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Amazon Order Management Module

Direct Feed
Setup and Daily Use


1. An Amazon Seller Central account with a Seller Central login ID that has the appropriate access
2. Mail Order Manager 5.4. or greater with the Amazon Order Management Module.
3. The Latest M.O.M. Program Update Installed.

Special Note: For Amazon, all orders are imported into M.O.M. as pre-paid. Keep in mind that when using
“Charge when shipped” in Amazon, if the order cannot be fulfilled, you will need to create the necessary
journal adjustment entry to remove the initial pre-payment and balance your accounting reports.

Amazon Setup

1. Once you have an Amazon Seller Account you need to log into and go to
the bottom of the Account Info page to get your Merchant Token.

2. Make a request to Amazon to convert your Order Download to an XML format. This will allow
the MOM Direct Feed to retrieve orders and publish products to Amazon. This switch usually takes
12 hours to activate. You must specify the starting order date that you would like to start retrieving
into XML when making your request. Without a starting order date, Amazon may send your entire
order history to M.O.M. causing a download failure.

Note: If you are a Silver Seller Central Account holder, the switch for XML format may not be
granted to you without Dydacomp’s request. Please call Dydacomp’s Technical Support to make
this request from Amazon.

3. Confirm with your Amazon Category Representative if your products are allowed for sale in any of
their listed categories before submitting them for publication. If you are a Seller Central Account
holder and have sold products in Amazon, it is very likely that those products you sold are already
allowed. Check with Amazon on a frequent basis to confirm if they have added more categories
that your products can be published under.

Important Note: Using the MOM eCommerce Management Direct Feed will eliminate the use of a flat file
order import and flat file shipment confirmation upload from and to Amazon. Everything must be handled
using the Direct Feed functions such as publishing new products, product modifications, inventory changes,
retrieving new orders to download, submitting order fulfillment and shipment confirmation & order
adjustments (order cancellation & product deletion) for refunds.

Workstation Setup

1. Navigate to
2. From the main menu, select Support Login.

3. Log in by entering your M.O.M. License # and Zip Code and choose Verify.

4. Select Miscellaneous Utilities and choose Go. (Note: Your version of M.O.M. will automatically
be selected for you based on your license information.)
5. Choose the MOM Workstation Link.

6. Select the file and then click here to download the file.

7. Once you have downloaded the latest workstation install, run it from the machine where MOM is
8. If you do not have the Microsoft .Net Framework installed, you will be prompted to install it.

9. Select Yes, and select Yes if any security message appears.

10. Review the Microsoft .Net License Agreement, select I agree, then choose Next.

11. Select OK when the installation is completed. The M.O.M. Workstation Installer will
automatically open. Choose Next until you are prompted to the select the Setup Type.
12. You can choose Complete to install all the options included in the workstation install or you can
choose Custom and then check the Amazon option on the list and choose Next.

13. Click on the Next button until the actual installation starts. Click on the Finish button once the
installation is done.
14. MOM 6 Users: Navigate to your main M.O.M. folder when prompted and select momdata.dbc.
15. Open the MOM shortcut on your desktop.
16. If you do not have Microsoft Web Services Enhancements installed on your computer, it will
download automatically.
17. In the Introduction screen, select Next.
18. Review the Microsoft .Net License Agreement, select I agree, then choose Next.

19. When the installation is complete, choose Finish. M.O.M. should open to the main screen.

M.O.M. Setup

1. In the main M.O.M. screen and go to Options >eCommerce Management >Define eCommerce
Merchant Settings.
2. Enter your Merchant Seller Name and the Username and Password you registered with Amazon
when you obtained a Seller Account. Finally enter your Merchant Token.
3. Click on the Test Connection to Amazon button to make sure that you can connect to Amazon.
The following window will be displayed once you’ve successfully established a connection. Test
Connection will verify you account information: business name, e-mail address, password & token
id. If you change any of these information, you must wait at least 4 hours before you can have a
successful test connection.

