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She likes ice cream very much (absolutely adore)

R= She absolutely adores ice cream
2. He likes all water sports( very into)
R= He is very into all water sports

3. I hate opera (detest)

R=I detest opera

4. My brother loves playing video games. (crazy about)

R= My brother is crazy about playing video games

5. My sister doesnt really like any sports. ( not that into)

R= My sister is not that into any sports

6. I dont like people who always talk about themselves . (cant stand)
R= I cant stand people who always talk about themselves

7. My mom likes going to musicals.(very fond)

R= My mom is very fond going to musicals

8. I like tea but I prefer coffe.(dont mind)

R=I dont mind tea but I prefer coffe

9. The thing I hate most is cleaning up my room.(loathe)

R= The thing I loathe is cleaning up my room

10. I dont hate my job, but its time I applied for another one. (kind of like)
R= I kind of like my job, but its time I applied for another one
Influence (verb) /ˈɪn·flu·əns/ to change the way that someone thinks or the way
that something develops
Tennis racket a racket with which one plays tennis

Sociable (adjective) /ˈsoʊ·ʃə·bəl/ Someone who is sociable likes being with people
and meeting new people.
Psychological ˌsɑɪ·kəˈlɑ·dʒɪ·kəl/ relating to the human mind and feelings

Powerful ˈpɑʊ·ər·fəl/ able to control or influence people or things that happen

Mood (noun) /mud/ the way someone feels at a particular time

Poetry /ˈpoʊ·ɪ·tri/ the art of composing poems

Unsaid (adjective) /ʌnˈsed/ not said, although thought of or felt

Miracles (noun) /ˈmɪr.ə.kəl/ an unusual and mysterious event that is thought to

have been caused by a god because it does not follow the usual laws of nature
Short (adjective /ʃɔːrt/ small in length, distance, or height

Long /lɑːŋ/ continuing for a large amount of time

Thunderstorm /ˈθʌn.dɚ.stɔːrm/ a storm with thunder and lightning and usually

heavy rain
Freshness /ˈfreʃ.nəs/ the quality of being in a new, natural condition and not old or
preserved by processes such as freezing
Get back (phrasal verb) /ɡet/ to return to a place after you have been somewhere
Bright /braɪt/ full of light, shining

Myth (noun) /mɪθ/ an ancient story or set of stories, especially explaining the early
history of a group of people or about natural events and facts
Regret (noun and verb) /rɪˈɡret/ a feeling of sadness about something sad or wrong
or about a mistake that you have made, and a wish that it could have been
different and better
Keep fit (stay healthy and strong) ˌkiːpˈfɪt/ physical exercises to keep your body
healthy, often done regularly with other people
Read out loud ( read so people can hear you)
Physically demanding (adjective) If work or another activity is physically
demanding, it needs physical strength to do.

Match the passions with the speaker. Who is passionate

about________________ ? Just write the names in the correct lines.


Weather ______James _________

Horseback riding___paul _______________

Tennis __Julia______________

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