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Proposal for Executive Search Firm Services City of Fairfield March 5, 2024 FAIRFIELD OHO Submitted by Jerry Newfarmer Management Partners 1730 Madison Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45206 Management Partners _ 4730 Manson ovo + Cicivnar, OH45205 + 5138515400 « Fax5S138613480 2107 Nonti Fis STREET, SUTE47O * Sea Jost, CAuFORWA 95131 + 408.437 5400 + Fax 408.453 6193 3152 RED HU. Avenue, SuT=210 + COSTAMESA, CAEFORWAS92526 + 945.222 1082 » Fax 408.453 6191 Management Partners Merch 5, 2021 ‘Ms, Carol Mayhall Human Resources Manager City of Fairfield 5350 Pleasant Avenue Fairfield, OH 45014 Dear Ms. Mayhall: The City has issued a request forproposals forexecutive search services to recruit and support the City Councit’s selection process for Fairfield’s next city manager. Fairfield operates under the Council- Manager form of government and is situated mostiy in Butier County with easy access that provides diverse housing and economy. The Citys seven departments provide full services to the population of approximately 42,600 residents with 3 budget of over $75 milion. Fairfield has an A1 municipal bond rating because of its positive financial management. City leaders want assistance finding a city mana ger wio will continue the Councl’s mission to “provide opportunities forall to experience an exceptional quality of life in asafe, well-balanced and attractive environment by creating progressive partnerships to build our future.” Management Partners has the experience, ability, and capacity tofind the best candidate to bethe City’s next City Manager. The Management Partners team knows southwest Ohio and hasan unrivaled reach throughout the rest ofthe state end country in local government. Greg Horn, our lead recruiter for Fairfield, ives in Ohio, and asa former city manager knows haw to support elected officials in their work. Greg has recently led recruitment processes for Montgomery, Forest Park, Minerva, Clayton, Middletown, Springdale, Westerville, and Worthington, Ohio. ‘Management Partners is pleased to provide this proposal to assist with the recruitment, selection and hiring of a qualified candidate to fil the position of city manager. We are local government experts who have worked with leaders for 26 years to heip them improve the way their governments function. We are focused on results and have @ bias foraction. Our team is excited about the potential of working with the City on this recruitment and we took forward to discussing our approzch and qualifications with you in more detail. Please let me know if there is any other information we can provide. Sincerely, J den ene Jerry Newfarmer President and CEO 1730Maotson Roan * CinaNwar,, OH 45206 © 513861 5400 » Fax513861 3480 MANAGEMENTPARTNERS.COM 2407 Nort FAST STREET, SUITE 470 * SANJOSE, CALIFORHIADSISI. © 408 4375400 © FAXd408 453.6191 3152 Rep HILL AVENLE, SUITE 210 * CosTa MESA, CALORNIA2626 + 949 222 1082 * FAX 408 453 6191 Gity of Fairfield TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ‘OUR UNDERSTANDING i EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL COMPETENCE ‘Our Experience Conducting Executive Recruitment REFERENCES ‘OUR TEAN.... (OUR PHILOSOPHY ABOUT EXECUTIVE HIRING SUPPORT. APPROACH ... ‘SAMPLE DDCUMENTS.. BENEFIT OF MANAGEMENT PARTNERS. PROPOSED SCHEDULE AND COST... CONCLUSION ATTACHMENT A ~ RESUMES. ATTACHMENT B - SAMPLE DOCUMENTS. City of Fairfield INTRODUCTION Management Pariners helps local governments across the U.S. to work more effectively and run more efficiently. Founded: 1994 Offices: Cincinnati, Ohio, and Sen jose and Costa Mesa, California Associates: 100+, induding22 former city and county managers Firm Representative: Jerry Newlarmes, President and (CEO, (513) 861-5400 ‘ients to date: 900+ locel governments in 42'states Projects completed: More thar 1,700 Services offered: : = Executive Recruitment . ® Strategic end Business Planning © Organization Assessments © Semvice Sharing and Service Consolidation = Organization Development = Management Services = Performance Management . Financial Planning, Budgeting and ® Process Improvement Analysis Our many repeatdients tell us they choose us because of the principles on which our work is built: Knowledge. We have served in local governments, so we understand the environment in which you work. Collaboration. We strive to ensure our work supports your overall ‘organizational strategy and goals. Proven Methodologi: work. ». We use field-tested techniques for each aspect of the Custornization. We tailor each project to the client's unique needs. ‘Quality Work. Our processes ensure first-rate staff work and adhere to the highest ethical standards. Action, We guarantee our work. Nanagemert Page 1 Executive Search Firm Services OUR UNDERSTANDING ‘Management Partners will facilitate the process of recrulting the next city manager. We will learn about the goals of the City Council, needs of department directors, and wishes of stakeholders. in addition to hhavinga strong general fund reserve, Fairfield offers full services to its residents including accredited Police, Parks and Recreation, Public Works, and Public Utiities Departments, Our recruiter will conduct a ‘search for the best candidates that promote the City’s heritage, culture and diversity, and encourage ‘economic growth and developing partnershipsand relationships with business and communities. To conduct this search, we wil provide everything requested in the RFP including the following. Page 2 Assist in establishing process for the recruitment, including a timeline for various activities during the recruitment process. ‘Review the current compensation and recommend changes, if necessary, based on market and competitive conditions. Develop @ comprehensive position profile based on inform: with the City Council, Develop a marketing strategy thatutilizes professiona| contacts throughout the geographic area