompt table of your wizard.

5. Discard all 7 cards to represent the energy your wizard invested

into interacting with magical energies.

Simone has created her wizard and has
a place to record all of her wizard’s
resources. She decides to start the
game and chooses Research as her first
action. After spending 2 Coin, she then
draws seven cards and one at a time
arranges them in the pattern seen to
the left.

After following the Interpreting the

Cards instructions, she shuffles the 7
seven cards to the left together. She
draws the top card to reveal an 8 of

Because her wizard’s study is in A

Tower in the City she refers to those
prompts and responds to the prompt:
“You attend a public execution. Who
was executed and why? How do the
crowd respond to it?”

Simone now discards all 7 cards and is

ready to select her next action.
Interpreting the Cards
When reading the cards, the Opus Phenomenon Vicissitude must be
identified using the OPV procedure below. After which, the Glyp-
Making procedure (p.21) is then followed to catalogue the OPV.

OPV Procedure
1. The Opus is deteremined by using the number and suit of the
first card in the pattern with reference to the Opus table.

2. The Phenomenon is translated using the fifth then third card

numbers on the Phenomenon table.

3. The Vicissitude is defined using the first, then third, then fifth
card suits on the Vicissitude table. This is a word of power and
can be placed at any point of the Opus Phenomen to change its

4. The Offering is then determined using the fourth, then sixth, then
second card suits on the Offering table.


Earlier, Simone had drawn the above 7 cards when she took the Research
action. Using this pattern on the left and the cards drawn on the right,
Simone will determine what spell the ley lines have whispered to her

1. First, Simone determines the Opus by using the number and suit of
the first card which is a 4 of Clubs. Using the Opus Table in the
Appendix. On that table she determines that the Opus is Snare of.

2. Second, Simone translates the Phenomenon using the fifth (K of Clubs)

then third (8 of Spades) card numbers. Using the Phenomenon Table
in the Appendix she reads the K for the row and the 8 for the column
to find that the Phenonmenon is Language. Currently the spell is Snare
of Language.

3. Third the Vicissitude is defined using the first (4 of Clubs), then third
(8 of Spades), then fifth (K of Clubs) card suits. Using the Vicissitude
Table in the Appendix, Simone reads Clubs for the row, Spades for the
column and finally chooses the Clubs option which is Liquid.
Simone knows that this word could be placed anywhere in the current
spell phrase, for example: Liquid Snare of Language or Snare of Liquid
Language, etc. Simone chooses the former.

4. Finally, Simone determines the offering in the same way she did with
the Vicissitude except she uses the fourth (6 of Hearts), then sixth (J of
Spades), then second (7 of Diamonds) with the Offering Table in the
Appendix. Her offering is Boiling Feathers Taken from a Duck.
1. The suit and number of the seventh card will depict the shape of
the joining and approximately where the sigils will be located. It
uses the format as “sigil location: joining shape” in the Joining

2. Trace the shape of the joining in the centre of the page and leave
room for the sigils.

3. For cards 1 through 6, use the suit and number to determine

which sigil will respresent them adn trace the sigil in the
approximate location on the joining as to where they are in the
card pattern.

4. Using the Offering as inspiration, depict the cost of the spell in

the centre of the joining.

5. Write the Opus Phenomenon Vicissitude at the top of the page

and the Offering at the bottom.

6. Add any extra flair or detail such as inlayed shapes for the
joining or notes from your wizard that demonstrates how each
sigil may relate to the overall spell.

1. Simone now needs to draw the
glyph for her OPV, Liquid Snare of
Language which requires the
offering of Boiling feathers taken
from a duck. To begin she needs to
determine the overall shape of the
glyph which is provided by the
seventh card (10 of Spades). She
refers to the Glyph Joining Table in
the Appendix to find that the
Joining is Scattered : Circle.

2. Simone traces a circle in the centre

of her page.

3. Then, for each card from first

through to the seventh she uses the
Sigil Table in the Appendix to
determine what symbols will
represent the OPV. She finds that
each card represents in order:
Overlapping diamonds, Bone,
Angled Cross, Eye, Crescent with a
copy inside it, Triangle coloured in.

4. Simone traces each symbol onto

the glyph keeping in mind to use
the word scattered she makes lots
of small sigils outside of the circle
in a position relative to the card
that determined each sigil.

5. Simone now traces a symbol to

represent the Offering into the
centre of the Joining.

6. Finally, Simone writes the OPV at

the top of the page and the
Offering at the bottom.
Sometimes your wizard will find themselves wanting of Coin or
have been given a Quest. To Undertake a Quest, you must decide
what you are questing for and develop a name for it then follow
the procedure below.
By default, a Quest lasts for 3 cards, though some journal prompts
will modify this.
If you have responded to a prompt before, then use the second
prompt in that entry, then the third if you have responded to the
second prompt. If you have responded to all prompts of that entry,
simply discard that card, and draw a replacement.
Use the Relics and Artefacts table below and the Why Quest (p.25)
section to help you determine what you are questing for.

Relics and Artefacts table

d10 Inspiration d10 Object
1 Elements/Inert 1 Rod
2 Balance/Chaos 2 Orb
3 Memory/Forgotten 3 Jewels
4 Growth/Decay 4 Staff
5 Dark/Light 5 Wand
6 Deep/Above 6 Sword
7 Nature/Machine 7 Shield
8 Bravery/Fear 8 Ring
9 Movement/Petrified 9 Armour
10 Stars/Earth 10 Mirror

Quest Procedure
1. Draw the top card of the deck and use its number and suit to
determine the journal prompt. Reference the Quest Journal
Prompts table.

