Assignment #3 - Written (Spring 2011)

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IST 4030 Spring 2011

Written Assignment 1 - Given on: 7th February 2011

Due: 21st February 2011
Lecturer: Dr. G. Chege

Question 1
Draw an E-R diagram for the following situation. Kenya Innovative Engineers Ltd (KIE), is
an engineering firm with approximately 500 employees. A database is required to keep
track of all employees, their skills, projects assigned, and departments worked in. Every
employee has a unique number assigned by the firm, required to store his or her name and
date of birth. If an employee is currently married to another employee of KIE, the date of
marriage and who is married to whom must be stored; however, no record of marriage is
required if an employee’s spouse is not also an employee. Each employee is given a job
title (for example, engineer, secretary, and so on). An employee does only one type of job
at any given time, and we only need to retain information for an employee’s current job.

There are 11 different departments, each with a unique name. An employee can report to
only one department. Each department has a phone number.

To procure various kinds of equipment, each department deals with many vendors. A
vendor typically supplies equipment to many departments. We are required to store the
name and address of each vendor and the date of the last meeting between a department
and a vendor.

Many employees can work on a project. An employee can work on many projects (for
example, Lamu Refinery, Mombasa Petrochemcials, and so on) but can only be assigned
to at most one project in a given city. For each city, we are interested in its state and
population. An employee can have many skills (preparing material requisitions, checking
drawings, and so on), but she or he may use only a given set of skills on a particular
project. (For example, an employee Mwanangu may prepare requisitions for the Lamu
Refinery project and prepare requisitions as well as check drawings for Mombasa
Petrochemcials). Employees use each skill that they possess in at least one project. Each
skill is assigned a number, and we must store a short description of each skill. Projects are
distinguished by project numbers, and we must store the estimated cost of each project.

Question 2
Draw an E-R diagram for the following situation (state any assumptions you believe you
have to make in order to develop a complete diagram); Stillwater Antiques buys and sells
one-of-a-kind antiques of all kinds (for example furniture, jewelry, china and clothing). Each
item is uniquely identified by an item number and is also characterized by a description,
asking price, condition and open-ended comments. Stillwater works with many different
individuals, called clients, who sell items to and buy items from the store. Some clients
only sell items to Stillwater, some only buy items, and some others both sell and buy. A
client is identified by a client number and is also described by a client name and client
address. When Stillwater sells an item in stock to a client, the owners want to record the
commission paid, the actual selling price, sales tax (tax of zero indicates a tax exempt
sale), and date sold. When Stillwater buys an item from a client, the owners want to record
the purchase cost, date purchased, and condition at time of purchase.

Question 3

Draw an E-R diagram for the following situation (state any assumptions you believe you
have to make in order to develop a complete diagram): The Harry Thuku School of
Business (HTSB) operates international business programs in 10 locations throughout
Africa. The School had its first class of 3000 graduates in 1970. The School keeps track of
each graduate’s student number, name when a student, country of birth, current country of
citizenship, current name, current address, and the name of each major the student
completed (each student has one or two majors). In order to maintain strong ties to its
alumni, HTSB holds various events around the world. Events have a title, date, location
and type (for example, reception, dinner, or seminar). The School needs to keep track of
which graduates have attended which events. For an attendance by a graduate at an
event, a comment is recorded about information School officials learned from that graduate
at that event. The School also keeps in contact with graduates by mail, e-mail, telephone
and fax interactions. As with events, the School records information learned from the
graduate from each of these contacts. When a School official knows that he or she will be
meeting or talking to a graduate, a report is produced showing that latest information about
that graduate and the information learned during the past two years from that graduate
from all contacts and events the graduate attended.

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