Application of Internet of The Things (IOT) For The Water Conservation and Entrepreneurship in The Rural Area

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2019 IEEE Pune Section International Conference (PuneCon)

MIT World Peace University, Pune, India. Dec 18-20, 2019

Application of Internet of the Things(IOT) for the

Water Conservation and Entrepreneurship in the
Rural Area
Akhilesh Joshi Indraja Dandekar Narayan Hargude ShrotriA.P. Dandekar A.R.
Student T.Y.B.Tech Student T.Y.B.Tech Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor
PVPIT-Budhgaon PVPIT-Budhgaon PVPIT-Budhgaon PVPIT-Budhgaon PVPIT-Budhgaon
Sangli, Maharashtra India Sangli, Maharashtra India Sangli, Maharashtra India Sangli, Maharashtra India Sangli, Maharashtra
Orcid:-0000-0003-0436- Orcid:- 0000-0003-4308- amod_shrotri@rediffmail. Orcid:-0000-0002-1362-
498X 7970 com 8193

Abstract - The concept of smart village is now becoming more II. THE INTERNET OF THINGS(IOT)[3]
popular across the world. After the revolution of the internet,
there are drastic changes in human life. The population of the In simple words IOT can be defined as the that includes the
metro cities is enjoying the facilities created due to net combination of systems and subsystems that includes
connectivity. But in the case of rural areas; still, some of the computers, digital devices and mechanical devices. In short, it
regions are distinct from modern trends. Hence, it is essential to is expected that any physical object should be easily
provide to them the basic facilities and improve their living identifiable to other object, as it is connected by internet. There
standards, economy. The smart village is the concept that expects are three layers of IOT. The first layer consists of sensors,
more than the provision of basic facilities. It includes enrichment cameras, etc. The second layer consist of connecting devices
of rural areas using the internet and digitization. There are while the third layer includes application devices. As rural
domains like Education, Healthcare, Energy conservation, India has been facing the troubles regarding infrastructure,
Sanitation in which we can consider the use of digital tools to unemployment, education. IOT can provide better solution on
improve the quality standards of the village population. Water the said problems.
management is the thrust field in which the IOT can be used
effectively and efficiently for the rural areas. Many villages have III. WATER USAGE, MANAGEMENT AND
been facing drought-like situations even after sufficient rainfall. CONSERVATION IN RURAL AREA.
Hence Water Management and conservation are the only ways
for them to avoid such troubles. Also, the villagers move to urban Water management and conservation are one of the thrust
areas in search of the food and employment. Unemployment is areas along with Infrastructure, Farming, Education in which
the biggest challenge in rural area. Using the IOT, opportunities Internet and digital tools can be used effectively. Especially for
can be created for entrepreneurship in the rural area. This paper those villages, that are not located near the bank of rivers, or
discusses water crisis and employment problems in rural regions the villages in the kokan region that experience heavy rainfall
of India and proposes solutions to manage them by using IOT [1] in 4 months; but face the drought for remaining in the year.
Also there are some villages in the state like Rajasthan or Ran
-Keywords Smart Village,Water Conservation using of Kuchh, that face serious drought like situations throughout
IOT,Entrepreneurship using IOT,IOT in rural area. the year. Nearly 30% Rural population doesn’t even have
proper drinking water facility. Around 42% of India’s land area
I. THE SMART VILLAGE[2] and nearly 500 million people were affected due to drought in
The smart village is actually not a complete new concept 2019[4]. Hence, the only option left is optimum utilization of
for the Indian subcontinent. In simple words smart village can available water resources and to conservation the water.
be defined as the village, which is self-sufficient. But in the age Government is already undertaking efforts for water
of internet smart village can be defined as the village conservation but there should be some consideration on how
administrated by ICT(information and communication modern techniques can be used for the water management and
Technology). It is expected that ICT should play a significant conservation in rural area, becuase ultimately the purpose of
role in the areas of Farming, Infrastructure, Healthcare, technology is to make human life more simpler and effortless.
Education for flourishing the life of rural population under the
concept of smart village. Village population should enjoy the IV. WATER USAGE PATTERN IN RURAL AREA[5]
facilities created by digital revolution for their overall The pattern of water usage in rural area is quiet different
improvement. There are many areas in which efforts can be than from the urban area due to the following reasons.
taken for enrichment of villagers by using the IOT.

978-1-7281-1924-3/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 1

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1) Rural area has limited resources of water; they are
mostly local and are available in particular time period of year.
There may be some private resources like well in rural area,
but they are limited.
2) There is constant water requirement for other purposes
like domestic usage, poultry farms, cottage, food and dairy
3) There is significant requirement of water for the
irrigation purpose.
In urban areas generally municipal corporations are the
controlling authorities, while in rural area the local authorities
have control. Besides, due to lack of supervision, there are
chances of wastage of water. Considering the population and
area of villages, its very easy to implement the IOT for water
management and its utilization in rural area.
SYSTEM Fig. 1. Schematic of transciver system