2. Respond to the journal prompt.

3. Repeat until you respond to the last journal prompt.

4. Shuffled all Quest cards back into the deck. Your wizard is now
back in their study.

Simone created the Liquid Snare of Language spell for her last action and
her wizard is now low on Coin. To remedy this situation, Simone
decides to take Quest as her next action and decides to Quest for
Something to Sell. Using 2d10 she rolls on the Relics and Artefacts table
to inspire her to create an object she will Quest for to sell. She rolls
Forgotten Jewels and decides that she will be Questing for the
Forgotten Jewels of Tyranor! She titles the next page of her journal as
this so that she knows her wizard is embarking on a Quest and the
entries here are related to that.

First she draws a Five of Diamonds and responds to the prompt “A

shining fog engulfs the road. What is the fog used for in the City? What special
tool is required to bottle it?” because this is the first time she drew this
card during a Quest. She repeats this for an Ace of Hearts (where she
lost 1 Coin) and a Two of Clubs.

With each prompt she is sure to include details about her Quest in
locating and acquiring the the Forgotten Jewels of Tyranor, including
the acquisition with the final prompt dictated by the third card, the Two
of Clubs.

After responding to the final prompt she receives the 2 Coin from
completing a Quest for Something to Sell and then shuffles the three
Quest cards back into the deck.
Why Quest?
Select one of the options to below to begin your Quest. Each option
has a different reward when the action is completed.

Something to Sell
You wizard seeks some relics or ancient
artefacts to sell.

Upon the completion of this Quest, Gain 2


Dictated by a Prompt
At times, a journal prompt may indiciate that your wizard has
gained a Quest. This should be noted down somewhere alongside
your resources.

In these cases the reward for the Quest will be present in

parenthesis. Not every quest has a reward immediately. This reward
is gained upon the completion of the Quest.

If the Quest is indicated as a priority with a ‘P’ in parenthesis, then it

must be the next action your wizard takes once your current action
is completed.

Magical Artefact
Magical artefacts are powerful relics still imbued
with potent magical energies.

Upon the completion of this Quest, Gain 1

Magical Artefact.

Each artefact provides you the ability to return a

card of your choosing from the discard pile to the
deck once.

Font of Power
Fonts of power are locations of intense magical

Upon the completion of this Quest, your wizard

may consume the font and Remove 1 Corruption.

Game End
A game will end when:

• A prompt says: “The game ends.”

• Your wizard has 3 Wounds and acquires another.

• Your wizard has 5 Corruptions and acquires another.

The jokers represent game ending paths that your wizard will
experience and the chances of these occurring increase as the deck
slims. The consequences of these prompts cannot be avoided with
spells and must be confronted.
When a joker card is drawn refer to the Joker journal prompt tables
to the right. These prompts work differently than the other prompts
as they correspond to the number of times a red and black joker has
been drawn.
Each table has a branching path, you will be locked into one
depending on the conditions the first time you draw that particular
joker colour. If you meet the conditions for both, choose one.
Once the prompt has been noted down, shuffle the joker in and
draw a new card to replace the position the joker was in. Work this
Joker prompt into the new card.

Joker Journal Prompts
Red Joker Table
# Path A Path B
Old age becomes a permanent An existing Wound begins to
Wound if you have no existing fester and becomes permanent.
Wounds. What were you doing Who do you see about managing
when you realised you were old? it?
The years press on and your You wake early from a burning
2 bones begin to ache. How does sensation. How has the Wound
this impact your work? become worse?
You are on your last legs. What You know this Wound will be the
will you miss about the world end of you. What do you dream
3 when you pass? of during the night it finally takes
The game is over. you?
The game is over.

Black Joker Table

# Path A Path B
If you have a current Wound, you A being of great power speaks to
1 learn of immortality. How do you you. What must you do to gain
hear about lichdom? this power?
You have achieved lichdom. You did it. How did the being
What is your phylactery? react? Who was hurt?
Red Jokers lose their original You may now Gain 1 Corruption
function. Instead, you Gain 1 to return a card of your choosing
Corruption when you draw from the discard pile to the deck.
You have noticed a lack of control The being asks a great deal of
in yourself. It will only become you. What was it? What do you
3 worse. How will people fear your mutter for the rest of your bed-
name as a Lich? ridden life after the task?
The game is over. The game is over.
Study Location

A Tower in
the City

♥ A Tower in
You meet a friendly family in the criss-crossing alleyways of the city. Why

A did they offer you something? Did you take it?

Gain 1 Friend if you did.

Another wizard’s familiar arrives. What are they? Which wizard do they
belong to? What was it doing here?
A manifestation of the ley lines shows itself. What did it look like? What do
you think it said to you?
The ghost of a person floats through your study. What was it muttering?
How did the person become a ghost?
A mangy dog scratches at your door. What scraps did you feed it? How long
did it stay? Why did it leave?
A flock of birds crash through a window. What was damaged in your study?
How did you get rid of them?
A blind person draws a picture for you. What does it depict? Why did they
do this for you?
Someone arrives and asks to be your apprentice. How did they try to
convince you? Why did you turn them down?
A rain-soaked child bangs on your door. Where, in the tower, did they sleep
for the night? How did they react to magic?
An old friend arrives on a warm morning. What news did they bring? Did
they leave with anything?
A fellow wizard is demonstrating their art in the street. How did the wizard

J lose control? Did you help them?

