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Esta foto de Autor desconocido está bajo licencia CC BY-NC-ND

Taken from:

What does she do?

Comprendo textos cortos, sencillos
e ilustrados sobre temas cotidianos,
personales y literarios.
Escribo pequeños textos sencillos
sobre temas de mi entorno.

Reconozco en un texto narrativo

corto, aspectos como: qué, quién,
cuándo y dónde.
Acciones: Uso adecuadamente estructuras y
patrones gramaticales de uso
Tell me about a typical day in your life, but first let’s check some vocabulary
and structures you need.
1. Write the expression that belongs to each picture:

Esta foto de Autor desconocido está bajo licencia CC BY-NC-ND

Adapted from:

Have dinnera. Have breakfast
Go to schoolb. Watch television
Get upc. Go home
Have a showerd. Go to bed
2. Complete the chart following the simple present structure, follow the examples:
SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE: We use simple present to talk about habits, routines, and general
facts, let’s check its structure.

Do I I do

Do yo Yo do
u u
Do h He do
es e es
sh co ? Sh n cook.
e ok e o
Do it It do t
es es
w W
e e
Do th Th do
ey ey

I have

We use the base form of the verb
We cook



He For most verbs we add s to the base form

to make the he, she, it (third person
works singular) form:
cooks, eats,
walks Your examples:
It cooks

However, there some exceptions when the verb ends

ch, ss, sh, x or zz, a consonant + y,
a vowel + y we
we change y to i - Have changes
we add es just add s
and add es to
watches cries plays has

misses studies enjoys

Complete with Complete with Complete with

your your your
examples: examples: examples:

3. Considering the previous chart, write some sentences following the simple present tense
rules for each subject and verb:
 (He/watch) _He watches movies in the afternoon.
 (He/have)
 (I/study)

 (She/work)
 (You/wash)
 (It/buzz)

 (We/enjoy)
 (They/play)

4. Suppose you are holding a conversation, choose the most suitable option:

 He his teeth every day.

 She her homework after school.
a. brush
a. make
b. brushes
b. do
c. irons
c. does
 I usually the piano in the afternoon.
 He his room in the weekends.
a. played
a. brush
b. play
b. cleans
c. plays
c. makes
 He breakfast at 7:00 a.m.
 She always to work by bus.
a. have
a. go
b. has
b. goes
c. haves
c. went

5. Read the following text and correct the mistakes:

Hello! my name is John! I am 12 years old and I am student. This is my mother’s routine, she get
up at 6:00 a.m., she wake up and go to the bathroom, there she take a shower and brushes her
teeth. After that, she gets dressed and puts on her make up. She cook our breakfast and go to
work. She works from 8 to 5 p.m.. When she is done, she come home and we has dinner as a
family, we watch television and at 9:00 we goes to bed.

6. Go to the following link (YouTube, 2020) and check Yusra’s routine, then write some
sentences following the timetable: 3lIVAk

7:00 Yusra gets up, has a shower and brushes her

a.m. teeth.
7:30 She has breakfast.
YouTube. (23 de 04 de 2020). Obtenido de 3lIVAk

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