Related To Topic 1

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Instructions, 1

Title of the Course: IDE 2024 American Culture and History (Elective)

Year and Term: 2020-2021 SPRING

Instructor: Lecturer Mehmet Burak EV



1.Fast Life, Fast Food! How healthy! (Is it?)

2.Academy Awards: Where does the Oscar go?
3. The History of Broadway Theatre
4.Uncle Sam: Who does he point at?
5.Grammy Awards: Who wins what?
6. Oprah Winfrey: Such a strong woman!
7. Analysis of the Film : Taxi Driver

Prepare a 5 min. video in which you answer the following questions. Each question relates
to the topics which are also stated in parenthesis after each question
a. Talk about the pros and cons of fast food chains and a modern life surrounded by junk
food/drinks. ( related to Topic 1)
b. If it weren’t for Oscar and Grammy Awards, would American film and music industry
still be worldwide famous? If yes, how? If not , why not? An actor/ actress might be
considered to be successful upon acting in a play at the Broadway Theatre. Why is it so?
( related to Topics 2, 3and 5)
c. Talk about the American Civil War very briefly by referring to Uncle Sam.( related to
Topic 6)
d. Talk about how it feels to be a black American woman by referring to Oprah Winfrey.
( related to Topic 4)
e. Talk about the Vietnam War and post-war trauma by referring to the film Taxi Driver.
( related to Topic 7)
1. Your face has to be seen in the entire video. ( The video file does not need to be HD or
UHD quality but your voice has to be clear, understandable and YOU CANNOT cut the
video by stopping certain parts and adding them to the file again, that is, once you start
recording, you MUST continue till the end of the video)
Instructions, 2

2. You are not allowed to use/read notes while recording your video file.
3. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS WITHOUT READING THEM!!! There are five questions and
you have 5 minutes to answer the questions. I want to hear YOUR OWN IDEAS on the
questions. Please elaborate on your answers and clarify your reasons. Refer to the related texts
while making your speech.

Creative answers( Student has the ability to shape the questions from a creative point of view by referring
to previous works and commenting on them ) : 50 points
Accuracy (Grammar, pronunciation, word choice and etc.) : 25 points
Readiness: ( Each answer relates to the topic and student presents them willingly) : 25 points

Note: The due date for the submission of the Final Assignment will be announced as soon as the dates of
each exam are announced by the Senate. However; the sooner, the better. Please check our university’s
website for the announcements related to Final Week.

After you finish recording your video, you will have to upload this file onto your ONEDRIVE account
provided to you by our university and then share the link with me on Mergen system so that I can watch
your video. If you need any assistance, you can contact me on .

Good Luck!

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