Gain 1 Wound and a Friend if you did, otherwise Gain a Magical Artefact.
A friendly denizen in rags approaches you in an alleyway. Why did you give

Q them Coin?

Lose 1 Coin. If you have none Gain a Foe.

An illegal food merchant in the street offers you a bite. What did you eat?
Gain 1 Wound.

the City
You attend court. Why did the Nobles ask you to perform magic? Did you

A perform?

Gain 1 Coin and a Friend if you did.

A noble has afternoon tea with you. Who are they? What did the two of you
talk about?

3 A wizard boasts in your study. Who are they? Why did they boast?

A well-dressed stranger invites themselves in for dinner. What did they give
you? What did they reveal about your past?
The ravings of a wizard can be heard at night. What were you doing at the
time? How did these ravings interrupt you?
The Great Wizard flies past your tower. What about them inspired you to
continue your research?
You are asked to attend court. Who asked you to attend? What was
discussed? Why was it important for you to be there?
You get drunk with a guild leader. Why did they think the City was in
decline? How did they piss-off the tavern keeper?
You wake to a noble’s cat on your chest. How did it get in? When do you
return the cat?
You attend a garden lunch. Which noble stood out to you the most? Why did
you avoid another noble?

A fleeing child asks you to stop the city guard chasing them. Whose noble
J child is this? Did you help them?
Gain a Foe if you did, otherwise Gain a Quest (P) from a noble.

You find a Noble in trouble. Who is it with? Why is it about Coin? Why did
Q you have to help them?
Gain a Foe or Gain a Quest (P) from a noble.

A nobleperson flirts with you in the street. Why did they do this? Who saw
K this happen and why is that bad?
Gain a Quest (P) from a noble or Gain a Foe.

♣ A Tower in
You stumble upon a drunk and known pickpocket. Did you take something
A from them?
Gain 1 Coin and a Foe if you did.

Throngs of people circle your tower. What was their demeanour? How did
you avoid them?
The ley lines flare with rage. How did it scare you? What did you do to upset
the magic?

4 Your fireplace flares violently. What caused it to flare? What did it damage?

5 You wake in a cold sweat. What were you dreaming of? What woke you?

The City Guard interrupt your evening. What questions did they ask you?
Were you honest?
You see a wizard’s corpse hanging at the gallows. What did they do? How
did you feel about it?
A fire runs through the streets. What caused it? How close was it to your
tower? Did it claim anyone?

9 A wall of your tower collapses. What caused it? What was crushed?

You wake to find your study ransacked. What was taken? Why would
someone take this?

The City Guard take you aside. Why did they arrest you? Who came to get
J you out?
Gain a Foe or Gain a Quest (P) from a noble.

Someone suddenly shouts in the tavern. Why did the brawl break out? How
Q did you get caught up in it?
Gain 1 Wound and a Foe.

A mercenary breaks down your door. Why did they try to take you into
K custody? How did you get rid of them?
Gain a Foe.

the City
You spot an unusual stall in the market. What trinket did you contemplate

A selling? Did you sell it?
Gain 1 Coin and a Friend if you did.

A merchant arrives before dawn. What did they want? Why were they
The harvest festival is upon the City. What activities did you partake in? Did
you enjoy yourself?
It is the Holy Day. How did you celebrate with the people? Who caused a
The guild leaders call an emergency meeting. What are they worried about?
How might it affect you?

6 A day of mourning. What did the city mourn? How did they consecrate it?

Your tower door is painted with a strange pattern. What does it mean? Why
has the City painted all entryways with it?
You attend a public execution. Who was executed and why? How did the
crowd respond to it?
Royalty calls all wizards to action in a distant war. Who are they fighting?
How did you avoid the call?
A plague sweeps through the City. What are the symptoms? What did the
people call it? How long are you sick?

You make a shady deal at the market. What were you trying to buy? Is the
J item cursed?
Gain a Foe if it is, otherwise Lose 2 Coin.

Someone bumps into you in the market. Why did you think they were a
Q pickpocket? How did you lose them?
Lose 2 Coin if you did not, otherwise Gain a Foe.

Farmers riot in the streets. Who were you mistaken for? How did you get
K away?
Gain a Friend.

Quest Prompts

♥ Quest Prompts

• You meet an old man. Where is he travelling from? Why did he ask you
for Coin? Did you give him some?
Lose 1 Coin if you did.

• You share tea with an old man. How is the air different in the
A countryside? What did the two of you silently watch?
Remove 1 Wound if you gave him Coin earlier, otherwise simply enjoy
the tea.

• The old man hails you. What did he find? Why is his journey complete?
Where will he go now?
• A travelling chronicler asks a tale of you. What tale did you regale them
Gain 1 Coin.

• A chronicler sings a song of your tale in a tavern. What details have they

• A tavern keeper tells the tale of their life. Where did you show up in their
story? Why did they offer to heal you?
Remove 1 Wound.

of the Heart ♥

• An armoured woman held a picture up to you. Who are they searching

for? Why are they searching for them?

• An armoured woman has apprehended a person. Where were they

3 hiding? Did you help her catch them?
Gain 1 Wound and 2 Coin if you did.

• You see the person from before hung at the gallows. How did the crowd
react? Where is the armoured woman?
• A strange beast stalks the tree line nearby. How did it move? What was it

• A strange beast strikes you. Why was it stalking you? How did it smell
this close? How has it marked you?
Gain 1 Wound. You cannot remove this Wound.

