Business Report Luis David Ángel CORRECTED

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Business Report.

Executive Summary.
We did arranged this meeting because we had to evaluate the Olivier’s behaviour. inside of
organisation because this topic His attitude is affecting the work environment of the
company and it is important to keep a good relationships inside the company.

This report will look at:
-. Olivier crashed his company car.
-. Olivier is the sales representative of the company that more spends the most money in on
his customers.
-. Olivier has still not introduced Todd to the biggest buyers.
-. Olivier ignores Todd’s phone messages and does not attend to many important meetings.
-. Olivier just sent the last year five sales report last yearand, but he should send be one
sales report per month.
- Problem with the Production Manager, Jacques Picard?

This is These are some proposals for give them solution to solving the conflicts with
-. 1. It is important to clarify the situation for take a before making decisions, because we
do not have enough evidence, f. For this reason, we will contact with the insurance
company insurance , and if the insurance company insurance shows us that Olivier drove
while being drunk, Olivier will have to pay for the damages of the car repairs.
-. 2. We take the decision of the take them to we have decided to give all the sales
representatives a budget of $300 € and iI. If somebody needs more money, they will have
to send an email explaining why they need more money.
-. 3. We will create an arrange/plan a big, annual big meeting between with the biggest
buyers and our Marketing Manager.
-.4. We have decided that Olivier will have to report with to me (Charles Holden),
because the his relationship with Todd is not good.
-. Olivier has to abide by the company rules of the company ,and i. If he did does not accept
comply, I will call summon him to a meeting where he will be asked to discuss his future in
the company. discharges.
5 & 6 Please provide solutions to problems 5 & 6. At the moment, I do not see any.

Olivier will have to show us that he wants to improve his behaviour and attitude toward
with all members of the company. for that h He has will have a three- month probationary
period .

-. Clarify the charge position of each person in the company.
-. Improve the environment of in the organisation through the implementation of integration

Charles Holden
Chief Executive
April 29, 2021

Your report is interesting and covers all the necessary sections of a Business Report.
Very good.
I have made some corrections regarding structure and vocabulary. Remember you
need to use/ include vocabulary from UNIT 10: Conflict. Currently, I do not see many
examples. Please check your course book for terms / expressions you may include.
Also, please provide the information that I have asked you to include (read the
comments). It is not a problem if you exceed the word count. Just try to be very precise
and practical. It is very important you include strategies or solutions for problems 5 & 6;
otherwise your FINDINGS SECTIONS will be incomplete.
Attention to punctuation. Separate all new ideas with periods, not commas or
Remember this is a Business Report, so it should look very professional.
*Remember you will also need to include ONE SENTENCE USING CONDITIONAL 2.
Thank you for underlining your conditional sentences in the text.
Thank you very much for submitting your draft for revision. 😊

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