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July, 2007 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS Volume 3


A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect based on General Relativity: Anti-Gravity

Force due to the Perturbed Non-Holonomic Background of Space
Dmitri Rabounski and Larissa Borissova

We consider the Podkletnov effect — the weight loss of an object located over a
superconducting disc in air due to support by an alternating magnetic field. We
consider this problem using the mathematical methods of General Relativity. We
show via Einstein’s equations and the geodesic equations in a space perturbed by
a disc undergoing oscillatory bounces orthogonal to its own plane, that there is no
rôle of superconductivity; the Podkletnov effect is due to the fact that the field of
the background space non-holonomity (the basic non-othogonality of time lines to
the spatial section), being perturbed by such an oscillating disc produces energy and
momentum flow in order to compensate the perturbation in itself. Such a momentum
flow is directed above the disc in Podkletnov’s experiment, so it works like negative
gravity (anti-gravity). We propose a simple mechanical system which, simulating the
Podkletnov effect, is an experimental test of the whole theory. The theory allows for
other “anti-gravity devices”, which simulate the Podkletnov effect without use of very
costly superconductor technology. Such devices could be applied to be used as a cheap
source of new energy, and could have implications to air and space travel.

Contents 1 Introducing Podkletnov’s experiment

1 Introducing Podkletnov’s experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 In 1992, Eugene Podkletnov and his team at the Tampere
Institute of Technology (Finland) tested the uniformity of a
2 The non-holonomic background space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
unique bulky superconductor disc, rotating at high speed via
2.1 Prelinimary data from topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
a magnetic field [1]. The 145×6-mm superconductor disc
2.2 The space metric which includes a non-holonomic background 60
was horizontally oreinted in a cryostat and surrounded by
2.3 Study of the background metric. The main characteristics of
the background space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 liquid helium. A small current was initiated in the disc by
2.4 Perturbation of the non-holonomic background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 outer electromagnets, after which the medium was cooled
2.5 The background metric perturbed by a gravity field . . . . . . . . . . 62 to 20 –70 K. As the disc achieved superconductivity, and the
2.6 The background metric perturbed by a local oscillation and state became stable, another electromagnet located under the
gravity field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 cryostat was switched on. Due to the Meissner-Ochsenfeld
3 The space of a suspended, vertically oscillating disc . . . . . . . . . . . 63 effect the magnetic field lifted the disc into the air. The disc
was then driven by the outer electromagnets to 5000 rpm.
3.1 The main characteristics of the space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.2 Einstein’s equations in the space. First conclusion about
A small non-conducting and non-magnetic sample was
the origin of the Podkletnov effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 suspended over the cryostat where the rotating disc was con-
3.3 Complete geometrization of matter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 tained. The weight of the sample was measured with high
3.4 The conservation law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 precision by an electro-optical balance system. “The sample
3.5 The geodesic equations in the space. Final conclusion about with the initial weight of 5.47834 g was found to lose about
the forces driving the Podkletnov effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 0.05% of its weight when placed over the levitating disc
4 A new experiment proposed on the basis of the theory . . . . . . . . . 73 without any rotation. When the rotation speed of the disc
4.1 A simple test of the theory of the Podkletnov effect (alternat- increased, the weight of the sample became unstable and
ive to superconductor technology) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 gave fluctuations from −2.5 to +5.4% of the initial value.
4.2 Application for new energy and space travel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 [ . . . ] The levitating superconducting disc was found to rise
by up to 7 mm when its rotation moment increased. Test
Appendix 1 The space non-holonomity as rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
measurements without the superconducting shielding disc
Appendix 2 A short tour into the chronometric invariants . . . . . . . 79 but with all operating solenoids connected to the power sup-
ply, had no effect on the weight of the sample” [1].
Additional results were obtained by Podkletnov in 1997,
with a larger disc (a 275/80×10-mm toroid) run under

D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity 57
Volume 3 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS July, 2007

Fig. 1: Cryogenic system in Podkletnov’s experiment [2]. Courtesy

of E. Podkletnov. Used by permission.

Fig. 3: Weight and pressure measurement in Podkletnov’s experi-

ment [2]. Courtesy of E. Podkletnov. Used by permission.

quires tens of millions of dollars. Therefore the aforemen-

tioned organisations tested discs of much smaller size, about
100 diameter; so they produced controversial results at the
boundary of precision measurement. As was pointed out
by Podkletnov in his recent interview (April, 2006), the
NASA team, after years of unsuccessful attempts, made a
1200 disc of superconductive ceramic. However, due to the
Fig. 2: Supporting and rotating solenoids in Podkletnov’s experi- crude internal structure (this is one of the main problems
ment [2]. Courtesy of E. Podkletnov. Used by permission.
in making such discs), they were unable to use the disc to
replicate his experiment [8].
similar conditions [2]: “The levitating disc revealed a clearly
Podkletnov also recently reported on a “gravity field gen-
measurable shielding effect against the gravitational force
erator” [8, 9] constructed in his laboratory in recent years,
even without rotation. In this situation, the weight-loss
on the basis of the earlier observed phenomenon.
values for various samples ranged from 0.05 to 0.07%. [. . .]
In a nutshell, the aforementioned phenomenon is as fol-
Samples made from the same material and of comparable
lows. We will refer to this as the Podkletnov effect:
size, but with different masses, lost the same fraction of their
weight. [. . .] Samples placed over the rotating disc initially When a disc of superconductive ceramic, being in
the state of superconductivity, is suspended in air by
demonstrated a weight loss of 0.3–0.5%. When the rotation
an alternating magnetic field due to an electromagnet
speed was slowly reduced by changing the current in the located under the disc, the disc is the source of a
solenoids, the shielding effect became considerably higher radiation. This radiation, traveling like a plane wave
and reached 1.9–2.1% at maximum” [2]. above the disc, acts on other bodies like a negative
Two groups of researchers supported by Boeing and gravity. The radiation becomes stronger with larger
NASA, and also a few other research teams, have attempted discs, so it depends on the disc’s mass and radius.
to replicate the Podkletnov experiment in recent years [3–7]. When the disc rotates uniformly, the radiation re-
The main problem they encountered was the reproduction of mains the same. During acceleration/braking of the
the technology used by Podkletnov in his laboratory to pro- disc’s rotation, the radiation essentially increases.
duce sufficiently large superconductive ceramics. The tech- Podkletnov claimed many times that he discovered the
nology is very costly: according to Podkletnov [8] this re- effect by chance, not by any theoretical prediction. Being

58 D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity
July, 2007 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS Volume 3

an experimentalist who pioneered this field of research, he This gives us an opportunity to construct actual working
continued his experiments blindfolded: in the absence of a devices which could revolutionize air and space travel. Such
theoretical reason, the cause of the observed weight loss was new technology, which uses high frequency electromagnetic
unclear. This is why neither Podkletnov nor his followers generators and mechanical equipment instead of costly su-
at Boeing and NASA didn’t develop a new experiment by perconductors, can be the subject of further research on a
which the weight loss effect substantially increased. commercial basis (due to the fact that applied research is
For instance, Podkletnov still believes that the key to outside academia).
his experiment is that special state which is specific to the Besides, additional energy-momentum produced by the
electron gas inside superconductive materials in the state space non-holonomity field in order to compensate for a
of superconductivity [8]. He and all the others therefore local perturbation in itself, means that the Podkletnov effect
focused attention on low temperature superconductive cer- can be used to produce new energy.
amics, production of which, taking the large size of the discs By our advanced study (not included in this paper), of
into account, is a highly complicated and very costly process, our mathematical theory, that herein gives the key factors
beyond most laboratories. In fact, during the last 15 years which rule the new energy, lends itself to the construction of
only Podkletnov’s laboratory has had the ability to produce devices which generate the new energy, powered by strong
such the discs with sufficient quality. electromagnetic fields, not nuclear reactions and atomic fuel.
We propose a purely theoretical approach to this prob- Therefore this technology, free of radioactive waste, can be
lem. We consider Podkletnov’s experiment using the math- a source of clean energy.
ematical methods of General Relativity, in the Einstenian
sense: we represent all essential components of the experi- 2 The non-holonomic background space
ment as a result of the geometrical properties of the lab-
2.1 Preliminary data from topology
oratory space such as the space non-uniformity, rotation,
deformation, and curvature. We build a complete theory of In this Section we construct a space metric which includes
the Podkletnov effect on the basis of General Relativity. a basic (primordial) non-holonomity, i.e. a basic field of the
By this we will see that there is no rôle for superconduc- non-orthogonality of the time lines to the three-dimensional
tivity; Podkletnov’s effect has a purely mechanical origin spatial section.
due in that the vertical oscillation of the disc, produced by Here is some information from topology Each axis of
the supporting alternating magnetic field, and the angular a Euclidean space can be represented as the element of a
acceleration/braking of the disc’s rotation, perturb a homo- circle with infinite radius [10]. An n-dimensional torus is
geneous field of the basic non-holonomity of the space (the the topological product of n circles. The volume of an n-
basic non-othogonality of time lines to the spatial section, dimensional torus is completely equivalent to the surface of
known from the theory of non-holonomic manifolds). As an (n +1)-dimensional sphere. Any compact metric space of
a result the non-holonomity field, initially homogeneous, n dimensions can be mapped homeomorphicly into a subset
is locally stressed, which is expressed by a change of the of a Euclidean space of 2n +1 dimensions.
left side of Einstein’s equations (geometry) and, through Sequences of stochastic transitions between configura-
the conservation law, a corresponding change of the right tions of different dimensions can be considered as stochastic
side — the energy-momentum tensor for distributed matter vector quantities (fields). The extremum of a distribution
(the alternating magnetic field, in this case). In other words, function for frequencies of the stochastic transitions depen-
the perturbed field of the space non-holonomity produces dent on n gives the most probable number of the dimensions,
energy-momentum in order to compensate for the local per- and, taking the mapping n → 2n +1 into account, the most
turbation in itself. As we will see, the spatial momentum probable configuration of the space. This function was first
is directed above the disc in Podkletnov’s experiment, so it studied in the 1960’s by di Bartini [11, 12, 13]. He found that
works like negative gravity. the function has extrema at 2n +1 = ±7 that is equivalent
Owing to our theory we know definitely the key para- to a 3-dimensional vortical torus coaxial with another, the
meters ruling the weight loss effect. Therefore, following same vortical torus, mirrored with the first one. Each of the
our calculation, it is easy to propose an experiment wherein torii is equivalent to a (3+1)-dimensional sphere. Its con-
the weight loss substantially increases. figuration can be easy calculated, because such formations
For example, we describe a new experiment where the were studied by Lewis and Larmore. A vortical torus has
Podkletnov effect manifests via simple electro-mechanical no breaks if the current lines coincide with the trajectory of
equipment, without costly superconductor technology. This the vortex core. Proceeding from the continuity condition,
new experiment can be replicated in any physics laboratory. di Bartini found the most probable configuration of
We therefore claim thta with our mathematical theory the vortical torus is it characterized by the ratio E = D r =
of the Podkletnov effect, within the framework of General = 14 e6.9996968 = 274.074996 between the torus diameter D
Relativity, we can calculate the factors ruling the weight loss. and the radius of torus circulation r.