identified and supplement the candidate identification process through selected advertising, use of internet, and direct solicitation of known desirable candidates, Conduct personal interviews with the top candidates that meet the stated criteria. Implement 2 screening process that narrows the field of candidates to those that most closely Match the needs of the City, including discussing results of preliminary reference checks for top Candidates. The extent of screening to be conducted by the respondent will be determined by the City Council. Deliver a search report that recommends the top group of candidates and provides the City detailed information about their backgrounds and experience from interviews and other sources. Assist during the interview and the selection process, Including developing suggested interview ‘questions. Conduct criminal, driver license, credit, and related background checks. Assistin negotiating s total compensation package with the desired candidate. obtained in individual meetings BSeeeuese etree e zee ewewel City of Fairfield EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL COMPETENCE We help cities across the U.S. Our projects are delivered on time and on budget with quality results. 'm add tion to the experience and references below, our website, managementpartnersicom, has information about out past clients, which includes hundreds of jurisdictions in 42 states. You are welcome te contactany ofthem about our performance. We believe our track record completing similar projects on time and on budget, with quality deliverables specifically designed to be implemented, makes Management Partners well qualified to successiully complete this work for'the City of Fairfield. Our Experience Conducting Executive Recruitment Management Partners specializes n assisting local government organizations and provides quality executive recruitment for higher level local government professionals, including city managers. While ‘our range of services covers everything that focal governments need to understand and manage the organization, we have performed executive recruitment engegements for many jurisdictions in the last few years. Jurisdictions in bold indicate city manager or deputy city menager searches. Numbers in parenthesis () indicate muttiplerecrultments. = albuquerque, New Mexico = Nilnenva, Ohio = Bedford County, Virginia = Montgornery, Ohio * Boynton Beach, Fioridla '= Nozth Coast County Water District, California * Clayton, Ohio = Oskdand, California * Cupertino, Califomis = Sen Antonie, Texas © Emeryville, California = San Frantisco, Caitfornia * First § Santa Clara County, California = Santa Gara, California = Forest Park, Obio = Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, © Gilroy, California California © Hayward Area Recreation & Park District = Santa Fe, New Mexico ‘California (2) ‘= Silicon Valley Gean Energy, California = Los Akos Hills, California ‘= Springdale, Ohio (5) ™ Los Angeles, California (3) = Transbay loint Powers Authority, California (2) = tos Banos, California = West Valley Water District, California = Middletown, Ohie = Westerville, Ohio = MMilaitas, Califomia = Worthington, Ohio In addition to. executive recruitment, the firm has extensive experience hetping improve both the efficiency and effectiveness of all loca! government services in Ohio. The following list shows Ohio Jurisdictions that we have assisted in the past five years. = Blue Ash = Miam: Valey Communications Counc » Brunswick = Monroe ‘= Chncinnati/Mamitton Co Public Library = Montgomery = Cayton = Mt Healthy = Delaware County = New Concord = Forest Park = Ohio Fire Benchmarking Consortium = GreanTownship ® Silverton-Deer Park-Amberiay Vilage = Hamilton County © Solic Waste Authority of Central Chio = Huron County = Springdale = Indian Hil © Worthington © Little Miami Fire District * Yellow Springs. = Loveland sagen sear Page3 TT City of Fairfield REFERENCES We have provided five detailed project references for Management Partners Executive Recruitment engagements. We are happy to provide contact information for any former client, City of Gayton, Ohio >City Manager Executive Search Management Partners assisted the Mayor andi Cty Council of Clayton, Ohio with an executive search to fill their city manager pesition due to the retirement of the current manager. The recruitment included extensive personel outreach to current managers and assistants and the listing of the position announéementon ICMA and various stateassoriation websites. We screened all applicants, conducted Preliminarily interviews with the most highly qualified candidates and presented ten resumes for Council review. Five finalists were selected for interviews with Council and two candidates were invited for second interviews. We then performed background checks and personal reference checks for the two Finalists, and the Council selected their preferred.candidate. We assisted with preliminary contract negotiations. The'sucoe ssful candidate egan her duties in March 2020. Contact: ‘The Honorable Mike Stevens, Mayor (6996 Taywood Road, Englewood, OH 45322 (937) 836-3500 mstevens City of Middletown, Ohio Executive Search Services Management Partnersassisted the Mayor and City Council of Middietown with an executive search to filltheir city manager position. The recruitment process included extensive personal outreach to current managers and assistants and the listing of the position announcement on iCMA, State, and Regional Association websites. We originally screened 24 applicants, preliminarily interviewed the most highly qualified candidates, and presented 8 finalists and 3 akemate resumes or Council review. The eight finalists were interviewed via Zoom by. group of community leaclers and were also interviewed via Zoom by key management staff, Counci! interviewed all eight candidates via Zoom and selected four \dividuals for Follow-up interviews. Council narrowed their choice to two