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When I first found out about the Physical Therapy Assistant path, I was only 20 years old.

had no idea about this field until I found out that Morton College had a great program. I

researched this career and I was astonished by how many people benefitted from Physical

Therapy. I’m an athlete that suffered minor injuries throughout my middle school and high

school days and had the pleasure to dip my toes into Physical Therapy treatments. I was

intrigued on how clinicians can assist in rehab with different activities for each population. I

always knew that I love health and being physically active and so I thought this was a great

choice for me.

There are many reasons as to why I chose this career path. There's something special about

assisting people. I live by the “Golden Rule” and follow it religiously. Doing unto others as you

would have them do unto you is what I try to apply to every breathing second of my day. One of

the reasons I choose this profession is so I can assist people in returning to their former

functioning condition or improving their situation. In my family, friends, and customers, I hope

to foster wellness and a healthier lifestyle.

I understand that becoming a clinician necessitates a variety of attributes, but because my

mother is one, I had already inherited some of them from her. I plan to apply all of the principles

that have been instilled in me since childhood. Integrity and altruism are two fundamental

qualities that I have gained in my life. I have clear ethical values that will ensure that my patients

are treated with respect and with attention to detail. One of my greatest qualities is altruism, and

I like connecting with people and actually taking empathy in their lives, because everybody has

had a different childhood and lifestyle. I believe that applying these principles to my work will

help me advance in my career.

It has been a long path to being a therapist, but I am up for all the trials and tribulations. I

enjoy pushing myself, and it's fair to say that I've improved my skills in a variety of areas since

the beginning of the curriculum. I continue to learn on a daily basis and hope to further my

knowledge in this field after I graduate. As my clinical mentor predicted, after I graduate and

complete the board test, I expect to be a valuable addition to the Physical Therapy field.

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