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EXPANSION re) ] NT Metallic Expansion Joint J Non-metallic Expansion Joint Prem Oe RURREREXPANSIONJONT 9, ADDITIONAL TIPS 1} Do rot insulate over @ non-metallic expansion joint, It required, allow enough space for the tightening of loosened bois without ‘any access dificutes for regular inspection, 2) Do not weld nesr a nonmetal expansion joint 3) Checks whether the cover material of the outdoor installed joint is resistant to ozone or sunlight Neoprene and Chioroouty are recommended, Use weather resistant paint on einer materials to avoic the eilecis by ozone and suniigh, 4) Check for leakage 2~3 weeks aller insialation. I necessary, tighten i again, Nolet Expansion joint may be used in pipelines or equipment that transters temperatiae and pressure ‘generating gas or harmful materials, Thereiore, do rot install @ rubber joint where checking is impossible due to dicul access, Leakage unable to be recovered must be checked for proper exhaust. 10, INSTALLATION OF CONTROL UNIT 4) Install the preduets provided wih retaining ring in the piping section allowing the serve distance face 10 face, ofthe expansion joint 21 Place the control rod plate behind of the pipe flange. Use bolts cf suficient length to apoly the plate. The plates should be assembled at an equally spaced ‘around the Hlange, Use two oF more contol reds in accordance wih pressure and size, 3) Insert @ contol rod through the plate hole. Postioned a stee! washer outside the plate. For adattional rubber washers, assemble them between the plate and steel washers, 4) Fasten a nul, considering the proper distance between wasters and nuts forthe extension ranga of the product. Apply t2ck welding or bind it with wire to avoid untastering of @ nut. Tightening nuls are also available, 5) Insial pipe sleeve by using normal pipe as long as product's compression, 6) The contro fod for reducer type product should also be parallel to pipes. 11, INSTALLATION LOCATION ‘The expansion joint should always be insialed in an accessible location to allow lor future inspection or replacement, CERTIFICATES 1, The Definition of Bellows 2. The Composiion of a Bellows type Expansion Joint 3. Product Models and Features CONTENTS 4, Technical Data 5, Flexible Joint 10 a 35 (THE DEFINITION OF BELLOWS ) ™ Operation mechanism of bellows Bolions are a liexbie ping element. The corrugation of the expansion joint is designed to be flexible in order to absorb pipe expension and Contraction due to changes in temgerature, The number of corrugation ‘of bellows is decided according to the displacement amount and the exnansionary and contracing force that the bellows have to absorb, Bellows have fo be strong to the design pressure and operating preseure of oping and insialation ang they also nave to oe flexible to ‘absorp thermal movemen!, The thrust force of the tow in the ploing has to be buttressed by things other then bellows, These are usually ‘anchors, tle rods, hinges, of gimbaled siructures. ‘The value of the thrust force of bellows is usvally célculstec by ‘mutipiying the value ol the effective cross section area by the value of the fow pressure of pipe. ™ Why the expansion joint required. Une eosiging eresy splines, © main atery ofthe modem industry, pemers atnays lace many obstcie: the exoarion and corractan of pes Cauged by lemperalre changes both extemal and intemal, vibrations generated rom ‘achine operation and cher sess imposed onthe oipelnes by wind or In some tases by eorhquake, Tresor, prcecion om thege havacaue Somers Is diuaye 0! maior ners othe poe! ne