• You meet a monster hunter. Why did they offer their services? Did you
pay them to hunt down the strange beast?
Lose 3 Coin and Remove the permanent Wound if you did.

♥ Quest Prompts

• A roadside merchant roasted small critters on sticks. Who are they? Why
did they invite you over?

• A roadside merchant called you over. Why did they offer you a special
deal? Did you take it?
Lose 2 Coin and Gain 1 Magical Artefact if you did.

• A group of bandits encircle a merchant. Why did they attack the

merchant? Did you interrupt?
Gain 1 Wound and 2 Coin if you do.
• Two people sharing a horse galloped past. What were they fleeing from?
Why did they throw Coin at you as they passed?
Gain 1 Coin.

• An armoued woman shows you a picture of two fleeing nobles. Who

6 were they? Did you help?
Gain 1 Coin if you did.

• An armoured woman dragged two corpses behind her horse. Why did
she wink at you?
Gain 1 Coin if you helped her before.

of the Heart ♥
• A group of people were building a wall. What did they say it was for?
Why did they threaten you?

• A strange beast ravaged a group of people. Why did it attack them? Did
you help?
Gain 1 Wound and the password if you did.

• A person behind a gate waits for a password. What was their demeanour
to you?
Reduce your Quest by 1 card if you know the password.
• You meet a dream merchant. How did your dream relate to the Great
Wizard? Why did she offer you the dream for free?

• You meet the dream merchant. Did you purchase a dream? If so, what
was it?
8 Lose 1 Coin and Reduce or Extend your Quest by 1 Card if you did.

• The dream merchant visited you in your sleep. What did they tell to you?
Did you listen?
Gain 1 Corruptions and consider all Quests as 2 cards instead of 3 if
you did.

♥ Quest Prompts

• A dying wizard was tied to a stake. What did this wizard mutter? Who
might have done this? Did you help them down?
Gain 1 Wound and a Friend if you did.

• Wizard hunters shook down people on the road. How did they know
9 you were a wizard? How did you deal with them?
Gain 1 Wound.

• Wizard hunters followed you out of town. Why did they not attack
straight away? How did they know you were a wizard?
Gain 1 Wound.

• A knight with dark armour greeted you. Why were they missing several
limbs? How is it that they do not perish?

• A knight with dark armour blocked your way. Why were they missing
all of their limbs? Did you try to get past?
10 Gain 1 Wound and a Foe if you did, otherwise Extend your Quest by 1

• The head of a knight with dark armour shouted at you to leave. Why
was it shouting? Did you ignore it?
Gain 1 Corruption if you did, otherwise Extend your Quest by 1 Card.

of the Heart ♥
• You are approached by a figure. Why did thy remain hidden? Why did
they ask for your blood? Did you provide it?
Gain 2 Coin and 1 Wound if you did.

• You are approached by a figure in shadow. Did you give them your
blood again?
Gain 2 Coin and 1 Wound if you did.

• You are approached by a figure in shadow. Why did they offer you
power? Did you take it?
Gain 1 Corruption and the game no longer ends if you suffer too many
Wounds if you did.
• You happened upon a group of troubadours with broken wagons. What
was it that they carry? How did the wagons break? Did you help?
Lose 4 Coin and Gain 1 Magical Artefact and a Friend if you did.

• You watched a troubadour performance. What was the performance of?

Q Why did they offer you shelter for the night?
Remove 1 Wound.

• A wounded toubadour hid up a tree. What attacked them? Why did they
ask you to help the others? Did you help them?
Gain 1 Wound and 2 Coin if you did.
• A chatty bard sung about your travels. How did they portray you in their
stories? Did you tip them?
Lose 2 Coin if you did, otherwise Extend your Quest by 1 Card.

• A bard sings of you in a tavern. How did they portray you in their
K stories? Did they recognise you?
Gain 1 Coin and a Friend if they did and Extend your Quest by 1 Card.

• A finely dressed noble greeted you. Why was the bard dressed like this?
Gain 1 Magical Artefact if you tipped them earlier and they are your
♦ Quest Prompts

• You stumbled into an overgrown clearing. What chased you here? What
treasure did the ancient remains hide?
Gain 2 Coin.

• You stood at the edge of a dark lake. What did you see? What treasure
A did the skeletal hand hold? Did you swim over?
Gain 2 Coin and 1 Wound if you did.

• A clacking sound woke you from your sleep. What skeletal creatures did
you see? Why did they attack you?
Gain 1 Wound.
• A hooded hermit walked by. What signet did you glance? Why was this
wizard hiding their identity?

• A tower toppled ahead. What did the crows pilfer from the crumbled
stone? Why did the tower topple?
Gain 1 Coin or Gain 2 Coin and 1 Wound.

• You saw a hooded hermit dissipate into stars. Where did the fiery beam
come from?
Gain 1 Wound.

of the Diamond ♦

• You saw a glinting holy symbol on the road. To which deity does it
worship? Why was it abandoned?
Gain a Holy Symbol.

• A raving naked man denounced their religion. What did the people
3 throw at him? Why did you show him the holy symbol?
Gain 1 Wound.

• A small group reveres you. What did the holy symbol mean to them?
What did they take as doctrine from you?
Gain 2 Coin.
• The world flipped for a moment. What treasure did you see in this
mirror world? What guarded it?

• The world flipped again for a moment. Who was also pulled into this
4 mirror world? What happened to them?

