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Training on

Microsoft Excel 2007 – Advance Course

Dr. Ambedkar Business School

PGDM 2009-11 Batch

Trainer -
Nitin Kakani
B.E. (Mech) from COEP, Pune
MMS (Marketing) from Sydenham, Mumbai University
Getting Familiar with Main Screen Parts

Cell Name Formula Bar

Active Cell

Select All 



Sheet Tab
Zoom Cursor

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Types of Data
ƒ Three Main Types
– Labels
– Values
– Date/Time

ƒ A Label is an entry that is usually used for headings

headings, names
names, and for
identifying columns of data.
– Labels can contain letters and numbers.
– By default, labels are left aligned in a cell.

ƒ A Value contains numbers and can be used in calculations. By

default, values are right aligned in a cell.

ƒ Date/Time data is a date or the time entered into a cell.

– Sometimes dates are combined with numbers and are also considered to be values
instead of a separate type of data.
– Byy default, date/time data is right
g aligned
g in a cell.

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Entering Data
Speeding up Data Entry
ƒ Use the mouse for smaller data sets
ƒ Speed up your data entry use the keyboard
– Click on the cell where you want the data to go.
– Type your data into the cell.
– Press the ENTER/ TAB/ ARROW key

Using AutoComplete to Enter Data

ƒ When entering labels down a column, if you begin typing text that has
previously been entered,
entered Excel will display a black box containing the
previous entry in the cell.
– If you want to reenter the same text, press the Enter key and Excel enters the text for
– If you are entering a different label, continue typing and the AutoComplete box will go
ƒ Limitations of AutoComplete
– It only works for data being entered in columns - it will not work if `you are entering
text across a row
– It only works for columns of continuous data.
Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Editing Cells in Excel
ƒ Change Complete Cell Contents
– Click on the cell, type over the existing entry, and press the ENTER key on the
ƒ Change Part of the Cell Contents
Method 1
– Click on the cell to make it the active cell
– Click on the data in the formula bar.
– Delete the part to be changed and type in the new data.
– Press the ENTER key. y
Method 2
– Double click on the cell.
– Edit the part of the cell you want to change.
– Press the ENTER key.
Method 3
– Press F2 on the active cell.
– Move the cursor using Left/ Right Arrow key and Edit the part of the cell you want to
– Press the ENTER key. Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Moving around the Spreadsheet
ƒ Home key: moves the active cell highlight to column A without changing rows.

ƒ Ctrl + Home keys: moves the active cell highlight to cell A1.

ƒ Ctrl + End keys: moves the active cell highlight to the last cell of the spreadsheet
containing data.

ƒ Ctrl + Down Arrow keys: moves the active cell highlight to the last row of the
spreadsheet without changing columns

ƒ Ctrl + Up Arrow keys: moves the active cell highlight to the first row of the
spreadsheet without changing columns.

ƒ Ctrl + Page Down keys: moves the active cell highlight to the next sheet of the

ƒ Ctrl + Page Up keys: moves the active cell highlight to the previous sheet of the

ƒ Tab: Moving to right direction

ƒ Shift-Tab: Moving backwards/ left direction

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Selecting Entire Row/ Column
ƒ Selecting Entire Row : Shift + Space

ƒ Selecting Entire Column : Ctrl + Space

Selecting Range of Cells

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Inserting Rows and Columns
ƒ Insert Additional Row

. – Alt-I-R

– You can right click on Row heading and Use Insert Option

ƒ Insert Additional Column

– Alt I C

– You can right click on Row heading and Use Insert Option

Insert/ Rename/ Move Worksheet

ƒ Insert / Copy
py Worksheet

– Using Right Click on the worksheet title

ƒ Rename Worksheet

– Double Click on the worksheet title to rename

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Formatting Excel

ƒ Number Formatting
– Percent, Comma, Date, Currency
ƒ Text Formatting
– Bold, Font Type, Font Colour, Underline
ƒ Cell Formatting
– Colour, Border

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Professional Formatting Tips (1/2)
ƒ Use Appropriate Titles
– Avoid using Large Row/ Column Headings

ƒ Use Appropriate Font Size

– Recommended 10/11/12

ƒ Align Text
– Horizontal: Left/ Center

– Vertical: Top/ Center

– Wrap Text if required

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Shortcut Key for Formatting

ƒ F4
– Repeats last command within the worksheet
• Especially useful in quick addition or deletion of
rows/ columns
• Copying formatting (color, font size, number
format, etc.) of particular cell or last formatted cell
to other cells