finalists and Management Partners completed professional references and background checks for both individuals. The preferred ‘candidate was invited to Middletown fora personal interview session with City Council and a guided community tour. Management Partners assisted with contract negotiations for the selected candidate ‘nd the Middletown City Council approved the appointment of mew manager on May 19, 2020, who ‘began his duties on July 13, 2020. Contact: The Honorable Nicole Condrey, Mayor One Donham Plaza, Middletown, OF 45012 (513) 425-7766 Page 4 City of Fairfield City of Forest Park, Ohio >City Manager Executive Recruitment ‘Management Partners assisted the Mayor and Council of the City of Forest Perk with an executive secruitment to replace their retiring cty manager. The recruitment included direct personal outreach and listing the position on nationally recognized websites. We conducted the original screening of applicants, pre-interviewed the rnost highly qualified applicants, performed background and personal reference checks, provided. short-list of candidates and facilitated, the interview process with the Mayor and Counci', ‘Contact: Mr. Andrew Levandusky, Director of Human Resources 1201 WestKemper Road, Forest Park, QH 45249 (513) 595-5204 Alevandunsky @forestpark.ore Village of Minemva, Ohio > Village Administrator Executive Recruitment Manegernent Partners assisted the Mayor and Council ofthe Village: ‘of Minerva, Ohio, with an executive recruitment to replace their 30-plus year Village Administrator. By design, the recruitment included ‘extensive personal outreach to current and former Ohio managers and listing of the position announcement on state, regional and national websites. We screened allapplicants, interviewed the most highly qualified applicants and narrowed the list to four finalists and two alternates. Background and personal reference checks were performed after the Mayor and Council interviewed the initial four candidates. The preferred candidate wasinvited fora second interview. We assisted with contract negotiations for the preferred candidate and facilitated the process to a successful contract award. ‘The new administrator beganhis duties in Septernber 2019. Contact: The Honorabie Tim Tarbet, Mayor 203 North Market Street, Minerva, OH44657 (330) 868-7705 City of Springdale, Ohio “>City Administrator Executive Recrultment ‘Management Partners assisted the Mayor of the City of Springdale, Ohio in an executive recruitment to replace the retiring city administrator. The recruitment included direct personal outreach and advertising on nationally recognized websites. We conducted the initial: ‘screening of candidates, pre- interviewed the most highly qualified applicants, performed background checks, provided a short list of ‘candidates and facilitated the interview process with the Mayor. The new city administrator began work ‘in August 2018, Contact: ‘The Honorable Doyle Webster, Mayor 12700 Springfield Pike, Springdale, OH 45246 (513) 346-5700 V Pages Executive Search Firm Services OUR TEAM Our team of assaciates assigned ta this project all passess relevant experience, induding many years of public service, consulting expertise and recruiting experience. Greg Horn willserveas lead recruiter and willbe supported by Suzanne Martin. As lead recruiter, Greg «will use his networks in Ohio and the eastem United States to find and recruit qualified candidates and conduct interviews. Swanne will providesupport and communication with candidates. They can be reached in our Cincinnatioffice, Phone Number:(513) 861-5400 4 FaxNumber: (513) 861-3460 . Email Address: Web Address: ‘Their qualifications ere briefly surnrea rized below. We have included complete resumes for each person in Attachment A of this response. Greg Horn, Special Advisor = Lived and warked in Ohio for the past 40 plus years. = Joined Menagervent Partners in 2017 after nearly four decades in focat government, all of them spent asa chief executive officer. Greg served most recently as city manager in Centerville, Ohio, a position he held for 25 years. = Recruiter for the cities of Montgomery, Middletown, Springdale, Worthington, Westerville, Clayton, Minarwaand Forest Park Ohio; and Bedford County, Virginia. = Currently recruiting forSidney, Ohio and Petersburg. Virginia. «Past president of the Ohio City/County Management Association and the Dayton Area Managers Assocation, Suzanne Martin, Management Advisor © Brings expertlsein conducting qualitative and quantitative research. » Performs benchmarking analyses, organizational assessments and ‘analytical research for a widevvariety of projects, including user fee assessments, service consolidation studies, and budget stabilization projects. * Received her master’s degree in public administration from San Francisco State Unlversity in December 2008. * Spent-two years asa graduate student intern at the California Public Utilities Commission, where she conducted business services-related program evaluation and policy analysis. "Member of PIAlpha Alpha. © Suzanne has supported the following recruitments: Bedford County, Virginia; Clayton, Middletown and Springdale, Ohio; Santa Fe, New Mexico; and Hayward Area Recreation District, los Angeles, Oakland, and Transbay Joint Powers Authority, California. Page 6 City of Fairfield OUR PHILOSOPHY ABOUT EXECUTIVE HIRING SUPPORT This proposal offers a proven process that consistently identifies excellent individuals for key positions in special districts and local governments across the nation. Our work is characterized by the following four qualities: High Ethical Standards. We conduct each search with integrity, respecting the confidentially of the dent's decision-making process and the confidentiality of the candidate’s interest in the position, Extensive Depth and Reach, Management Partners seeks the best professionals for the position by speaking with mowiedgeable people to identify superb candidates. We