• The world flipped again for a moment. How did you make it to the
treasure? How did you defeat what guarded it?
Gain 1 Magical Artefact and 1 Wound.

♦ Quest Prompts

• A shining fog engulfed the road. What is the fog used for in the City?
What special tool is required to bottle it?

• A shining fog engulfed the road. What was revealed when it dissipated?
How did it harm you?
Gain 1 Wound.

• A shining fog lashed out. How did the special tool capture the fog? How
were the captors struggling? Did you help?
Gain 1 Wound and 2 Coin if you did.
• A group of angry people drag a struggling captive. What did this person
steal? Why did the people watch you worriedly?

• A group of angry peasants are hassling a passer-by. How did they hassle
them? What did the passer-by do? Did you intervene?
Gain 1 Wound if you did.

• A group of angry people approached you. What weapons did they

wield? Why did they hate wizards? Did you fight back?
Gain 2 Wounds and 3 Coin if you did, otherwise Gain 1 Wound.

of the Diamond ♦
• A crazed philosopher preached atop a rock. Why was the Coin they
throw worthless? What did they preach about?
Gain a Worthless Coin.

• A group of philosophers are ostracised at the back of the tavern. What

did they whisper of? Why did the people avoid them? Why did you
show them the Worthless Coin?
Gain 2 Coin and Lose the Worthless Coin.

• A strange beast has left the dying philosophers in its wake. Why did
they ask you to avenge them? Did you?
Gain 2 Wounds if you did, otherwise Gain 1 Corruption.
• A road stretched over a distant crest. How do you travel the lands when
you Quest? Do you hide your identity?

• A sack embroidered with ‘Tim’s Enchanted Powder’ rested on the road.

Why might this sack be empty? Is Time a wizard from the City?
Gain Tim’s Enchanted Powder (empty, cannot be sold).

• A horned figure stood on a distant hulltop and the ground exploded

when they threw their arms out. How did they sense the embroidered
sack you held? Did you ask them to refill it?
Gain 1 Wound and Tim’s Enchanted Powder (full, sell for 3 Coin) if
you did.

♦ Quest Prompts

• A beheaded wyrm’s corpse stretched across the road. Why are the heads
valuable in the City? Why are these difficult to kill?

• Your academic language caught the attention of a gruff woman. What

were you talking about and with whom? How did it relate to wyrms?
Why did she offer you a job to hunt one? Did you accept?
Gain a Quest: Hunt the Wyrm.

• A gruff woman hails you. What did you tell her of the wyrm?
Gain 1 Magical Artefact and 2 Coin if you completed the Quest.
• A mechanical vehicle lies motionless. In the City, who builds these?
What are they often used for?

• A great pit lies before you and many mechanical vehicles transport dirt.
What valuable material was harvested there? How did you learn of this?
• A well-dressed sales-person grabbed your attention. How did you feel
about driving the mechnical vehicles? Why were they better than
traditional mounts? Did you buy one? What does it look like?
Lose 5 Coin and Gain a Mechanical Vehicle (All Quests are reduced by
1 Card) if you did.

of the Diamond ♦
• A jaunty gang of graverobbers loot some mausoleums. Who have you
lost in your life? Why did the graverobbers pay you no attention?

• A funeral procession forced you off the road. What did a mourner offer
J you to revive the dead?

• Ancient mausoleums lined the road on either side. Why were their
doors hanging free? Who was buried here? Did you loot them?
Gain 1 Corruption, 1 Magical Artefact, and 2 Coin if you did.

• A dancing orb of light shone in the night. Why did you feel the desire to
follow it? Did you follow it?
Gain 2 Coin and 1 Wound if you did.

• You woke in an unknown grove. How did you get here?

Q Extend your Quest by 1 Card if you followed the dancing orb earlier,
otherwise Extend your Quest by 2 Cards.

• The song of a siren called you into the water. What was something you
have lost and want back?
The game ends.

• A horse is tied to a tree. Why did it look malnourished? Who might it

have belonged to? Did you take it?
Gain 1 Wound and Reduce your Quest by 1 Card if you did.

K • You walked past a stable of horses. What happened to that

malnourished horse from earlier?

• You were accused of theft. What was it that they think you stole?
Your Quest ends early and is not completed.

♣ Quest Prompts

• A small creature with sharp teeth struck from the tree line. How did you
defeat it without magic? What was it?
Gain 2 Coin and 1 Wound.

• A butcher requested you to bring them some goblin ears. Why do people
A hunt goblins? How do goblins relate to magic?
Gain a Quest: Goblin Ears.

• A butcher requested goblin ears. What profanities did he use when

referring to goblins?
Gain 3 Coin if you completed the Quest.
• A violent storm darkened the sky. Where did you take shelter? How did
the storm remind you of the Great Wizard?

• You witnessed the death of a small family. How did they perish in the
2 storm? Why could you not prevent it?

• An entranced wizard danced to create destructive storms. Who else was

caught in it? What had entranced them?
Gain 1 Wound.

of the Club ♣

• A crazed wizard demanded a duel. Who were they? Why did they wish
to duel you? What happened?
Gain 1 Wound.

• People ran when they recognised you. What did they think they saw
when you duelled the crazed wizard from earlier?

• Wizard hunters snatched you while you slept. How did they find you?
Why were they after you? How did you get away?
Extend your Quest by 1 Card.
• A golem of stone erupted from the ground. How did you escape its
grasp? Why did it give up on pursuing you?
Gain 1 Wound.