4. In the Miscellaneous tab of the Merchant Settings screen, enter in the default information for your
Amazon orders. The required fields are marked with an asterisk.
Note: Amazon offers a “Charge when Ship option” and it will be mandatory to all Pro Merchant
accounts. This will charge the entire order amount if ANY of the items were shipped. For example,
the buyer ordered 5 different items and 4 were backordered, once you submitted the shipment
confirmation for any shipped Amazon item, the entire order is charged. In M.O.M., once an item is
shipped from an Amazon order, a journal entry is made as a payment for the entire order. You can
use this feature to delay the M.O.M. payment until any item within an Amazon order is shipped,
otherwise orders will be downloaded as pre-paid with a miscellaneous adjustment.

5. Select Save once you are done entering all the required information.

Amazon Shipping Methods

These shipping methods must be set up in Mail Order Manager before downloading orders.

1. From the main M.O.M. screen, select Maintain > Shipping Information > Shipping Methods.
2. Select New and enter a Shipping Method Code for your standard shipping method, such as STD
or any other code of your choice.
3. For Description, it is critical to begin your description with the words Amazon then the description
of the method in Amazon with no spaces in the description.
a. For instance, the Amazon Second Day Method in Amazon must be listed entered in
M.O.M. as “Amazon SecondDay”, the Amazon Standard Method should be setup in
M.O.M. as “Amazon Standard”.
b. You may add any further description after that. For example, “Amazon Standard UPS
Residential Ground”. It is important that the package carrier is one of Amazon
supported carriers such as DHL, UPS, USPS & Fedex.
4. UPS LINK Users: Check the option Print Shipping Manifest/Report.
5. Proceed to select Package Carrier, Zone Table, etc., as you would for any shipping method.
When completed, select Save. See following example.

5. Proceed to set up another shipping method for Amazon Expedited using the previous instructions,
with the exception of changing the beginning of the Description line to Amazon Expedited.
See example below.
Product Setup
Each product item that will be sold on Amazon must be checked as Available for Amazon. MOM provides a
tab that can be used to enter UPC information, Amazon Product Categories, and custom descriptions and
images that will be then published to Amazon. M.O.M. uses this match between your Amazon SKU and the
M.O.M. products when publishing product changes, inventory to Amazon and importing orders from
Amazon. The product on the fly is used if there’s no match between M.O.M. & Amazon.

1. On the Main Menu Bar, click on Product >Maintain Stock Items.

2. Select or Create a Product you wish to publish to Amazon, then click on the eComM tab. Check the
option Product Available for Amazon.
3. In the General tab, enter the product information. Fields in BOLD are required for publishing.

Note: A valid UPC or EAN code is required for publishing on most Amazon product
categories. These codes will be validated by the Amazon server. If you sell items with no
UPC Code and the category that you will be using to publish your products requires a
UPC Code, you will need to contact your Amazon Category Manager to obtain an
exception. If the category does not require a UPC code, this field can be left blank (Do not
enter invalid UPC Codes).

Amazon SKU is case sensitive. If your products are listed in Amazon, you will have to
match the Amazon SKU with M.O.M.’s Amazon SKU exactly. Amazon does not support
more than 1 space between characters for Amazon SKU. Our Amazon Direct Feed does
not support foreign characters in all of the text & character parameters.

Matching Categories

Apparel - UPC Required - Merchants can request a UPC override

Auto Accessories - UPC or Manufacturer and Manufacturer Part Number
Baby - UPC Required - Merchants can request a UPC override
Camera and Photo - UPC Required
Consumer Electronics - UPC Required
• Bed and Bath - UPC Required
• Furniture and Decor
• Seeds and Plants
• Kitchen - UPC Required
• Outdoor Living - UPC Required
Musical Instruments - UPC Required
Office Products - UPC or Manufacture and Manufacture Part Number
Pet Supplies - UPC or Manufacture and Manufacture Part Number
Software and Video Games - UPC Required
Sports and Outdoors - UPC or Manufacture and Manufacture Part Number (item type
Tools - UPC or Manufacture and Manufacture Part Number
Toys - UPC Required
Watches - UPC or Manufacture and Manufacture Part Number
Wireless - UPC Required

Non Matching Categories

Heath and Personal Care
Gourmet Foods

Important Note: The above information is subject to change without warning. Please check with your
Amazon Category Manager for more updated information. To request for a UPC Override, you will need to
contact your Amazon Category Manager for permission before publishing your products to Amazon. Once
permitted the Category Manager will supply a Registered Parameter for your products.

