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ECE3001-Analog Communication Systems

Digital Assignment 3
Name: J. Kiron
Reg No:18BEC1150 Date: 06/06/2020

1. Describe the generation of PAM, PWM and PPM signals.

Generation of PAM signal

 Pulse amplitude modulation is the basic form of pulse modulation
in which the signal is sampled at regular and each sample is made
proportional to the amplitude of the modulating signal at the
sampling instant.
 The Fig. 1 shows the generation of PAM signal from the sampler
which has two inputs i.e. modulating signal and sampling signal
or carrier pulse.

Fig. 1. Generation of PAM signal

 Thus, the amplitude of the signal is proportional to the modulating

signal through which information is carried. This is Pulse
amplitude modulation signal.
 Fig. 2 shows the spectrum of pulse amplitude modulated signal
along with the message signal and the sampling signal which is
the carrier train of pulses with the help of the waveform plotted in
time domain.
 Pulse Modulation may be used to transmitting analog information,
such as continuous speech signal or data.
Fig. 2. Spectrum of PAM signal

Generation of PWM signal

PWM signal can be generated by using a comparator, where modulating

signal and sawtooth signal form the input of the comparator. It is the
simplest method for PWM generation. The PWM generation is explained
with the help of the Fig. 3 given below. As shown in the figure, one
input of the comparator is fed by the input message or modulating
signal and the other input by a sawtooth signal which operates at carrier
frequency. Considering both ±ve sides, the maximum of the input signal
should be less than that of sawtooth signal. The comparator will
compare the two signals together to generate the PWM signal at its

The rising edges of the PWM signal coincides with the falling edge of
the sawtooth signal. When the sawtooth signal is at the minimum value
which is less than the minimum of the input signal, then the positive
input of the comparator is at higher potential which gives the
comparator output as positive. When the sawtooth signal rises and is at
the maximum value, the negative input of the comparator is at higher
potential, which will produce the comparator output to be negative.
Thus, the input signal magnitude determines the comparator output and
its potential, which then decides the width of the pulse generated at the
output. In other words, we can say that the width of the pulse generated
signal is directly proportional to the amplitude of the modulating signal.

Fig. 3. Generation of PWM Signal

Generation of PPM signal

 PPM signal can be generated with the help of PWM as shown in

Fig. 4 below.

Fig. 4. PPM generation from PWM

 The PWM signal generated above is sent to an inverter which

reverses the polarity of the pulses.
 This is then followed by a differentiator which generates +ve
spikes for PWM signal going from High to Low and -ve spikes for
Low to High transition.
 These spikes are then fed to the positive edge triggered pulse
generator which generates fixed width pulses when a +ve spike
appears, coinciding with the falling edge of the PWM signal.
 Thus, PPM signal is generated at the output which is shown in the
Fig. 5 where pulse position carries the message information.

Fig. 5. PWM and PPM

2. Describe the demodulation of PAM, PWM and PPM signals

Demodulation of PAM signal

For Demodulation of the Pulse Amplitude Modulated signal,

PAM is fed to the low pass filter as shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6. PAM detector

The low pass filter eliminates high frequency ripples and
generates the demodulated signal which has its amplitude
proportional to PAM signal at all time instant. This signal is then
applied to an inverting amplifier to amplify its signal level to
have the demodulated output with almost equal amplitude with
the modulating signal. The Fig below shows the modulated and
demodulated PAM signal.

Fig. 7. Demodulation of PAM signal

Demodulation of PWM signal

For PWM demodulation, put a ramp at the +ve edge which will
stop at the arrival of –ve edge. The ramp will attain different
heights in each cycle since the widths are different and the
heights attained are directly proportional to the pulse width and
in turn the amplitude of the message signal. This is then passed
through a low pass filter where it will follow the envelop i.e. the
message signal, which produces the demodulated signal at the

Fig. 8. Demodulation of PWM signal

Demodulation of PPM signal

For PPM demodulation, ramp is used which starts at the +ve

edge of the one pulse and stops at the +ve edge of the next
pulse. Thus, the height of the generated ramp is determined by

Fig. 9. Demodulation of PPM Signal

the delay between the pulses which indirectly follows the
amplitude of the modulating signal. This is then passed through
a low pass filter which filters the envelop information as the
demodulated signal.

3. Describe the generation of PCM, DM and DPCM signals.

Generation of PCM
To get a pulse code modulated waveform from an analog
waveform at the transmitter end of a communications circuit,
the amplitude of the analog signal samples at regular time
intervals. The sampling rate or a number of samples per
second is several times the maximum frequency. The message
signal converted into the binary form will be usually in the
number of levels which is always to a power of 2. This process
is called quantization.

Fig. 10. Basic Elements of PCM System

At the receiver end, a pulse code demodulator decodes the
binary signal back into pulses with the same quantum levels
as those in the modulator. By further processes, we can restore
the original analog waveform.
The basic operations in the receiver section are regeneration
of impaired signals, decoding, and reconstruction of the
quantized pulse train. Following is the block diagram of PCM
which represents the basic elements of both the transmitter
and the receiver sections.
This filter eliminates the high frequency components present
in the input analog signal which is greater than the highest
frequency of the message signal, to avoid aliasing of the
message signal.
This is the technique which helps to collect the sample data at
instantaneous values of message signal, so as to reconstruct
the original signal. The sampling rate must be greater than
twice the highest frequency component W of the message
signal, in accordance with the sampling theorem.
Quantizing is a process of reducing the excessive bits and
confining the data. The sampled output when given to
Quantizer, reduces the redundant bits and compresses the
The digitization of analog signal is done by the encoder. It
designates each quantized level by a binary code. The
sampling done here is the sample-and-hold process. These
three sections (LPF, Sampler, and Quantizer) will act as an
analog to digital converter. Encoding minimizes the
bandwidth used.
Regenerative Repeater
This section increases the signal strength. The output of the
channel also has one regenerative repeater circuit, to
compensate the signal loss and reconstruct the signal, and also
to increase its strength.
The decoder circuit decodes the pulse coded waveform to
reproduce the original signal. This circuit acts as the
Reconstruction Filter
After the digital-to-analog conversion is done by the
regenerative circuit and the decoder, a low-pass filter is
employed, called as the reconstruction filter to get back the
original signal.