D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity 59
Volume 3 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS July, 2007

We apply di Bartini’s result from topology to General linear velocity

Relativity. The time axis is represented as the element of vˉ
the circle of radius R = 12 D, while the spatial axes are the v
ˉ= = const = 3.481787 ×107 cm/sec (2)

elements of three small circles of radii r (the topological
product of which is the 3-dimensional vortical torus). In a which characterizes a spatial linear drift of the non-
“metric” representation by a Minkowski diagram, the torus holonomic background relative to any given observer.
is a 3-dimensional spatial section of the given (3+1)-space The field of the spatial drift with v ˉ = 348.1787 km/sec
while the time lines have some inclination to the the spatial is also present at each point of the space.
section. In order for the torus (the 3-dimensional space of In the spatial section the background space rotation with
our world) to be uniform without break, all the time lines vˉ =2,187.671km/sec is observed as absolute motion. This
have the same inclination to the spatial section at each point is due to the fact that a rotation due to the space non-
of the section. holonomity is relative to time, not the spatial coordinates.
Cosines of the angles between the coordinate axes, in Despite this, as proven by Zelmanov [15, 16, 17], such a
Riemannian geometry, are represent by the components of rotation relates to spatial rotation, if any.
the fundamental metric tensor gαβ [14]. If the time lines are
everywhere orthogonal to the spatial section, all g0i are zero: 2.2 The space metric which includes a non-holonomic
g0i = 0. Such a space is called holonomic. If not (g0i 6= 0), background
the space is said to be non-holonomic. As was shown in
the 1940’s by Zelmanov [15, 16, 17], a field of the space We are going to derive the metric of a non-holonomic space,
non-holonomity (inclinations of the time lines to the spatial which has the aforementioned most probable configuration
section) manifests as a rotation of the space with a for the (3+1)-space of General Relativity. To do this we
c g0i
3-dimensional velocity vi = − √ g00 . The mathematical proof consider an element of volume of the space (the elementary
is given in Appendix 1. volume).
So a field with the same inclination of the time lines We consider the pseudo-Riemannian (3+1)-space of Ge-
to the spatial section is characterized, in the absence of neral Relativity. Let it be non-holonomic so that the non-
gravitational fields, by vi = −cg0i = const at each point of holonomity field is homogeneous, i.e. manifests as a homo-
the spatial section. In other words, this is a field of the ho- geneous space-time rotation with a linear velocity v, which
mogeneous non-holonomity (rotation) of the whole space. It has the same numerical value along all three spatial axes
is hard to explain such a field by everyday analogy, because at each point of the space. The elementary 4-dimensional
it has zero angular speed, and also no centre of rotation. interval in such a space is
However owing to the space-time representation by a Min- 2v
kowski diagram, it appears very simply as a field of which ds2 = c2dt2 + cdt (dx + dy + dz) −
c (3)
the time arrows pierce the hyper-surface of the spatial − dx2 − dy 2 − dz 2 ,
section with the same inclination at each point.
After di Bartini’s result, we therefore conclude that the where the second term is not reduced, for clarity.
most probable configuration of the basic space (space-time) We denote the numerical coefficient, which characterize
of General Relativity is represented by a primordially non- the space rotation (see the second term on the right side),
holonomic (3+1)-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian space, as α = v /c. We mean, consider the most probable confi-
where the non-holonomic background field is homogeneous, guration of the (3+1)-space, v = vˉ = 2,187.671km/sec and
which manifests in the spatial section (3-dimensional space) also α = vˉ /c = 1/137.037498. The ratio α = vˉ /c specific to
as the presence of two fundamental drift-fields: the space (it characterizes the background non-holonomity
of the space), coincides with the analytical value of Som-
1. A homogeneous field of the constant linear velocity of merfeld’s fine-structure constant [11, 12, 13], connected to
the background space rotation electromagnetic interactions.∗
r 2c Given the most probable configuration of the space, each
vˉ = c = = const = 2.187671 ×108 cm/sec (1) 3-dimensional volume element rotates with the linear veloc-
ity vˉ = 2,187.671km/sec and moves with the velocity v ˉ=
which originates from the fact that, given the non- = vˉ = 348.1787 km/sec relative toward any observer loc-

holonomic space, the time-like spread R depends on ated in the space. The metric (3) contains the space rotation
R 1
the spatial-like spread r as r = 2 E = 137.037498. The only. To modify the metric for the most probable configura-
background space rotation, with vˉ = 2,187.671 km/sec
at each point of the space, is due to the continuity ∗ Tests based on the quantum Hall effect and the anomalous magnetic

condition everywhere inside the torus; moment of the electron, give different experimental values for Sommer-
feld’s constant, close to the analytical value. For instance, the latest tests
2. A homogeneous drift-field of the constant dipole-fit (2006) gave α ' 1/137.035999710(96) [18].

60 D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity
July, 2007 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS Volume 3

2v (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) 2 vr (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) 2v

ds2 = c2dt2 + cdtdr + cdtdϕ + cdtdz −
c c c
2 vv (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) 2 vvr (cos ϕ − sin ϕ)
− dr2 + 2
dr dz − r2 dϕ2 + dϕ dz − dz 2
c c2
tion, we should apply Lorentz’ transformation along the the gravitational potential w is zero
direction of the space motion. √ 
g00 = 1 , w = c2 1 − g00 = 0 , (10)
We choose the z-axis for the direction of space motion.
For clarity of further calculation, we use the cylindrical co- c g0i
the linear velocity of the space rotation vi = − √ g00 is
ordinates r, ϕ, z 
v1 = − vˉ (cos ϕ + sin ϕ)  
x = r cos ϕ , y = r sin ϕ , z =z, (4)
v2 = − vˉ r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) (11)
so the metric (3) in the new coordinates takes the form 

v3 = − vˉ
ds2 = c2dt2 + (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) cdtdr + the relativistic multiplier is unity (within the number of sign-
2vr 2v (5) ificant digits)
+ (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) cdtdϕ + cdtdz −
c c 1 1
q = = 1, (12)
− dr2 − r2 dϕ2 − dz 2 . 1− ˉ2
v 0.9999993
Substituting the quantities t̃ and z̃ of Lorentz’ transfor-
mations the gravitational inertial force Fi , the angular velocity of the
t + vz2 z + vt space rotation Aik , the space deformation Dik , and the space
t̃ = q c , z̃ = q , (6)
v2 2 curvature Cik are zero
1 − c2 1 − vc2
Fi = 0 , Aik = 0 , Dik = 0 , Cik = 0 , (13)
for t and z in the metric (5), we obtain the metric for a
volume element which rotates with the constant velocity while of all the chr.inv.-Christoffel symbols Δikm ,
only two
vˉ = αc and approaches with the constant velocity v = v ˉ with components are non-zero,
respect to any observer located in the space. This is formula 1
Δ122 = − r , Δ212 = . (14)
(7) shown on the top of this page. In that formula r
1 1 The non-holonomic background space is free of distrib-
q =q = const ' 1 , (8) uted matter, so the energy-momentum tensor is zero therein.
2 2
1 − vc2 1 − vˉc2 Hence, as seen from the chr.inv.-Einstein equations (see Ap-
due to that fact that, in the framework of this problem, v  c. pendix 2), the background space necessarily has
Besides there is also v  c, so that the second order terms λ = 0, (15)
reduce each other. We still do not reduce the numerical
i.e. it is also free of physical vacuum (λ-field). In other
coefficient c of the non-diagonal space-time terms so that
words, the non-holonomic background space is empty.
they are easily recognized in the metric.
We conclude for the background space exposed by the
Because the non-holonomic metric (7) satisfies the most
non-holonomic background metric (7), that
probable configuration for such a (3+1)-space, we regard it
as the background metric of the world. The non-holonomic background space satisfying the
most probable configuration of the (3+1)-space of
General Relativity is a flat pseudo-Riemannian space
2.3 Study of the background metric. The main charac- with the 3-dimensional Euclidean metric and a con-
teristics of the background space stant space-time rotation. The background space is
empty; it permits neither distributed matter or vacuum
We now calculate the main characteristics of the space which
(λ-field). The background space is not one an Ein-
are invariant within a fixed three-dimensional spatial section, stein space (where Rαβ = k gαβ , k = const) due to
connected to an observer. Such quantities are related to the the fact that Einstein’s equations have k=0 in the
chronometric invariants, which are the physical observable background space. To be an Einstein space, the back-
quantities in General Relativity [15, 16, 17] (see Appendix 2). ground space should be perturbed.
After the components of the fundamental metric tensor Read about Einstein spaces and their formal determina-
gαβ are obtained from the background metric (7), we cal- tion in Einstein Spaces by A. Z. Petrov [19].
culate the main observable characteristics of the space (see It should be noted that of the fact that the 3-dimensional
Appendix 2). It follows that in the space: Euclidean metric means only Fi = 0, Aik = 0, Dik = 0 and
v vˉ vv αˉv vˉ2 Cik = 0. The Christoffel symbols can be Δimn 6= 0 due to the
= = α = const, = = = const , (9)
c c c2 c 2πc2 curvilinear coordinates.

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Volume 3 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS July, 2007

2GM 2 2 2 v (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) 2vr (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) 2v
ds2 = 1 − 2 c dt + cdt dr + cdt dϕ + cdtdz −
c z c c c
2vv (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) 2 vvr (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) 2GM
− dr2 + dr dz − r 2
dϕ 2
+ dϕ dz − 1 + dz 2
c2 c2 c2 z

2.4 Perturbation of the non-holonomic background was derived by Zelmanov [15, 16, 17], due to the space non-
holonomity, and originating in it. It is evident that if the same
How does a gravitational field and local rotation (the gravita-
numerical value vi = const remains unchanged everywhere
tional field of the Earth and the rotation of a disc, for ins-
in the spatial section (i.e. ∗ ∇i v i = 0)†
tance) affect the metric? This we now describe. )
The ratio v /c, according to the continuity condition in the vi = const
space (see §2), equals Sommerfeld’s fine-structure constant ∗
∇i v i = 0
α = vˉ /c = 1/137.037498 only if the non-holonomic back-
ground metric is unperturbed by a local rotation, so the there is a homogeneous field of the space non-holonomity.
space non-holonomity appears as a homogeneous field of By the formula (17), given a homogeneous field of the space
the constant linear velocity of the space rotation vˉ, which non-holonomity, any local rotation of the space (expressed
is 2,187.671 km/sec. The gravitational potential w appears with g0i ) and also a gravitational potential (contained in g00 )
√ perturb the homogeneous non-holonomic background.
in General Relativity as w = c2 (1 − g00 ), i.e. connected to
g00 . So the presence of a gravity field changes the linear We modify the background metric (7) to that case where
velocity of the space rotation vi = − √ c g0i the homogeneous non-holonomic background is perturbed
g00 . For an Earth-
by a weak gravitational field, produced by a bulky point
bound laboratory, we have cw2 = GM ' 7 ×10−10 . This numer-
c2 z mass M , that is usual for observations in a laboratory located
ical value is so small that perturbations of the non-holonomic
on the Earth’s surface or near orbit. The gravitational poten-
background through g00 , by the Earth’s gravitational field, √
tial in General Relativity is w = c2 (1 − g00 ). We assume
are weak. Another case — local rotations. A local rotation
gravity acting in the z-direction, i.e. w = GM z , and we omit
with a linear velocity ṽ or a gravitational potential w per-
terms of higher than the second order in c, following the
turbs the homogeneous field of the space non-holonomity,
usual approximation in General Relativity (see Landau and
the ratio v /c in that area changes from the initial value
Lifshitz [20] for instance). We substitute
α = vˉ /c = 1/137.037498 to a new, perturbed value  2
 w 2 GM 2GM
v vˉ + ṽ ṽ g00 = 1 − 2 = 1 − 2 ' 1 − 2 6= 1 (19)
= = α + α. (16) c c z c z
c c vˉ
This fact should be taken into account in all formulae into the first term of the initial metric (5). After Lorentz’
which include v or the derivatives. transformations, we obtain a formula for the non-holonomic
Consider a high speed gyro used in aviation navigation: a background metric (7) perturbed by such a field of gravity.
250 g rotor of 1.6500 diameter, rotating with an angular speed This is formula (20) displayed on the top of this page.
of 24,000 rpm. With modern equipment this is almost the
uppermost speed for such a mechanically rotating system ∗. In 2.6 The background metric perturbed by a local oscil-
such a case the background field of the space non-holonomity lation and gravitational field
is perturbed near the giro as ṽ ≈ 53 m/sec, that is 2.4 ×10−5 A superconducting disc in air under the influence of an alt-
of the background vˉ = 2,187.671km/sec. Larger effects are ernating magnetic field of an electromagnet located beneath
expected for a submarine gyro, where the rotor and, hence, it, undergoes oscillatory bounces with the frequency of the
the linear velocity of the rotation is larger. In other words, the current, in a vertical direction (the same that of the Earth’s
non-holonomic background can be substantially perturbed gravity — the z-direction in our cylindrical coordinates).
near such a mechanically rotating system. We set up a harmonic transformation of the z-coordinate
2.5 The background metric perturbed by a gravita- z̃ = z + z0 cos u , u = ct + z , (21)
tional field
where z0 is the initial deviation (the amplitude of the oscilla-
The formula for the linear velocity of the space rotation tion), while Ω is the frequency. After calculating dz̃ and
g0i dz̃ 2 (22), and using these instead of dz and dz 2 in the non-
vi = − c √ , (17) holonomic background metric (7), we obtain the background
metric (7) perturbed by the local oscillation and gravitational
∗ Mechanical gyros used in aviation and submarine navigation techno-
field. This is formula (23) shown above.
logy have rotations in the range 6,000 – 30,000 rpm. The upper speed is
limited by problems due to friction. † See Appendix 2 for the chr.inv.-differentiation symbol ∗ ∇.