4. After selecting a Category and Product Type, click on the Select button to choose an Item Type.
5. Depending on the type of Seller Account you have, you may be required to upload Product Tax
Codes for your stock items. Log into your Seller Central Account and go to Settings >Tax
Settings. If you are able to get to the Tax Options page then you need to specify Product Tax
Codes on your stock items. Click on the View Master Product Tax Codes and Rules link to view
a list of valid product tax codes. If you are not able to view the Tax Options page, then your
account does not have tax settings enabled. In this case, you don’t need to provide Product Tax
Codes for your items.
6. The Amazon SKU field allows you to enter a custom SKU for this item exclusively for Amazon.
This Amazon SKU must match the actual SKU listed in your Amazon Seller Central, Manage
Inventory if the product is already listed in your Amazon account for sale. This field is primarily
used for Size/Color products; it automatically reduces the number of spaces between the main SKU
and the variation code thus allowing it to publish to Amazon successfully.
7. In the Extended Information tab you can set up a Launch Date, this is the date that you want the
product to be available for sale on Amazon. Publishing a product without entering a Launch Date
makes the item available for sale on Amazon right away.
8. Quantity is a required field in Amazon, however Amazon will allow you to leave this attribute to
zero but the product will be unavailable for sale. For products that are dropshipped, you can enter a
fictitious quantity so that you can sell it in Amazon.

9. Optionally, you can enter in a Promotional Sale Price and the Start and End Dates of the
promotion. If you enter a promotional price, both Start Date and End date are required parameters.
10. The Product Condition drop down allows you to select a condition for any used items that you are
publishing. Review Amazon’s Seller Central documentation for information on Condition
11. The Feature Bullets fields enable you to enter a few descriptive lines that will appear in the top of
the product page as a bulleted list.
12. The Search Keywords fields allows you to enter in specific terms that when searched on in
Amazon, will place the product on the search list.
12. 0. The Images tab allows you to select the item images you wish to appear on the Amazon
Product Page. These images must be hosted on the web.
12. 0. The Category Data tab will only be enabled for certain categories and/or product types.
When the tab is enabled, this means that the product needs category specific information before it
can be published. Click on the buttons on the right to view a list of possible values that you can
Daily Use

The eCommerce Management Station allows you to manage the different Order Management Module Feeds
and the sequence in which each feed is processed. If you have multiple Order Management Modules, you
can mix the different feeds from each module on this screen.

1. On the Main Menu click on Options >eCommerce Management >eCommerce Manager’s

2. Optionally, select a feed and click on the up or down arrow buttons to change the sequence that
each feed will be processed in batch.
3. Select Save to save the changes to the sequences, or Restore Default to change them back to the
sequence set in the Merchant Settings.
4. Optionally, check the box to Continually Upload and Download Data Every ____ Minute(s),
and specify the minutes. This will make the eCommerce Manager’s Station process the feeds at the
time interval that you specify.

Note: In order for this to work, the eCommerce Manager’s Station needs to be left open on a
5. Choose Process One to process just the selected feed, or choose Process Batch to process all the
feeds in sequence.
6. Click on Print to print the exception report, listing product publishing and order import exceptions.

Note: You may choose to exit the eCommerce Manager’s Station by clicking on the Close button.
However, if there are any publishing or import exceptions, the eCommerce Manager’s Station will
always prompt you to print the exception report before exiting out.

Amazon Order Management Feed Manager

Since Amazon validates the information for each product as it is being published, this can result in
individual product publishing times of up to 5 minutes. Once all of the product information has been sent to
Amazon, only product information that has been changed will be published. For example, if you change the
price of a particular item that you previously published, only the price information will be published in the
batch screen. This results in a significant reduction in the publishing time needed.

