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The Hare Krishna Revolution - Issue 1 4 THE


When the Pāndavas were living The purpose of human life is to
… LIKE AN ASS ? in exile, a yakśa asked Yudhist-
hira, the eldest Pāndavas about
the greatest wonder of the world.
put a stop to the cycle of repeated
birth and death. There are four
real problems of life, namely FOUNDED AND EDITED BY : NIRAJ BIDAWATKA
Issue # 1
4 pages 3.00
Niraj Bidawatka personal benefit. They assemble out of None of the other Pāndavas - birth, old age, disease and death.
compassion for the fallen souls who are Bhima, Arjuna, Sahadeva and These problems of life can be
Nakula - could answer this ques- solved by understanding the spiri-

t is said in the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam struggling hard for existence due to lack
(10.84.13) that one who goes to a of spiritual knowledge. tion. However Yudhisthira gave
the correct answer. He replied
tual nature of the self. Unfortu-
nately, since modern educational
place of pilgrimage just to take a Anyone who is interested in under-
holy dip in the river with no con-
cern for the holy men who reside there,
is no more than a cow or an ass. In other
standing one’s real spiritual identity and
the science of God should go to the
Kumbha mela because one can conven-
that everybody is seeing that so
many people are dying everyday
but still everyone is thinking that
“I will not die”; this is the most
institutions have failed in giving
information about the transmigra-
tion of the spirit soul, practically
no one knows that there is birth
words such a person is unintelligent. iently find at one place, a number of
The real purpose of going to a holy
place is to seek the association of sad-
hūs, or sages who reside there. Only by
sadhūs from various sects and get ex-
posed to the various philosophies that
are expounded by them. One can find
surprising thing, in fact there is
no greater wonder than this.
Everybody can observe that
after death. The Bhagavad-gita
gives complete scientific infor-
mation on the subject matter of
such association can one gain the ulti- yogīs, jñānīs, bhaktas, tapasvīs and when a person dies, he can’t take birth and death. Therefore an So far all revolutions were aimed nourishing a tree by watering the
mate benefit of life. Chaitanya Ma- various followers of different paths at any of his belongings with him intelligent man should refer to the at giving solace to a specific section individual leaves, twigs and branches
haprabhu says that even a moment’s the fair. It is the duty of all human be- but still everyone is working hard Bhagavad-gita to understand the of humanity belonging to a particular of the tree. It is nothing but hard la-
association with a real sadhū can award ings to search out a bonafide spiritual to amass more and more wealth. nature of the spirit soul and how nationality, society or caste. For ex- bour which will provide no benefit.
all success. Only the sadhū or a pure master who can show the way to God. He doesn’t mind even if he has to he can be liberated from the cycle ample, the Russian revolution was The tree can only be nourished by
devotee can show us the way to God Thus the real purpose of visiting the indulge in sinful activities in or- of birth and death. Lord Krishna concerned with the welfare of the pouring water at the root. Similarly if
Kumbha mela is to associate with the der to earn money. He thinks that declares in the Bhagavad-gita that Russians only and not the inhabitants we want to provide satisfaction to the
thereby leading to unlimited, eternal
exalted saints, who have set camp at the he will remain alive permanently one who understands His of other countries. Likewise was the world community we have to estab-
fair, and attend the various seminars although he sees people around (Krishna’s) transcendental activi- case with the French, American and lish Krishna, the Supreme Lord at the
The Kumbha mela which starts from
held by them. him are dying everyday. This ties can put a stop to the cycle of Indian revolutions. The industrial helm. Krishna is the root cause of all
January-2010 is an expo of transcenden-
However we find that most people shows that the majority of people birth and death. Such a person revolution was simply concerned causes; He is the cause of both the
tal teachings by spiritual masters who
go to the Kumbha mela with the sole are foolish. Any intelligent per- enters the spiritual abode in the with giving comfort to mankind material as well as the spiritual
assemble at one place for the benefit of
objective of taking a holy bath and re- son will think, “Since everyone is spiritual sky to enjoy eternal life through technological advancement world. If we satisfy Krishna then
humanity at large. Just as we have an
main intentionally aloof from the saintly dying, I will also die. So why am full of cognizant bliss. with no concern to environmental everyone will automatically gain
industrial and trade expo, where entre-
personalities. Their mentality is to get I working so hard to amass so So the purpose of the human issues. As a result the world is now satisfaction. Draupadi, the wife of the
preneurs from all over assemble and
free from sins by bathing in the holy many assets when I can’t even life is to understand our spiritual faced with the grievous problem of Pāndavas offered just one grain of
display their goods and services, simi-
Ganges and go back to their old ways of take a farthing with me?” So nature by referring to books like global warming which is causing vegetable to Krishna and the hunger
larly sadhūs from all over the world
sinful activities. We have already cited what is the purpose of life – to the Bhagavad-gita and re- climate change. of Durvāsā and his ten thousand dis-
assemble at Kumbha mela to propagate
from the Bhāgavatam that such persons work hard in order to earn money establish our relationship with However the Hare Krishna Revo- ciples was mitigated automatically.
the message of God. Unlike the business
are akin to asses. through any means and ultimately God. Once we are connected with lution is not restricted to providing Only when God is established as the
expos where the objective of the exhibi-
It is now your choice whether you leave behind everything? No, this God there is no fear of death. relief and comfort to a particular sec- central figure of importance can all
tors is to earn some profit for them-
want to go to the Kumbha mela like an is not the purpose of life. tion of humanity. Its aim is to give the sufferings of the common man be
selves, the saints who assemble at the
Kumbha Mela have no ambition for intelligent gentleman or like an ass. (By Niraj Bidawatka) protection and relief to the entire mitigated.
world community, not only the hu- This revolution is different than
man-beings but also the birds and the others experienced in the past
pendence movement as a result of beasts of all nationalities. The present because it aims at reforming the spirit