62 D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity
July, 2007 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS Volume 3

Ωz0 Ω Ωz0 Ω 
dz̃ = 1−
sin u dz − sin u cdt 

c c c c 
 2    2 2  (22)
Ωz0 Ω 2Ωz0 Ω Ωz0 Ω Ω z0 

2Ω 
dz̃ 2 = 1 − sin u dz 2 − sin u 1 − sin u cdt dz + sin u c2dt2 
c c c c c c c2 c
" #
2 2GM 2 vΩz0 Ω Ω2 z02 2Ω
ds = 1− 2 − sin u − 2 sin u c2dt2 +
c z + z0 cos Ωc u c2 c c c
2 v (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) Ωz0 v Ω 2 vr (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) Ωz0 v Ω
+ 1 − 2 sin u cdt dr + 1 − 2 sin u cdt dϕ +
c c c c c c
  ( " #)
2 Ωz0 v Ω Ω 2GM
+ 1 − 2 sin u v + Ωz0 sin u 1 + 2  cdt dz − dr2 + (23)
c c c c c z + z0 cos Ωc u
2vv (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) Ωz0 Ω 2 2 2vvr (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) Ωz0 Ω
+ 1 − 2 sin u dr dz − r dϕ + 1− sin u dϕ dz −
c2 c c c2 c c
" # 2
2GM Ωz0 Ω
− 1+ 2 Ω
 1− sin u dz 2
c z + z0 cos c u c c

2GM 2Ωz0 v Ω 2v (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) 2vr (cos ϕ − sin ϕ)
ds2 = 1 − 2 − sin u c2dt2 + cdt dr + cdt dϕ +
c z c2 c c c
2 Ω
+ v + Ωz0 sin u cdt dz − dr2 − r2 dϕ2 − dz 2
c c

3 The space of a suspended, vertically oscillating disc main metric which will be used henceforth in our study for
3.1 The main characteristics of the space the Podkletnov effect.
We calculate the main observable characteristics of such
Metric (23) is very difficult in use. However, under the phys- a space according to Appendix 2.
ical conditions of a real experiment, many terms vanish so In such a space the gravitational potential w and the com-
that the metric reduces to a simple form. We show how. ponents of the linear velocity of the space rotation vi are
Consider a system like that used by Podkletnov in his  
experiment: a horizontally oriented disc suspended in air GM Ω
w= + Ωz0 sin u v , (26)
due to an alternating high-frequent magnetic field generated z c
by an electromagnet located beneath the disc. Such a disc 
undergoes an oscillatory bounce along the vertical axis with v1 = − v (cos ϕ + sin ϕ)  

a frequency which is the same as that of the alternating v2 = − vr (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) . (27)
magnetic field. We apply metric (23) to this case, i.e. the Ω 

v3 = − v − Ωz0 sin u 
metric of the space near such a disc. c
First, because the initial deviation of such a disc from
The components of the gravitational inertial force Fi
the rest point is very small (z0  z), we have
  acting in such a space are
2GM 2GM z0 Ω 2GM   
 ' 2 1− cos u ' 2 . (24) Ω
c2 z+z0 cos Ωc u c z z c c z F1 = Ωz0 sin u vr + (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vt 

c 

Second, the relativistic square is K = 1. Third, under   

Ω 

the conditions of a real experiment like Podkletnov’s, the F2 = Ωz0 sin u vϕ + r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vt 
Ω2 z 2 2 2 c , (28)
terms c2 0 Ω cz0 , Ωzc 0 , vc2 and vc have such small num-   
Ω GM 

erical values that they can be omitted from the equations. F3 = Ωz0 sin u vz − 2 + vt + 

c z 

The metric (23) then takes the much simplified form, shown 

Ω 

as expression (25) at the top of this page. In other words, + Ω2 z0 cos u
the expression (25) represents the metric of the space of a c
disc which undergoes an oscillatory bounce orthogonal to its where the quantities vr , vϕ , vz , vt denote the respective
own plane, in the conditions of a real experiment. This is the partial derivatives of v.

D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity 63
Volume 3 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS July, 2007

In such a space the components of the tensor of the by Zelmanov [15, 16, 17] as the projections of the general
angular velocities of the space rotation Aik are covariant (4-dimensional) Einstein equations

1 r 1
A12 = (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vϕ − (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vr  
 Rαβ − gαβ R = − κ Tαβ + λ gαβ (33)
2 2 
 2

r 1 onto the time line and spatial section of an observer.
A23 = (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vz − vϕ . (29)
2 2 
 We omit the λ-term due to its negligible effect. In consi-

1 1 
 dering a real situation like Podkletnov’s experiment, we as-
A13 = (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vz − vr 
2 2 sume the same approximation as in the previous Section. We
2 also take into account those physical observable characterist-
Because we omit all quantities proportional to vc2 , the
ics of the space which are zero according to our calculation.
chr.inv.-metric tensor hik =−gik + c12 vi vk (the observable Einstein’s equations expressed in the terms of the phys-
3-dimensional metric tensor) becomes hik =−gik . Its com- ical observable quantities (see Appendix 2 for the complete
ponents for the metric (25) are equations) then take the following simplified form

h11 = 1 , h22 = r2 , h33 = 1  √ 

 ∂F i ∂ ln h i κ  

 − Aik A +ik
F =− 2
ρc + U 

1  ∂xi ∂xi 2 

11 22
h = 1, h = 2 , h = 1 33 

r . (30) √ 

√ 
 ∂A ij
∂ ln h ij 

 

∂ln h 1 
 + A = −κJ i
h = det khik k = r2 , 1
= ∂x j ∂x j
∂x r   

∙j 1 ∂F i ∂F k 

For the tensor of the space deformation Dik we obtain 2Aij Ak∙ + + − 2Δm 
ik Fm = 

2 ∂xk ∂xi 


D33 = D33 = 0 , D = hik Dik = 0 . (31) κ 
= ρc − U hik + κUik 
Among the chr.inv.-Christoffel symbols Δikm within the
framework of our approximation, only two components are where ρ = T00 , J i = √c T0 and U ik = c2 T ik are the observ-
g00 g00
non-zero, able projections of the energy-momentum tensor Tαβ of dis-
Δ122 = − r , Δ212 = , (32) tributed matter on the right side of Einstein’s equations (the
so, despite the fact that the observable curvature tensor Cik right side determines distributed matter which fill the space,
which possesses all the properties of Ricci’s tensor Rαβ on while the left side determines the geometrical properties
the 3-dimensional spatial section (see Appendix 2) isn’t zero of the space). By their physical sense, ρ isi the observable
in the space, but within the framework of our assumption it density of the energy of the matter field, J is the observ-
is meant to be zero: Cik = 0. In other words, although the able density of the field momentum, U ik
is the observable
space curvature isn’t zero, it is so small that it is negligible stress-tensor of the field.
in a real experiment such as we are considering. In relation to Podkletnov’s experiment, Tαβ is the sum
These are the physical observable characteristics of a of the energy-momentum tensor of an electromagnetic field,
space volume element located in an Earth-bound laboratory, generated by an electromagnet located beneath the disc, and
where the non-holonomic background of the space is per- also that of the other fields filling the space. We therefore
turbed by a disc which undergoes oscillatory bounces ortho- attribute the energy-momentum tensor Tαβ and its observ-
gonal to its own plane. able components ρ, J i , U ik to the common field.
We have now obtained all the physical observable char- Is there additional energy and momentum produced by
acteristics of space required by Einstein’s equations. Ein- the field of the background space non-holonomity in order
stein’s equations describe flows of energy, momentum and to compensate for a perturbation therein, due to a disc under-
matter. Using the derived equations, we will know in preci- going oscillatory bounces orthogonal to its own pane? This is
sely those flows of energy and momentum near a disc which easy to answer using Einstein’s equations, owing to the fact
undergoes an oscillatory bounce orthogonal to its own plane. that given the unperturbed field of the background space
So if there is any additional energy flow or momentum flow non-holonomity, the linear velocity of the space rotation
generated by the disc, Einstein’s equations show this. v isn’t a function of the spatial coordinates and time v 6=
6= f (r, ϕ, z, t). After Fi , Aik , Dik , and Δikn specific to the
space of a suspended, vertically oscillating disc are substi-
3.2 Einstein’s equations in the space. First conclusion
tuted into Einstein’s equations (34), the left side of the equa-
about the origin of the Podkletnov effect
tions should contain additional terms dependent on the de-
Einstein’s equations, in terms of the physical observable rivatives of v by the spatial coordinates r, ϕ, z, and time
quantities given in Appendix 2, were derived in the 1940’s t. The additional terms, appearing in the left side, build

64 D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity
July, 2007 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS Volume 3

vtϕ 
(cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vtr + (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) + vtz − (1 − cos ϕ sin ϕ) vr2 − vz2 − 

r 

vϕ2  vr v ϕ 

− (1 + cos ϕ sin ϕ) 2 + cos2 ϕ − sin2 ϕ + (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vr vz + 

r r 


vϕ vz 2GM Ω vϕϕ vr  κ  

+ (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) + + Ωz 0 sin u v rr + + v zz + =− ρc2 + U 

r z 3 c r 2 r 2 

(cos ϕ − sin ϕ)  vϕ  (cos ϕ + sin ϕ)  vϕϕ vr  1 

vrϕ − − + v zz + + vrz = κJ 1 

2r r 2 r2 r 2 

1 h  
vϕ  i 

v ϕz + (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) v rϕ − − r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) (v rr + v zz ) = κJ 2 

2r2 r 

(cos ϕ + sin ϕ) (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vϕz 1 vϕϕ vr  

vrz + − vrr + 2 + = κJ 3 

2 2 r 2 r r 


 v r vϕ (1 + 2 cos ϕ sin ϕ) vϕ2 

(1 − cos ϕ sin ϕ) vr2 − cos2 ϕ − sin2 ϕ + + v 2 

z + 

r 2 r2 

Ω κ  

+ (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vtr − (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vr vz + Ωz0 sin u vrr = ρc2 − U + κU11 

c 2 


1  

r cos2 ϕ − sin2 ϕ vz2 + vr vϕ − r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vr vz − (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vϕ vz +
2 (35)
Ω vϕ  

+ (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vtϕ + r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vtr + 2 Ωz0 sin u vrϕ − = κU12 

c r 


1 vr vϕ 

vtr + (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vtz − (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) + (1 − 2 cos ϕ sin ϕ) vr vz + 

2 r 


vϕ2  vϕ vz Ω 

+ (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) 2 − cos2 ϕ − sin2 ϕ + 2 Ωz0 sin u vrz = κ U13 

r r c 

(1 − 2 cos ϕ sin ϕ) 2   v r vϕ vϕ2 

vr + vz2 − cos2 ϕ − sin2 ϕ + (1 + cos ϕ sin ϕ) 2 + 

2 r r 

vtϕ v ϕ vz Ω vϕϕ vr  κ  κ U22 

+ (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) − (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) + Ωz0 sin u + = ρc2 − U + 2 

r r c r2 r 2 r 


1 

vtϕ + r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vtz + r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vr2 − (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vr vϕ − 

2 


2 2
 Ω 

− r cos ϕ − sin ϕ vr vz + (1 + 2 cos ϕ sin ϕ) vϕ vz + 2 Ωz0 sin u vϕz = κ U23 

c 

vr2 vϕ2 v ϕ vz 2GM 

+ vz2 − (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vr vz + 2 − (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) + vtz + + 

2 2r r z3 


Ω κ  

+ Ωz0 sin u vzz = ρc2 − U + κU33 

c 2

D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity 65
Volume 3 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS July, 2007

respective additions to the energy and momentum of the act- This is also true in another case, where the space is non-
ing electromagnetic field on the right side of the equations. holonomic (v 6= 0) but v isn’t function of the spatial coordi-
Following this line, we are looking for the energy and nates and time v 6= f (r, ϕ, z, t), that is the unperturbed
momentum produced by the field of the background space homogeneous field of the background space non-holonomity.
non-holonomity due to perturbation therein. We see that in both cases there is no additional energy and
We substitute Fi (28), Aik (29), Dik (31), and Δikn momentum flow near the disc; only the electromagnetic field
(32), specific to the space of such an oscillating disc, into flow is put into equilibrium by the Earth’s gravity, directed
the chr.inv.-Einstein equations (34), and obtain the Einstein vertically along the z-axis.
equations as shown in formula (35). These are actually Ein- So Einstein’s equations show clearly that:
stein’s equations for the initial homogeneous non-holonomic The Podkletnov effect is due to the fact that the field
space perturbed by such a disc. of the background space non-holonomity, being per-
As seen from the left side of the Einstein equations (35), turbed by a suspended, vertically oscillating disc,
a new energy-momentum field appears near the disc due to produces energy and momentum flow in order to
compensate for the perturbation therein.
the appearance of a non-uniformity of the field of the back-
ground space non-holonomity (i.e. due to the functions v of
3.3 Complete geometrization of matter
the coordinates and time):
Looking at the right side of the Einstein equations (35),
1. The field bears additional energy to the electromagnet-
which determine distributed matter, we see that ρ and U
ic field energy represented in the space (see the scalar
are included only in the scalar (first) equation and also three
Einstein equation);
tensor equations with the indices 11, 22, 33 (the 5th, 8th,
2. The field has momentum flow J i . The momentum and 10th equations). We can therefore find a formula for U .
flow spreads from the outer space toward the disc Then, substituting the formula back into the Einstein equa-
in the r-direction, twists around the disc in the ϕ- tions for ρ and U11 , U22 , U33 , we can express the char-
direction, then rises above the disc in the z-direction acteristics of distributed matter through only the physical
(see the vectorial Einstein equations which describe observable characteristics of the space. This fact, coupled
the momentum flow J 1 , J 2 , and J 3 toward r, ϕ, with the fact that the other characteristics of distributed matter
and z-direction respectively). This purely theoretical (J 1 , J 2 , J 3 , U12 , U13 , U13 ) are expressed through only
finding explains the Podkletnov effect. According to the physical observable characteristics of the space by the
Eugene Podkletnov, a member of his experimental 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, and 9th equations of the Einstein
team smoked a pipe a few meters away from the cryo- equations (35), means that considering a space in which the
stat with the superconducting disc, during operation. homogeneous non-holonomic background is perturbed by an
By a stroke of luck, Podkletnov noticed that the to- oscillating disc, we can obtain a complete geometrization of
bacco smoke was attracted towards the cryostat, then matter.
twisted around it and rose above it. Podkletnov then Multiplying the 1st equation of (35) by the 3rd, then
applied a high precision balance, which immediately summing with the 5th, 8th, and 10th equations, we eliminate
showed a weight loss over the cryostat. Now it is clear ρ. Then, because U = hik Uik = U11 + U22 + U33 , we obtain
that the tobaccosmoke revealed the momentum flow a formula for U expressed only via the physical observable
produced by the background space non-holonomity characteristics of the space. Substituting the obtained formula
field perturbed near the vertically oscillating disc; for κU into the 1st equation, we obtain a formula for ρ.
3. The field has distributed stresses which are expressed After that it is easy to obtain ρc2 + U and ρc2 − U . Using
by an addition to the electromagnetic field stress- these in the three Einstein tensor equations with the diagonal
tensor (see the Einstein tensor equations). indices 11, 22, 33, we obtain formulae for U11 , U22 , U33 , all
expressed only in terms of the physical observable character-
In the simplest case where Podkletnov’s experiment is istics of the space.
run in a completely holonomic space (v = 0) the Einstein The resulting equations, coupled with those of the Ein-
equations (35) take the simplest form stein equations (35) which determine J 1 , J 2 , J 3 , U12 , U13 ,
 and U13 , build the system of the equations (37), which comp-
= −κρc 2 
 letely determine the properties of distributed matter — the
z3 

 density of the energy ρ, the density of the momentum flow

J1 = 0, J2 = 0, J3 = 0  J I , and the stress-tensor Uik — only in terms of the physical
(36) observable characteristics of the space. So:
U11 = 0 , U12 = 0 , U13 = 0 , U22 = 0 , U23 = 0  

 Matter which fills the space, where a homogeneous

2GM 
 non-holonomic background is perturbed by an oscil-
= κU33
z3 lating disc is completely geometrized.

