Singing Game Music Lesson Plan: ND TH

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Singing Game

Music Lesson Plan

Title: Round Da Doo Bop Grade Level: 2nd -4th


Materials needed:
Singing voices


A. Do you like to sing and dance at the same time? Has anyone gone to
the fair? Or a carnival?

1. T: Everybody come and stand in a circle.

2. T: I am going to sing a song that is a game too. And it goes like this, I
was going to Kentucky, I was going to the fair. I met a senorita with
flowers in her hair. Oh, shake it baby, shake it, shake it all you can.
Shake it like a milkshake and drink it from a can. Oh, round da doo
bop, one two, round da doo bop, one two. Turn around and turn
around until you make a stop.
3. T: As we sing this song, we will be holding hands kind of like “Ring
around Rosie” We will be walking clockwise. There will be one quite
student in the middle. When we get to, I met a senorita with flowers in
her hair we will put our hands like we are fluffing our hair.
4. T: When we get to “Oh, shake it baby, shake it, shake it all you can.
Shake it like a milkshake and drink it from a can.” We will move our
hips like this.
5. T: When we get to this part, Oh, round da doo bop, one two, round da
doo bop, one two. We will all turn around like this.
6. T: The person in the middle will close their eyes as we turn around
and when we say stop the person in the middle point to who will be
next but closing their eyes.
Closure: What did you think of this singing game? Were the movements
easy? Is this something you can play at home or with your friends?
Educational Objective: By the end of this lesson students will be able to
sing and dance at the same time.

Social/ Cognitive Physical Musical Non-Musical

Students are Rememberi Walking National Standards “Core” Music Content
Standards Standards
able to walk ng what around in a
with their gestures go circle. 1. Singing Creating 3.DA:Re7
friends. with which Using hand a. Find a
They get to part of the gestures to Plan and Make movement
pattern that
chose who song. move with 2. Play Instruments Evaluate & Refine
creates a
goes next. the song. Present movement
phrase in a
3. Improvising Performing
Select dance work.
4. Composing Interpret

Evaluate, & Refine
5. Reading &
Notating Present

6. Listening Analyze


7. Evaluating Evaluate

Connect #10
8. Integration Connect #11
(outside arts)

9. History/Culture

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