Considering the needs, the significant constituents of the VI. SYSTEM FOR IRRIGATION[6]
system are input devices from individual households, farms
and business sector, as well as input from the water sources of The schematic diagram of water irrigation system is shown
the villages. The inputs from individual householders are based in the figure. Following are the components of the system:
on monthly usage, while in case of output there are following 1) Solar Array Panel: - The whole system will be based on
parameters 1) Reading of water 2) Billing of water. Also, there solar energy. Solar panels are to be installed as per the
should be provision to warn the use about excess usage and requirement of power.
then to terminate the supply in case, the warning is ignored.
Same kind of input and output should be there for water usage 2) Battery: - There should be provision of batteries to store
in business like dairy, poultry farm, etc. But for the farming the excess energy and utilize it during the cloudy days.
consideration of other parameters are essential along with the
3) Flow Sensor: - Flow sensor should be there in the system
water usage, reading and billing. Water is required for land
to measure the flow rate of water.
irrigation. Following factors should be taken in to account in
case of land irrigation. 1) Type of soil 2) Type of Crop, these 4) Moisture sensors: - These sensors are used to check the
are the factors that gives some idea about quantity of water moisture content in the land. Also, it will provide the
required for the irrigation of land.However ,ollowing f information about the necessity of irrigation.
:for domestic users system the ts can be used to buildcomponen
1) Solar Array Panel: - The whole system will be based on 5) RTC(Real Time clock): - It is used to provide the real-
solar energy. Solar panels are to be installed as per the time information or live data.
requirement of power. 6) Solenoid valve: - Electronically operated solenoid valve
2) Battery: - Batteries should be provided to store the is necessary to control the flow of water.
excess energy, and utilize it during the cloudy days. 7) SIM800:- The sim is used to send the information
3) Flow Sensor: - Flow sensor should be there in the system through sms.
to measure the flow rate of water. 8) ESP:-The function of ESP is to process the data.
4NRF (24L01The NRF - :24L01 is a wireless transceiver
module,meaning each module can send as well as recive data . 9) Temperature sensor: - Temperature sensors are used to
ommunicationsc be worked with the help of SPI It can. control the quantity of water. It can be placed in root zone of
plants. It is necessary to develop an algorithm with threshold
5)Turbidity sensors :Turbidity sensors are used to - values of sensors as the input for the microcontroller.
determine the quality of water.replacement freqent ,everHow
ysarof sensors is neces se kindof thes.
6)PH sensors :to rPH of water is an important paramete -
.be considered when water is to be used for drinking purpose
saryneces Hence PH sensors are.

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ii) About the condition of the item like number, weight,
colour, etc.
iii) Placing the order through internet directly.
iv) Generation of invoices and bill payment directly in the
account of the concerned person after receiving the material.
This system will definitely help the villagers to sell their
products profitably, and without any hassle with minimum
manual intervention. Also, people in urban area can get fresh
vegetables and fruits etc as per their requirements.[9]

Fig. 2. Schematic of Receiver system VIII. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE RURAL

In this system, with the help of moisture sensor, required 1) Moisture Sensors: - From the water content in fruits,
water quantity for the irrigation can be determined. The freshness of the fruit can be recognized.
solenoid valve is there to regulate the flow of water according
to the requirement. The authorities and customer can be 2) PH-Sensors: - PH sensors can be used to recognize the
communicated through sms about the usage and billing of freshness of dairy products especially. PH value has relation
water. By application of IOT, thus the water supply and water with acid concentration. [10]
conservation is possible, the another thrust area on which more 3) Gas Sensors: - These sensors specifically sense the
efforts shall be taken is unemployment and boosting presence of oxygen and carbon dioxide can be used to check
entrepreneurs in rural area. Rural India has huge potential to the freshness of vegetables. [11]
generate the employment; and only thing required is technical
and financial support. Generation of entrepreneurship and 4) Humidity Sensors: - Humidity is the significant factor
employment in rural regions will also help to decrease the from which we examine the fruits and vegetables.
population density in metro cities. Let us discuss the scenario 5) CCTV’s: - CCTV’s can be used for live footage required
of rural India about employment & entrepreneurship. for the customers.
VII. UNEMPLOYMENT PROBLEM IN RURAL AREA Along with these devices, data logger, data mining devices
AND PROPOSED SOLUTION USING IOT[7] shall be used to store, process and to provide real-time data to
As per the survey carried out in 2017-18, 5.3% of the rural the customers.
population is facing the unemployment problems..[8] The
industries are not ready to invest in rural area due to the Store In Village
infrastructure and transportation issues. Hence rural population
always tends to migrate in the urban regions in the search of
job and achieve economical growth. But the rural area has huge
potential to promote the entrepreneurship and to generate the Fruit,Vegitable Milk
employment if IOT is used properly. In the rural area Products
Agriculture sector, Dairy sector and Poultry sector are the three
backbones of regular affairs. IOT can be implemented
effectively for these sectors to create the new business Sensors that senses
opportunities. For that purpose following measures should be product quality
undertaken. Memorandum of Understandings should be
established with giant business like Reliance market in urban
area. They will purchase the goods like fruit, vegetables, milk Purchase Order
products etc as per their requirements. The following Through ICT
mechanism should be developed for to run the business model
1)A ware house should be constructed, where the Payments through
entrepreneurs around can store their goods or products. ICT
2)The items should be classified like vegetable items, fruit Fig. 3. Schematic of Entrepreneurship Model
items, milk, eggs etc according to their nature.
3) The party in the urban location will get a signal about SYSTEM[12]
following factors.
Mr. Chaugule from PVPIT Budhgav has developed a
i) Availability of the items in the store and who stored it. system of irrigation by using IOT. The quality of irrigation is
being checked by using two parameters: 1) Moisture content in
the soil 2) Temperature. The pump is turning on or off based on

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