66 D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity
July, 2007 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS Volume 3

(1 − cos ϕ sin ϕ) 2 (1 + cos ϕ sin ϕ) vϕ2 vz2 cos2 ϕ − sin2 ϕ vr vϕ 

κU = vr + + − − 

2 2 r2 2 2 r 

(cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vϕ vz (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) 

− − vr vz − 2 (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vtr − 

2 r 2 


vtϕ 4GM Ω vϕϕ vr  

− 2 (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) − 2 vtz − − 2 Ωz 0 sin u v rr + + v zz + 

r z3 c r2 r 


3 vϕ2 

κρc2 = (1 − cos ϕ sin ϕ) vr2 + (1 + cos ϕ sin ϕ) 2 + vz2 − 

2 r  

 vr vϕ 

2 2 v ϕ vz 

− cos ϕ − sin ϕ − (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) − (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vr vz 

r r 


κ  (1 − cos ϕ sin ϕ) 2 (1 + cos ϕ sin ϕ) vϕ2 vz2 cos2 ϕ − sin2 ϕ vr vϕ 

ρc − U = vr + + − − 

2 2 2 r2 2 2 r 

(cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vϕ vz (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vtϕ 

− − vr vz + (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vtr + (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) + 

2 

r 2 
r 

2GM Ω vϕϕ vr 

+ vtz + + Ωz0 sin u vrr + 2 + vzz + 

z3 c r r 

(cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vϕ (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vϕϕ vr  1 

κJ 1 = vrϕ − − + v zz + + vrz 

2r r 2 r2 r 2 

h   i 

1 v ϕ 

κJ 2 = 2 vϕz + (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vrϕ − − r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) (vrr + vzz ) 

2r r 

(cos ϕ + sin ϕ) (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vϕz 1 vϕϕ vr  

κJ 3 = vrz + − vrr + 2 + 

2 2 r 2 r r 

 2   

(1 − cos ϕ sin ϕ) 2 vϕ cos ϕ − sin2 ϕ vr vϕ
(cos ϕ + sin ϕ) 
κU11 = vr + (cos ϕ sin ϕ) + vz − − vr vz + (37)
2 2r2 2 r 2 


(cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vϕ vz vtϕ 2GM Ω vϕϕ vr  

+ − (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) − vtz − 3
− Ωz0 sin u 2
+ vzz + 

2 r r z c r r 


1  

κU12 = r cos2 ϕ − sin2 ϕ vz2 + vr vϕ − r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vr vz − (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vϕ vz + 

2    

Ω vϕ  

+ (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vtϕ + r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vtr + 2 Ωz0 sin u vrϕ − 

c r 


1 v r vϕ 

κU13 = vtr + (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vtz − (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) + (1 − 2 cos ϕ sin ϕ) vr vz + 

2 r 


vϕ2  vϕ vz Ω 

+ (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) 2 − cos2 ϕ − sin2 ϕ + 2 Ωz0 sin u vrz 

r r c 

 2   

cos2 ϕ − sin2 ϕ vr vϕ 

κU22 vr 2 (1 + cos ϕ sin ϕ) vϕ2 

= − (cos ϕ sin ϕ) + vz + − − 

r2 2 2 r2 2 r 


(cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vϕ vz (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) 2GM Ω 

− + vr vz − (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vtr − vtz − 3 − Ωz0 sin u (vrr + vzz ) 

2 r 2 z c 


1 

κU23 = vtϕ + r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vtz + r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vr2 − (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vr vϕ − 

2    

 Ω 

2 2 

− r cos ϕ − sin ϕ vr vz + (1 + 2 cos ϕ sin ϕ) vϕ vz + 2 Ωz0 sin u vϕz 

c 


2 
(cos ϕ sin ϕ) 2 vϕ vz2 (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) cos2 ϕ − sin2 ϕ vr vϕ 

κU33 = vr − 2 + − vr vz + − 

2 r 2 2 2 r 


(cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vϕ vz vtϕ Ω vϕϕ vr  

− − (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vtr − (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) − Ωz0 sin u vrr + 2 + 
2 r r c r r

D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity 67
Volume 3 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS July, 2007

There is just one question still to be answered. What is We have obtained a complete geometrization of
the nature of the matter? matter consisting of an arbitrary electromagnetic field
Among the matter different from the gravitational field, and a perturbation field of the non-holonomic back-
only the isotropic electromagnetic field was previously geo- ground of the space.
metrized — that for which the metric is determined by the
Rainich condition [23, 24, 25] 3.4 The conservation law
1 β When considering the geodesic equations in a space, the
R = 0, Rαρ Rρβ =δ (Rρσ Rρσ ) = 0 (38)
4 α hon-holonomic background of which is perturbed by a disc
and the Nordtvedt-Pagels condition [26] undergoing oscillatory bounces orthogonal to its own plane,
 we need to know the space distribution of the perturbation,
ημεγσ Rδγ;σ Rετ − Rδε;σ Rγτ = 0 . (39) i.e. some relations between the functions vt = ∂v , vr = ∂v ,
∂t ∂r
∂v ∂v
The Rainich condition and the Nordtvedt-Pagels condi- vϕ = ∂ϕ , vz = ∂z , which are respective partial derivatives of
tion, being applied to the left side of Einstein’s equations, the value v of the linear velocity of the space rotation vi .
completely determine the properties of the isotropic elec- The functions vt , vr , vϕ , vz are contained in the left
tromagnetic field on the right side. In other words, the afore- side (geometry) of the Einstein equations we have obtained.
mentioned conditions determine both the geometric proper- Therefore, from a formal point of view, to find the functions
ties of the space and the properties of a pervading isotropic we should integrate the Einstein equations. However the
electromagnetic field. Einstein equations are represented in a non-empty space,
An isotropic electromagnetic field is such where the field so the right side of the equations is not zero, but occupied
invariants Fαβ F αβ and F∗αβ F αβ , constructed from the by the energy-momentum tensor Tαβ of distributed matter
electromagnetic field tensor Fαβ and the field pseudo-tensor which fill the space. Hence, to obtain the functions vt , vr ,
F ∗αβ = 12 η αβμν Fμν dual, are zero vϕ , vz from the Einstein equations, we should express the
right side of the equations — the energy-momentum tensor
Fαβ F αβ = 0 , F∗αβ F αβ = 0 , (40) of distributed matter Tαβ — through the functions as well.
so the isotropic electromagnetic field has a structure trun- Besides, in our case, Tαβ represents not only the energy-
cated to that of an electromagnetic field in general. momentum of the electromagnetic field but also the energy-
In our case we have no limitation on the structure of momentum produced by the field of the background space
the electromagnetic field, so we use the energy-momentum non-holonomity compensating the perturbation therein. Yet
tensor of the electromagnetic field in the general form [20] we cannot divide one energy-momentum tensor by another.
  So we must consider the energy-momentum tensor for the
1 1 common field, which presents a problem, because we have
Tαβ = −Fασ Fβ∙ σ∙ + Fμν F μν gαβ , (41)
4π 4 no formulae for the components of the energy-momentum
whence the observable density of the field energy ρ = Tg0000 tensor of the common field. In other words, we are enforced
and the trace U = hik Uik of the observable stress-tensor of to operate with the components of Tαβ as merely some
the field U ik = c2 T ik are connected by the relation quantities ρ, J i , and U ik .
How to express Tαβ through the functions vt , vr , vϕ ,
ρc2 = U . (42) vz , aside for by the Einstein equations? In another case we
would be led to a dead end. However, our case of distributed
In other words, if besides the gravitational field there is
matter is completely geometrized. In other words, the geom-
be only an electromagnetic field, we should have ρc2 = U
etrical structure of the space and the space distribution of
for distributed matter in the Einstein equations.
the energy-momentum tensor Tαβ are the same things. We
However, as seen in the 2nd equation of the system (37),
can therefore find the functions vt , vr , vϕ , vz from the space
ρc2 − U 6= 0 in the Einstein equations, for the only reason
distribution of Tαβ , via the equations of the conservation law
that, in the case we are considering, the laboratory space
is filled not only by the Earth’s gravitational field and an ∇σ T ασ = 0 . (43)
alternating magnetic field which supports the disc in air, but
also another field appeared due to the fact that the oscillating The conservation law in the chr.inv.-form, i.e. represent-
disc perturbs the non-holonomic background of the space. ed as the projections of equation (43) onto the time line and
The perturbation field, as shown in the previous Section, spatial section of an observer, is [15]
bears energy and momentum∗, so it can be taken as a field ∗
∂ρ 1 1 1
of distributed matter. In other words, +Dρ + 2 Dij U + ∇i − 2 Fi J i − 2 Fi J i =0 
ij ∗

∂t c c c
∗ The fact that the space non-holonomity field bears energy and mo-

mentum was first shown in the earlier publication [27], where the field of a ∂J k  i ∗ 1 

k ∙k
+ 2 Di +Ai∙ J + ∇i − 2 Fi U −ρF =0 ik k 
reference body was considered. ∂t c

68 D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity
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∂ρ ∂J 1 ∂J 2 ∂J 3 1 
+ + + + J1 = 0 

∂t ∂r ∂ϕ ∂z r 

∂J 1     

− (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vϕ − r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vr J 2 − (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vz − vr J 3 + 

∂t 


∂U11 1 ∂U12 ∂U13 1 U22 Ω 

+ + 2 + + U11 − 2 − ρ Ωz0 sin u vr + (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vt = 0 

∂r r ∂ϕ ∂z r r c 

∂J 2 h vϕ vr i 1 h vz vϕ i (46)
− (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) 2 − (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) J − (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) − 2 J3 + 
∂t r r r r 


∂ U12 1 1 ∂U22 ∂U23 3 Ω vϕ (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) 

+ + + + U 12 − ρ Ωz 0 sin u + v t =0 

∂r r2 r2 r2 ∂ϕ ∂z r c r2 r 

∂J 3     

+ (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vz − vr J 1 + r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vz − vϕ J 2 + 

∂t 


∂U13 1 ∂U23 ∂U33 1 Ω GM 2 Ω 

+ + 2 + + U13 − ρ Ωz0 sin u vz − 2 + vt + Ω z0 cos u = 0 
∂r r ∂ϕ ∂z r c z c
where ρ = Tg00
, J i = √g00
and U ik = c2 T ik are the observ- i.e. the chr.inv.-derivative of the common flow of the spatial
able projections of the energy-momentum tensor Tαβ of dis- momentum of distributed matter is zero to within the appro-
tributed matter. The chr.inv.-conservation equations, taking ximation of a first-order experiment. This finding has a very
our assumptions for real experiment into account, take the important meaning:
simplified form Given a space, the non-holonomic background of
√  which is perturbed by an oscillating disc, the common
∂ρ ∂J i ∂ ln h i 