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Professional Formatting Tips (2/2)
ƒ Number Formatting
– Use Comma Separators

– Use Decimals ( max. up to 2 places) in case of Financial Analysis

ƒ Outline the array of data with Slightly Thicker Border

ƒ Maintain consistent Row Height and Column Widths – to

the extent possible

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Inserting Comments

ƒ Used to p
put remarks for p
particular cell
ƒ Shortcut Key - Shift F2
– Also accessible through “Review”
Review option in
the toolbar

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Freeze Panes

ƒ To continue viewing the row headings/

labels or column headings/ labels
– Especially when the data is excessive and
one needs to scroll up/ down or left/ right for
g the heads
ƒ Accessible through “View” option in the

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Protect Sheet

ƒ One can specify a password to protect any

other user from changing particular cells or
complete worksheet
ƒ Accessible through “Review” option in the

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
ƒ Useful for Organizing data
– Arranging entries in alphabetical order
– Arranging numbers by ascending/ descending order
ƒ Important to select complete data set while sorting
on any basis
ƒ Sorting is usually done on
– Value basis (for numerical entries)
– Alphabetical Order (for text entries)
– Cell Color
– Font Color
ƒ Multiple Sorting Levels

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
ƒ Useful for selecting data sets (or row) based on
ti l criteria
it i
ƒ Filtering as per column entries
– Select
S l d
data along
l with
i h column
l h
– Text Filter/ Number Filter
ƒ Avoid doing arithmetical calculation (Sum/
Multiplication, etc.) on filtered content

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Text to Columns

ƒ Separates content of particular cell/ cells into

– Especially useful for separating text content so as to
further apply filtering or other tools
• e.g.: Data set of different mobile models

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS

ƒ Comparison
– Bar/ Column Charts, Line Charts
ƒ Composition
– Pie Chart
ƒ Distribution
– Scatter Chart

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Professional Chart Formatting Tips (1/2)
ƒ Data Labels in Center or Outside End depending on
Space available in Chart

ƒ Legend at the Bottom of Chart

ƒ Choose Data Label Font Color based on Chart Style

– E.g.: White color font if the Pie color is dark blue

ƒ Choose Appropriate Scale for the Axis

– Do we always need Y-axis in Column chart?

ƒ Do we need gridlines ?
Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Professional Chart Formatting Tips (2/2)
ƒ Using the Excel chart in PowerPoint/ Word
– Use border for the chart

– Chart title can also be written in a separate box above the graph

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Conditional Formatting (1/2)
ƒ Technique to format cells based on one or more rules
ƒ Vi
ll explore
l and
d analyze
l d
t collected
ll t d iin an excell
worksheet, detect critical issues, and identify trends,
patterns and exceptions
p p
ƒ Formatting rules
– Based on cell values
– B
Basedd on ttextt contents
t t
– Top/ bottom ranked values, above/ below average values
– Unique/ duplicate values
– Based on formula

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Conditional Formatting (2/2)

ƒ Types of Representation
– Data Bars
– Colour Scales
– Icon Sets

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Use of references while linking cells
ƒ Types
– Absolute references
• Cell reference will not change no matter where you put the formula

– Relative references
• Cell reference will change both by row and column (A1)

– Mixed references
• To change reference by rows and keep column constant ($A1)
• To change reference by columns and keep rows constant ($A1)

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Shortcut key for referencing

ƒ F4
– For changing reference type
ƒ Steps
– Go to cell where the formula or link is done
– Double-click that particular cell OR
O Press F2
or Go to Formula Bar
– Press
P F4 ffor changing
h i reference

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Formulas and Functions

ƒ Formula is a statement written by the user

hi h iis to b
be calculated
l l d
ƒ Function is a piece of code designed to
l l t specificifi values
ƒ Most commonly used types of functions
– Logical
L i l
– Mathematical
– Date and Time
– Text
– Lookupp and Reference

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Logical Functions
ƒ Returns only two values “TRUE” or “FALSE”

=IF(logical_test, value_if_true, 
IF Depending on test Depending on test

=AND(logical1, logical2, 
AND(logical1 logical2 If all arguments 
all arguments If one or more
If one or more
logical3,….) are True argument is False
If any argument is 
=OR(logical1, logical2, 
( g , g , If all arguments 
OR True
logical3,….) are False

