Swan Lake Lesson Plan 1 PDF

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Music Lesson Plan

Title: Swan Lake Grade Level: 2nd -5th


Materials needed:

https://youtu.be/JG5tXNhyczc (Music)
Swan Lake by Valeria Docampo
https://youtu.be/9rJoB7y6Ncs (The Kirov Ballet)


A.S Has anyone heard of a symphony orchestra before? Does anyone

know what mime movements are?

1. T: Read the story of Swan Lake by Valeria Docampo. (at their desks
or at the carpet allow enough space for each student)
2. T: We are going to listen to a symphony orchestra composer named
Rozhdestvensky-Tchaikovsky. I would like everyone to close their
eyes and imagine what is happening.
3. T: Play the YouTube video symphony orchestra the Swan Lake.
4. After the video show students, the ballet that goes with this book.
5. T: Did anyone see any mime movements?
6. T: How might a Prince Siegfried look in the forest? How might the
people move without talking?
7. T: You practice miming with the music.
Closure: Ask students what they thought about the music piece, the ballet
and what was their favorite part in the book?
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will have learned . . .
How to mime, imagine how people move as music plays.

Social/ Cognitive Physical Musical Non-Musical

Miming Thinking Moving National Standards “Core” Music Content
Standards Standards
with how a hands
friends. person will around 1. Singing Creating 3.DA:Re7
move to the miming to a. Find a
music. the music. Plan and Make movement
2. Play Instruments pattern that
Evaluate & Refine
creates a
Present movement
phrase in a
3. Improvising Performing
Select dance work.

4. Composing Interpret

Evaluate, & Refine
5. Reading &
Notating Present

6. Listening Analyze


7. Evaluating Evaluate

Connect #10
8. Integration
Connect #11
(outside arts)

9. History/Culture

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