then seek to interest those individuals in considering the position. In addition, we carefully choose online publications, and other media where appropiate, to encourage all qualified persons to apply. ‘Quality Client Representation, Management Partnersis the agent of the client in conducting an executive search and we recognize the responsibilty to present the client in the most positive ‘manner. Moreover, throughout the selection process we assist the client in presenting the ‘employment situation inthe most positive of terms. Well-planned and Executed Hiring Support. Management Partners provides advice and support ‘throughout the hiring process. Candidates are treated with respect and we help complete the hiring process in a way designed to launch the appointee’s new relationship with the organization positively and productively. Our approach is designed to ensure high quality performance so that you have an excellent pool from which to choose. The approach is individually planned and executed to make certain your needs are met with a budget and schedule that works for you. We work with you to articulate the core values of the organization and the key issues to be addressed when recruitinga new person. We recruit proactively. Our work asa firm gives us a national presence through the clients we serve and the skills and cortacts of our staff. This perspective is a particular strength as we work to bring best practices as well as highly qualified candidates to your organization. We believe ‘that aggressive outreach is the key to success in executive recruitment rather than to simply hope that the right person will respond to a passive advertisement. We get results. We will complete a search to your satisfaction regardiess of the time and effort required. We guarantee our work. tfthe person youhire does not work out within a year, we will reopen ‘the search and assist youin replacing the person for no additional professional fee. Should this, unlikely situation occur, we would expect to only be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses for advertising and related costs. Our services include: calendar that includes regular progress reports and concludes on schedule with the successful selection of the professional you choose. ‘An attractive and informative brochure that includes a profile of your organization's history and leadership patterns as well as the current and prospective philosophy and needs of the City. ‘Acustom-designed recruitment strategy that relies on aur ability and commitment to ‘aggressively recruit highly qualified individuals. A diverse pool of vetted professionals. Personal guidance evaluating candidates and negatiating with the person you select. ‘The following provides the details of our approach to recruiting and the results of a successful search. Management Farmers Page7 Executive Search Firm Services APPROACH We would be pleased to refine the following framework and schedule to address your specific interests. Based on our experience and our understanding of the area and the needs of the City as outlined in the RFP, we have prepared the following detailed plan of work. We expect that we will refine the following framework to address your spetific circumstances and preferences. Activity 1 - Develop the Position Profile Management Partners begins each search by asting the question, "How would you know in a year, or five years from now, that you had hited the right petson?” We need to understand both the explicit and implicit standards of the organization. To answer this important question, we will meet with the Mayor, City Council members appropriate department leaders, key staff, and other stakeholders recommended by the City to understand the duties and responsibilities of the position, minimum quaiifications, evaluation criteria and other important qualities end characteristics essential to success in the position ‘We want tounderstand the culture and the strategic goals that the organization has for the new City ‘Manager. Our team is led by 2 recruitment specialist knowledgeable about the operating environment, cffering a unique combination of skils and perspective At the conclusion of these interviews and meetings, we will prepare a comprehensive and visually appealing position profile for your review, modification, and agreement prior to beginning the search. This profile will identify the organization’s needs, the strategic challenges of the position as well as the personal and professional characteristics of the ideal candidate. Thisdocument drives the recruitment ‘and enables us to focus our efforts on candidates who will be most able to do the job. Deliverables = Project sched uleand workplan ® Postion profile ‘City Resources Arrange space and times for Council and staif interviews = Review and make comments about the pasition profile Activity 2— Develop a Search and Marketing Strategy ‘During this activity, Management Partners identifies how we will market the position and contact individuals who could best meet the requirements established in the position profile. We start with the Premise that we want to attract the best people in the field, regardless of whether they are ooking fora new job. ‘The strategy willidentify target networks and organizations as well as communication methods for Feaching those who would be outstanding candidates and those who could recommend professionals we should contact for the position. We use a wide variety of sources, including professional association networks, websites and industry publicatiors, resources from past consulting assignments, and targeted networking, including through Linkedin. As with all our recruitments, the strategy includes specific Page 8 City of Fairfield ‘organizations and networks for reaching women and minority candidates who would be outstanding individuals for the position. Activity 3~ Conduct a Proactive Recruitment Campaign We will canvass our networks to identify