+ + J = 0  flow of the momentum of distributed matter on the
∂t ∂xi ∂xi 

 spatial section of such a space is conserved in a first-

∂J k
∂U ik
∂ln h ik . (45) order experiment.
+ 2A∙k i
i∙ J + + U + 

∂t ∂xi ∂xi 
 Second, there are three states of the disc in Podkletnov’s

+ Δkim U im − ρF k = 0 experiment: (1) uniform rotation; (2) non-uniform rotation
(acceleration/deceleration); (3) non-rotating disc. To study

into the equations the formulae for D, Dik , the case of a rotating disc we should introduce, into the
∂ln h
i∙ , ∂xi
, Δkim , and F k , we obtain a system of the con- metric (25), additional terms which take the rotation into
servation equations (46) wherein we should substitute ρ, J i , account. We don’t do this now, for two reasons: (1) the
and U ik from the Einstein equations (37) then, reducing additional terms introduced into the metric (25) make the
similar terms, arrive at some relations between the functions equations of the theory too complicated; (2) the case of a
vt , vr , vϕ , vz . The Einstein equations (37) substituted into non-rotating disc is that main case where, according Podklet-
(46) evidently result in intractable equations. It seems that nov’s experiments, the weight-loss effect appears in the basic
we will have no chance of solving the resulting equations form; accelerating/decelerating rotation of the disc produces
without some simplification according to real experiment. only additions to the basic weight-loss. So, to understand the
We should therefore take the simplification into account origin of the weight-loss phenomenon it is most reasonable
from the beginning. to first consider perturbation of the background field of the
First, the scalar equation of the conservation law (44) space non-holonomity by a non-rotating disc. Because such
under the conditions of a real experiment takes the form of a disc lies horizontally in the plane rϕ (horizontal plane),
(45), which in another notation is we should assume vz = 0, while the fact that there vr 6= 0
∂ρ ∗ and vϕ 6= 0 means freedom for oscillation in the plane rϕ
+ ∇i J i = 0 . (47) (accelerating or decelerating twists in the plane) as a result of
vertical oscillation of such a disc (otherwise, for no oscilla-
The 2nd equation of (37) determines ρ: the quantity is
tion in the plane rϕ, the conservation equations would
ρ ∼ c12 . Omitting the term proportional to c12 as its effect is
become zero). The fact that ϕ 6= const in the equations means
negligible in a real experiment, we obtain the scalar equation
the same.
of the conservation law in the form∗
As a result, the conservation equations (46), with the afo-

∇i J i = 0 , (48) rementioned assumptions taken into account, take the form
∗ The chr.inv.-differential operators are completely determined, accord- (49). The characteristics of distributed matter such as the
ing to [15, 16], in Appendix 2. momentum flow J i and the stress-tensor U ik , resulting from

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Volume 3 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS July, 2007

∂J 1   2 3 ∂U11 1 ∂U12 1 U22 
− (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vϕ − r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vr J + vr J + + 2 + U11 − 2 = 0 

∂t ∂r r ∂ϕ r r 


∂J 2 h vϕ vr i 1 v ϕ 3 ∂ U12 1 1 ∂U22 3
− (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) 2 − (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) J + 2J + + 2 + U12 = 0 (49)
∂t r r r ∂r r2 r r2 ∂ϕ r 

∂J 3 ∂U13 1 ∂U23 1 

− vr J 1 − v ϕ J 2 + + 2 + U13 = 0 
∂t ∂r r ∂ϕ r

(cos ϕ − sin ϕ)  vϕ  (cos ϕ + sin ϕ)  vϕϕ vr  
κJ 1 = vrϕ − − + 

2r r 2 r2 r 

h   i 

1 v 

κJ 2 = 2 (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vrϕ −
− r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vrr 

2r r 


1 vϕϕ vr 

κJ 3 = − vrr + 2 + 

2 r r 


(cos ϕ − sin ϕ) 2 vϕ2 cos2 ϕ − sin2 ϕ vr vϕ vtϕ 

κU11 = vr + (cos ϕ sin ϕ) 2 − − (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) − 

 2  2r 2 r r 

2GM Ω vϕϕ vr  

− − Ωz 0 sin u + 

z3 c r2 r 


1 Ω vϕ  

κU12 = vr vϕ + (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vtϕ + r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vtr + 2 Ωz0 sin u vrϕ − 

2 c r 
1 v r vϕ vϕ 

κU13 = vtr − (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) + (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) 2 

2 r r 


κU22 vr2 (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vϕ 2
cos ϕ − sin2 ϕ vr vϕ
2 

= − (cos ϕ sin ϕ) + − − (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vtr − 

r2  2 2 r2 2 r 

2GM Ω 

− − Ωz0 sin u vrr 

z3 c 


1 

2 

κU23 = vtϕ + r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vr − (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vr vϕ 

2 


cos ϕ sin ϕ 2 vϕ2 cos2 ϕ − sin2 ϕ vr vϕ vtϕ 

κU33 = vr − 2 + − (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vtr − (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) − 

2 r 2 r r 

Ω vϕϕ vr  

− Ωz0 sin u vrr + 2 + 
c r r

the Einstein equations (37), were collected in complete form menon or the conditions of the experiment.
into the system (37). Under the aforementioned assumptions The solution indicates a dependency between the distrib-
they take the form (50). utions of v in the r-direction and ϕ-direction in the space, if
We substitute the respective components of J i and U ik the non-holonomic background is perturbed by a disc lying
(50) into the conservation equations (49). After algebra, re- in the rϕ plane and oscillating in the z-direction.
ducing similar terms, the first two equations of (49) become In other words, the conservation equations in common
identically zero, while the third equation takes the form: with the Einstein equations we have obtained mean that:
vϕ A disc, oscillating orthogonally to its own plane, per-
vr = , (51) turbs the field of the background non-holonomity of
v the space. Such a motion of a disc places a limi-
The solution vr = rϕ we have obtained from the conser-
tation on the geometric structure of the space. The
vation equations satisfies by the function limitation is manifested as a specific distribution of
v = B (t) r eϕ , (52) the linear velocity of the space rotation. This distribu-
tion means that such a disc should also have small
where B (t) is a function of time t. Specific formula for the twists in its own plane due to the perturbed non-
function B (t) should be determined by nature of the pheno- holonomic background.

70 D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity
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r̈ − (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vϕ − r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vr ϕ̇ − (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vz − vr ż − 


Ω 

− (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vt − r ϕ̇2 − Ωz0 sin u vr = 0 

c 

h 
vϕ vr i h vz vϕ i 

ϕ̈ + (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) 2 − (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) ṙ − (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) − 2 ż − 

r r r r
vt 2 ṙ Ω vϕ 

− (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) + ϕ̇ − Ωz0 sin u =0 

r r c r2 


z̈ + (cos ϕ + sin ϕ) vz − vr ṙ + r (cos ϕ − sin ϕ) vz − vϕ ϕ̇ − 


GM Ω Ω 

+ 2 − vt − Ωz0 sin u vz − Ω2 z0 cos u = 0 

z c c

3.5 The geodesic equations in the space. Final conclu- m0 dxi

m= p , vi = , (55)
sion about the forces driving the Podkletnov effect 1− v2/c2 dτ
This is the final part of our mathematical theory of the √ g0i √ 1
dτ = g00 dt + √ dxi = g00 dt − 2 vi dxi . (56)
Podkletnov effect. Here, using the Einstein equations and c g00 c
the equations of the conservation law we have developed,
With the simplifications for the real experiment we are
we deduce an additional force that produces the weight-
considering, the chr.inv.-geodesic equations (54) take the
loss effect in Podkletnov’s experiment, i.e. the weight-loss
over a superconducting disc which is supported in air by an 
alternating magnetic field. dm 
=0 

As is well known, motion in a gravitational field of a free dτ
test-particle of rest-mass m0 is described by the equations of d (mvi ) 

∙i k i i
+ 2mAk∙ v − mF + mΔnk v v = 0 n k 
geodesic lines (the geodesic equations). The geodesic equa-

tions are, from a purely mathematical viewpoint, the equa-
tions of parallel transfer of the four-dimensional vector of that is, in component notation,
the particle’s momentum P α = m0 dx ds
along the particle’s dm

4-dimensional trajectory =0 

dτ 

dP α ν   

μ dx 
+ Γα (53) d dv 
μν P = 0, + 2mAk∙ v − mF + mΔ22 v v = 0 
∙1 k 1 1 2 2
ds ds m 

dτ dτ
where Γα μν are Christoffel’s symbols of the 2nd kind, while d dv2 

ds is the 4-dimensional interval along the trajectory. m + 2mA∙2
k∙ v k
− mF 2
+ 2mΔ 2 1 2
12 v v = 0 

dτ dτ 

The geodesic equations (53), being projected onto the   

d dv 3 

time line and spatial section of an observer, and expressed m ∙3 k 3
+ 2mAk∙ v − mF = 0 

through the physical observable characteristics of a real lab- dτ dτ
oratory space of a real observer, are known as the chr.inv.- which are actual chr.inv.-equations of motion of a free test-
geodesic equations. They were deduced in 1944 by Zelm- body in the space, whose non-holonomic homogeneous
anov [15, 16]. The related scalar equation is the projection background is perturbed by an oscillating disc.
onto the time line of the observer, while the 3-dimensional The scalar geodesic equation of (58) says
vector equation is the projection onto his spatial section, and
manifests the 3rd Newtonian law for the test-particle: m = const , (59)
 so taking this fact into account and introducing the notation
dm m m 
− 2 Fi vi + 2 Dik vi vk = 0 
 dr
v1 = dτ = ṙ, v2 = dϕ dz
= ϕ̇, v3 = dτ = ż, we obtain a system
dτ c c dτ
(54) of three vector equations of motion of the test-body (60),
d (mvi )  k 

i ∙i i
+2m Dk +Ak∙ v −mF +mΔnk v v = 0 i n k  wherein vt = ∂v∂t
, vr = ∂v
, vϕ = ∂ϕ , vz = ∂v

laboratory space. Intervals of the physical observable time dτ and the
where m is the relativistic mass of the particle, vi is the 3- observable spatial coordinates dxi are determined, by the theory of phys-
dimensional observable velocity of the particle, and τ is the ical observable quantities (chronometric invariants) as the projections of
physical observable or proper time∗ [15, 16] the interval of the 4-dimensional coordinates dxα onto the time line and
spatial section of an observer, i.e.: bα dxα = cdτ , hiα dxα = dxi [15, 16].
∗ This is that real time which is registered by the observer in his real See Appendix 2 for the details of such a projection.

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Because the terms containing z0 in equations (60) are where the initial moment of time is τ0 = 0, the constants
very small, they can be considered to be small harmonic of integration are C1 = ż0 and C2 = z0 . As a result, if the
corrections. Such equations can always be solved using the test-body is at rest at the initial moment of time ( ż0 = 0),
small parameter method of Poincaré. The Poincaré method its vertical coordinate z at another moment of observable
is also known as the perturbation method, because we con- time is
gτ2 vt τ 2
sider the right side as a perturbation of a harmonic oscillation z = z0 − + . (64)
described by the left side. The Poincaré method is related to 2 2
exact solution methods, because a solution produced with The result we have obtained isn’t trivial because the ad-
the method is a power series expanded by a small parameter ditional forces obtained within the framework of our theory
(see Lefschetz, Chapter XII, §2 of [21]). originate in the field of the background space non-holonomity
However our task is much simpler. We are looking for an perturbed by the disc. As seen from the final equation of
approximate solution of the system of the vector equations motion along the z-axis (62), such an additional force acts
of motion in order to see the main forces acting in the basic everywhere against the force of gravity. So it works like
Podkletnov experiment. We therefore simplify the equations “negative gravity”, a truly anti-gravity force.
as possible. First we take into account that, in the condition Within the framework of Classical Mechanics we have
of Podkletnov’s experiment, the suspended test-body has no space-time, hence there are no space-time terms in the
freedom to move only in the z-direction (i.e. up or down metrics which determine the non-holonomity of space. So
in a vertical direction, which is the direction of the acting such an anti-gravity force is absent in Classical Mechanics.
force of gravity). In other words, concerning a free test-body Such an anti-gravity force vanishes in particular cases of
falling from above the disc, we take ṙ = 0 and ϕ̇ = 0 despite General Relativity, where the pseudo-Riemannian space is
the forces r̈ and ϕ̈ acting it in the r-direction and the ϕ- holonomic, and also in Special Relativity, where the pseudo-
direction are non-zero. Second, rotational oscillation of the Riemannian space is holonomic by definition (in addition to
disc in the rϕ–plane is very small. We therefore regard ϕ as the absence of curvature, gravitation, and deformation).
a small quantity, so sin ϕ ' ϕ and cos ϕ ' 1. Third, by the So the obtained anti-gravity force appears only in Gen-
conservation equations, vϕ = r vr . eral Relativity, where the space is non-holonomic.
Taking all the assumptions into account, the equations of It should be noted that the anti-gravity force F = mvt
motion (60) take the much simplified form isn’t related to a family of forces of inertia. Inertial forces
   are fictitious forces unrelated to a physical field; an inertial
Ω  force appears only in mechanical contact with that physical
r̈ + vr ż − (1 + ϕ) vt − Ωz0 sin u vr = 0  

c 
 body which produces it, and disappears when the mechanical

vr Ω vr connexion ceases. On the contrary, the obtained anti-gravity
ϕ̈ + ż − (1 − ϕ) vt − Ωz0 sin u = 0  (61) force originates from a real physical field — a field of the
r c r 

 space non-holonomity, — and is produced by the field in
Ω 

z̈ + g − vt − Ω z0 cos u = 0  order to compensating for the perturbation therein. So the
c anti-gravity force obtained within the framework of our theory
where g = GM is the acceleration produced by the Earth’s is a real physical force, in contrast to forces of inertia.
force of gravity, remaining constant for the experiment. Concerning Podkletnov’s experiment, we should take
For Podkletnov’s experiment, vt = const, and this value into account the fact that a balance suspended test-body isn’t
depends on the specific parameters of the vertically oscillat- free, due to the force of reaction of the pier of the balance
ing disc, such as its diameter, the frequency and amplitude which completely compensates for the common force of
of its vibration. The harmonic term in the third equation is attraction of the test-body towards the Earth (the body’s
a small correction which can only shake a test-body in the weight). As a result such a test-body moves along a non-
z-direction; this term cannot be a source of a force acting geodesic world-trajectory, so the equations of motion of such
in just one direction. Besides, the harmonic term has a very a particle have non-zero right side containing the force of
small numerical value, and so it can be neglected. In such a the reaction of the pier. In the state of static weight, the
case, the third equation of motion takes the simple form common acceleration of the test-body in the z-direction is
zero (z̈ = 0), hence its weight Q is
z̈ + g − vt = 0 , (62)
Q = mg − mvt . (65)
where the last term is a correction to the acting force of
gravity due to the perturbed field of the background space The quantity vt contained in the additional anti-gravity
non-holonomity. force F = m vt is determined by the parameters of the small
Integrating the equation z̈ =− g + vt , we obtain twists of the disc in the horizontal plane, the frequency of
g − vt 2 which is the same as the frequency Ω of vertical oscillation
z=− τ + C1 τ + C 2 , (63) of the disc, while the amplitude depends on parameters of the