which the British were dethroned. governments of the world are ne- soul. It has nothing to do with chang-

henever there is distur-
Oh, how wonderful it is! Putana, the sister of Bakasura, wanted to kill Krishna by bance in society and a But, we find that none of these glecting the security of birds, beasts ing the mundane faiths of the general
smearing deadly poison on her breasts and having Krishna take it. need to improve the situa- revolutions could provide a perma- and other lower forms of life by al- public. A Christian will remain a
Nonetheless, Lord Krishna accepted her as His mother, and thus she attained the tion, we encounter a revolution. The nent and holistic solution to world- lowing free animal slaughter. Christian; a Hindu will remain a
destination befitting Krishna’s mother. aim of any revolution is to improve problems. People are still disgrun- The Hare Krishna movement has Hindu and so on and so forth. In fact
the social conditions so that everyone tled, unsatisfied and looking for the potency to create an ideal global it has the ability of making a Chris-
Of whom should I take shelter but Krishna, who is most merciful?”
may live peacefully. peace. This is so because the past society by establishing Krishna, the tian a better Christian, a Muslim a
In the past we have seen many revolutions were aimed at providing Supreme Personality of Godhead at better Muslim and a Hindu a better
Srimad Bhagavatam (3.2.23)
revolutions such as the French revo- relief to the public on the material the centre. The world is in such a Hindu. It is concerned with making
lution, the Russian revolution, the platform. Unless the spiritual needs disturbed state because the world everyone Krishna conscious. Krishna
American revolution and the Indus- of the people are addressed, no revo- leaders have sidelined God and are consciousness means to be aware of
lution can attain success. The Hare trying to provide satisfaction through our relationship with God and be


trial revolution among many others
as far as modern history is con- Krishna Revolution is one such revo- economic reforms. Such an attempt engaged in loving exchanges with
cerned. India also experienced a lution which aims at providing spiri- of gaining peace and happiness by Him.
tual succour to the world. neglecting God can be compared to (By Niraj Bidawatka)
Niraj Bidawatka and He will immediately oblige you our eyes cannot see objects that are able to see God, but there are ex- revolution in the form of the inde-
by dutifully presenting Himself at very near or very far away as well alted devotee-saints who can see

“If God exists, I want to see Him.

your beck and call. When in order
to secure a two-minute audience of
as those that are too small or too
big. When we can’t see a single
Krishna, the Supreme Personality of
Godhead because they possess love-
Can you show me God?” This is a the President of the country, you bacterium with our naked eyes, how tinged spiritual eyes. A GIFT FROM SRILA PRABHUPADA TO THE PEOPLE OF MUMBAI
classic argument put forward by the have to follow so many formalities, is it possible to see God who is tran- His Divine Grace A.C. Bhak-