candidates who will be most able to do the job and distribute the brochure to qualified professionals and those who could refer qualified individuals to us. We will supplement these methodologies by placing targeted advertisements and electronic postings in appropriate media.And we will make direct, personal contact with those we believe would bea best fit for your position. We will use the written profile and other materials that describe the opportunity to help us persuade those most qualified to consider the position. Activity 4 - Acknowledge Resumes and Screen Prospective Candidates As your representative to those involved to thé recmuitment process, we take steps to ensure that your reputationis preserved by ensuring courtesy and confidentiality in our communications throughout. We will screen the resumes of ali candidates, looking for the ‘experience and skill sets that most closely meet the requirements of the position. Those who appear to be the mest highly qualified and the best fit will be selected for personal interviews and reference checks. internal candidates (current employees) wiil be screened using the same standards by which external candidates are evaluated. Activity 5 - Conduct Preliminary Interviews and Check References Management Partners will conduct preliminary interviews through video or telephone with the most qualified candidates. Through these interviews we learn the individual's reason for being interested in Your position, whether they have encountered challenges similar to those in your organization and what ‘the candidate believes they would bring to your position, We also obtain compensation history and reference information. We use a competitive assessment process which consists of evaluating each candidate against the field in terms of their ability to meet the challenges of the position. We place each individual in one of three Eroups: (A) those we believe to be best qualified to be successful in the position; (B) those we believe could be successful in the position butare nat as strong as those in the first group; and {C) the balance of the fiekd. At this point, we will develop a search report for review with the City. For the top candidates, we then talk with professional references with whom they have worked (including those they Ihave supervised and those who have supervised them). Activity 6 - Support Interview and Selection Process ‘We will meet with the City to discuss the candidates recommended for further consideration. During the meeting we will review @ search report that includes resumes, discuss the results of our ‘preliminary interviews, and determine which individ wals you are interested in inviting for interviews. ‘We will prepare an interview book that contains information about each of the persons to be interviewed. We will be prepared to support the interview process to the extent you desire, including ‘sample questions for the Council to ask candidates. This will often include structuring an out-of-town candidate's visit to enable him or her to gain. more comfort with the attractions and challenges in your ‘community and to give youa second and deeper chance to examine the candidate. ‘We will also conduct education, certification, credit and criminal background checks (each going back at least five to seven years) to confirm the strength of their credentials for the position through a contractor with the technical ability and tegal authority to conduct these investigations. We will > ma Executive Search Firm Services coordinate psychological assessments with the lead candidate. Additional candidates can be investigated and assessed if requested according to the negotiated contract. After the candidate has been offered and accepted the position, we will assist the candidate through the City'sapplication process. Deliverable © Search report = Interview book For reviewand use chy = Arrangea meeting time anda video tink to discuss search report art! preliminary candidates * Provide a meeting room and arrange interview times with the Council for interviews with final candidates F 5 Meet todiscuss which candlidateto offer the position SAMPLE DOCUMENTS With past clients during the search, we provided regular updates or checklists that include educational degrees, experience, employment status, credentials, ec. Therefore, we do not have samples of a formal search report. Included in cur proposals redacted interview book, which includes much of whata search report provides, as well as questions to ask candidates. The samples are from our recent recruitments for the City of Springdale, Ohio City Administrator and Assistant City Administrator, City of Springdale, Ohio position profile for Assistant City Administrator = Ctyof Springdale, Ohio interview book for City Administrator (redacted) BENEFIT OF MANAGEMENT PARTNERS ‘The City of Fairfield will have the benefits of our experience working in and with local governments Including our extensive work in southwest Ohio, and many executive searches completed in Ohio. Our first-hand knowledge of the region allows us to search fora candidate that works culturally as well as professionally. As a result of our expertise in city management, we understand what is needed to bea successful city manager. Our professional networks are diverse and extensive, which allows our recruiter to find the best candidates, not just the best of the candidates that applied. We have conducted each of ourrecruitments on time and within budget. There are no surprises. As stated elsewhere in this proposal, we guarentee currecruitment process. Because of our local Cincinnati office, the Management Partners’ team will be highly responsive to the City’sneeds. : Page 10 in i" i City of Fairfield PROPOSED SCHEDULE AND COST Based on the work pian described above, the project will cost $24,500 including all expenses, except for ‘advertising and background checks, which wil be bifed separately to the City. We are prepared, have ‘the availabilty, and are qualified to conduct this recrultrment for the City, We can begin the recruitment within two weeks of receiving the signedcontract. Schedule Example fen | 1—Develap the Fosition Profle |[2=Develop a Search and Marketing Stra 3—Conduct« Proactive Recruitment Campaign | #=Acknonledge Resumes and Screen Prospective Candidates 5—Conduct Preliminary Interviews ancl Check References | Weels 81 |[16=Support interview and Selection Process | Weeks12-37 CONCLUSION Management Partners has the experience, the professional talent, and the commitment to quality Necessary to successfully complete this project for the City of Fairfield. We welcome the opportunity to provide additional information that may be helpful, and we look forward to the chance to discuss the ideas contained in this proposal. Cover phote: Courtesy ofthe City of Fairfield, Ohio ~ Government Facebook page Page 11 Executive Search Firm Services ATTACHMENT A— RESUMES GREGORY B. HORN ‘Greg Horn, Special Advisor, has 4D years of local government management experience, serving as city, manager in four communities within Ohio and Missouri, He Joined Management Partners in 2017, after retiring as city manager of Centerville, a| ‘position he held for25 years. Relevant Projects Since Joining Management Partners, Gregled or assisted with city manager reerultments for the cities of Forest Pork, Minerva, Montgomery, Clayton, Middletown and Springdale, Ohio. He has alco led or assisted several Fire, EMS and Palice Chiefrecraitments including the recent Police Chief recruitments in Westerville and Worthington, Ohio and the Director of $11 Dispatch in Bedford County, Virginia. He recently assisted with the Management Partners’ review of the Newport News, Virgins Fire Department. Experience Greg has extensive experience in economic development, utiity management, and infrastructure project oversight. He hes managed construction efforts forutily plant expansions, water towers, police faclties, government centers, Industrial parks, parkand recreation developments, inclucing » $300 ‘milion municipal goif/residential development. Expertise Skilled at executive recruitment, organizational review, merger studies, annexation analysis, shared services studies, municipal goif course/operational reviews, retreat facilitation, and economic development analyses, Education Greg holds 2 Bachelor's degree from Bowling Green State Unlersity as well as.a Master of Science degree in publicadministration from the University of Missouri where he was awardedia research assistantship. He received aditional taining in emergency preparedness, attending FEMA’s National “Training Progrem in Ernenitsburg, Maryland and represented Southwest Ohio on an economic development mission to Japan and South Korea, Other Grea served as the past president/chalt of the Ohio City/County Management Association, the Dayton ‘Qfea Managers Association, the Miami Valley Communications Council the Tr-Cities North Regional Wastewater Authority, and the Montgomery County Regional Communication Council of Government, He servecion numerous technical advisory committees throughauthis career ranging from regional economic development and utility systems to airport master plans and statewide solid waste committees. the international City/County Management Association. He has been a member ef Rotary international fer over 30 yearsin Centerville, He served asthe Ohio Chapter Past President and has twice received the Paul Harris Fellow award. Page 12, City of Fairfield SUZANNE H. MARTIN Suzanne Martin, Management Advisor, joined Management Partners in May 2010, Since that time Suzanne has performed benchmarking analyses, organizational assessments and analytical research for awide variety of projects, Relevant Experience Suzanne contributed to service consolidation studies for the cties of Les Vegas and North Las Vegas; and tthe cities of Burbank, Giendale, and Pasadena. She alse provided benchmarking and cost-driver analyses for budget stabilization projects that Management Partners conducted for the cities of Fremont and, Santa Ana. Some of Suzanne’ s other recent projects inciude user fee assessments for the City of Brentwood and County of Orange, and a countywide fire service review for the Local Area Formation Council of Santa Clara County. ‘Suzanne came to Management Partners fo lowing 2 two-year intemship at the California Public Utlities ‘Commission. She performed program evaluation for many of the business services-related programs in place at the CPUC, including the Transit Pass, Reprographics, Environmental Sustainability, and ‘Temporary Staffing progeams. Prior to embarking on her career in public service, Suzanne worked at 2 private nuclear security services firm headquartered near Chicago, Illinois. Suzanne was resporsible for such duties as training nuclear security personnel on the operations of security systerns, factory-acceptance testing security systems, documentation control, and technical writing. Education ‘Suzanne received her bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She earned her MPA from San Francisco State University, andisa member of Pi Alpha Alpha, the national honors society for public affairs and ackministration. ad bam Git ViOF Sptingdals inviting applications for ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR CITY OF SPRINGDALE, OHIO RODUCTION ‘Management Partners has been retain edby the City of ‘Springdale, Ohio, to assist with the recruitment ofits next Assistant City Administrator. This position profile draws on our discussions with the City’s Mayor and ity Administrator. It describes our understanding of the characteristics of the organization as well asthe professional and personal qualities the ideal Assistant City Administrator should possess. interested individuals are invited to lea more about the City of Springdale on their website: wurw.sp ‘THE COMMUNITY ‘The City of Springdale is home to 11,223 residents