72 D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity
July, 2007 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS Volume 3

disc, such as its radius r and the amplitude z0 of the oscilla- holonomity.
tion. (A calculation for such an anti-gravity force in the Such a mechanical system, simulating the conditions of
condition of a real experiment is given in the next Section. the Podkletnov effect, provides a possibile means of continu-
As we will see, our theory gives good coincidence with the ous production of energy from the space non-holonomity
weight-loss effect as measured in Podkletnov’s experiment.) field. At the same time we cannot achieve high numerical
The geodesic equation we have obtained in the field of values of the oscillatory motion in a mechanical system, so
an oscillating disc allows us to draw a final conclusion about the continuous production of energy might be low (althopugh
the origin of the forces which drive the weight-loss effect in it may still reach useful values).
Podkletnov’s experiment: On the contrary, processes of nuclear decay and synthesis,
A force produced by the field of the background space due to the instant change of the spin configuration among
non-holonomity, compensating for a perturbation nucleons inside nuclei, should have high numerical values
therein, works like negative gravity in the condition of vt , and therefore be an explosive source of energy from
of an Earth-bound experiment. Being produced by a the field of the background space non-holonomity.
real physical field that bears its own energy and mo- Both mechanical and nuclear simulations of the Podklet-
mentum, such an anti-gravity force is a real physical nov effect can be achieved in practice.
force, in contrast to fictitious forces of inertia which
are unrelated to physical fields.
4 A new experiment proposed on the basis of the theory
In the conditions of Podkletnov’s experiment, a hori-
zontally placed superconducting disc, suspended in 4.1 A simple test of the theory of the Podkletnov effect
air due to an alternating magnetic field, undergoes (alternative to superconductor technology)
oscillatory bounces in a vertical direction (orthogonal
to the plane of the disc) with the same frequency of According our theory, the Podkletnov effect has a purely
the magnetic field. Such an oscillation perturbs the mechanical origin, unrelated to superconductivity — the field
field of the background space non-holonomity, ini- of the background space non-holonomity being perturbed by
tially homogeneous. As a result the background non- a disc which undergoes oscillatory bounces orthogonal to its
holonomity field is perturbed in three spatial direc- own plane, produces energy and momentum flow in order to
tions, including the horizontal plane (the plane of the compensate for the perturbation therein. Owing to this, we
disc), resulting in small amplitude oscillatory twists propose a purely mechanical experiment which reproduces
about the vertical direction. The oscillatory twists det- the Podkletnov effect, equivalent to Podkletnov’s original
ermine the anti-gravity force, produced by the per- superconductor experiment, which would be a cheap alter-
turbed field of the background space non-holonomity,
native to costly superconductor technology, and also be a
and act in the vertical directing against the force of
gravity. Any test-body, placed in the perturbed non-
simple mechanical test of the whole theory of the effect.
holonomity field above such a vertically oscillating What is the arrangement of such a purely mechanical
disc, should experience a loss in its weight, the num- system, which could enable reproduction of the Podkletnov
erical value of which is determined by the parameters effect? Searching the scientific literature, we found such a
of the disc and its oscillatory motion in the vertical system. This is the vibration balance [22], invented and
direction. If such a disc rotates with acceleration, this tested in the 1960–1970’s by N. A. Kozyrev, a famous astro-
should be the source of an addition perturbation of nomer and experimental physicist of the Pulkovo Astronom-
the background non-holonomity field and, hence, a ical Observatory (St. Petersburg, Russia). Below is a descrip-
substantial addition to the weight-loss effect should tion of the balance, extracted from Kozyrev’s paper [22]:
be observed in experiment. (Uniform rotation of the
“The vibration balance is an equal-shoulder balance, where
disc should give no effect.)
the pier of the central prism is connected to a vibration machine.
Herein we have been concerned with only a theory of This vibration machine produces vertical vibration of the pier. The
a phenomenon discovered by Podkletnov (we refer to this acceleration of the vibration is smaller than the acceleration of
as the Podkletnov effect, to fix the term in scientific termin- the Earth’s gravitation. Therefore the prism doesn’t lose contact
ology). with the pier, only alternating pressure results. Thus the distance
According to our theory, superconductor technology ac- between the centre of gravity and the cone of the prism remains
counts in Podkletnov’s experiment only for levitation of the constant while the weight and the balance don’t change their own
measurement precision. The vertical guiding rods, set up along the
disc and driving it into small amplitude oscillatory motion
pier, exclude the possibility of horizontal motion of the pier. One
in the vertical direction. However, it is evident that this isn’t
of two samples of the same mass is rigidly suspended by the yoke
the only way to achieve such a state for the disc. of the balance, while the second sample is suspended by an elastic
Furthermore, we show that there are also both mechan- material. Here the force required to lift the yoke is just a small
ical and nuclear systems which can simulate the Podkletnov percentage of the force required to lift the rigidly fixed sample.
effect and, hence, be the sources of continuous and explo- Therefore, during vibration of the balance, there is stable kinematic
sive energy from the field of the background space non- of the yoke, where the point O (the point of hard suspension)

D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity 73
Volume 3 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS July, 2007

doesn’t participate in vibration, while the point A (the point of

elastic suspension) has maximal amplitude of oscillation which is
double the amplitude of the central prism C. Because the additional
force, produced during vibration, is just a few percent more than
the static force, the yoke remains fixed without inner oscillation, i.e.
without twist, in accordance with the requirement of static weight.
We tested different arrangements of balances under vibration.
The tested balances had different sensitivities, while the elastic
material was tried with rubber, a spring, etc. Here is detailed a
description of the vibration balance which is currently in use. This
is a technical balance of the second class of sensitivity, with a
maximum payload of 1 kg. A 1 mm deviation of the measurement
arrow, fixed on the yoke, shows a weight of 10 mg. The centre of
gravity of the yoke is located ∼1 cm below the pier of the central
prism. The length of the shoulders of the yoke is: OC = CA = l =
= 16 cm. The amplitude of vibration is a ≈ 0.2 mm. Thus the
maximum speed of the central prism is v = 2π a '2 cm/sec, while
2 T
its maximum acceleration 2π T
a = 2 ×102 is about 20% of the
acceleration of the Earth’s gravitation. We regularly used samples
of 700 g. One of the samples was suspended by a rubber, the strain
of which for 1 cm corresponds 100 g weight. So, during vibration,
the additional force on the yoke is less than 10 g and cannot destroy
the rigidity of the yoke. The elastic rubber suspension absorbs
vibration so that the sample actually rests.
This balance, as well as all recently tested systems,
showed each time the increase of the weight of the elastically Fig. 4: The vibration balance — a mechanical test of the whole
suspended sample. This additional force 4Q is proportional to theory of the Podkletnov effect (a simple alternative to costly
the weight of the sample Q, besides 4Q/Q = 3 ×10−5 . Hence, superconductor technology).
having Q = 700 g, 4Q = 21 mg and the force momentum twisting
the yoke is 300 dynes ×cm.
not to the pier of the central prism, but to he elastic suspen-
[ . . . ] From first view one can think that, during such a vibra-
sion, while the prism’s pier is supported by a spring; such a
tion, the pier makes twists around the resting point O. In a real
system should produce the same effect.
situation the points of the pier are carried into more complicated
motion. The central prism doesn’t lose contact with the pier; they To understand how the Podkletnov effect manifests with
are connected, and move only linearly. Therefore the central part of the vibration balance, we consider the operation of the bal-
the yoke, where its main mass is concentrated, has no centrifugal ance in detail (see Fig. 5).
acceleration. What is about the point O, this point in common with The point O of the yoke undergoes oscillatory bounces
the rigidly suspended sample is fixed in only the vertical direction, in the r-direction with the amplitude d, given by
but it can move freely in the horizontal direction. These horizontal p
displacements of the point O are very small. Naturally, they are d = l − l cos α = l − l 1 − sin2 α =
a2 r  
, i.e. ∼ 0.1 μm in our case. Despite that, the small displacements a2 a2 a2 (66)
result a very specific kinematic of the yoke. During vibration, each =l−l 1− 2 'l−l 1− 2 ' ,
point of the yoke draws an element of an ellipse, a small axis
l 2l 2l
of which lies along the yoke (in the average position of it). The while b is
concavities of the elements in the yoke’s sections O–C and C–A are
a a3 a3
directed opposite to each other; they produce oppositely directed b = d tan α = d ' 2  ' . (67)
centrifugal forces. Because vˉ2 is greater in the section C–A, the
l cos α 2 l2 1− 2 2 l − a2
centrifugal forces don’t compensate each other completely: as a
The point A undergoes oscillatory bounces in the z-
result there in the yoke a centrifugal force acts in the A-direction
direction with the amplitude 2a, while its oscillatory motion
(the direction at the point of the elastically suspended sample). This
centrifugal acceleration has maximum value at the point A. We in the r-direction has the amplitude
have vˉ2 = 4π T2
a2 = 6 cm2 /sec2 . From here we obtain the curvature c = 2l − 2l cos α − d = d . (68)
radius of the ellipse: ρ = 4 l = 60 cm. So the centrifugal acceleration
2 The oscillatory bouncing of the points O and A along
is vˉρ = 0.1 cm/sec2 .”
the elements of an ellipse is an accelerating/decelerating
Such a vibration balance is shown in the upper picture of rotational motion around the focus of the ellipse. In such a
Fig. 4. An analogous vibration balance is shown in the lower case, by definition of the space non-holonomity as the non-
picture of Fig. 4: there the vibration machine is connected orthogonality of time lines to the spatial section, manifest