Hence, the Pulse Code Modulator circuit digitizes the given

analog signal, codes it and samples it, and then transmits it in
an analog form. This whole process is repeated in a reverse
pattern to obtain the original signal.

Fig. 11. Low Pass Filter

Generation of DM
Delta modulation is a Differential Pulse Code modulation
(DPCM) technique in which the difference signal is encoded
into a single bit.
Delta modulation provides a staircase approximation of the
input sampled signal where only one bit per sample is
This one bit is sent by comparing the present sample value
with the previous sample value and the result whether the
amplitude is to be increased or decreased is transmitted. If the
step is reduced, 0 is transmitted and if the step is increased
then 1 is transmitted.
Sample and hold circuit will sample the analog input signal
into Pulse amplitude modulated (PAM) signal.
The generated PAM signal is given as one of the inputs to the
comparator and the other input is a signal from DAC output.

Fig. 12. Delta modulation transmitter

The Up-down counter stores the magnitude of the previous

sample in the binary value.This binary number is converted
into equivalent voltage in the Digital-to-analog converter
(DAC).The PAM signal and the DAC output are compared in
the comparator, which implies that the sampled signal is
compared against the previous sample to increase or decrease
the amplitude of the DM signal.
The Up-down counter is incremented or decremented
depending on whether the previous sample is larger or
smaller than the current sample. This counter is clocked at a
rate equal to the sample rate, which is updated after each
comparison. Depending on the results of comparison, the
output of the comparator generates the Delta pulse code
modulated signal. The Fig illustrates the block diagram of
Delta modulation receiver.
The receiver of the delta modulator consists of DAC, up/down
counter and LPF. It does not contain the comparator.
The Delta PCM signal is fed to the up/down counter which
works at the same sample rate as transmitter.
Depending on the binary input received the value in the
up/down counter is accordingly incremented or decremented.
Based on the input received from the up/down counter, DAC
will generate the output PAM signal. The output signal of
DAC in the transmitter and receiver is identical to reconstruct
the signal.
This signal is then allowed to pass through a low pass filter
which will filter out the high frequency components from the
signal and thus produce the original analog signal.
e(nTs) = m(nTs) – mq (nTs – Ts)
eq(nTs) = δ sgn[e(nTs)]
mq(nTs) = mq (nTs – Ts) + eq(nTs)

Fig. 13. Delta modulation transmitter

Generation of DPCM
Differential pulse code modulation is a technique of analog to
digital signal conversion. This technique samples the analog
signal and then quantizes the difference between the sampled
value and its predicted value, then encodes the signal to form
a digital value. Before going to discuss differential pulse code
modulation, we have to know the demerits of PCM (Pulse
Code Modulation). The samples of a signal are highly
correlated with each other. The signal’s value from the present
sample to the next sample does not differ by a large amount.
The adjacent samples of the signal carry the same information
with a small difference. When these samples are encoded by
the standard PCM system, the resulting encoded signal
contains some redundant information bits. The below figure
illustrates this.

Fig. 14. Redundant Information Bits in PCM

The above figure shows a continuing time signal x(t) denoted

by a dotted line. This signal is sampled by flat-top sampling at
intervals Ts, 2Ts, 3Ts…nTs. The sampling frequency is
selected to be higher than the Nyquist rate. These samples are
encoded by using 3-bit (7 levels) PCM. The samples are
quantized to the nearest digital level as shown by small circles
in the above figure. The encoded binary value of each sample
is written on the top of the samples. Just observe the above
figure at samples taken at 4Ts, 5Ts, and 6Ts are encoded to the
same value of (110). This information can be carried only by
one sample value. But three samples are carrying the same
information means redundant.
Now let consider the samples at 9Ts and 10Ts, the difference
between these samples only due to the last bit and first two
bits are redundant since they do not change. So, in order to
make the process this redundant information and to have a
better output. It is an intelligent decision to take a predicted
sampled value, assumed from its previous output and
summarise them with the quantized values. Such a process is
called a Differential PCM (DPCM) technique.

Principle of Differential Pulse Code Modulation

If the redundancy is reduced, then the overall bitrate will
decrease and the number of bits required to transmit one
sample will also reduce. This type of digital pulse modulation
technique is called differential pulse code modulation. The
DPCM works on the principle of prediction. The value of the
present sample is predicted from the previous samples. The
prediction may not be exact, but it is very close to the actual
sample value.

Differential Pulse Code Modulation Receiver

In order to reconstruct the received digital signal, the DPCM
receiver (shown in the below figure) consists of a decoder and
prediction filter. In the absenteeism of noise, the encoded
receiver input will be the same as the encoded transmitter

Fig. 15. Differential Pulse Code Modulation Receiver

As we discussed above, the predictor undertakes a value,

based on the previous outputs. The input given to the decoder
is processed and that output is summed up with the output of
the predictor, to obtain better output. That means here first of
all the decoder will reconstruct the quantized form of the
original signal. Therefore, the signal at the receiver differs
from the actual signal by quantization error q(nTs), which is
introduced permanently in the reconstructed signal.

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