• A stone golem dragged you away. Who did it take you to meet? Why
did they have you abducted? How did you escape?
Gain 1 Wound.

• You are encased in stone. Who did this? Why would they?
The game ends.

♣ Quest Prompts

• Crowds encircled a tournament of fighters. How did they fight? Why

did you watch? Who won this tournament?

• You found yourself participating in a brawling tournament. How did

this happen? How did you turn the tables on the last fighter?
Gain 2 Coin.

• You have been invited to participate in a grand brawling tournament.

How were you invited on the road?
Gain a Quest: The Brawling Tournament (5 Coin).
• A cordial person approached. Why did they speak an unknown
language to you? What did you say that makes them take offense?

• You saw the same person from earlier turn their head up from you and
point. Who beset you?
Gain 1 Wound.

• A bridge is guarded by foreign warriors. What did you think they ask of
you? Why did they not let you pass?
Extend your Quest by 1 Card.

of the Club ♣

• Rainfall flooded the way ahead. What items did you hold that could be
damaged by water?
Extend your Quest by 1 Card.

• The resurfacing of a flooded road is continued. Why were criminals

used as labour? What happened to one that refused to work?

• An animal was drowning in a river nearby. How did you help? How
were your robes damaged?
Gain 1 Wound.
• The world went dark. What blotted out the sun? How did you hide
from it? Who did it take instead?
Gain 1 Wound.

• The moon blocked the sun, and the world fell dark. Where were you
trapped for a long time when you were younger?

• You dreamed of shifting stars and aligning planets. What star-made

artefact did you wake up with?
Gain 1 Magical Artefact.

♣ Quest Prompts

• A mechanical bird squarked from the trees. Who ran out alarmed? Why
did they relax when they saw you?

• A mechanical bird squarked from the trees. Why did the person who
emerged look at you with distrust? Why did they pay you to leave?
Gain 2 Coin.

• A mechanical bird squarked from the trees. Why was the emerging
person enraged with you?
Gain 1 Wound.
• A helmed warrior sat near freshly dug graves. How many were there?
Why did they kill then bury them?

• A helmed warrior blocked your path. What weapon did they point
towards you? How did you defeat them?
Gain 1 Wound and 1 Magical Artefact.

• You woke after dreaming of the helmed warrior. How many laid dead in
front of you? What magic caused this?
Gain 1 Wound.

of the Club ♣
• A group of bandits ambushed you. What drove them to a life of crime?
Do you pay up?
Lose 2 Coin if you did, otherwise Gain 1 Wound.

• You recognised a farmer as one of the bandits that ambushed you. How
J did you apporach them? How did they escape?
Gain 1 Wound.

• You located the house of the farmer who robbed you. How did you find
it? What were you going to do? What did you see that changed your

• A troll blocked your way across its bridge. What was their name? Why
did they live under this bridge? Did you pay up?
Lose 2 Coin if you did, otherwise Extend your Quest by 1 Card.

• A troll sat sorrowfully on a stump. Why did they lament about their
Q bridge?
Gain a Quest: Return the Troll to their Bridge.

• A troll begged for Coin on the road. How did they beg for it? What
news did you bring about your Quest for them?
Gain 4 Coin if you completed the Quest, otherwise Lose 1 Coin.

• A dragon flew over head and scorched the road. Why was it angered?
Gain 1 Wound.

• A dragon shook the ground when it landed. What did it want you to
K do? What did it do to the first person who tried to flee?
Gain a Quest: The Dragon’s Bidding.

• A dragon waited for you. What news did you bring of its Quest?
Gain 1 Magical Artefact if you completed it, otherwise Gain 2 Wounds.

♠ Quest Prompts

• A group of adventurers offered you a bed for the night. How was the
camp hidden? Where were they going?
Remove 1 Wound.

• A group of adventurers licked their wounds. What did they encounter?

A Did you help them?
Lose 2 Coin if you did.

• An enraged troll made an attack at you. How did the adventurer’s come
to your aid?
Lose 4 Coin if you did not help the adventurers earlier.
• A roadside shrine peeked from a cluster of rocks. Which deity does this
shrine worship? What was the state of the shrine? Who was tending to
Gain 1 Friend.

2 • You found another shrine. How was this shrine forgotten? What was the
last offering?

• You dreamed of a shrine on a distant planet. What did the ley lines
whisper to you? Has magic ever taken you off-planet?
Gain 1 Foe.

of the Spade ♠

• You passed through the ashy remains of a town. What did you see
there? What do those in the City say of this place?

• You were caught in a forest fire. How did you escape?

Gain 1 Wound.

• You have lost someone to magical fire. Who were they to you? What
• You spied a small cemetery. What rumours did the people speak of
about this place? How was this different to a cemetery in the City?

• You fell into a freshly dug grave. Who began to bury you alive? Why
did they allow you to find someone to replace you as a blood sacrifice?
Gain a Quest: Blood Sacrifice.

• A hooded figure grabbed you by the arm. How did they think the world
is about to end? What demon did they need to appease?
The game ends if you did not complete the Quest.

♠ Quest Prompts

• You travelled through a village suffering a heat wave. How did the
denizens deal with it? What did it make you long for from the City?
Gain 1 Wound.

• You walked through a snowstorm. How many frozen corpses did you
5 walk over?
Gain 1 Wound.

• A mud slide threatened to bury you. Who had it already claimed? How
did you get out?
Gain 1 Wound.
• You fell into a chasm. What caused the sudden rift? How did you get out
after spending the night down there?
Gain 1 Wound.

