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• Shooting: ability with fired or thrown

MEAT weapons Resources…

• Resistance: shrug off poisons, diseases, are derived from Stats and are tracked by a

MECHANICS magical effects, environmental effects, etc.

Pretty much this is your Saving Throw die.
Resource die, which diminishes (steps
down by 1) on a roll of 1 or 2:

Ratings • Action: tumbling, jumping, evading, Wounds are equal to Might + Mettle/2
Stat Stat/Skill/Difficulty Rating controlling falls, climbing, jumping, Power equals Mettle + Mind/s
D2 Minimal swimming, open stuck doors, bending bars. Fatigue is equal to Mettle + Mind/2
D4 Minor • Awareness: find secret doors and traps, Fate equals Mind + Mien/2
D6 Average avoid ambushes, find hidden things, hear
noise, notice, search. When you reach 0 you are out of that
D8 Major
• Craft: create or repair items; select an Resource and must Rest to replenish it.
D10 Greater
D12 Mighty area of expertise from a profession such as
D14 Heroic metal-working or bee-keeping or
hobby/natural skill such as playing an
D16 Epic Humans get +1d to player’s choice of Stat
instrument or singing.
D18 Legendary as well as
• Dungeoncraft: determine direction,
D20 Mythic Elves
depth, avoid traps, survival underground
• Lore: select a field of study: Dwarves
Skills… ・ Arcana Halflings
All skills start out at d4; you have 12 dice ・ Architecture & Engineering
to assign to skills to improve them. You ・ History & Lore
cannot improve a skill beyond a d12 with a ・ Languages
• Medicine
starting character. Improving skills costs You make a Save when you attempt to
an amount equal to the die type in Hero ・ Religion
resist harmful attacks and effects. You
points. • Mischief: hiding, moving silently,
make a Save roll by rolling your
stalking, disguise, pick-pocketing, delicate
appropriate Stat and beating the GM’s
Skills in red are combat skills. tasks, opening locks.
difficulty die roll.
• Speech: persuasion, deception, haggling,
• Defense: block, parry, dodge, evade lying, gathering information
attacks. Modified by armor and shield. • Woodcraft: nature & survival, animal Weapons
• Casting: esoteric knowledge of runes, handling, foraging, tracking, orienteering, Light: inflict 1 Hit, Initiative is Easy
incantations, and the casting of spells. travel Medium: inflict 1 Hit
• Fighting: ability with hand held Heavy: inflict 2 Hits, Initiative is Hard
Lightfingers: tests involving picking The Five Realms
Armor locks, disarming traps, pickpocket, etc. are Body (corpus): bodies of living things,
Armor adds to your Defense skill. Easy. plants.
Light: +1d Marksman: +1d to ranged attacks Mind (mentus): the thinking, feeling and
Medium: +2d Mettle: Wound tests are Easy. conscious part of an entity.
Heavy: +3d, Move reduced by 5, Mien: social rolls are Easy. Spirit (animus): essence or soul. (spirit can
Shield: +1d Mighty: you can use a two handed weapon only be learned after you have at least three
with one hand. Must be of large size. realms and three actions.)
Encumbrance Mind Mastery: casting and mental saves
are Easy.
Energy (navitas): fire, liquid water, air,
magic, electricity, and (optionally) time.
Folks have 10 plus their Body die in Slots. Move Faster: +5 to base Move Matter (materia): solid, mindless material
Items are classified as: Rage: add +1d to damage. Fatigue check. like stone, ice, metal, wood, leather, paper,
Tiny: 10 fill 1 slot Shadow: tests involving moving quietly, etc.
Small: ½ slot hiding, and disguise are Easy.
Medium: 1 slot
Large: 2 slots
Heavy: 3 slots Magic The magic-user picks a combination of two
words of power, one action and one realm,
Bulky: 5 slots All magic requires saying two words of and describes the wanted effect.
power: an action and a realm. Every caster
starts out knowing three words of power, e.g. Billiam the sorcerer wants to combine
Gifts but must know at least one action and one
infirmo (diminish) with navitas (energy) to
Adroit: pick a light weapon; all rolls extinguish a fire that has started in the inn
involving its use are Easy. his group was sleeping in. The fire is still
The Four Actions small, so the gm agrees that the player can
Armsman: +1d to melee attacks Enhance (augeo): strengthen, heal, roll for it.
Contact: no bonus ; the player should enlarge, repair, sharpen, etc.
describe a contact which provides useful Diminish (infirmo): weaken, damage, Casting rolls are a Power test. Failures can
services at no or reduced costs injure, reduce, break, dull, deteriorate, etc. endanger the magic-user or characters
(information, material, etc). the gm has to Communicate with (defero): sense, read, around.
agree on the description. seek, inform,
Diehard: rolls on the Out of Action or determine, understand, etc. If the spell is offensive, your roll against
Injury tables are Easy. Control (tempero): shape, hold, command, the character ac (strictly greater). On a
Expertise: Choose a specific skill; tests are form, direct, dictate, etc. (Control can only success, opponent decreases one degree of
Easy when making rolls against it. be learned after all other actions have been health, 2 on a Bonus.
Focus: add +1d to hit. Fatigue check. learned.)
Rolling a Malus on the Power die reduces Combat
the die by a step. Once you run out of Splintered Shield, Shattered Sword Is conducted by making an opposed roll
Power you must Rest. You recover 1 die If you are carrying a shield, you can absorb against your opponent using Attack mode
per hour of Rest. all damage caused by a single blow. (melee, ranged, spell) vs Defense.
Alternatively, you can block the blow with
your weapon (not just a sword) – your
Improving shield or weapon is destroyed in the
Bonus and Malus
Bonus is rolling max value on a Skill roll.
Spend Hero points to: process. Possible examples:
Buy a Stat: expensive, easier to improve a
• Gain another attack
skill Difficulty adjustments • Inflict +1damage
Buy a Skill
Standard: normal die roll • Succeed in grand fashion
Buy a Gift
Easy: 2 dice, take best • Make your opponent’s next roll Hard
Improve a Skill
Hard: 2 dice, take worst • Shatter a shield or sunder armor
Buy a Spell
• Ignore armor
Time, Movement, and Range
MECHANICS Time is measured as:
Malus is rolling a 1 on a Skill roll.
3 Game Difficulties: Round = 10 seconds (enough time for
Basic: TN 4 opposing sides to exchange actions) Possible examples:
Expert: TN 8 Turn = 6 Rounds • Break your weapon
Heroic: TN 12 Breather = 10 minutes • Inflict an Injury to yourself
Break = 30 minutes • Add a complication
Rolling a 1 is called a Malus. Nap = 1 hour • Give your enemy a bonus attack
Rolling max value on a die is called a Rest = 4 to 8 hours • Damage or destroy an item
Rolls are against Active or Passive Target • Diminish Resources or Gear
Numbers. Base Move is set at 25’ per round, x2 if
running, x3 if sprinting.
Active rolls are opposed Stat rolls against Out of Action Table
NPCs, monsters, or players. Range is Close, Near, Far, and Distant. 4-6 Knocked Out
Close = within 5’ 3 Bleeding Out
Passive rolls are Stat rolls against a die Near = within 10’ 2 Injury
assigned to a TN that is rolled by the GM. Medium = within 30’ 1 Mortal Wound
Long = within 50’
Rollover for die rolls is not measured, you Far = within 100’ Injury Table
simply succeed/fail on rolls. Distant = beyond 100’ 6 Grazed
5 Shaken
Actions 4 Stunned
3 Bleeding
2 Maimed
1 Slain

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