engines To abso ereseur from expansion, contacton and the vibration of oipes, ‘ewity key. One of the est elacve flexible eemens is the metalic Doone type exgension joint, which le currenly widely usee due to continued evecperts ard inprovernis nthe pelomance and design fechnigue = ®™ Various forming methods of bellows. setae er it Moma eee Seine ec Ginn a Pr (THE COMPOSITION OF A BELLOW TYPE EXPANSION JOINT ™ Parts and components The picture below snows how a bellows type expension joint 's composed ot iting Ties ee Te ‘Set ats ™ Parts and features of expansion joint. 1) Bolus : Alter piping wih high-quality stainless ste! piles or alloyed steel sheet, Delows are produced through hydrauie forming ot roll forming, And sometimes the bellows are heat ireated to eliminate the remaining welding sess — (on the welding part or 1o remove the remaining stress generated during forming, 2) End pipe : To facltae connecting and fing ino the ends of bellows, the fend pipe is normaly made with the same maiera that is used lor the pipeline, ‘and aso fo the same size asthe pipeline 3) Control-ring : Tre control ring is applied to bellows that are used for pipelines under high pressure. ineteled or the convoluted pars of bellows, it reinorces the strength of bellows against high-pressure, It can be manulactured ina varety of foms according to the level of pressure 4 Internal Sleeve : A device which minimizes contact between the Inner surface of the bellows of an expansion join’ and the ti owing through K. prevents Vibration, and erosion of the bellows, 5) Flange : Customers can choose a ange standard trom among KS, JIS, ANS), and OWN, 6) Tie rod : Tie rods protect @ device ftom excessive stretching and prevent ine dislocation of pipsines, They eiso siabize pipelines by absorbing thrusts, 7) St bolt Set bots are used 10 mainain “eos 10 face" dimension, while shiping or intaling, ard are removed attr instalation is corplel, HKR 11) ( PRODUCT MODELS AND FEATURES ) W@W SINGLE TYPE EXPANSION JOINT-UN TIED (MSN) ™ SINGLE TYPE EXPANSION JOINT- TIED (MST) ‘This model, with the tie-rod essembly, is an improvement on the Single Type Expansion Joint, This model is designed for pipelines “wih lateral movements, Tie-rods are designed 10 sustain the thrust © generated during operation, © UNIVERSAL TYPE EXPANSION JOINT-UN TIED (MUN) ™ UNIVERSAL TYPE EXPANSION JOINT-TIED (MUT) ‘his model, with lie rod assembly, is an improvement on the untied Lniversal type, The tie rod absorbs the thrust, which may camage the device, Leslie oy du eh. US ONO eHy Doubie type WS yr 1 CIMBAL TYPE EXPANSION JOINT (SG) ‘Agimbal expansion is dslgned:10 absoro combined movemenis by the use of two pais of gimbal arm and ‘iba! phy which resains tha st othe expansion jin’ due fo intra pressure whie ie belows is designed ‘10 asorb-engul rotation only, Gimbal expansion ioints should be used in sets of two or three to function properly. liste hg expension ans, . (= Single type Single type © Double type KJ Double type ™@ PRESSURE BALANCED TYPE EXPANSION JOINT (MSB) Cao Reece Rta “S" type PRESSURE BALANCED EXPANSION JOINT Double Miter Comer Camera Corner Box Single Miter Comer °V Profle Protte (Brn ™ EXPANSION BELLOWS FOR HEAT EXCH, Cross-section of the product 7 EACH THO HO] Set Apes ~ Bellows : ASTM A240-316 (or SUS 316) ~ Body : Carbon Steel (JS or ASTM) = Flange : ASTM A105 (or SF440A) = Tre Rod : ASTM A 193-87 (or SOMA35) wmega wet oe Design Code ~ ASME 8311 Power ping ~ ASME Section VB, Pressure vessol ~ PED 97/20/EC, Eurooean Pressure Equipment Directive ~ EJMA, Expansion Joint Menutacturers Assocation (a oneal Layo ot Tate AY) A Series D Series - 2 Casings FullPatal Arc FuParal Aro Adision Tandem ‘Admission Tandem compound Reheat compound Reheat ‘Steam Tut ‘Steam Turin S0/6DH2 Two-Casing 50/602 Two-Cas ‘Sige Fow to 300 UW Doub Flow to 450 6 Series ~ 3 Casings G Series ~ 4 Cosings uate FuvParal Arc ‘Admision Tandem ‘Admission Tandem compound Rene compound ‘Steam Tut ‘teem Tui sf Feu Flom, S0/6He Fou Flow, Upto 650 Up 1100 HW (16 mereuser Pe eae Sacco ee cee omc ed ec tg Cees G-Series 3-Casings Turbinelup to 650U ra ine(up to 1,100MW) Ful/Partal Arc Admission FulvPential Ace Admission “Tandem Compound “Tendem Compound Reheat team Turbine Feheat Steam Turbine ‘50/60 He Four Flow - 50/60 He Four Flow i 2 Pole Hycroger/Weter 2 Pole Hycrogen/Water we (Cooled Generator, Cooled Generator DIRECT BURIED T PEE PANSION JOINT Tena nguar wo (oe) 0 1100 a) Gon, ne ae 6 56 si sis a0 0 18 ra %0 o 2000 Es 0 «0 ve =| Ulli m 20 00,2500 350 40 295 255 ns asm LNG Carriers EXPANSION JOINTS Pe eee Rn eC as ete gh Ree a eee Ces i prograr om DN 6 to 2100 + single or muti-ply constuction fexivle comectons + made of ductie and malleable materats gendess sealing ‘assemblies procuced by welding, brazing, soldering and +o absorb vibrations (veing with siardare ftings or accerding to cusiomers sto accommodate build tolerances specticaton, +8 pressure accumuor +98 contal element offer a soon io you lechical orblans be Tisdale —— Expansion bellows used for the GIS device absorbs the shock generated during sulching on and off, This bellows also permits changes in shape anc length cue to fluctuations in temperature while absorbing movements due to repair, reassembly or earthquake, Applications : products with the votage ‘ange listed below 25.8kv, Toky, Baku, Sky, 17Okv, 362kv, end 600kY PRECISION BELLOWS C666 BUG Hankook Reseonkwan's precision bellows are used for devices and valves requiring high precision and leekage protection. Applications: Bellows sealed valve, vacuum inleruoier, Industrial auto controller. and others, (OMEGA Type Bellows) Technical data TECHNICAL DATA ‘rg eaves Sure anew uD 0 3 rs 105 0 ns 106 15 26 10 10 20 200 m0 290 20 00 a7 380 20 400 0 “80 20 00 00 00 80 700 20 #00 20 00 t0a0 oo nao moo 820 1500 (10 200280 20028 30003220 300 a0 4000 aaa, nero ‘sent! Yeeex0 8 ee0§ e008 ramos wea2108 222808 seaes0e wab08 wan08 «on2900 40,2010 aoya9i40 sonmee10 so2ea0 eoxsoxts corso eoxsonts oxsons oxo 5 ors rex020 soxt0x2.0 Howe6.25 noses owes oacze 1 MSN (Single Free Type) Applications : low-pressure gas pipes, exhaust cise, duct, inlets and outlets of ventlaiors, anc cinars Pressure mis: thglat™3ia/or Desgn Cycle: Te above movement vou is based on 3000 cycles. Woh: Fer models of ner than 500A, ANSFBD ange 6 ncudoa, whe fr mod's ot gh than SOA ange i ct inces, 170 ca endactre 6c.c Se Yom Re shove aCe Yeas # rem Goa SNGLE - FREE TYPE (1-dafo “mete oo sow eo eS as BoB BOR a ie 84 19 a3 vata ue mz 9 ae2 oom HW | = OM “TH HEP as ass HO one HOPE owe Homi = EE WP) ms ue ae OR we HOB oss HOR? ar at 8 ep aba ms toa es B= ams Bl = mae Bo: ans Bio: ans ii} | oes 08.8 nna a8 asoe7 sme nor 1968:3 saraao ssa 750040 102180.3 0887 %0 8s ” 100 200 250 200 350 400 “0 500 200 700 200 00 1000 1200 1500 2000 in fi ahead bP ms 205 220 259 280 uo 295, os 480 485 335 500 750 1150 ‘2360 100 1950 2480 | | Pressure ims ‘eetite Fed on Lergin 181608 198108 e808 2a2200.8 e208 s0x28s10 012841. 