here is a very special place to in English and several Indian lan- 12 computer sub-terminals, provides
atheists who want to claim that then how is it possible to see God, scendental to this material world. tivedanta Swami Prabhupāda is one
visit at Juhu’s `Hare Krishna guages. The many children’s books access to some 200 international We, at the Hare Krishna Revolu-
since one cannot see God, He does- the President of all presidents, so It would be wrong reasoning to such saint who informs us that eve-
Land’ – the Bhaktivedanta video films and over 9000 songs and tion, would like to thank
n’t exist. His Divine Grace A.C. very cheaply? say, “Since I cannot see God, He ryone can spiritualize his or her
Library. Situated two floors above audio lectures from the Library’s Mr. Sundeep Shetty for the valu-
Bhaktivedānta Swāmi Prabhupāda, Since our eyes are material does not exist.” It is similar to say- eyes by chanting the holy name of Library Hours
the Govinda’s restaurant, the library own server. able support he has given in the
the founder ācārya of the Interna- whereas Krishna or God is pure ing, “Since I don’t see bacteria and God – Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krs Morning 10 AM to 1 PM
is air-conditioned, very spacious and Membership is free and all are publication of this paper.
tional Society for Krishna Con- spirit, we cannot see Him with our viruses, they don’t exist.” A layman na Krsna Hare Hare / Hare Rāma Evening 6 PM to 9 PM
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sciousness (ISKCON) retorts, “Yes, present material vision. In order to may not be able to see the bacteria Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Sundays - 10 AM to 9 PM. Thank you, Sundeep prabhu!
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The Hare Krishna Revolution - Issue 1 2 The Hare Krishna Revolution - Issue 1 3
yoga - facts bhaja govindam bhaja govindam govindam bhaja mudha mate
samprāpte sannihite kāle na hi na hi rakśati dukrñ karane
- Sri Shankaracharya
O fools, just worship and serve Govinda, the Supreme Lord.
Your word jugglery and dexterity in language-usage will not save you at the time of death.
[ Only Govinda, the Supreme Personality of Godhead can save you. ]
UNADULTERATED In the sixth chapter of the Bhaga-
vad-gita we find that Arjuna re- Only the devotee is in a position to
jected the eightfold yoga system remember Krishna always. He
comprising of yama, niyama, doesn’t need to mechanically fix
You are now reading the inaugural issue of The Hare
Krishna Revolution. The purpose of starting this publi- āsana, prānāyāma, pratyāhāra, his mind on Krishna by following
cation is to present the Supreme Personality of God- dhāranā, dhyāna and samādhi, the eightfold yoga system. Since
head, Lord Krishna to everyone in the purest form with- saying that the system is impracti- he is engaged in the service of the
out any adulteration. We shall achieve this by following cal. There are many rules and Supreme Lord twenty four hours a In June of 1974, at the Hare Krishna movement's rural community near
in the footsteps of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta regulations in the process of mys- day there is no question of forget- Valencey, France, Srila Prabhupada talks to a group of disciples.
Swami Prabhupāda, the founder Ācārya of the Interna- tic yoga as propounded by Patan- ting Krishna even for a moment.
tional Society for Krishna Consciousness and an em- jali. One has to leave the confines Therefore bhakti is the best form
of one’s home and go to a secluded of yoga. One doesn’t have to leave Yogeshwar das: The other day, Srila Prabhupāda: Yes. She gives
powered preacher, who has presented Krishna as He is,
to the entire world. It is said that Krishna is the property place to practice this yoga system. one’s family or profession in order Srila Prabhupāda, you were saying us her milk.
Niraj Bidawatka that in India, at least until recently, it Yogeshwar das: But in the West
of the pure devotees and only they can deliver Krishna. One has to control the mind and to practice bhakti, or devotional
It will therefore be our constant endeavour to present the teachings of the pure the senses along with the obser- service. It is very easy to perform was forbidden to eat cows—that now, when their parents grow old the
devotees in the disciplic chain so that the readers can get the benefit of possess- vance of celibacy. All this is not and at the same time it awards the those who ate meat would eat only people generally send them away to
ing Krishna. possible in the present age. There- highest benefit. lower animals like dogs and goats. old age homes. So if people have no
The māyāvadis or impersonalists adulterate the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna fore the process of self-realisation Srila Prabhupāda: Yes. For meat- compassion even toward their own
by saying that all gods are one – we may worship any deity but ultimately eve- that is recommended for this age eaters, that is what the Vedic culture parents, how can we educate them to
THE DEVOTEE OF recommends: "Eat dogs." As in Ko- protect the cow?
ryone will reach the same destination. This is a wrong theory which does not of Kali is the chanting of the holy
KRISHNA IS NEVER rea they are eating dogs, so you also Srila Prabhupāda: They don't
