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Language practise

truant volunteer widow martyr bachelor widow ancestor orphan bully coward
Use the words above to complete the following sentences
1. A person from whom one is descended is an ……
2. A woman whose husband is dead is a ……
3. One who offers to serve of his or her own free will is a ……
4. A person forced to suffer or die for a belief is a …….
5. A child whose parents are dead is an ………
6. A pupil absent from school without permission is a ……..
7. A person who lacks courage or is afraid is a ……
8. A person who teases and ill-treats those weaker than himself of herself i
s a ……
9. An unmarried man is a ……….
10. A person who uses power to oppress others is a …..


Weather and climate hazards.

1. Define the term hazard.

2. Name any three weather hazards.
3. List three things that can be affected by weather hazards.
4. Exposure to ultra violet rays from the sun can cause _________.
5. How are animals affected by weather hazards?
6. Plants are affected by weather hazards by ____________
7. Extreme heat affects the soil by __________.
8. Which place in Zimbabwe once experienced a cyclone?
9. What is drought?


Religious art and enterprise

1. Religious art is ____________

2. What is enterprise?
3. Two examples of Christianity religious art made for enterprise are
4. What is a sculpture?
5. Give two examples of totem animals that can be sculptured.
6. Besides totems which other religious art can be sculptured?

7. This is a ______________
8. Name any one Islam religious art.


Farm machinery

1. List any four farm machinery.

2. What is the difference between a plough and a harrow?
3. Which machinery removes weeds and loosens soil in depth?
4. How is a planter an efficient machine?
5. List three animal drawn machines.
6. Name three engine driven machines.

7. This is a _________
8. A combine harvester performs three major tasks. Give two of them.

Addition and subtraction of decimals

1. 0.23 + 1. 7 =
2. 2.05 + 8.5 + 15.358 =
3. Mrs Takawira bought a dress for $25. 95 and a pair of shoes for $18.99.
a. How much did she spend altogether?
b. How much is her change?
4. Decrease 195.02 by 0.575.
5. 856.1km -55.99 km =
6. 3.175litres + 2.250 litres =
7. An empty oil drum has a mass of 10. 750 kg. it holds 58. 765kg of oil.
Calculate the mass of the drum full of oil.
8. A shopkeeper bought suits for $99.50 each, He made a profit of $20.
95on each suit. What was the price of a suit?
9. The temperature at a station reads, Monday 21. 6 Tuesday 20.9
Wednesday 19.5 Thursday 18.2 Friday 17.8. Calculate the mean weekly

-Nyora tsumo shanu nemadimikira mashanu.

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