Changes True to  Changes False to 

NOT =NOT(logical)
( g )
F l
False T

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Mathematical Functions
Function Format Use
AVERAGE =Average(n1,n2,n3…) Returns the average values of number 
COUNT =Count(value 1 value 2 value 3 )
=Count(value 1, value 2, value 3..) Returns total count of values selected
Returns total count of values selected
EVEN =Even(number) Returns immediately next even number
ODD =Odd(number) Returns immediately next odd number
POWER =Power(number, power)
P ( b ) Returns the result of a given number raised to 
R h l f i b i d
a given power 
PRODUCT =Product(n1,n2,n3…) Returns multiplication of values
RAND =Rand() Returns a random number between 0 and 1
Returns a random number between 0 and 1

RANDBETWEEN =Randbetween (bottom, top) Returns a random number between two given 

ROUND =Round(number, number of digits) Rounds a number up or down, to a given 
number of digits 
SIGN =Sign(number) Returns 1 or ‐1 for positive and negative sign 
SUMPRODUCT =Sumproduct (array1,array2,..) Returns the sum of the products of 
corresponding values in two or more supplied 
arrays  Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Time and Date Functions

Functions Format Use

Calculates the number of days 
DAYS360 =DAYS360(start_date,end_date) between 2 dates, based on a 360‐
day year
day year 

NOW =NOW() Returns the current date & time

Returns a time, from a user‐supplied 
TIME =TIME(hour minute second)
hour, minute and second

TODAY =TODAY() Returns today's date 

Calculates the fraction of the year 
YEARFRAC =YEARFRAC(start date,end date) represented by the number of whole 
days between two dates 

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Text Functions
Functions Format Use

Returns the character that corresponds to a 
CHAR =CHAR(number)
supplied numeric value 
Returns the numeric code for the first character 
Returns the numeric code for the first character
CODE =CODE(text)
of a supplied string/ text
=CONCATENATE(text1, text 2, 
CONCATENATE Joins together two or more text strings 
Tests if two supplied text strings are exactly the 
EXACT =EXACT (text1, text 2) same and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns 
FALSE (case‐sensitive)
Converts all characters in a supplied text string to 
C t ll h t i li d t t t i t
lower case
Converts all characters in a supplied text string to 
proper case 
Returns a string consisting of a supplied text 
REPT =REPT(Text, Number of times)
string, repeated a specified number of times 
Removes duplicate spaces, and spaces at the start 
and end of a text string 
d d f
Converts all characters in a supplied text string to 
upper case Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Lookup and Reference Functions

Functions Format Use

Select cells>>Enter Function 
Performs a transpose 
TRANSPOSE Transpose(array of cells) in first 
transformation on a range of cells 
ll Ct l Shift E t
=Index (Array, Row_Num,  Returns a reference to a cell for 
INDEX Col_Num) or Index (Range,  requested rows and columns within 
Row Num Col Num Area Num )
Row_Num, Col_Num, Area_Num ) a supplied range
a supplied range 
Looks up a supplied value in the 
=Vlookup(lookup value, table  first column of a table, and returns 
array, column index number, False)
y, , ) the corresponding value from 
p g
another column 

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Data Validation - Creating drop down list

ƒ Name the list,, byy selecting

g its range
g and
writing its name in the name box
ƒ Select the cell in which you want the drop
down list to appear
ƒ Click the "Data Validation" button
ƒ A dialog box will appear
appear. Click the words "Any
value" and choose "List".
ƒ Click inside the "Source" text field,, and write
=[the name you gave to the list]
ƒ Click OK

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Pivot Table
ƒ Interactive table which allows user to
group and d summarize
i llarge amounts t off
data in a concise, tabular format for easier
reporting and analysis
– All columns need to have a "Name" in the
– There should not be any gaps between the
"Name" row and the data
– If you are using an AutoFilter, disable when
creating the pivot table

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
Pivot Table

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
What If Analysis (1/2)

ƒ Scenario Manager
ƒ Goal Seek
– Goal Seek is used when you know what answer you want, but
don't know the exact figure to input for that answer
– First it needs some sort of formula to work with
– e.g.: calculating total years for which money should be deposited
in order to get X amount off return, as shown below

Title Value
Initial Deposited Amo nt
Initial Deposited Amount 50
Interest Rate 5%
Number of Years 3? 4? 5?
Amount expected
d 100

Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS
What If Analysis (2/2)

ƒ Data Table
– how different input values affect the results of
a formula

Amount N=1
N 1 N=2
N 2 N=3
N 3 N=4
N 4





Microsoft Excel 2007 ‐ Advance Course @ DABS



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