corroborate the Vedic conclusion. The Vedas declare that there is no one greater name of Krishna.
than, or equal to Krishna – na tat samaś cābhyadhikaś ca drśyate; even the VANQUISHED can eat dogs. But don't eat cows until have to protect the cow. We shall
greater controllers of the material world like Lord Brahmā and Lord Shiva are after they have died a natural death. protect the cow. Simply we ask them,
THE FIRST CLASS YOGI A fully surrendered devotee is very We don't say, "Don't eat." You are so
servants of Krishna. One cannot achieve Krishna by worshiping demigods such Krishna declares in the last verse "Don't purchase meat from the
dear to Krishna because such a very fond of eating cows. All right, slaughterhouse. We shall supply you
as Durgadevi, Shiva, Ganesha, Suryadeva, etc. The Bhagavad-gitā (yānti of the sixth chapter of the Bhaga- devotee has no personal ambitions you can eat them, because after their the cow after her death." Where is
devavratā devān… 9.23) informs us that those who worship such demigods will vad-gita that “among all the yogis, to fulfill. The only concern of the death we have to give them to some- the difficulty? His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
go to the respective planets of the said demigods and those who serve Krishna the one who is always thinking of devotee is to make all efforts to body, some living entity. Generally, Satsvarup das Gosvami: Not
with loving devotion will be transferred to His personal abode. Thus all gods are Me (Krishna) is the best.” Thus the satisfy Krishna. Therefore Krishna cow carcasses are given to the vul- enough meat fast enough—they're
not one; Krishna is the Supreme Lord and one can achieve the greatest benefit real purpose of the yoga system is more meat, because that way the we request cow protection, because it
emphatically tells Arjuna to de- tures. But then, why only to the vul- eating so much meat.
by worshiping Him alone. to always remember Krishna and cows will have more time to repro- is ordered by Lord Krishna. Go-
clare to the whole world that His tures? Why not to the modern
We shall not adulterate Krishna by presenting Him as a great man who at- never to forget Him. However we Srila Prabhupāda: "Not enough"? duce more cows. If they don't kill the rakśya: "Protect the cows." That is
devotee doesn’t get vanquished or "civilized" people, who are as good
tained divinity by dint of meditation. This is a fallacious statement which is re- find that the present-day yoga By killing the cows, how will you get cows right away, there will be even our duty.
overpo wered. Hiranyakaśipu as vultures?
sorted to by the mental speculators because they are envious of Krishna. Those teachers are promoting the process any more meat? The total number of more cows. And economically, also, it is very
wanted to kill his son, Prahlāda These so-called civilized people—
who are envious of Krishna cannot understand Him. Krishna is not an ordinary as a means to keep the body fit and cows will remain the same. Simply Srila Prabhupāda:: More cows, useful. Krishna has not recom-
because the boy was a devotee of what is the difference between these
living entity; He is the primeval Lord, one without a second as declared by Lord to cure various ailments. But the wait for their natural death. That is yes. They'll have more cows. We mended this for nothing; it is not like
Krishna but was unable to do so rascals and vultures? The vultures
Brahmā in the great treatise “Brahma Samhita”. No one can become God by real purpose of yoga is to control the only restriction. You simply request, "Don't kill. Don't that. Krishna's order has meaning...
because Krishna personally pro- also enjoy killing and then eating the
meditation. Our publication is aimed at making the reader aware of the fact that the senses and engage one’s mind maintain slaughterhouses." That is We don't want to stop trade or the
tected His devotee. Since Krishna dead body. "Make it dead and then
Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and one can become truly bliss- on the personal form of God, or very sinful. It brings down very se- production of grains and vegetables
personally protects His devotee, enjoy"—people have become vul-
ful only by serving Him with loving devotion without any material motive. Krishna. vere karmic reactions upon society. and fruit. But we want to stop these
there is no question of the devo- tures. And their civilization is a vul- “You are killing innocent
A very famous Bābā, who has achieved international fame and recognition Stop these slaughterhouses. We don't killing houses. It is very, very sinful.
tee’s defeat. ture civilization. Animal-eaters—
by teaching prānāyāma (breathing exercises) and various other yogic techniques cows and other animals - say, "Stop eating meat." You can eat That is why all over the world they
to keep the body fit, proclaims in his yoga camps that everyone can become like they're like jackals, vultures, dogs.
meat, but don't take it from the have so many wars. Every ten or
Flesh is not proper food for human nature will take revenge.
Lord Rāma or Lord Krishna because ultimately everyone is Brahman, or God.
This is a perfect example of adulterating Krishna. We are not going to tolerate
Don’t try to go to heaven beings. Here in the Vedic culture is