and islocated in Hamilton County in southwest Ohio. The Community was settled in the latter part of the 18th Century by pioneers moving to the colonial-era land grant known as the Symmes Purchase. The community first subdivision was platted in 1806. Originally called ‘Springfield, the Village later changed its name to ‘Springdale to avoid confusion with other “Springfields” atthat time. The City’s location on |-275 at its intersection with I-75 makes Springdale a prime site for economic growth. ‘Asa result, itis one of the region’s major centers for commercial and industrial development. There are ove! 1,000 businesses located in Springdale and its daytime Population is estimated at 30,000 people. Measured by payroll generation, Springdale’s economy produces over $700 million annually from employers in four majo business sectors: office (49%), industrial (21%), retail (19%) and service (11%). Springdale operates with an annual budget of about $23 milfion and employs approximately 210 full- ‘time, part-time, and seasonal personnel, The City provides a full complement of municipal services including Police, Fire and EMS, Public Works, Building Inspection, Administration, Finance, Tax, Economic Development, Parks and Recreation (including an indoor recreation facility), and Health Department. its location provides easy access to both local and regional amenities Including its award-winning local schools, institutions of higher education, a variety of highly accredited hospitalt ‘major professional sports venues, regional parks, culture ‘opportunities, and abundant shopping and dining options. IE ORGANIZATION ‘The City of Springdale has a Mayor-Council, Home tule Charter form of government. The City’s electoral rocess is non-partisan. Under the Charter, the Mayer is Sptingdale's Chief Administrative Officer andis directly lected. Springdale alsohas an elected Clerk of Councilf inance Director and a seven-member City Council, sThree of the members of Council are elected at-large ind four are elected from districts. The Council selects 2 President of Council from its own ranks to preside at jeetings. fre directly elected Mayor serves as the City's Chief Executive Officer, The Mayor, in tum, appoints the City Administrator who is the organtzation’s Chief ‘Administrative Officer and reports to the Mayor. The Assistant City Administrator reports to the City ‘Administrator and plays a key role in the coordination and day to day operations of the various boards, sommlssions and operational departments of the “ity. This position plays a key role in the budgeting srocess, and assists the City Administrator in planning, >rogramming, and implementing all City operations, The Assistant City Administrator Position requires 1 broad level of knowledge and competence in nunicipal government in order to assume. management esponsibility in the City Administrator's absence. ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE, ABILITIES, AND SKILLS This position requires a thorough knowledge of municipal government authority, roles and functions Thorough knowledge of strong-Mayor, Council- ‘Marager and Home Rule Charter forms of government Capability to become familiar with all functions ofthe various departments and City Administration Knowledge of federal, state, and local laws Ability to collect information, plan, organize, develop, and prepare detailed reports and correspondence for all audiences ‘Acurnen to communicate effectively in both oral and written form with strong public speaking and Presentation skills Experience establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with coworkers, elected officials, board and commission members, the ‘general public, intergovernmental organizations, and ‘other agencies and organizations interacting with the City Ability to evaluate and assess municipal services, Programs, projects and activities and provide for the implementation of improvements This position requires effective and fair leadership | skills and the ability to properly assess employee perforntance while providing productive criticism and employees to evolve and grow eer ‘THE IDEAL CANDIDATE WILL... * Possess.a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in public administration or related field wi three to five years of progressive management experience in a public or business management position. A Mas of Public Administration degree from an accredited college or university is preferred. * Review position descriptions, assist department directors in employee recruitment processes, assist with labor ‘negotiations and administer employment agreements. * Assist the Gty Administrator with the day-to-day general management of the City, attend various board and commission meetings and assume additional duties, as prescribed by the City Administrator. SALARY AND BENEFITS The compensation package for this position includes a salary range of $91,047 to $156,236, as well asa very attrac! and competitive benefit offering. Since Springdale is committed to selecting the best possible candidate for its next Assistant City Administrator, the compensation package vill depend on the qualifications of the candidate to whor offer is extended. HOW TO APPLY MWyou are interested in this outstanding career opportuni please submit cover letter, detailed resume, and salan expectations by MARCH 13TH, 2020 TO GREGHORN SPECIAL ADVISOR ‘GHORN@MANAGEMENTPARTNERS.COM Tel: 513-861-5400 Fax: 513-861-3480 Mi Horn’s direct line: 937-478-6385 ELECTRONIC CORRESPONDENCE ONLY PLEASE. Management Partners SAMPLE City of Springdale, Ohio City Administrator Executive Recruitment Interview Materials July 2018 Management Partners ‘UN IONS TO A! 1. Questions related to age. 2. Questions related to religion. 3. Questions related to race or ethnicity. 4. Questions related to marital status and family issues. 5. Questions related to health and/or disabilities. 