20e28%1.0 sox2enn9 2626112 sor2en2 26126012 628012 s6x2002 s06020 eoxe0:2.0 e0x60.20 coxe020 b0x6012.0 cose 75180120 280 Ed 220 0 20 So 1080 ao 50 1060 eo Sto ‘00 ‘Design Cela: The above movenen: vais bese on 3000 eye, ‘Wag Fer mooes of er man 600K, ANSIFED fnge I itudes whe or moses ol higher an 650K tangent lac |e cn roreocave pirate Bee Om ra atone aowoteatare # cae Bete = MSG (Single Guide Rod Type) Applications : 98s pipes, ventlators, low-pressure steam pines, ‘and otners ligfot2he/et, ess than Sho, less than 1Oa/oF 2 33 32 # 2 o8 BEY PAR oES 8 4% 8 2 # Es Ea eat as gE aE a eat 850 2 120 1510 w20 238 230.0 3808 ane ane s286 749. 840 510 1052.0 12500 15540 zone 3a 507 200 aor e154 esr srs 7090.5 scene 122656 18957) sara40 SINGLE ~ GUIDE ROD TYPE (r~2iy/ ovement Seg ee kn csv in, Ech WS alot 8 % a B Po a u i 3 a £ 3 6 e 1670 ie 1e20 =) i] aera sonde fairy sree RO so 6s 00 5 180 250 300 350 400 450 soo 600 300 900 1000 Design Cie: The above moveront valu is tase on 3000 cles. v8 208 220 255 0 05 278 aes 535 590 050 750 1080 1150 ve80 ™ MSG (Single Guide Rod Type) Aoplicalions + gas pipes, ventators, low-pressure steem pipes, ‘anc ners Pressure lis: tess than Sin/ot Dean strcers: The below design spectiations are basod on ‘wo-ayer Ormsre “as Lge os | we wore es ianere| | BE = terme § 20 oare| 3 | 3 3\8 ae anase| & | ne | as hamansel | 3 ae a | a soasave| i : mean : : seas § 3 wane 4 ; wate § i saiae) | ‘ weasaae| i : naso| t| ilz > sete ee 12 ual 2 = 7 1020 iz ico 4 1/8 : 8 ewan 1 3 overeat xy 5 42 a0 38 a6 82 zn 8 8 2 fa 8 34 33 =a an 34 8 He 2s a8 20 43 22 a 22 He 28 2 38 aa Py 2 3 4 3 3 a 3 8 2 3 fa 2 ta a0 4 in 2 st 35 2a z2 22 Bh is a - te a2 Bn 4 aa Be 22 an fe oe 3 ne ta 25 ras teat aaa 28 var an 283) 2022 boalows ay ee ‘ore? eae ‘00.4 52012 Yoon [SNGLE ~ GUIDE ROD TYPE (Sai Since ham) Etcive ca civ ren et ‘cn ors out 226 1262 1509 we10 n08 ama o2as a708 mar0 3520 e190 19509 iat 88 559 ons. 128 788 esr ans ons esea 082 ssa Wats 21670 3088.1 a3e04 0002 70807 25545 1 8 a & 2 a 2 3s 2 2 a 50 n ee % 88 oe % ma 1 18 a 193 196 ox 2h Es 208 502 302 xe 300 $00 a 500 439 48 526 53 5a 62 696 cd 783 ‘Woight For moses ol owe an STOR, ANSTO Tange rca, whe fr meds cl her nan SEOA, tang smokes, TS Dm ALINE Dome wer Nae ee a aaa Gn = MSG (Single Guide Rod Type) q = » a 8 Applications ¢ gas pipes, cold and hol water, ol pipes, veniiators, and others Pressure lint ‘less than ‘Ola } Desin stances : The below design specticatons are based on | i three-layer belous SSNGLE ~ GUIDE ROD TYPE 1140 Womralaeu Steralsemee” Dimensions eer. Length Movement) Sora face? Ereccie dn EecNe ares Welaht (VD) om) HsPetld 00) to) XY x tat so ws toamewe So de de eS Soe . 005 texts Heo Sa 20 as 1 Ce ee ee ee et ae ey 7 so si te are 378 25 woo ass auanogsr 10 48D He 39 5 Pose ae 7 30 21 4 453 648 43 1 80 attng-ge 10 400 218 28 37 221 i501 meg Ao 8 488 212 +4 628 1081 8 150 sao aanto-ge 12 658 $25 215 34 BS p00 sua 6 tee Boo 2240 80 200 395 soxeano- 12 658 #2 0 ams was 8 : 6 518 +12 22 970 2083 2 250 mS amu 12 886 $25 FO 489 498 are 6og7 197 5 568 nas sre 194 300 450 aout 2 726 3 21 ses ens | 4 362 29 2 27 sess 202 so ass seme 8 G4 HB #3 1088 48 gona sor.z 281 4 62 49 21 2395 soos 288 400535 seamnzge 8 724 218 29 1198 292 arg wayOp 308 4 62 29 21 289 09 208 = sso $00 seams 8 72t 218 33 1642 Gans ace4 trea BE ci 4 660 49 - 3004 - 376 S00 60 seen 8 7s 18 32 WO? wD soe ater 404 4 662 <9 - ase - 507 soo 780 teen 8 774 $18 22 793 20005 exer soras SAB ‘Desgn Cyl: The sbove mover va is tases on 300 cys, Wott: ANSE forge i rece, Netra dae ted Sawer Braroes a a HaPat 50 6 0 100 128 200 250 300 380 400 480 500 00 700 300 +000 1200 1800 2000 185 208 20 255 20 Mo 395 ms 40 335 650 150 1050 180 280 1280 1600 1950 2450 252908 22508 aeaso8 s0c008 3000008 soot oxtox10 s0xs0012 eoxs0418 bon50018 