Grammar Unit 1 & 2 Class 8

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- -:::._--:=:=- JL-= =
----7~ -
r -==-r-= = ::::r UJ. Language Activity
Fill in the blanb with appropriat e prepositio ns:
~/ 1. Due to heavy rainfall the huge tree fell _ __a nd unfortu na tely
ft -------- "' Shamu was caught _ _ _ t he tree. {under, down , below)

.Jt 2. There i<i a roof__ us. ( above, over)

3. I bought a gift _ _ my brother . (to. fo r)
4. Sheetal took leave _____ her office. (of, from)
5. They climbed _ the stairs . went _ the terrace to have a view
of the s tar s tudded sky. (on , u p , a bove)
- --- - --
6. I have to go to a meeting_ _l2.30 p .m . (at, on)
7 . J cried " Help, Help" when the boy fell ___ the well . (down, into)

____ ..
8 . Shika travels _ _ _ _ Chandigarh_
_ Delhi every week. (on,

----- ------ - 9 . My sister's wedding is _ _ Hotel Taj_ _Mumbai. (in , on, at)
10. Shashank Look an express bus to Mysuru, which goes
-------- _ _ _ _ Mandya. (by, through)
_ _ j,..__ ·------ - IV. Listening Activity :
------- ----- ---~ - Listen to your teacher's reading of the following words. Find the
difference in their pronuncia tion and repeat and practise the words
--- - - - - along with your teacher :
- ·- -·-- (i) effect / ifekt / (ii) expect / ik' spekt /
-· --- ---- --- -- affect I a'fekt / except / ik' sept /
(iii) except / ik' sept/ (iv) price / p ' rais /
accept /ak'sept/ prize / p ' raiz /

·--- --- praise / preiz /

----- (v) h is I hrz/ (vi) hire / haia/
is / iz / heir / ea(r)/
(vii) are / a: (r) / (viii) h air / hea /
or / o: (rl / air / ea(r)/

Teacher 's Signature

V. Spealdn , Activity: VII. , Fill in the blanlu with the appropri ate word choMn from
Fon11 groups of five and discuss the stories of great men like:! '- the homoph ones given in bracket• :
Swami Vivekana nda, King Ashoka, Ramakris hna Para~nah amsa, St 1.I can't ·- - --- _ you from su ch a distance. Come
Frnncis of Assisi, Mother Theresa etc., who displayed clf compass i011 and tell me. (here, hear )
and love for mankind like Mcghavohana. one member from each group
2. Arjun u sed ____ formu la to solve the _ _ _ .(sum, some)
has to come forward and na rrate a story to the class.
3. Veena has _ _ __ .of rupees but still she _ _ peace.


Cb.-the app,opr iate opeclali•ta&i..o be)o"lo bracketa fort1,,
(lacks, la khs)
4 . Two years ago, the shop was _ _ _ and so it _ _ _ to exist .
following ailments: (Take the help of a dictionar y)
(ceased, seized)
(G , ,, tt <'lll1 ~, 1 ,Ji:i l rici1-1n . ()l>s tc1 r 1cian, Derma t ologist
11 5. We should _ _ _ how to say _ _ _ without hurting others.
Ophthnlmolog,st , L "' rl ,olog,st. pgychiatd st. Psychologist, Orthopac dician'
(no, know)
PhysioH,r oap»tl ' VIII. Reading Activity:
l . Sheela has got white patches on he r skin. She needs to
Read the following pa•uge and answer the question • that follow.
consult a __
2. Priya cannot see the letters on the board. She has to see an
3. The child is suffering from fever. The parents have to take h im
- Alexande r Fleminc
His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day,
while trying to eke out a living for his family, he heard a cry for help
to a _ _ __
coming from a nearby bog. He dropped his tools and ran to the bog.
4 . Kiran fell from the cycle and broke his bones got injured. He There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screamin g
immediately consulted an _ _ __ and strugglin g to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the lad from what
5. Students are stressed because of their exams. They should h ave could have been a slow and terrifying death.
a session with a _ _ _ __ The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up at the Scotsma n's sparse
surround ings. An elegantly dressed noblema n stepped out and
6. My grandfath er had a pain in the chest. We took him to a _ __
introduce d himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved.
7. This person has really gone mad. He needs the help of a _ __
"I want to repay you", said the noblema n. "You saved my son's life."
8. Rohan always suffers from muscle catch and cramps. So he "No, I can't accept payment for what I did", the Scottish farmer replied,
always visits his _ _ __ waving aside the offer. At that moment, the farmer's own son came to
9 . Ritu introduce d me to a _ _ _ __ who delivered her baby. the door of the family hovel.
"Is that your son?" the noblema n asked. "Yes," the farmer replied
10. A _ _ _ _ _ _ specialise s in treating the ailments of women.
proudly. "I'll make you a deal. Let me take him and give him a good
educatio n. If the lad is anything like his father, he'll grow into a man
you can be proud of', said the noblema n. And that he did. In time,
8 9
Farme r Flemin g's son gradua ted from St.Mar y's Hospit th al Medica.t l
L:'2!~ ?11e yi

School in London , and went on to become ~own rougho ut the

world as the noted Sir Alexan der Fleming , the discove r~r of Pen icillin
Years afterwa rds, the noblem an's son was stricke n wilb pneum onia· .'