• You were sucked into an underground chamber. Who did this tomb
6 belong to? How did they come to be buried here?
Gain 2 Coin.

• A trip and fall landed you in an interconnected underground chamber.

How had life found a way down here?
Gain 1 Magical Artefact.

of the Spade ♠

• The ruins of an ancient gate loomed. Where did they once lead? What
do those in the City whisper about this place?

• You returned to the ancient gate to find new denizens. How have they
claimed this as their home?

• You met a denizen of the ancient gate carrying a piece of the city. What
was it? Why did they carry it?
• An overgrown cottage rested amongst the trees. What did you find
inside that suggested who lived there? Why was it abandoned?

• You returned to the cottage and find a new friend. Who were they?
What did they gift you?
Gain 2 Coin.

• During a time of need, you returned to the cottage. What new

perspective did your friend offer? How did you repay them?
Lose 1 Coin.

♠ Quest Prompts

• An obelisk pierced the sky. How did the strange symbols etched into its
side relate to the stars? Where do people in the City say it came from?

• A second moon rapidly flew across the sky. What was left in its wake?
9 Who else saw it?

• A star fell from the sky and landed over the hill. What secrets did it tell
you of the world above?
Gain 1 Magical Artefact.
• You observed a mining operation. Who ran it? What were they
providing to the City? What did they need to protect their miners from?

• A miners’ protest turned violent. How were you caught up in it? What
were they protesting?
Gain 1 Wound.

• A transporter for the mines remembered you. Why were they upset with
Gain 1 Wound.

of the Spade ♠
• A shimmering field faded to reveal a tower. What did it look like? Who
occupied it? Did you rest there for the night?
Extend your Quest by 1 Card if you did, otherwise Gain 1 Wound.

• A shimmering field faded to reveal a tower. Why did the owner offer
J you a job? How will the sword of stars help them?
Gain a Quest: Sword of Stars.

• A shimmering field faded to reveal a tower. Why were you met with a
new face? How did the tower remind you of your own?
Gain 1 Magical Artefact if you completed the Quest.

• Off-track you found a lush garden. Why were you off-track? Who lived
in the cottage nearby? Did you take some supplies?
Gain 3 Coin and 1 Foe if you did.

• You walked off-track again and came across a large cairn. Who
Q maintained it? What did it represent?
Extend your Quest by 1 Card and Gain 1 Friend.

• You found yourself off-track. What beauty did you find here? What was
twisted in this place?
Gain 1 Magical Artefact.

• A sign carved into a tree seemed fresh. Where did it lead? How did you
find the cursed item? Did you take it?
Gain 1 Magical Artefact and 1 Corruption if you did.

• You saw someone carving a sign into a tree and then flee. What did they
Gain 1 Magical Artefact.

• You saw someone carving a sign into a tree, they tripped and fell. What
message were they spreading throughout the land?

Opus Table
♥ ♦ ♣ ♠
A Evocation of Spell of Blasts of Pillars of
2 Exorcism of Oozing of Bones of Breath of
3 Illusion of Hail of Hex of Ritual of

4 Divination Sigil of Snare of Spans of


5 Portals of Chamber of Destruction Lights of


6 Torrent of Glamour of Bolt of Whisperings


7 Abjuration Arrow of Curse of Calling of


8 Conjuration Crown of Shackle of Shields of


9 Transformati Alteration of Lance of Chant of

on of
10 Charm of Ray of Imbuement of Cloud of

J Invocation Chimes of Zone of Orbs of

Q Rains of Lights of Chains of Hand of
K Storm of Aura of Touch of Assault of

Vicissitude Table

♥ ♦ ♣ ♠
♥ Volatile ♥ Hissing ♥ Frightening ♥ Petrifying
♦ Inquisitive ♦ Shining ♦ Screaming ♦ Returning
♥ ♣ Reflective ♣ Bending ♣ Cutting ♣ Colossal
♠ Melodic ♠ Narrow ♠ Serrated ♠ Habitual
♥ Sudden ♥ Mouldy ♥ Deafening ♥ Elastic
♦ Organic ♦ Wealthy ♦ Electric ♦ Frequent
♦ ♣ Rotting ♣ Auspicious ♣ Accurate ♣ False
♠ Deep ♠ Boiling ♠ Blazing ♠ Judging
♥ Bolstering ♥ Weakening ♥ Dripping ♥ Sparkling
♦ Misty ♦ Double ♦ Melting ♦ Half
♣ ♣ Agonising ♣ Odorous ♣ Spiteful ♣ Liquid
♠ Hollow ♠ Scattering ♠ Lethal ♠ Divergent
♥ Resonant ♥ Many ♥ Maddening ♥ Ubiquitous
♦ Patient ♦ Alluring ♦ Protective ♦ Invisible
♠ ♣ Binding ♣ Marking ♣ Possessive ♣ Falling
♠ Evasive ♠ Silent ♠ Secretive ♠ Perpetual