6. Questions related to sexual orientation. RVIEW ESS City Administrator Interviews Interview Booklet Management Partners City of Springdale City Administrator Recruitment Candidate Name Rank To use this grid during interviews, the interviewer uses column 1 for the frst interview, column 2 for the 2™interview, colurnn 3 for the third, etc. The interviewer will rank each candidate relative to the previous interviewees by entering their names from top to bottom until the final column contains the preferred ranking of all candidates. List of All Applicants Gee i 1 z f | City Administrator interviews Interview Booklet Management Partners Candidate #1 Each candidate section will have the following documents: *Coverletier(redacied) * Resume (redacted) * List of references (redacted) + Supplemental Questionnaire (sample included) * Suggested Questions Ranking Sheets (sample included) Management Partners Springdale, Ohio City Administrator Recruitment SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Name Job Title Organization ‘ Report to (Title) Current or most recent anmual salary STAKE Total aumber in current organization Total number you currently supervise Largest number of staff ever supervised Inwhat jurisdiction ANNUAL BUDGET General Fund Capital ‘All Funds Tofal Organization (current or mest recent organization) — Portion for which you are responsible Largest budget for which you have ever been responsible In what jurisdiction { 11730 MADISON ROAD * CivaNNAn, OH 45206 + 513 8615400 «Fax 513 8613480 MANAGEMENTPARTIERS.COM 2207 Norns FinSTSTREET, SUTESTD « San Jose, CAUFORMIASSI31 + 408 437 5400 # Fax 408 453 6191 3152 ReD HL Aves, Sum 210-© Costa Mesa, CauroRNiA92626 » 949 222 1082 © Fax 408 453 6191 Page 2 + Briefly describe your experience and/or most significant accomplishments in each of the following areas, from any position which you have held, using additional space as necessary, (a) Fiscal Management - Your experience managing and maintaining service levels while prioritizing personnel and capital needs of the organization. () Labor Relations - Your experience working with and managing in communities with organized labor groups. © Economic Development and Downtown Redevelopment - Your experience, credentials and accomplishments, Specific examples of your background with Tax Increment Financing Districts and Community Reinvestment Areas should be included. (d) Management Style — Explain your ‘approach to leadership and the practices you employ. 2. Please share your reasons for haying an interest in this position. - ' 3. Arethere any barriers to you aceepting the position if it were offered to you? City Administrator Interviews _Interview Booklet Management Pariners City of Springdale City Administrator Suggested Questions General __1. We have all had an opportunity to review your resume, Please briefly review your professional and personal background and explain your specific interest and qualifications for this position. What are your short-term/long-term professional goals? How does this position assist you in achieving those goals? ‘ ‘What, areas of responsibility for the Springdale City Administrator position do you feel present the most significant challenges? ‘Success/Accomplishments 4. Tellus about your greatest suotesses end accomplishments. How do you feel these experiences will assist you in this position? 5. What do youexpect to accomplish as Springdale’s City Administrator by the end of the first 90 days? ‘The first year? Building Relationships 6. What actions would you take initially to establish a sound relationship with the City staff? ‘What about the Mayor and elected officials? What steps did you take to establish these same relationships in your cureat position? 7. What would you doto establish effective working relationships with other public and private groups in the region with wham you will be expected to interact? 8. What do you think it will take to establish a good | working relationship with our residents? iow will you deal with citizen requests or complaints? Management Techniques __9. How would you desoribe your leadership style? 10. What do you consider your greatest strength as a manager? 1. What was the most controversial or politically heated project you worked on directly? How did you handle it? What was the outcorne? 12, Describe your experience in maintaining current levels of service while dealing with a tight revertae environmen. In the space to the left of each question, rank the candidate’s answer from { to 5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. Os City Administrator Interviews Interview Booklet _ Management Partners 13, What input sources would you use in prepering an annual operating budget? Same question for capital budget? Have you used multi-year budget models to predict revenue and ‘expenditure trends? 14, Whatesperience do you have dealing with labor unions? _15. Plesse highlight some successful economic development projects in which you played a key role. 16. Whatexperience have you hed with property maintenence codes, dealing with blighted residential properties, etc.? - Building on Relationships with Partners in the Region 17. Provide examples of your experience in building relationships with partners (other ‘organizations, goverments, otc.) whose actions had the poteatial to impact the quality of life in the communities you served. Have you fownd sarno approaches to be more successful than others? If so, how? Opportunities for Improvement 18. How would you identify opportunities for improvernent within the organization? 19. How would you go about implementing improvement opportunities once they are identified? Future 20, What factors will most influence your decision to accept this position if it is offered to you? Questions of Us 21. What questions do you have of us? In the space to the left of each question, rank the candidate’s answer from 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. Total Score.

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