Publishing an Individual Product

1. On the Main Menu, click on Product >Maintain Stock Items and select the item you want to
2. Click on the eComM tab and then select the Amazon tab
3. Click on the Publish button to send the product information up to Amazon.

Processing Amazon Feeds

1. If you wish to use the Direct Feed to download your orders you must contact Amazon Sales
Department to get your Seller Account switched to use the XML Order Download. Switching to
the XML Order Download will allow your orders to be downloadable by M.O.M. through XML,
which will be done in the background. On the Main Menu, click on Options >eCommerce
Management >eCommerce Manager’s Station. The eCommerce Manager’s Station is
2. Choose the feed you wish to process and click on the Process One button, or click on the Process
Batch button to process all the feeds in sequence.

Amazon Feed

Feed Title Description

Download New Orders Search for new orders on Amazon’s server.

Upload Order Acknowledgement Send the confirmation for orders that have been
successfully imported using the Download New
Orders process. Must be done after a successful
order import. Note: A cancelled order (none of the
items were shipped) will be submitted when this
process is run.

Upload Package Information Send package tracking information, package

carrier such as USPS, UPS, DHL or FedEx to
Amazon. Amazon will consider the Order fulfilled
after this process is run.
Upload Order Adjustment Send a refund to Amazon that was made by
deleting the original item or returning the original
item from the imported order.

Synchronize Product’s Inventory With Matches the inventory in Amazon with the
Amazon inventory in MOM

Publish New Products Sends the information for every product marked
Information to Amazon Product Available for Amazon. Note: This may
take up to 5 minutes per product.

Amazon Order Activity Report

M.O.M. provides a report that you can use to view daily activity of the Amazon Direct Feed. Activity such
as transferred shipment, backordered items, committed items, pending order adjustments & transferred order
adjustments. This report is available at Options >eCommerce Management >Define eCommerce
Merchant Settings>Miscellaneous Tab.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Why isn’t the billing address downloaded when using Amazon Order Management
Module Direct Feed?
Amazon does not supply the complete billing customer information, only the customer’s name and email
address (This is imported into the comments field of the recipient's customer record). If the billing
address is the same as the shipping address, only then is it available.

2. Why is the payment imported as a miscellaneous adjustment?

Amazon does not provide any payment information for the Order; therefore it cannot be broken down to
a specific credit card type. You will need to make accounting adjustments accordingly.

3. When replacing an item, why can’t I simply, delete the original item ordered from
Amazon and replace it with another product for the same price & quantity?
Deleting an item originally ordered by the buyer will trigger an order adjustment for a refund. Instead you
must use the “replace the item feature” in the order by right clicking the SKU to change it. M.O.M. will
retain the original quantity & price/discount ordered by the Amazon buyer.

4. A refund will be issued to Amazon when a buyer cancels their unshipped item in
their order. Why then is the order displayed as a pending shipment on Amazon
Seller Central’s Manage Orders section?
If you delete an item that has a pending shipment status and the order has already been charged, a refund
will be issued to Amazon. If you want the order to have a completed status in Amazon’s Seller Central,
Amazon recommends you ship that item then create a return item instead. This will issue a refund and
will complete the order.

5. When should I use a product return in an Amazon order?

Product return will trigger an Order Adjustment to the Amazon order for a refund. If the product really
shipped (the package arrived to the recipient) and was returned back to you, this would constitute a
product return. If the customer would like a replacement product, and you do not wish to refund the
customer, follow the directions outlined in Question #3. If you still need to create a return on a product
without creating an adjustment in Amazon, you can enter the item in an order with a negative quantity.
6. How do I return the gift wrap fee or apply a partial refund on the
shipping amount charge?
M.O.M has a partial refund feature like the one in your Amazon Seller Central account. This feature is
available when you return the original line item. You can do this by highlighting the line item and

choosing the icon with the red circle and slash through it( ).You will then get the message below:

Select Yes, then the partial refund screen will display. Enter the amounts that you wish to refund to that

Notice that it also displays the maximum amount to refund just like your Amazon Seller Central partial
refund option. You continue to refund an item until there’s no remaining amount left to refund.