A 2 3 4 5 6

Choose 2
A orthogonally Grume Venom Terror Caring Metal

Choose 2
2 Air orthogonally Distance Worms Scent Reaction

Choose 2
3 Lightning Blight orthogonally Darkness Sight Dirt

Choose 2
4 Lava Quakes History orthogonally Absorption Charm

Choose 2
5 Smoke Hate Pits Wind orthogonally Slime

Choose 2
6 Masks Agility Brawn Strangers Innocence orthogonally

7 Flesh Courage Lungs Hearts Brains Apathy

8 Lizards Burns Stealth Patience Roads Food

9 Art Tales Tail Wings Platforms Lakes

10 Snakes Bells Charity Ending Elevate Weather

J Demons Flight Control Time Sickness Repair

Q Summons Identifying Crushing Crowds Purpose Pain

K Life Angels Ideas Building Birth Disguise

7 8 9 10 J Q K

A Thoughts Wounds Acid Sound Ice Gems Nets

2 Balance Dryness Spirit The Mind Water Fire Thunder

3 Heat Taste Love Pain Wealth Stone Walls

4 Beasts Insects Mirrors Serpents Removal Dragons Spiders

5 Rage Rings Spheres Barriers Spikes Stars Dance

6 Reversal Fear Hunger Sinking Force Carnage Desire

Choose 2
7 orthogonally Opening Closing Screams Flowers Skulls Birds

Choose 2
8 Booze orthogonally Memory Disaster Attention Honey Oil

Choose 2
9 Rivers Clouds orthogonally Energy Growth Marrow Blades

Choose 2
10 Passion Song Decay orthogonally Guidance Duty Death

Choose 2
J Petrify Sadism Hypnosis Signals orthogonally Winter Melding

Choose 2
Q Puppets Ruin Health Teleport Chaos orthogonally Gravity

Choose 2
K Teeth Language Coinage Youth Age Bees orthogonally


♥ ♦
♥ Rare gemstone stolen from a
♥ Words of song hoard
♦ Rancid oil libation ♦ Hair of an abandoned infant
♥ ♣ Consumption of insects
♠ Stripping and burning of
♣ Branch from a tree struck by
garments ♠ Silk square embroidered with
♥ Movements of dancing ♥ Claws of a tentacled beast
♦ Soot covered hands ♦ Eyes of a many-headed snake
♦ ♣ Blowing on a charred silver
whistle ♣ Hand of the pure in amber
♠ Rubbing salt in your eyes ♠ Silver, jewel-encrusted rod

♥ Voice of strain ♥ Tongue of a silent thief

♦ Among the smoke of incense ♦ Teeth of a chattering frozen
♣ ♣ Scrawling of deepest regrets
♠ Squashing of rotten eggs with
♣ Spiderweb spun with gold
bare feet ♠ Crystal spheres filled with
darkened liquid
♥ Suspended upside down ♥ Cage made from impure silver
♦ Drinking from a bleeding ♦ Digested meat from a noble
♠ squid tentacle
♣ Inhaling copper powder
♣ Flask of basilisk blood
♠ Thorns pricked from an ever-
♠ Bathing in heated sand burning flower


♣ ♠
♥ Falling leaves from a yew tree
in Summer
♥ Fattening a man with sugar ♦ Boiling feathers taken from a
♦ Roasting a sleeping bird duck
♥ ♣ Oiling the eyes of a dying man ♣ Etching your name in a set of
♠ Uprooting a growing plant teeth
♠ Squashing of glow-worms into
a paste

♥ Marble statue of a loved one ♥ Burning bogwood in

♦ Crushing nut shells in the ♦ Reflecting the sunlight with a
mouth of a lion
♦ ♣ Skinning a live serpent
♣ Cooking slug bile
♠ Knotting the intestines of a ♠ Scrubbing flesh with the fur of
protected beast a slain beast
♥ Slitting the throat of a new-
born beast ♥ Sunstone held up to the sky
♦ Drowning a creature of ♦ Scattering fresh grave dirt
wrongdoing in honey
♣ ♣ Forcing the consumption of ♣ Tearing pages from a holy
liquid metal
♠ Drinking the tears of a crying ♠ Forking the tongue of a liar
♥ Pulling the teeth of an ill ♥ Whittling the trunks of trees
woman ♦ Spreading guano over the walls
♦ Grafting of tree bark onto an of a home
♠ animal companion
♣ Marking the exposed bone of a
♣ Crushing granite in a city
beast ♠ Bottling the distilled detritus of
♠ Inking the skin of a leader a living creature

Glyph Joining
♥ ♦ ♣ ♠
Inside: Outside: Crossing: Scattered:
A Coiling snake Coiling snake Coiling snake Coiling snake
3 Inside: Outside: Crossing: Scattered:
4 Hexagon Hexagon Hexagon Hexagon

Crossing: Scattered:
8 Inside: Circle Outside: Circle
Circle Circle
Inside: Outside: Crossing: Scattered:
J Hourglass Hourglass Hourglass Hourglass
Crossing: Scattered:
Q Inside: Hand Outside: Hand
Hand Hand
Crossing: Scattered:
K Inside: Spiral Outside: Spiral
Spiral Spiral


♥ ♦ ♣ ♠
A Heart Diamond Spiral Triangle

2 Square Circle Overlapping Arrow

3 Cross Star Crescent Semi-circle

4 Droplet Doulbe Overlapping Inverted

triangle diamonds droplets
5 Hourglass Shield Ankh Double helix

6 Eye Bolt Bell Circling

7 Cog Bone Knot Inverted 7
8 Rod Spikes Musical note Angled cross
9 Clover Circle cluster Crown Triple spiral
10 Split heart Hexagon Leaf Pinwheel
J Choose one in this column and fill it in
Q Choose one in this column and place a dot in the centre
K Choose one in this column and create a copy of it inside itself

A solo roleplaying
game of wizardry

The Bardic Inquiry

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