eonsons bosons 0x85 eoxs0u15 759020 7sx00%2.0 1860120 rsx60120 15160420 T5x60x2.0 75s60120 ‘i i % gam so ie Lew co § Bi 1 8 x 8 80 #8 380 Ed 489 8 cy Pa 3 eee Se a eS Fe 0, ee 1888 Fa 8S RE Design Oycls: The above moverent vai is bese en 3000 cys. ‘org: For models cf our than 600K, ANSE'ED Range is nls, wo lr nels of higher an EEDA, tage srt cide. 1 a can manctaci orcas foe How fhe ave spevicabas Hate set Gm Be: gee a me a3 Be is 2a Fe 784 7 082 130 117 820 28 2098 3800 2055 494s 5655 eens 7880 69.0 e050 10870 1265.0 1569.0 amo = MSC (Single Control Ring Type) Applications : hot water, high-pressure steam, ll pipes, and others Pressure lints : 2~200ha/at 48 680 52 ago 1052 2088 7088 ome rane sans 9108 23358 2a 45020 73254 e971 2561.8 ose ay7m9 SINGLE ~ CONTROL RING TYPE @~205%ea een sa ee as ol x x ‘ote 2 % 28 Si 822 Ss g = MUT (Universal Tie Rod Type) Applications ‘ to prevent unequal sirking ofthe storage tank, and to absorb lateral moveren's Pressure iis ¢ alot ~ SO UNVERSAL TYEE (040) Max Lateral Movement (¥) —— ‘50m 100m 150m, 200m. 250m_.900mH 250m © 400m ye 700-1000 1400» t790»«zI00 «240.2700 3100 20 250 waits) «42 BBC BBR 8D too 280 yim) -700«S« 10014001800» 100» «2500 | 2800 3200 weg) 56 ‘ek BA “82 TOR HO 20 125 320mm) -BOD-—=«1200-=« 1600-2000 200 79031003500 vegiil) “82072 AT 18818318818. 150 a70—em) 80012001600 2000-2400 2800 300 3600 vege) 105 12) 13818116881 185 at ys) 900 1300-1700» 100-2500 «2800-3300 3700 200 430 gempig) MSO 19015280. 28508 250 a0 ¥88). 1000-«1490-«1800 «2200-2800 3000 3300 3700 werpilg) 205 23528520525 38S TS 40S 300 aso. at), 10001400 1go0 «2200 2600000 3390 3700 wisi) 2703095039043. aT 50S 8A aos im), 1309 1500 tga 2900 2790 3100 3903800 welgia) 370 © 425 dO. 535580 GS 85740 vim) 1200 1600-2100 »«2400 «2800-3200 «3600 4000 400 $50 yegniig) G85 485— 555 GIS 8857S 855 G8 yim) 1290 700200 zayo3ig0 36004090 4500 S 380 450 580 wenhtha) 550855760 950 10381141248 . ven) 1300 1800-«2300 «2800 330038004300 4800 500650 wenmtlg) 645748848 OMS OMS HAS TKS 13M vir) 1300 1900-2500 3000 3600 410047005300 550 700 wektha) 860 «790 €20««1030« 11601270» 14001580, 750 vin) 1400-1909» 500 3000 3800 4100-4700 5300 800 weigh 905 1025651288425 Yds T0882 yim) 1400 19002500 3900-3600 4100 4700-5300 650 1020 achiats) 825 7G HOO Ya35 13851815 18851815 700 1070 ¥m)_—«1600««2000 2500-3900 3600 4109-4700 5300 vwouhtis) B60 1000120» iad. 380 = 180016401780 750120 Yim™).*1800-»«2100-«2500 3100 370 4200 47005300 wei) 1020 1170 ta90- 142015701695. 18201970 00 wo Yim) 1300-2100 «2700 3200 © 3800 49004900 sa00 wera) i080 280 13801480840 178018802040 evo zen Yim), 1800-2200 «2800 400 4000 4500 5200 5000 wegig) 1230 \4do 1650 1860-2070 28804802700 oe) 1800-2800 $300 «4100» 480055006300 7000 1000 1440 wetgnlig) 1540 1830 © 2080-2330 2620 2830 60 -3At0 os) 1900-2800 3600 44005200 6000 g00 7600 11001150 wegiig), 1736 2i2d 2465280751 3484 3837180 yin) 2000 2909 3800 4700 $600 8500 73008200 1200 1680 seiig) 2003 2a? 2B} 3322-3762, 42008915098 vos) 2100 | 3100 © 4000 5000 S800 89007900 800 1300 1800 vegitig) 2396 © (296134834021 ds69 SIG} 5713- 0228 vies) 2200 32004300 $300 6300» 7400400400. wegvig) 2511 3G «3783-4300 «480656820208 874 yim) 2200 3400» 4500 6600 6700 7600 900 + 10000 1500 2000 weg) 2665 34284139 484d S548 12860587864 Wg: For modes omer nan 6008, ANSIFO ange is ncused, wile fr mages tah than BDA, ange is tac, ‘ose roe at re save eoeceaton a jt er vlere, We marvackre fis oc vat of spectators on cusoners Garand. (We en nanulcaee poaure Qe Tom re anore SowSteanors Y camera equa HEKR 25) 1400

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