Note: Multiple partial refunds on the item will create multiple returns on the order which can create
conflicts with the number of units sold and returned. Usually refunds are done once, therefore make sure
that the amount you are applying for a partial refund is final before submitting it.
Select Submit Partial Refund when you have finished issuing the refund amount(s) that you intend to
submit to Amazon. If there’s a value in Shipping & Gift Wrap, M.O.M. will create an item on the fly for
the returned shipping and gift wrap. See below.

How can I refund Shipping fees, Gift Wrapping fees, or Promotional

Amounts without affecting the inventory of the line items?
Since Amazon distributes the total Shipping Amount, Gift Wrap Fee, and
Promotional Amount to all the items in the order evenly, you will still need to
refund these fees by creating a return of the ordered item and selecting partial
refund. To prevent a return of the ordered item to inventory, leave the Principal
Amount as 0.00 and fill in the necessary amounts for the remaining fees. This
will create a return line item with no SKU number (Item on the Fly) with a
negative Unit Price.

What about posting to my accounting software, which accounts will be

affected once posted?
An item on the fly cannot be setup with a Sales Return accounting department. They will
default to your main Sales Return account. You will need to make accounting adjustments

If I made a mistake, can I still delete the returned item and do it again?
Yes, provided that you have not submitted the refund adjustment feed to your Amazon
Seller Central account, you can still delete and create another partial refund.

Will M.O.M. create an automatic refund adjustment to an Amazon order

once the returned items were processed?
No, since returning an item is a manual process, refunding the order will be a manual
adjustment as well. It is recommended that you create a miscellaneous adjustment to the
order when returning items to an Amazon order. Note: Even if you have the buyer’s
payment information, do not refund their credit cards through MOM. Amazon will handle
the refund once the order adjustment is received through the eCommerce Manager’s

7. Why do products with no UPC codes take longer to publish in Amazon?

Amazon validates the product by its UPC Code. A product without a UPC Code will require additional
forms of validation.

8. How can I prevent shipping a cancelled order in Amazon when M.O.M. is importing
it as an order?
Amazon does not submit an order for fulfillment until 90 minutes after the order has been placed. This
gives the customer a 90-minute window to cancel the order. After 90 minutes, only the merchant can
cancel the order.
9. How should I cancel an order that I have already shipped and processed the
shipment confirmation for?
Since the customer has been charged for the order at the time the Shipment confirmation was processed,
the order should not be cancelled in M.O.M. You will need to return each line item and process the
invoice for the order. The return will be sent to Amazon when the Order Adjustment feed is processed.
M.O.M. will have a credit balance for this order that must be adjusted out using the Apply Customer
Payments screen in the Accounting > Accounts Receivable Menu.

10. If an Amazon order is returned because of a bad address, how can I reship the same
package in M.O.M. and produce a new package label?
After correcting the address, you can add a new product within the Amazon order in M.O.M. (a
miscellaneous item that is not marked as a service item) with no price or discount but with a weight of the
original package that was returned. This will generate a package label in M.O.M.

11. We sell drop ship items and never have units in inventory for these items, how can I
sell them in Amazon?
Products that do not have inventory cannot be published to Amazon. To correct this, you can enter a
quantity in the Stock Maintenance Screen > Amazon Tab of the drop ship item. M.O.M. will simply
publish that quantity.

12. I requested the XML Order Download switch from Amazon Technical Support but
M.O.M. couldn’t download orders when using the “Download New Orders” feed in
the Feed Manager screen. I do however, see them in Seller Central, Why is that?
Even if you were switched to XML Order Download, this may take time to collect the new orders. Those
orders that are in Seller Central before the switch to XML order download will not get downloaded by the
feed and must be imported in MOM using the original Order Management Module (Flat Import File),
which is still available for use. However, since the feed did not import them, the shipment confirmation
for those orders must be sent to Amazon as a flat file as well. Just keep in mind if you imported an order
using the flat file, you must send that shipment confirmation to Amazon using a flat file.

Modified 3/30/09

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