74 D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity
July, 2007 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS Volume 3

on a test-body in such a perturbation field isn’t limited by

the energy of the source of the perturbation (an oscillator,
for instance), but can increase infinitely.
According to the geodesic equations (61) we have ob-
tained in a perturbed non-holonomic field, the momentum of
such a perturbation field manifests as the additional forces
which act in all three directions r, ϕ, z relative to the source
of the perturbation. If considering a free test-body constrain-
ed to move only along only the Earth’s gravitational field-
lines (falling freely in the z-direction), such an add-on force
is expressed in the geodesic equation along the z-axis (62)

z̈ + g − vt = 0 (69)

as F = mvt , and works against the force of gravity mg. In

the situation of a static weight the total acceleration of such
Fig. 5: The yoke of the vibration balance in operation. The yoke
a sample is zero, z̈ = 0, while the other forces are put into
OA is indicated by the bold line. The double arrow shows the
oscillatory bouncing motion of the point C, which is the point
equilibrium by the weight of the sample (65)
of connexion of the central prism and the central point of the
Q = mg − mvt = Q0 − 4Q . (70)
yoke. The lower picture shows the yoke in its initial horizontal
position. The upper picture shows the yoke in the upper position, A source of perturbation cannot be an object of applica-
at maximum deviation from the state of equilibrium. tion of a force produced due to the perturbation. Therefore
the sample O is the object of application of an anti-gravity
as a three-dimensional rotation, points O and A during the
force F = m vt due to a field of the anti-gravity accelerations
oscillatory motion along respective elliptic elements, are the
vt , a source of which is the oscillatory bouncing system
source of a local field of the space non-holonomity. Respect-
of the point A in common with the elastically suspended
ive tangential accelerations vˉt at the points O and A deter-
sample, while the point A itself in common with the sample
mine the sources.
has no such anti-gravity force applied to it. As a result the
Given that the background space is non-holonomic, such
weight of the sample rigidly suspended at the end-point O,
a field of the local non-holonomity is a perturbation field
decreases as 4Q = m vt , while the weight of the sample A
in the non-holonomic background. In other words, points O
remains the same:
and A, in common with the respective samples mechanic-
ally connected to the points, are the sources of respective QO = mg − mvt , QA = mg . (71)
perturbation fields in the background field of the space non-
holonomity. As a result, such a balance, during its vibration, should
Each point of the yoke, being carried into such an oscilla- demonstrate a weight-loss of the rigidly suspended sample
tory motion, is the source of such a perturbation field. On the O and, respectively, a twist of the balance’s yoke to the
other hand, the average tangential acceleration of the motion, elastically suspended sample A. Such a weight-loss effect on
vˉt , takes its maximum value at the point A, then substantially the rigidly suspended sample, which is a fictitious increase
decreases to the point O where it is negligible. Therefore of the weight of the elastically suspended sample, was first
such a yoke can be approximated as a non-symmetric system, observed during the years 1960 –1970’s in the pioneering
where the end-point A is the source of a perturbation field in experiment of Kozyrev [22].
the non-holonomic background, while the end-point O isn’t The half-length horizontal section of a superconducting
such a source. disc suspended in air by an alternating magnetic field in
According to the Einstein equations we have obtained in Podkletnov’s experiment (see Fig. 2) can be approximated
(35), the energy and momentum of a perturbation field in the by the yoke of the aforementioned vibrational balance. This
non-holonomic background are produced by the whole field is because the vertical oscillation of such a disc by an alter-
of the background space non-holonomity in order to com- nating magnetic field isn’t symmetric in the disc’s plane, so
pensate for the perturbation therein∗. So the energy produced such a disc has a small oscillatory twisting motion in the
vertical plane to the yoke of the vibration balance †.
∗ Note that we deduced the Einstein equations (35) for a space pervaded

not only by an electromagnetic field, but also by distributed matter we have obtained (35) are applicable to a laboratory space containing such
characterised by arbitrary properties. If only an electromagnetic field, there a vibration balance.
would be ρc2 = U . However ρc2 − U 6= 0 in the Einstein equations (35). † This is despite the fact that such a disc has so small an amplitude

This can be due to a number of reasons, the presence of an elastic force and so high a frequency of oscillatory twisting motion, that it seems to be
which compresses a spring, for instance. Therefore the Einstein equations levitating when almost at rest.

D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity 75
Volume 3 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS July, 2007

As a result, such a disc should experience the anti-gravity According to our theory, the Podkletnov effect should appear
force F = mvt at the end-points of the disc, along the whole in the balance as a weight loss 4Q of the sample O, depen-
perimeter. Common action of the forces should produce: dent on the frequency as follows:
1. The weight-loss effect 4Q = mvt on the disc itself.
The weight-loss of the disc should increase if the disc ν, Hz vt , cm/sec2 4Q/Q 4Q, mg 4Qexp , mg
has accelerating/decelerating rotation; 30 0.071 7.2 ×10−5
2. Respective weight-loss effect on any test-body located 25 0.049 5.0 ×10−5 35
over the disc along the vertical axis z, according to 20 0.031 3.2 ×10−5 22 21
the field of anti-gravity accelerations vt . 15 0.018 1.8 ×10−5 13
10 0.0079 8.0 ×10−6 5.6
Therefore the disc in Podkletnov’s experiment and a vib-
ration balance of the aforementioned type are equivalent Table 1: The weight-loss effect, calculated with our theory of the
systems. So both the superconductor experiment and the Podkletnov effect, for a vibration balance with the same charact-
vibration balance should be described by the same theory eristics as that of Kozyrev’s pioneering experiment [22]. The last
we have adduced herein, and produce the same weight-loss column gives the numerical value of the weight-loss effect observed
effect as predicted by the theory. in Kozyrev’s experiment, at a constant frequency of 20 Hz.
The numerical value of such an anti-gravity acceleration, Kozyrev measured 4Q = 21 mg at a fixed frequency of
vt , can also be calculated within the framework of our theory ν = 20 Hz in his experiment [22]. This corresponds with
of the Podkletnov effect, and thus checked in experiment. 4Q = 22 mg predicted by our theory∗.
According to our theory, the value v of the perturbation For Podkletnov’s experiment, we haven’t enough data for
isn’t dependent on the vertical direction (the z-direction in the amplitude of oscillatory bouncing motion of the super-
our coordinates). Therefore only the horizontal oscillatory conductor disc. Despite this, we can verify our theory of the
bouncing motion of point A (in common with the sample phenomenon in another way, due to the fact that Podkletnov
rigidly suspended there) perturbs the background field of the observed a dependence of the weight-loss effect on the
space non-holonomity. According to Fig. 5, the tangential oscillation frequency.
acceleration of the point A in its oscillatory motion with Although dependency on frequency was observed in
amplitude 2a along an ellipse with the radius ρ = 4 l, is each of Podkletnov’s experiments, we only have detailed
directed in the z-direction. So the tangential acceleration data for the 1997 experiment, from publication [2]. We give
cannot perturb the non-holonomic background. However in Table 2 Podkletnov’s experimental values of 4Q/Q, mea-
there is another tangential acceleration of the point A, which sured on a sample located in the field of a 275/80×10 mm
results from the oscillatory motion of the point with the superconductor toroid at vibration frequencies of the toroid
amplitude c (numerically c = d) around the upper location of from 3.1 MHz to 3.6 MHz and the constant rotation speed
the point A. This tangential acceleration is directed along the 4300 rpm. The last column gives the increasing values of
r-axis, so it is the source of a local perturbation in the non- 4Q/Q, calculated by our theory where the weight-loss effect
holonomic background. The angle of the small twist at the should be dependent on the square of the vibration frequency:
point A during such an oscillation is ϕ = 2πd a = 4π a
, so the
average angular acceleration of the motion is ϕ̈ˉ = ϕ̈ = Ω2 a .
2 8π l ν, MHz (4Q/Q )exp (4Q/Q )theor
The average tangential acceleration of the motion, directed
ˉ i.e.
in the r-direction, is vˉt = 2 a ϕ̈, 3.1 2.2 ×10−3
3.2 2.3 ×10−3 2.3 ×10−3
2 2 2 2
Ω a πν a 3.3 2.4 ×10−3 2.5 ×10−3
vˉt = = , (72) 3.4 2.6 ×10−3 2.6 ×10−3
4π l l
3.5 2.9 ×10−3 2.8 ×10−3
which characterizes, according to the definition of the space 3.6 3.2 ×10−3 3.0 ×10−3
non-holonomity, the local perturbation in the background
field of the space non-holonomity. Table 2: The increase of the weight-loss effect (4Q/Q )exp with
Consider a vibration balance like that in Kozyrev’s ori- vibration frequency ν, measured in Podkletnov’s experiment of
ginal experiment [22]. Each shoulder of the yoke has the 1997 [2], in comparison to the value (4Q/Q )theor calculated by
length l = 16 cm, so the total length of the yoke is 32 cm. Let our theory of the phenomenon.
the central prism of the balance undergo oscillatory bounces ∗ We should also add that, coming from the geodesic equation along the
in the vertical direction with an amplitude of a = 0.020 cm, z-axis, which is the third equation of (61), to the simplified form (62)
so the amplitude of the point A is 2a = 0.040 cm. One of the thereof, we omitted the harmonic term from consideration. If the term
is included, the vibration balance experiment should reveal not only an
samples is rigidly suspended at point O of the yoke, while increase of the weight-loss effect with the frequency, but also resonant
the other sample is suspended at point A by an levels in it. The resonant levels, in further experiment, would be an
elastic medium. Both samples have the same mass: 700 g. additional verification of our theory.

76 D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity
July, 2007 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS Volume 3

We see that our theory is in very close accord with 1. Land-based engines, which produce a strong anti-
Podkletnov’s experimental data. Furthermore, according to gravity acceleration field due to the Podkletnov effect.
Podkletnov [2], despite the high measurement precision of The anti-gravity acceleration field doesn’t depend on
the balance used in his experiment, some error sources pro- the vertical distance from the disc, which generates it
duced systematic error in the order of 10−3 during the ex- in Podkletnov’s experiment. Due to this fact, a land-
periment. Taking this into account, we conclude that our based engine, producing a beam of the anti-gravity
theory is sufficiently coincident with Podkletnov’s experi- acceleration field focused on a flying apparatus, can be
mental data. used by the flying vehicle as a power station. The anti-
Podkletnov observed a decrease of the air pressure over gravity acceleration in the beam becomes the same as
the working device in the laboratory, and also a force distri- the acceleration of free fall. There can be limitation
buted in a radial direction. We point out that the geodesic only from the scattering of the beam with distance. So
equations (61) obtained within the framework of our theory such a land-based engine is suitable for short distances
show forces, aside for the vertically acting anti-gravity force used in air travel∗ ;
(i.e. acting in the z-direction), acting in the directions r and 2. Engines located on board of a flying vehicle, that can
ϕ as well, produced by the perturbed field of the space non- be more suitable for both air and space travel. Such an
holonomity. We therefore interpret Podkletnov’s observa- engine, being the source of a field of the anti-gravity
tions as a qualitative verification of our theory. acceleration, cannot be the subject of application of
Podkletnov measured a much greater weight-loss effect the anti-gravity force produced in the field. However
over a disc during its accelerating/braking rotation. We the force applies to the other parts of the apparatus, as
haven’t developed a theory for a rotating disc yet. Despite in the vibration balance experiment or Podkletnov’s
that, by analogy with our theory for a non-rotating disc, experiment.
we can qualitatively predict that a field of the anti-gravity
We note that in both cases, it isn’t necessary to use a
acceleration vt produced by a rotating disc should be propor-
purely mechanical kernel for such an engine, as for the
tional to the radius of the disc and its angular acceleration,
vibration balance experiment and Podkletnov’s experiment
in accordance with the fact that Podkletnov’s experiment is
considered in this paper. Naturally, using a mechanical oscil-
very difficult to reproduce on small discs, diameter about 100 .
latory bouncing motion or accelerating/braking rotation, the
Following Podkletnov, the weight-loss effect will be surely
maximum acceleration in the generated anti-gravity field is
measured on a disc of at least 500 diameter.
limited by the shock resistance of the mechanical aspects of
Finally, complete verification of our theory of the Pod-
the engine. This substantial limitation can be overcome if
kletnov effect should usher in new experimental checks for
instead of solid bodies, liquids (liquid metal like mercury,
the frequency dependency of the weight-loss, which should
for instance) or liquid crystals are driven into such motion
appear in both the vibration balance and the Podkletnov
by high frequency electromagnetic fields.
superconductor device. With a new vibration balance experi-
ment and a superconductor experiment confirming the fre- Devices which could be the source of new energy. This is
quency dependency according to (72), our theory of the another application of our theory, the experimental realiza-
Podkletnov effect would be completely verified. tion of which differs from the vibration balance experiment
and Podkletnov’s experiment. According to our theory, the
4.2 New energy sources and applications to space travel coupling energy between the nucleons in a nucleus should
be different due to the Podkletnov effect depending on the
Due to the predictions of our theory, we have the possibility common orientation of the nucleons’ spins in the nucleus.
of the Podkletnov effect on such a simple device as the As a result, we could have a large explosive production of
vibration balance, which is a thousand times cheaper and energy during not only self-decay of heavy elements like
accessible than superconductor technology. In other words, uranium and the trans-uraniums, but also by destroying the
being armed with the theory, it is more reasonable to use nuclei of the lightweight elements located in the middle
the weight-loss effect in practice with other devices which, of the Periodic Table of Elements. Of course, not just any
working on principles other than the Podkletnov supercon- nucleus will be the source of such energy production, but
ductor device, could easily reproduce the effect in both an only those where, by our theory, the Podkletnov effect works,
Earth-bound laboratory and in space. due to the specific orientation of the spins in the strong
On the basis of our theory, new engineering applications interaction amongst the nucleons.
such as anti-gravity devices and devices which could be used Such an energy source, being free of deadly radiation or
as new sources of energy, might be developed. radioactive waste, could be a viable alternative to nuclear
Anti-gravity engines for air and space travel. There can power plants.
be at least two kinds of such engines, projected on the basis ∗ This kind of anti-gravity engine was first proposed in 2006 by Eugene

of our theory: Podklenov, in his interview [8].