What s":ved him? Penicillin. The naJlle of the noblem an? Lord Rando lph
Church ill. Hts son's name? Sir Winston Churchill. ~~ -1
IX. Anawer the following a• directed:
i. Find the meani ng• of the followin& ..,ord•: (Take the help of
J ·- ·- - - ----- ---- --

dlctlon uy) •
(a) bog
(b) muck
(c) lad
(d) sparse
(e) hovel
(f) pneum onia --- L ---
2. Farmer Flemin g saved the boy from._ _ _ _ ,(Fill in the blank) 1---
- .
3 . What was the deal the noblem an made with Farmer Flemin g?
4 . Farmer Flemin g's son gradua ted from ---·· (Fill in the blank)
5. Who was Farmer Fleming's son?
6. The noblem an's son suffered from _ _ _ _. (Fill in the blank)
7. What is the lesson you learn from the story?
8. The noblem an's son was _ _ _ _ . (Fill in the blank)
✓FW the minin g letters in the adjectives:
{ <i--- -

Eg: The charac ter of a person who gets angry very fast: ;------

shQr t_tfm pfrfd

1) The charac ter of a person who always remain s calm and poised:
C ll.. t!> P CI.S ~
2) The charact er of a person who is concerned too much with his own
needs or wishes : s~l fisb __ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ______ --
3) The charac ter of a person which is compar ed to a fox: c~n !) ~ng '. 11
4) The charac ter of a person who is careful and precise in everything: ! I
m~ticu lo.Ys
5) The charac ter of a person who exhibit s very strong emotio ns or
intense enthus iasm for someth ing: ~s.i Q..~ t~

·, Teacher 's Signatur e ................... .
/jate ~ -;:;-! d 11 !!P
= --- 2 . "I do not sell wisdom by weight. I sell it by quality." 'I!

- . -· --- -- - . ------ -•· - - - -- --· a. Who said this?

- ------ b. To whom was t his said?

. - ---- ---- -----
. --- - - -- -- ---- -- -- -- C. When was this said?
d . What does it mean?
-. . ~-- --- - -- -- --- --- .. ------ - ---- - -
II. Let's write:
---- -- - - . - --- - - - ----- ---- 1
Imagine that Babu in this lesson writes to his friend Salim narrating
~ -- - -- - - - . - -- --- - I
how he was saved by Nagendra's wisdom. Use the hints given below
to write the letter.
- --- -----
Hints: One day - passing Nagendra 's shop - bought wisdom - father
- .... -- -- - -· . angry. Nagend ra gave back money - condition not to u se the wisdom.
Watched qu een's maids quarrel ... ..... ..
----- -
1 Called to king's court- Nagendra 's a dvice - pretend insanity. Escape
- - --·-- -- - --· I
punishme nt. Nagendra famou s. If in trouble visit -
Begin like this,
Dear Salim,
-·-· ----- I want to tell you about a very unusual incident .
Two months ago I saw a new shop in the market place. A young boy
I called Nagendra , was selling "Wisdom ." So I went in ...... ...
I III. Let's work with words:

Write the meaning s of the following words with the help of a
- dictionar y and use them in sentence s to bring out their meaning.
furious , wisdom, persuade, feign, errands ,

11: contract, document , bargain, witness, ruse.

IV. Let's use Language:

y Fill in the blanks in the following sentence s with the right

1. His brou ght honour. (brilliantly , brilliance)
i 2. people solve problems. (wise, wisdom)
_J(ai 17

i Teacher's Signature .................... I

3. h r he was without a job. (in s pit , ,
- - e was c1,ve , c Of II
was no - - of syn>PathY from the people when th ' IF'' -- -
4 . There 7!
heard of the cruel murder. !death, deatth) . '1' lr i'!"===--'"''·--;;;J
5. The - - of funds made them abandon the proJect. (pau ci ( -- - -- -~-=----''=--- ==~
'I" I

pause) ty,

B,,;Uoe "oince" or •ror" ,rith th• roU.,.,ing t1111• espreniona•. 111 ~
· The film has been on at the theatres _- July . '
1 1·
2. She has been on holiday - th• last three weeks.

3. She hasn't been here - - a month, _-r

· No one has lived here - - = - -1989,
· It's L" e first time l have been he r e _ - the accident.

V. Let'• work on our own:


,._. -.
Read any popular story of Birbal in the class.

Imagine that you are iJlterviewiJlg Nagendra. Write any fi-ve): 1 __

queotiom that you would like to ..k bial and the answers that Yoo 3 ====!fl°=========================-=----_-_-_-_=-=·-:_=-:-=----=-:==-:===-:==-===-===-=
ue likely to get from blal.
)~ + ----------- -
fI;___ - =:J,---

2 ti
3 ..... .. .. .... .. .......... .. ......... .

4 ..... ......... .. ......... ..... ..... ..

5 .. .. ... ...... ....... .. ... ........... .


1q ,I> '
... ' Teacher's Signature

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