slaughterhouse, by killing. Simply
wait, and you'll get the carcasses.
fifteen years there is a big war—a
wholesale slaughterhouse for human-
civilized food, human food: milk, Just wait…”
such blasphemies against the Supreme Personality of Godhead and shall educate After all, how long will the cows kind. But these rascals—they do not
Everyone is enamoured by heaven the spiritual world and one can live fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains. Let
everyone by presenting the factual transcendental position of Lord Krishna, the live? Their maximum age is twenty see it, that by the law of karma, every
because that’s the place where the eternally in cognizant bliss. At the them learn it. Uncivilized rogues,
Lord of all yogis. Ordinary living entities like us cannot become like Lord Rāma years, and there are many cows who action must have its reaction.
pious go after death. Those who time of annihilation, the heavenly vultures, rakśasas [demons]—and
and Lord Krishna as the Bābā claims because we are infinitesimal parts of the live only eighteen, sixteen, or ten You are killing innocent cows and
are grossly sinful go to hell. But planets are destroyed whereas the they're leaders.
Supreme infinite. have got a limited number of cows. years. So wait that much time; then other animals - nature will take re-
the Bhagavad-gita informs us spiritual planets being transcenden- Therefore I say that today the leaders
We, at the Hare Krishna Revolution, are resolved at presenting Krishna un- Either you wait for their death or you regularly get dead cows and eat. venge. Just wait. As soon as the time
about a realm that is higher than tal remain untouched. are all fourth-class men. And that is
adulterated as per the directions of the scriptures. The Bhagavad-gita, for in- kill them at once—the number of What is the difficulty? is right, nature will gather all these
heaven. It is the spiritual sky where One can go to the heavenly why the whole world is in a chaotic
stance declares that one can achieve Krishna only by bhakti-yoga and we shall cows is the same. So we simply ask For the first few years you may not rascals and slaughter them. Finished.
Goloka Vrindavan, the transcen- planets by executing a heap of pi- condition. We require learned spiri-
also repeat the same thing. We shall not promote the false theory of “attainment you, "Don't kill them. Wait for their get quite as much as now. During They'll fight amongst themselves—
dental abode of Krishna, the Su- ous activities that are enjoined in tual teachers—first-class men-to
of Krishna through the processes of so-called karma-yoga and jñāna-yoga” be- natural death and then take the meat." that time you can eat some dogs and Protestants and Catholics, Russia and
preme Personality of Godhead is the Vedas. But he can stay there lead. My disciples are training to
cause this would amount to adulterating Krishna in order to increase our reader- What is the difficulty? And we sim- cats... Yes. In Korea they eat dogs. America, this one and that one. It is
situated. One should aim to go to only as long as he has a balance of become first-class men. If people will
ship. We are sure that those who are discerning and intelligent will appreciate ply ask you, "As long as they're alive, What is the difference between here going on. Why? That is nature's law.
that spiritual abode because upon pious deeds to his credit. As soon take our advice, then everything will
our efforts of presenting Krishna unadulterated! let us take the cow's milk and prepare and Korea? You can also eat dogs for Tit for tat. "You have killed. Now
reaching there, one does not come as they are exhausted, he has to be all right. What is the use of fourth-
back to this material world which return to this lower planetary sys- delicious foods for the whole human the time being. Or hogs. Eat hogs. you kill yourselves."
class men leading a confused and
is full of miseries. tem where he gets the body of a cat society." We don't prohibit the killing of these
chaotic society? ... [An excerpt from “The Journey of Self-
On the other hand, even after or a dog or some other lower spe- Yogeshwar das: If people don't less important animals. We neither
WE INVITE ALL OUR READERS TO Yogeshwar das: You've pointed
kill the cows they will have even sanction nor prohibit. But especially Discovery”, available at all ISKCON
attaining the heavenly planets, one cies. out that the cow is just like a mother. centers around the world.]
SEND THEIR VIEWS is forced to come back to this Therefore an intelligent person
earthly planetary system. Although is not interested in going to heaven
& SUGGESTIONS. the living standard in heaven is because the opulent life of heaven
very high and the duration of life is temporary. He aims to go to the Please Chant
stretches to tens of thousand of planet of Krishna because one does
Write to the editor, years, but still one is not free from not come back upon reaching
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare death. There is death in heaven there. Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
also. However there is no death in
(By Niraj Bidawatka)
The Hare Krishna Revolution : Owned, published and printed by Niraj Bidawatka

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