D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity 77
Volume 3 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS July, 2007

Acknowledgements 15. Zelmanov A. L. Chronometric invariants. Dissertation thesis,

1944. American Research Press, Rehoboth (NM), 2006.
We dedicate this research to the memory of Prof. Kyril 16. Zelmanov A. L. Chronometric invariants and co-moving co-
Stanyukovich (1916–1989) and Dr. Abraham Zelmanov ordinates in the general relativity theory. Doklady Acad. Nauk
(1913–1987), ours teachers, and also Prof. Nikolai Kozyrev USSR, 1956, v. 107(6), 815 – 818.
(1908–1983) and Dr. Roberto di Bartini (1897–1974) whose 17. Rabounski D. Zelmanov’s anthropic principle and the infinite
influence on our scientific views has been so great. relativity principle. Progress in Physics, 2005, v. 1, 35 –37.
We also are very thankful to Delyan Zhelyazov for a 18. Gabrielse G., Hanneke D., Kinoshita T., Nio M. and Odom B.
few typing mistakes found by him in the formulae when this New determination of the fine structure constant from the elec-
issue was sent to print. tron g value and QED. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2006, v. 97, 030802.
Submitted on May 21, 2007 19. Petrov A. Z. Einstein spaces. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1969,
Accepted on May 31, 2007 411 pages (transl. by R. F. Kelleher, ed. by J. Woodrow).
Corrected online on December 08, 2007 20. Landau L. D. and Lifshitz E. M. The classical theory of fields.
Butterworth–Heinemann, 2003, 428 pages (4th edition).
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78 D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity
July, 2007 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS Volume 3

converge to the values of the tensor gμν in the flat space tangential at which fully define his real reference space (here bα is his velocity with
this point. Actually, this means that we can build a system of basis vectors respect to his real references). Thus, the chr.inv.-projections of a world-
e(α) , located in this flat space, tangential to curved coordinate lines of the
~ vector Qα are
Riemannian space. b α Qα = √ , hiα Qα = Qi ,
In general, coordinate lines in Riemannian spaces are curved, inhomo- g00
geneous, and are not orthogonal to each other. So the lengths of the basis while chr.inv.-projections of a world-tensor of the 2nd rank Qαβ are
vectors may sometimes be very different from unity. Qi
We denote a four-dimensional infinitesimal displacement vector by bα b β Qαβ = , hiα b β Qαβ = √ 0 , hiα hkβ Qαβ = Qik .
d~r =(dx0, dx1, dx2, dx3 ), so that d~ r =~ e(α) dxα , where components of the g00 g00
basis vectors ~e(α) tangential to the coordinate lines are ~e(0) = {e0(0) , 0, 0, 0}, Physically observable properties of the space are derived from the fact
e(1) = {0, e(1) , 0, 0}, ~
~ 2 e(3) = {0, 0, 0, e2(3) }. The sca-
e(2) = {0, 0, e(2) , 0}, ~ that chr.inv.-differential operators
lar product of the vector d~ r with itself is d~rd~r = ds2 . On the other hand, ∗∂ 1 ∂ ∗∂ ∂ 1 ∗∂
the same quantity is ds2 = gαβ dxα dxβ . As a result we have = √ , = + 2 vi
∂t g00 ∂t ∂xi ∂xi c ∂t
gαβ = ~ e(β) = e(α) e(β) cos (xα ; xβ ) ,
e(α) ~ are non-commutative
∗∂ 2 ∗∂ 2 1 ∗∂ ∗∂ 2 ∗∂ 2 2 ∗∂
so we obtain − = Fi , − = Aik ,
g00 = e(0) , ∂xi ∂t ∂t ∂xi c 2 ∂t ∂xi ∂xk ∂xk ∂xi c2 ∂t
g0i = e(0) e(i) cos (x0 ; xi ) , and also from the fact that the chr.inv.-metric tensor
gik = e(i) e(k) cos (xi ; xk ) . g0i g0k 1
hik = −gik + = −gik + 2 vi vk ,
√ g00 c
The gravitational potential is w = c2 (1− g00 ). So the time basis
0 which is the chr.inv.-projection of the fundamental metric tensor gαβ onto
vector ~
e(0) tangential to the time line x = ct, having the length β
√ w the spatial section hαi hk gαβ =−hik , may not be stationary. The main ob-
e(0) = g00 = 1 − 2 , servable characteristics are the chr.inv.-vector of gravitational inertial force
c Fi , the chr.inv.-tensor of angular velocities of the space rotation Aik , and
is smaller than unity the greater the gravitational potential w. the chr.inv.-tensor of rates of the space deformations Dik , namely
c g0i
The space rotation linear velocity vi = − √ and, according to it,  
g 00 1 ∂w ∂vi
the chr.inv.-metric tensor hik = − gik + g0i g0k
gives Fi = √ − ,
g00 g00 ∂xi ∂t
vi = − c e(i) cos (x0 ; xi ) , 1 ∂vk ∂vi 1
Aik = − + (Fi vk − Fk vi ) ,
h i 2 ∂xi ∂xk 2c2
hik = e(i) e(k) cos (x0 ; xi ) cos (x0 ; xk ) − cos (xi ; xk ) . √
1 ∗ ∂hik 1 ∗ ∂hik ∗ ∂ ln h
Dik = , Dik = − , D = Dkk = ,
2 ∂t 2 ∂t ∂t
Appendix 2 A short tour of chronometric invariants where w is the gravitational potential

Determination of physical observable quantities in General Relativity isn’t w = c2 (1 − g00 ) ,
a trivial problem. For instance, for a four-dimensional vector Qα we may and vi is the linear velocity of the space rotation
heuristically assume that its three spatial components form a three-
g0i √
dimensional observable vector, while the temporal component is an observ- vi = − c √ , v i = −c g 0i g00 , vi = hik v k ,
able potential of the vector field (which generally doesn’t prove they can g00
be actually observed). However a contravariant tensor of the 2nd rank Qαβ while h = det khik k, hg00 =−g, g = det kgαβ k. Observable inhomoge-
(as many as 16 components) makes the problem much more indefinite. For neity of the space is set up by the chr.inv.-Christoffel symbols
tensors of higher rank the problem of heuristic determination of observable  ∗∂h 
∗∂h ∗∂h
components is more complicated. Besides, there is an obstacle related to 1 im jm km jk
Δijk = him Δjk,m = h + − ,
definition of observable components of covariant tensors (in which the 2 ∂xk ∂xj ∂xm
indices are subscripts) and of mixed tensors, which have both subscripts which are built just like Christoffel’s usual symbols
and superscripts. Therefore the most reasonable way out of the labyrinth of  
heuristic guesses is to create a strict mathematical theory to enable calcula- 1 ασ ∂gμσ ∂gνσ ∂gμν
μν = g
Γμν,σ = g + −
tion of observable components for any tensor quantities. 2 ∂xν ∂xμ ∂xσ
A complete mathematical apparatus to calculate physical observable using hik instead of gαβ . Components of the usual Christoffel symbols are
quantities for a four-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian space was completed linked to the chr.inv.-Christoffel symbols and other chr.inv.-chractersitics of
in 1944 by Abraham Zelmanov [15]: that is the strict solution of the prob- the accompanying reference space of the given observer by the relations
lem. He called the apparatus the theory of chronometric invariants. Many  
researchers were working on the problem in the 1930–1940’s. Even Landau c g0k Γi00
and Lifshitz in their famous book The Classical Theory of Fields (1939) Dki + A∙i
k∙ = √ Γi0k − ,
g00 g00
introduced observable time and the observable three-dimensional interval
similar to those introduced by Zelmanov. But they limited themselves only c2 Γk00
Fk = − , g iα g kβ Γm iq ks m
αβ = h h Δqs .
to this particular case and did not arrive at general mathematical methods g00
to define physical observable quantities in pseudo-Riemannian spaces.
The essence of Zelmanov’s theory is that if an observer accompanies Zelmanov had also found that the chr.inv.-quantities Fi and Aik are
his physical reference body, his observable quantities are projections of linked to one another by two identities
four-dimensional quantities on his time line and the spatial section — chro- ∗ ∂A ∗ ∗ ∂F 
ik 1 ∂Fk i
nometrically invariant quantities, made by projecting operators + − = 0,
∂t 2 ∂xi ∂xk
dxα ∗ ∂A ∗ ∂A ∗ ∂A 1
km mi ik
bα = , hαβ = −gαβ + bα bβ , + + + (Fi Akm + Fk Ami + Fm Aik ) = 0
ds ∂xi ∂xk ∂xm 2

D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity 79
Volume 3 PROGRESS IN PHYSICS July, 2007

which are known as Zelmanov’s identities. where ∗ ∇j denotes the chr.inv.-derivative, for instance
Zelmanov deduced chr.inv.-formulae for the space curvature. He fol- ∗ ∂q ∗ ∂q k
lowed that procedure by which the Riemann-Christoffel tensor was built: ∗
∇i qk = − Δlik ql , ∗
∇i q k = + Δkil q l ,
proceeding from the non-commutativity of the second derivatives of an dxi dxi
∗ ∂q
arbitrary vector ∗ jk
∇i qjk = − Δlij qlk − Δlik qjl ,
∗ 2Aik ∗ ∂Ql ...j
∇i ∗ ∇k Ql − ∗ ∇k ∗ ∇i Ql = + Hlki∙ Qj , ∗ ∂q k
c2 ∂t ∗
∇i qjk =
− Δlij qlk + Δkil qjl ,
he obtained the chr.inv.-tensor ∗
∗ ∂q jk
∇i q jk = + Δil q lk + Δkil q jl ,
∗ ∂Δj ∗ ∂Δj
...j il kl j j √
Hlki∙ = − + Δm m
il Δkm − Δkl Δim ∗
∗ ∂q i
∗ ∂q i ∗ ∂ ln h
∂xk ∂xi ∇i q i = + Δji q i = + qi ,
∂xi ∂xi ∂xi

which is similar to Schouten’s tensor from the theory of non-holonomic ma- ∗
∗ ∂q ji
∗ ∂ ln h
...j ∇i q ji = + Δil q il + q ji ,
nifolds. The tensor Hlki differs algebraically from the Riemann-Christoffel ∂xi ∂xi
tensor because of the presence of the space rotation Aik in the formula.
while the quantities
Nevertheless its generalization gives the chr.inv.-tensor
T00 cTi
1 ρ= , Ji = √ 0 , U ik = c2 T ik
Clkij = (Hlkij − Hjkil + Hklji − Hiljk ) , g00 g00
(from which we have U = hik Uik ) are the chr.inv.-components of the
which possesses all the algebraic properties of the Riemann-Christoffel energy-momentum tensor Tαβ of distributed matter: the physical observ-
tensor in this three-dimensional space and, at the same time, the property able density of the field energy ρ, the physical observable density of the
of chronometric invariance. Therefore Zelmanov called Ciklj the chr.inv.- field momentum vector J i , and the physical observable stress-tensor U ik .
curvature tensor the tensor of the observable curvature of the observer’s For instance, the energy-momentum tensor of the electromagnetic field has
spatial section. Its successive contraction the form [20]  
1 1
Tαβ = −Fασ Fβ∙ σ∙ + Fμν F μν gαβ ,
∙∙∙i 4π 4
Ckj = Ckij∙ = him Ckimj , C = Cj = hlj Clj
where Fαβ is the electromagnetic field tensor (so-called Maxwell’s tensor).
gives the chr.inv.-scalar C, which is the observable three-dimensional cur- (It follows that the field density ρ is connected to the quantity U = hik Uik
vature of this space. by ρc2 = U .)
Chr.inv.-projections of the Riemann-Christoffel tensor In this way, for any quantity or equation obtained using general covar-
iant methods, we can calculate their physically observable projections on
R0∙0∙ R
∙ijk the time line and the spatial section of any particular reference body and
X ik = −c2 , Y ijk = − c √0 ∙∙∙ , Z ijkl = c2Rijkl , formulate the projections in terms of their real physically observable prop-
g00 g00
erties, from which we obtain equations containing only quantities measur-
able in practice.
after substituting the necessary components of the Riemann-Christoffel ten-
sor and lowering indices, are
∗ ∂D
 1 ∗ 1
Xij = − Dil +A∙l ∗
i∙ (Djl +Ajl ) + ( ∇i Fj + ∇j Fi ) − 2 Fi Fj ,
∂t 2 c
Yijk = ∗ ∇i (Djk + Ajk ) − ∗ ∇j (Dik + Aik ) + 2 Aij Fk ,
Ziklj = Dik Dlj − Dil Dkj + Aik Alj − Ail Akj + 2Aij Akl − c2 Ciklj ,

where we have Y(ijk) = Yijk + Yjki + Ykij = 0, just like the Riemann-
Christoffel tensor. Successive contraction of the spatial observable pro-
jection Ziklj gives

Zil = Dik Dlk − Dil D + Aik A∙k k∙ 2

l∙ + 2Aik A∙l − c Cil ,

Z = hil Zil = Dik D ik − D 2 − Aik Aik − c2 C .

Accordingly, Einstein’s equations in the case where matter is arbitrarily

distributed throughout the space have the chr.inv.-projections (the chr.inv.-
Einstein equations)
∗ ∂D   
∗ 1 κ
+Djl Djl +Ajl Alj + ∇j − 2
Fj F j = − ρc2 + U +λc2 ,
∂t c 2

∇j hij D − Dij − Aij + Fj Aij = κJ i ,
∗ ∂D
ik j ∙j ∙j
− (Dij +Aij ) Dk +Ak∙ +DDik +3Aij Ak∙ − Fi Fk +
∂t c2
1 κ 
+ ( ∗ ∇i Fk + ∗ ∇k Fi ) −c2 Cik = ρc2hik +2Uik −U hik +λc2 hik .
2 2

80 D. Rabounski and L. Borissova. A Theory of the Podkletnov Effect Based on General Relativity

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